From An Orphanage To Meeting...

By mariamahone99

253K 3.1K 116

Maria and Emily became best friends in a orphanage. They promised to only get adopted together. Somehow it wo... More

From An Orphanage To Meeting Him (An Austin Mahone & Crew Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Epilouge #1
Epilouge #2

Chapter 97

631 22 2
By mariamahone99

*Emily's POV*

~Wedding Day~

"So how you feeling Emily? You ready for this?" Maria ask as a camera man records it.

"I'm nervous."

"Don't, you look amazing or should I say perfect. You look perfect, just like a queen." She smiles.

"Come here you're gonna make me cry." I pull her in to me.

"What can I say Loccisano we been through hell and back together. We done some crazy stuff. This isn't the end, I promise." I tell her as we hug tightly.

"Feels like just yesterday we were getting adopted and leaving that hell hole." she whispers.

"Yeah and meeting our future husbands. We never expected this, but look what happened." We both laugh pulling away so I can finish getting ready.

"When do we leave?" I ask looking around for my mom.

"15 minutes." She reminds me. I look in the mirror of the hotel I'm staying at. My hair curled perfectly, my makeup done amazing, and last my dress I wanted to look perfect in for Austin. The wedding starts in half hour and I never been more nervous for anything other than this. Jill walks in with her hand behind her back.

"Your husband to be gave this to me to give to you. Said he wants you to wear it." She hands me the box. I open it to see a bracelet. It was beautiful.

"Wow it's beautiful." Is all that come out of my mouth. They help me put it on and it matched with my dress like he knew exactly what it looked like.

"Thank you Jill. For coming out here, and for sticking around all these years." I look up to her.

"What are friends for?" She shrugs. We hug smiling big.

"Congratulations again. I wish you two the best." She says bye walking out.

"You guys ready? We just need to shoot a few more and then we can leave." The camera man says. We nod waking out of my room and outside the hotel. He films a couple more things and then we get into the limo to drive to the church. Thankfully it wasn't a long ride there, only like 10 minutes.

"Guys I'm really nervous." I say shakey as we get out and get in order.

"Just breathe in and out. That's what I do when I'm nervous." Maria tells me. I try and it works a little. The doors open and they walk in. Finally they're all in and it's my turn to walk down the aisle. My dad on my left side of me and we start walking. I look up to see Austin smiling at me. We stop and I kiss my dads cheek and he gives me away to Austin.

"Perfect like I told you." He whispers as he takes my hand. The ceremony goes on and soon it's time for our vows and rings.

"Austin you first. Take this ring and place it on Emily's ring finger and repeat after me." The priest instructs him.

"Emily." The priest says

"Emily." He copies

"With this ring"

"With this ring."

"I take you." He starts

"I take you." Austin says

"To be my lawfully wedded wife."

"To be my lawfully wedded wife." He puts his head down blushing.

"Before these witnesses, I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live."

"Before these witnesses, I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live." He looks back up.

"I take you with all your faults and your strengths as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths."

"I take you with all your faults and your strengths as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths." He looks into my eyes.

"I will help you when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help."

"I will help you when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help." He speaks firmly.

"I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life."

"I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life." He finishes. He moves his hand from mine and I look down at the ring.

"Emily has chosen a different vow to say to you. Emily take this ring and place it on Austins ring finger and repeat after me." I do as he says holding my hand there staring up at him.

"I Emily, take you, Austin, to be my lawfully wedded husband." He starts

"I Emily, take you, Austin, to be my lawfully wedded husband" I repeat after him.

"My constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward."

"My constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward." My voice gets shakey.

"In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow."

"In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solem vow to be yours faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow." A few tears slip out. He uses his free hand to wipe them away smiling at me.

"I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

"I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." I finish off. I squeeze his hand tight before letting go.

"Now if you two would come around over here to light the candles." He tells us. We do as he says and go back to our spot.

"Till death do you two part, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Austin moves toward me, a hand on my waist and another on my cheek he leans in to kiss me. A smile grows as I kiss him back and I pull away.

"I love you." He mouthed

"I love you too." I mouth back. He takes my hand and we walk down the aisle hand in hand out of the church. We take pictures and finally we leave to go to the reception. When we get there we see Maria and Alex with Peter and Amanda waiting for us.

"Mommy, daddy." She drops her flower basket and runs to us. Austin bends down and picks her up.

"You guys ready? They're waiting to announce everyone." Alex tells us. We nod and Maria goes to give Peter to someone. She comes back and they start.

"Please welcome the brides parents, Heather and Ryan D'Amico." The doors open and they walk in.

"Please welcome the grooms parent, Michele Mahone!" The DJ announces. She walks in people clapping. One by one it was one group less and finally it was just me and Austin.

"You ready Mrs. Mahone finally?" He winks at me.

"Now you can finally say that." I tell him laughing. He holds his hand out and I take it lacing our fingers together.

"Finally welcome the bride and groom Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mahone." We walk in, waving to everyone. The lights cut down, and everyone clears the floor as the song we chose to dance too starts playing. (Baby I'm Amazed By You by Lonestar) As the song ends, people come over to us congratulating us. Music blasting in the background, everyone celebrating and having a good time.

"Jill gave you the bracelet?" Austin ask looking down at my wrist.

"Oh yeah, she came by my room before I left the hotel." I tell him. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn away from Austin as he makes conversation with John, an arm wrapped around my waist keeping me from moving.

"Sarah?!" I ask in shock.

"Congrats! Hey do you know where Alex is? I need to speak to him." She ask. I look around.

"He's over there with the baby." I point somewhere.

"Thank you love." She walks away. Something doesn't seem right. I turn back to Austin and see him laughing at something John said. His laugh makes me smile. Waiters start coming in and out with food so we sit down at our table.

"You alright?" He turns to look at me.

"Did you invite Sarah?" I ask him.

"I think so. Why?"

"While you were talking with John, Sarah came over and asked where Alex was. I tell her and she walks away to him. Said she needed to speak to him." I explain.

"I would go check, but people would keep stopping me before I even had the time. Where did we put Maria? Cause I know they're next to each other." He looks around.

"She's alone, which means Alex is with Sarah."

"She doesn't have the baby though, that means Alex is with Sarah with the baby."

"I don't trust this whole thing Austin." I tell him. He places his hand on my thigh rubbing it.

"Come on let's go." He gets up grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him.

"Maria, where's Alex?" I ask.

"He went with Sarah somewhere." she carelessly says.

"He's been talking about her a lot lately and it just worries me." She confesses. I looks around for Austin to see him talking to his mom. I don't want to interrupt them.

"There's nothing going on between them." Austin says coming back to us.

"How do you know?" She turns to look at him.

"Shes helping him with something."

"And that's all?" He nods. Alex comes back with the baby in his hands.

"Oh yeah AC, there starting those speeches. You and Maria need to go up there with all the other people in the wedding party." We go sit back down and they start with our parents first.

"It feels like just yesterday you were born." Michele starts holding her speech in one hand and microphone in the other.

"Here we go." Austin mumbles rolling his eyes playfully making me giggle.

"Watching you grow into the man you are today was an amazing experience. I know it was hard for a bit because it was only me, grandad, aunt Lisa, and Mema raising you and there wasn't a lot of guy figures except for grandad. Until Alex came along just like Robert and Zach. From then on, you were no longer that little boy. You were growing up and figuring out what you wanted to do. I know we didn't always get along and we had those fights, but no matter what I'm always going to be proud of you. You worked really hard for all this fame and I know it's not easy sometimes, but I know you can get through it. You lost special people along the way, but it only made you stronger. I know your father, Mema, and Angel are watching you thinking how proud they are of you for making it and never giving up. You may be grown up, but you're always going to be my little boy. I love you Austin, please never forget that." She ends with tears streaming out. He let's go of my hand and stands up and hugs her.

"I love you too mom. Thank you for everything." He says into the microphone. She passes it to my parents and my dad takes the speech from his pocket.

"Well we don't have a big long letter because we only had them for a few years, but the years we had with them we cherished." My dad says making all of us laugh.

"July 31, 2012 at 6:48. After 2 long months of paperwork we finally had Emily and Maria legally adopted. We didn't know their existence until we saw them both one day as we were exploring the place just them sitting there talking. Both of them smiling big, Maria laughing at something Emily said with Emily joining along. They looked like they could be cousins, sisters even. We knew from there it was them. These girls have brought nothing, but joy in our lives. They were able to balance out their relationship with school. Traveling city to city and still coming home with a 90 average. We didn't think it was possible. Emily's always been the quiet one, but they brought that out of one another. Were so proud to call you our daughter and we love you, Austin, and Amanda with all our heart. Austin take care of her for us. We know shes in good hands." They finish off. They come hug me and I tighten my grip on them. As they pull away, my dad hands Alex the microphone.

"YEAH GO ALEX!" Someone from the crowd yells. We all laugh.

"Alright hey guys. I'm Alex, Austins best friend. I think its time I embarass him. Eh maybe I won't, but first let's just take a throwback to 6th grade with those shoes. Ah Nike shocks. What other best friends can say they met over a pair of shoes? None that I know. Anyway, after that we ran the school from there. You, me, Robert, Zach, and Tyler who is no longer with us because of differences. We even invited him, but I guess he really is done with us. Flash forward to sophomore/junior year. Some girlfriends happened. Sarah, Taylor, Alexis. You got suspended for punching Anthony in the face which was totally worth it. Then the summer we had no idea what was coming for us. All the guys has girlfriends except us, when two particular girls were walking down the street. They looked so fine that we had to speak. We asked their name, but they didn't turn away. See what I did there? Not gonna lie, I found Emily hot. Well double dates happened till we both made it official. Then the fans found out, and then the big news, Miami. You put your relationship at risk so many times with that. Now you weren't the smartest person either considering the idiotic choices you made. Now here we are celebrating this wedding with the same girl you been with for how many years now? I can't keep track anymore. 6, 7? We traveled the world, been to award shows, done so many things other people haven't. We also kissed each other's girls, but that was a long story. You and me been through a lot. You're definitely family bro and you know that. Always be that same down to earth kid we knew back in middle school. Love you man." Alex passes it off. And that's how we spent the next hour. Reliving old memories. Alex with the help of Zach, Robert, Maria, and Mama Mahone made a slideshow. So many pictures from when we were both babies to little kids, to preteen years, to teenage years when we got together the first few times. All the teenage pictures of us came up. It was crazy how long ago it actually was. The video ends and we stand up clapping. After hours of partying, Austin was drunk out if his mind leaving me sober with Amanda who was tired.

"Austin come on we need to leave." I pull on his jacket.

"Come on babe. It's our wedding night we can't leave." He slurs.

"Austin you're drunk, I'm not doing this. The wedding is over. Everyone is leaving." I tell him as people behind us were cleaning stuff up.

"Maria can you please take Amanda with you? Austins drunk and won't leave." I ask her.

"Yeah do you want me to have Alex help?" She offers.

"Please." I beg. She nods going to get him.

"What do I do when he's drunk?" I ask Alex as he walks over here.

"Just be patient with him. Try offering him something."

"If you come back to the room with me and cuddle, we can do whatever you want tomorrow."

"Sex?" Is the first thing he ask as soon as he turns to look at me.

"Did you forget I'm pregnant?" I ask. He looks at my stomach.

"Aw how cute, who's the daddy?" He ask.

"You are Austin. Now let's go." I tell him starting to get angry.

"I have a kid already. Her names Amanda." I roll my eyes so Alex and I each grab one of his arms and drag him out.

"So what are you doing to do when you get back to the room?" Alex ask

"We're going to have sex duh." Austin tells him.

"Don't listen to him. We're going to sleep." He nods. We get to the room and Alex helps me with him.

"Thank you again Alex." I tell him.

"It's no problem. Congrats again on the wedding. I'm happy he's with someone like you who wouldn't just leave his drunk butt and then get drunk." We both laugh. We hug goodbye saying goodnight and I close the door locking it.

"Am I alone?" Austin mumbles into the blanket.

"No Austin." I sigh. I walk over to my suitcase pulling out a pair of spandex and one of Austins old shirts. I walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind about to take off my dress when I realized I needed help to unzip it.

"Austin!" I call out. No response. I unlock the door opening it.

"Austin can you help." I beg. I see him move a little trying to get up.

"This is going to be a long night." I mumble. He gets up walking over to me pushing me back into the bathroom.

"You know, you're real beautiful." He whispers on my shoulder kissing under my ear.

"Stop." I moan as he continues. He moves his hands to my back. One on the dress, the other on the zipper. He slowly pulls it down.

"Now you can get out." I tell him trying to push him out.

"Nuh uh baby. You bring me in, I'm staying in." I sigh, but I really needed his help though. Especially since my dress was kind of tight and I had a baby bump. He helps me take the dress off and I get changed fast in front of him. I start brushing my hair so it won't be hard to do in the morning when Austin pushes me against the wall.

"What the hell Aus-" he cuts me off by kissing me. My arms wrap around him as he places his under my thighs lifting me up. He walks out of the bathroom wobbly. I swear he better not be dropping me. He places me on the bed climbing on me. The idiot is still in his tuexedo. I guess I need to tease him to get him out of it.

"Let me take control tonight." I push him off. He gives me a smirk. He's gonna hate me, but whatever. I take off his jacket throwing it on the chair in the room. I start unbuttoning his shirt with his help and he takes it off trying to throw it, but I take it from him.

"Let me do it." I tell him. I kiss his chest. I move down taking us shoes and socks off just dropping them on the floor.

"Hold on." I get up and to his suitcase someone brought here and grab a pair of blue basketball shorts. I get back on the bed and toss them on his face.

"What are these?" He ask laughing.

"Shorts, take your pants off and put your shorts on." I tell him laying down.

"I thought we were gon-"

"Nope." I shut the lamp off.

"You little tease." He mumbles.

"Go to sleep. You won't even remember this in the morning." I yawn as I hear a belt being unbuckled. Couple minutes later, I feel arms wrapped around me. I turn around putting my head on his shirtless chest going to sleep.

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