The Man Clad in Black: Book T...

By ---madness---

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After Christine makes her disappearance, you and many other people strive to bring the Opera Populaire back t... More

A Letter from Christine - Chapter 1
Detective - Chapter 2
So it Begins - Chapter 3
Questioning - Chapter 4
A Singing Lesson - Chapter 5
Relationship Advice - Chapter 6
A New Manager - Chapter 7
Out in the Open - Chapter 8
An Explanation - Chapter 9
A Proposal - Chapter 10
A Temporary Replacement - Chapter 11
Suspicions - Chapter 12
Trouble - Chapter 13
An "Affair" - Chapter 14
A Final Lesson - Chapter 15
Compensations - Chapter 16
A Letter from Erik - Chapter 17
A Late Night - Chapter 18
Auditions and Bar Fights - Chapter 19
A Surprise - Chapter 20
News - Chapter 21
Annie - Chapter 23
Last Minute - Chapter 24
An Unplanned Wedding - Chapter 25
'Til Evening - Chapter 26
Show Time - Chapter 27
Injuries - Chapter 28
Healing Time - Chapter 29
Story - Chapter 30
Weak - Chapter 31
Gently, Now - Chapter 32
Le Bouillon Chartier - Chapter 33
Baby - Chapter 34
To Reiterate - Chapter 35
At a Loss - Chapter 36
It's Up!

Gossip - Chapter 22

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By ---madness---

You woke up quite late the next morning - and of course, Erik was right there at your side, holding you up against him as he slept.

Wait... He was asleep?

It was one of those rare moments where this was, in fact, true. His face was pressed heavily against your neck and his arm wrapped tightly around you, and the fact that his eyes were closed shut and his breathing was quite soft said that he was asleep - however, he seemed to wake up only a few moments after you had.

You felt him squeeze the side of your waist as he gently pressed a kiss against your neck, moving your hair from out of his way to do so... and of course, you could just about feel him smile against your skin. Just because he felt like it - and simply because you were right there - he peppered a few more down your neck before he actually spoke, pulling you right up against him so that you would know that he was right there (even though that was pretty obvious).

"Morning," he said softly. One thing hat you immediately noted was that he had one hell of a morning voice.

You shifted a little to turn and face him, quite a large smile on your lips as you pressed a quick kiss against his lips.

"Morning, Erik," you smiled. You glanced down a bit when Erik had moved his hand to your shoulder, lifting the strap of your slip back into place, and it was only then when you realized that you weren't wearing your dress anymore.

"My God... did I drink anything?" you asked suddenly. "I don't recall -"

"You absolutely did," Erik said with a (fake) tone of worry in his voice. This was just his sense of humor kicking out again. "You drank two bottles of wine by yourself - I had to carry you back up here before you passed out in the hallway."

You almost really passed out just from what he said.

"What?" you breathed, sitting up after a moment and resting a hand on your forehead. You went a shade paler than you normally were. "We didn't... well, do anything, right?"

Erik had to chuckle at that one - and naturally, that gave away his entire scheme. He tried to keep up the act anyway.

"No, we absolutely did something," he said nonchalantly, biting back a smile... however, when he saw how truly mortified you seemed, he immediately gave it up. "By 'something,' I mean that I helped get you out of your dress and put you to sleep..."

That made you just a tad bit relieved... but of course, you gave him a playful swat for scaring you so badly.

"I didn't even drink, did I?" you asked. You found it ridiculous that you hadn't put two and two together just yet - Erik was still entirely clothed and you didn't feel any symptoms of a hangover...

Everything rushed back to you at once.

The events from yesterday ran over you like a stampede - everybody knew about your 'affair,' Matthew had lipstick on his collar, and Meg was pregnant.

"Oh, goodness..." you blinked, sitting up in place. You immediately swung your feet to the opposite side and stood up, massaging the bridge of your nose before you reached for your robe closest to you.

"What is it, [Y/N]?" Erik asked.

He could be a total sweetheart when he had to be.

"I have to attend to a few things," you said. Normally, Erik would question as to why you already had to leave, although he could tell from how distressed you were that it was quite important.

"When do I meet you again?"

"In my room, during the night time," you said. You felt a lump in your throat as you quickly threw on your robe, tying it around you before you turned back to Erik. You had never seen a man look more concerned in your entire life... And to be frank, you were worried to.

"You know that I'll be there if anything gets out of hand," he muttered... And after a moment, his lips twitched into a soft smile. "I love you, [Y/N]."

You had to smile just a bit. His twinge of happiness passed onto you right afterward.

"I love you too," you said. You were quick to press a quick kiss against his lips, and immediately afterwards, the both of you had gone your separate ways.

You heard the auditorium buzzing with life the moment you got in there.

"Did you hear what she did?" one of them asked, her back turned to you as she gossiped loudly.

"Wouldn't be surprising - she's got no talent," another woman (in a different conversation) scoffed. She had a heavy accent and an even heavier build. "I would clearly make the best Prima Donna."

You felt a hand clutch onto your arm.

You turned around to see Annie, whose large eyes were brimming with tears.

"Please don't let it be true," she said. "I told them it isn't true! They're all... They're lying!"

"What's not true?" you asked, shooting her a pitiful glance. "What are you worried about?"

Before she had the chance to reply, you were whisked away by Meg.

"[Y/N], we have to talk," she said. "Really."

You already knew what this was about.

Thankfully, everyone - aside from Annie, that is - seemed to entirely forget your existence as you wove through the crowd of people. The only time you ever got attention was when you accidentally bumped into someone, and even then, they would hardly even bat an eye.

"I really am pregnant, [Y/N]," she whispered as soon as you were in the hall.

"What makes you think so?" you asked. "I thought -"

"When you're pregnant, your belly gets just a little bump at first," she said. "I've got one."

"Wait a moment, Meg," you whispered. "A bump doesn't say anything,"

"But everything else does, too," she whispered, pressing her lips into a line as she held onto your shoulders in a moment of desperation. "I've gotten morning sickness, and - and -"

She broke down before she could finish what she was saying. Before you could respond, she flung her arms around you and began crying right into your shoulder - and while you would probably have black streaks of mascara all over your robe, you only cared a little bit.

"We'll figure something out, Meg," you muttered. You stroked her hair for a moment, just to console her, although it was then that she was quick to give a slight whimper of pain. She quickly let go of you.

For a moment, you were rendered quite confused, although once you realized that she was doubled over and clutching her stomach, you understood. Her face scrunched up a little, and after a few moments, she let out a groan.

"I can't dance today," she muttered. "Please let my mother know, I can't..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was quick to run off to find the nearest restroom, leaving you standing there alone...

But you were bombarded with questions.


"[Y/N]!" a voice whispered harshly... And sure enough, a paled Madame Giry was heading in your direction.

"Did you have an affair with Matthew?" she asked.

"Madame, it's..." you started. "I need to talk to you later."

That made Madame Giry go from mortified to angry in just a few moments.

"No! You must tell me now, [Y/N]!" she whispered. "The ballerinas won't stop talking if -"

"Of course I didn't, Madame!" you said... You regretted raising your voice at her, though she seemed indifferent towards it. "You already know about -"

Madame Giry was quick to interrupt you.

"Yes, I know about Erik, [Y/N]," she whispered. Her anger seemed to dwindle as she clutched onto your wrist. "Now come with me - I will explain to everyone what happened."

Sure enough, you (without a choice) followed after Madame Giry, and as ballerinas swarmed around you, Madame was quick to swat them away.

She was quick to snap her cane on the ground.

"Everyone!" she called out. The collection of people's heads turned into your direction. "Stop your chatter and start dancing! What you've all heard is nothing but a rumor - do not speak of this, or I will gladly double your practice!"

It was just about to turn out that way until Matthew stumbled onto the stage.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

He was practically attacked the moment the ballerinas laid eyes on him.

"He's got a hickey!" one of them shrieked. "I bet [Y/N] was the one who gave it to him!"

You had no idea where his hickey came from.

"What're you talking about?" you asked, getting a little frustrated as to why so many people were accusing you of such a... Well, provocative thing. "I wouldn't dare-"

"She's right!" someone called out.

Everyone's heads snapped into that direction, and there was little Annie, looking like she'd throw up at any given moment (because she was nervous - not pregnant).

"I believe [Y/N]," Annie squeaked. "I trust what she's saying. She would lie if -"

"Then who gave him that mark?" a plump woman asked, her face full of makeup as she gave a snort that just about said "this is ridiculous." Matthew paled a little bit... But the woman kept talking anyway. "I'll believe your words if the little whore you did that to him raises her hand right up for everyone to see! Someone - go on! Save [Y/N]'s petty little name and fess up to this provocative bullshit!"

A silence hung over the room.

For a moment, everyone just glanced around at each other, wondering who would have dared to give the new manager a hickey...

But it was then that Annie raised her little hand.

A/N: Woah! Guess who disappeared for a while! This gal! *casually points to self* Sorry for such a late update! I was going through a bit of a hard time while writing this, and when I read through it, I realized that it was super crappy... So I had to edit it and change a few things! Anyway, I'll try to keep writing... And see you all soon! 💖

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