Paper Training

By CanuckleheadCowgirl

182 38 2

Book Seven of the 714 Universe! Our darling couples continue their adventures in love - and DANGER! We kick... More

Be My Baby
Intergalactic Lawyer
Sneaky Ferals
The Hazards Of Dating Wolverine
Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Episode I: The Damsels Are Not In Distress
Episode II: Dread Pirate Blue Tail
Episode IV: No, These Are The Worst Outfits
Not Quite How Logan Expected This To Go
Mr. Fisk Makes An Appointment
Return Of The Moonlighting Secretary
Chicken Hawk
Early Bird Shoppers
Charming The Charmer
Happy Birthday, Dad
Not His Type
Take A Breath

Episode III: Actually In Distress Damsels

10 2 0
By CanuckleheadCowgirl

Welcome back to MojoVision's "The Amazing Nightcrawler and the Fearless Wolverine!" This season promised to be an epic struggle for love to conquer all, and our viewers so far have been shocked and riveted to their screens at the dangers we have provided this far!

In our last episode, we saw our valiant heroes battling the seas themselves in order to get to their warrior women in a race to find them before they were carried off by pirates!

Not to be deterred, the ever-surprising teamup of K and Hawkeye battled their captors themselves, revealing a surprising amount in the process!

Our last episode had swordfights and heroics, as well as one of the more gruesome fates that has ever befallen a pirate on this show. Looks like you don't want to make K mad, folks!

And on the other hand, what a passionate reunion! Who could forget the romance, the true love's kiss that won the day when our heroes were reunited at last? It was a moment to remember, made all the more beautiful by their tragic separation on a doomed, sinking ship!

Our third episode of the season takes our daring heroes to a new destination, this time away from the crashing waves and toward a more arid climate. The past few episodes, the gorgeous girls have been able to overcome the obstacles thrown at them, but this time, there are a few curve balls that we've thrown into the mix.

Will K and Hawkeye have what it takes to find the loves of their lives? Will our heroes be able to fight through the newest abductors of their hearts desires? Find out in this next exciting episode!

K did not want to open her eyes, especially because, as her hearing came back, she could hear Kate insisting that this was the very worst costume yet. She just didn't want to see, and as it was, she was pretty sure she knew what it was from how little felt covered and the fact that the most overwhelming scent in the air was the heavy, thick note of cajeput. "I don't even want to know, Kate. Don't tell me details. Just tell me you're in purple and we're fine, I'm sure. Maybe this time we can just let the boys do all the work. The healing is starting to wear on me."

"Um. Yes on the purple. But I think there's some food if you'll get up. I'm kind of starving, even if I'm nine kinds of sore," Kate said, still trying to pull K to her feet.

"Have you ever read the story of Persephone?" K asked.

"Yeah, but this — this is not Ancient Greece," Kate said with a sigh. "C'mon, K, please. I'm a squishy human who needs food and water."

She groaned a bit, and when she opened her eyes, she just stared at Kate. "Please, no. Is this ... punishment for being better pirates than they could handle?"

Kate gave K a rueful smile as she rubbed the back of her neck, wearing an outfit that was, in fact, purple but didn't cover much. Well — technically, there was fabric that covered her legs and arms, but K could still see through it, and there was still somehow a bare midriff, with more opaque fabric around the important bits, but not much else...

Kate tipped her head K's way. "I like the earring," she said.

"And the rest of it ..." K let her statement fall as she looked down at herself. "Why do I have bracelets and you don't?"

"I vote we don't find out the answer to that," Kate said as she pulled K to her feet and gestured at the space between them — and the distinct lack of any energy restraint. "At least this time we're not attached at the hip."

"And we're back to matching," K said. "Though ... I disapprove of the color."

"What, pink's not your thing?" Kate asked as she made her way around the cushions to look for something safe to eat.

"Not particularly, no," K said in disgust.

Kate came back with some water a few moments later that she handed to K. "Persephone's got me paranoid. Any poison in there?" she asked, holding two clay decorated cups.

K took a tentative sniff and shook her head gently. "I don't think so. I can't smell much of anything beyond the incense and perfumes, though, to be frank."

"Hey, we're letting the boys handle this one, remember? Might as well gear up for when we kick Mojo's sorry butt later," Kate pointed out as she downed the water. "Doubt it would do much for his ratings if we died of starvation or dehydration anyway, and I'm pretty sure I swallowed, like, a gallon of seawater in that storm."

"So what's the plan?" K asked. "Just ... sit here and be pretty?"

"You could always tell a thousand stories," Kate pointed out, pouring herself another cup, which she downed as quickly as the first.

"Of every dumb sonofabitch that crossed me crooked?"

"And how you enacted your revenge, yeah," Kate agreed. "Get him nice and scared for when we show up."

"Oh, but I'm just a harmless little harem girl, apparently."

"And pretty," Kate said helpfully. "Helpless and pretty."

K frowned and finally got up to look around the place. When she got to the tall, heavy doors that were closing them inside, she rattled them and shook her head before she tried to pop her claws and let out a pained noise and shook her hand out hard from the shock the bracelets had given her. "No claws allowed, apparently."

Kate was wearing a frown of her own as she watched K. "Well now we know what the bracelets were for."

"That doesn't mean we're stuck though," K pointed out. "There has to be something in here other than pillows and figs."

Kate nodded as she continued her search of the room, all but disappearing behind some of the cushions as only her legs were visible for a moment, determined to find hidden cameras to smash as well as anything useful. "After we escape this place, let's raid a market and get something non-Persephone to eat. Maybe we'll even feed the boys."

"Half starving to death and we have nothing but figs and dates; whoever concocted this scenario is just ...stupid."

Kate smirked. "Well if they let us have any cutlery, that's it. We win. Too easy. And heaven forbid we have any advantages here — considering we keep winning."

"Wonder if they'll bring us a burger if we feed each other."

"And fries and a milkshake," Kate agreed, thinking longing thoughts of something cold in the heavily-incensed room.

"That is definitely happening when we get back. Strawberry."

"It's a date, then," Kate said as she popped a date in her mouth and grinned at her own pun.

The first thought that crossed Kurt's mind was that perhaps he and Logan had washed up on a shore somewhere after the storm and the pirate ship, since he could feel the sand at his back and the sun on his face, but when he opened his eyes and saw no sign of the ocean — and saw that the two of them were wearing nothing but white pants and red sashes, along with the usual swords — he just let out a sigh and lay back in the sand for a moment with his eyes closed.

"I'm getting very tired of this," he muttered to Logan, who was beginning to stir beside him. When Logan just glared at the sand dunes for a moment in answer, Kurt got to his feet and flexed out the hand and arm that was no longer attached to his best friend. "Perhaps Mojo thought we were too slow to get to our princesses," he said with a slight smirk as he dusted some of the sand out of his fur.

"Likely," Logan agreed. "I don't like the look of these, though." He was glaring at his wrist.

Kurt tipped his head to look over the golden bracelets with a little frown. "I suppose it's too much to hope they're just a fashion statement," he said.

"Pretty sure if they were, you'd have 'em too," Logan pointed out. He let out a sigh and tried to use his claws, and after a heavy cringe, he flexed his hand and shook his head. "Shoulda seen that coming." He shrugged and looked up at Kurt. "No claws. Guess we were killin' the bad guys too fast."

Kurt smirked softly. "We were doing no such thing. The girls were," he said with a little laugh as he looked around the sand dunes. He sighed and held up a hand. "I'm going to 'port around — see which direction we should be going. I'll be right back."

"I'm not really goin' anywhere too quick," Logan said as he gestured to the nearest hill. "Just gonna climb up there and see if I can catch a scent on the wind."

Kurt nodded and teleported away as Logan climbed up the dune. It was a few minutes before Kurt returned, and when he did, he simply appeared at Logan's side, shaking his head. "There's a large palace several miles that way," he said, gesturing with one hand.

"That's probably it then," Logan said with a nod. "Not like he's ever been too subtle in how this crap is supposed to go."

"Yes, well, either way, it's tiring," Kurt said, shaking his head. "Treasure hunt or neon signs — I'm through with this nonsense." With that, Kurt nodded to himself and put a hand on Logan's shoulder to teleport them into the palace grounds so they could start up their search for the girls.

Frustratingly, it took Logan a while to find their scent with the heavy perfume in the air, but once he did, the two men made their way into the palace — though, unsurprisingly, it wasn't quite so simple as just finding the girls.

As soon as they crossed the threshold of the palace, several men poured in from the halls, swords drawn, and the two old friends share a look before they simply drew their own weapons and jumped into the fray.

Mojo seemed to be trying to up the ante, as there were far more palace guards than there had been pirates to deal with, and though it was helpful not to be tied together any longer, it was still a fierce battle with so many opponents to reckon with.

They knew they were headed in the right direction, though, as the guards got thicker the further they went, and on the rare occasion they took a wrong turn, it nearly opened up into nothingness. Mojo's aim was clear — either the two X-Men fought a small army, or they didn't find K and Kate.

"I don't think he wants to give them back," Kurt said as he disarmed one of his opponents and took the second sword for himself only to flip it once and then plunge it into the nearest palace guard.

"Too damn bad for him," Logan growled out as they took on a fresh wave, and Kurt smirked at the sentiment as he twirled his own blades just a bit faster to cut through the obstacles between them and the girls.

True to form, it was practically a screaming neon light announcing that the two of them had found where the girls were being held when they got to two large doors, bolted shut from the outside, that were guarded by two very large men dressed similarly to Kurt and Logan.

On seeing the gigantic roadblocks, Logan turned to Kurt with a scowl. "I got these two — go see what the hell's taking the girls so long. We know they gotta be in there."

Kurt nodded — admittedly curious himself as to why they hadn't found the palace in tatters the way they'd found the pirate ship and the castle before it — and cut through the bolts on the door while Logan kept the guards occupied. However, when he peered inside, he could immediately see what the problem was, as both of the girls were simply... out of it, semi-conscious and sprawled across the pillows that decorated the room.

He knelt down beside Kate and tried to get her to focus on him, even taking her head in his hands, but she couldn't quite manage it and just leaned into his shoulder with a sedate smile and a muttered, "Elf."

Kurt frowned hard and put one hand on K's shoulder as he held Kate close, meaning to simply teleport the girls out of the heavily scented room — but he couldn't. With a frustrated growl low in the back of his throat, he laid Kate down gently, drew his swords again, and ran back to help Logan finish off the guards. "He's drugged them somehow — likely to keep them from upstaging the rescue effort," he said with narrowed eyes as soon as he got close enough to Logan.

"Kinda figured there was a dampening field when that idiot cut me," Logan replied, gesturing to a slash across his chest as the two of them made a surge forward as a team with practiced ease.

For as big as Mojo's hand-picked guards were, they were simply no match for two X-Men, especially when both of them were clearly done with the situation in general — and even angrier at the fact that Kate and K had been drugged. In no time at all, both big men were down quickly, and Kurt and Logan were left to rush to the doped-up girls.

Unlike before, when the first signs of trouble had come as soon as they were reunited, it seemed this time they would be allowed to look after the girls — since both of them were able to pick up their respective girlfriends without any sign of gas or anything else from Mojo.

K had one arm around Logan's neck and was trying to hold on to him, shaking her head slowly. "I don't want to go to sleep again," she told him before she leaned her head on his.

"We're gonna get outta here," Logan told her before he turned to Kurt. "Got any bright ideas, Elf?"

"Find the edge of the dampening field and get them ... conscious again," Kurt said as he scooped up an overly snuggly Kate and she buried her face into his chest. "And then find the edge of this... arena to have a word with Mojo."

"Let's get going," Logan said as the two of them headed away from the incensed room to find the field's edge. "As soon as you can, get us outta here."

Kurt nodded his agreement, but the moment the two of them stepped out of the tall doors, they felt the telltale pricks of darts at the base of their necks. Whatever they had been given started to work almost instantly, but the men had the wherewithal to make sure they fell to their knees first to keep from dropping the girls in their arms outright, slipping sideways after that instead of pitching forward before they both blacked out.

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