Happy Medium

By the_sassy_libran

1K 70 12

Destiny is what brought them together? Kind of, but add to that there is match making family, dramatic past... More

Chapter- 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter -3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15

Chapter -13

33 6 0
By the_sassy_libran

I tried taking those couple of deep breaths that people suggest when they are a mess.
Darn it.
It freaking doesn't work.
My hands are sore from cracking my knuckles that's what I do when I am beyond nervous..but here I am border lining insanity (maybe that's overdramatic) but i do have reasons.

I looked at my watch and widened my eyes, 10 minutes before the dreadful meeting with Kabir Kapoor aka Boss.
So I dusted off imaginary wrinkles and dust from my burgundy pantsuit and went straight ahead to the elevator.

As I reached his office , I requested the young chic assistant who had the phone glued to her ears about my meeting, she smiled and that suddenly reminded me of a wild pixie but with a professional look and said the boss was waiting for me.
I shook at my weird arse thoughts and squared my shoulder before entering the office.

"Hello ,Ms.Mehta, why do you have the look of entering a war zone ? I thought we parted amicably after last phone call ?" Said Mr. Kapoor in that Jökull Júlíusson voice.

Jeez I didn't expect those lines for our official first conversation..shouldn't everything be professional and stuff.?!

Since it was so unexpected,it took a moment to recover and answer ,"Hello sir , Yes we did..I'm just tad bit nervous about this meeting that's all".

He laughed and I actually took a look at him until then I was just looking at his nose because..
1)Perfect nose.. (delete the thought!!)
2) trick taught in my university so that if you are not comfortable with eye to eye contact you look at the nose which does the job.
He still had the twinkling eyes and the amazing way of wearing that black suit. (Stop. Dangerous road ahead,Ruuu!!!!)

"Nervous about this meeting or our..let's say interesting encounters in US before the job offer ?" Mr.Kapoor enquired with raised eyebrows.

Man. This guy is scarily accurate about my behaviour. Already?!.

"Bullseyes?" I answered timidly.

Boss just chuckled while shaking his glorious..I mean okay looking hair and said "Bygones ,Ms.Mehta ,Bygones "
"Actually before we start our meeting , I need to apologize for that day I mean for ..both the incidents .. i really didn't mean to barge..."I stammered my way through that so called heartfelt apology ..but he interrupted.

"I know that ,Ms.Mehta that's why I said Bygones and maybe it was faith playing hilarious games on us" and gestured me to take the seat.

He continued by " So shall we begin?" And I nodded.

We finished talking about the usual business about strategies,budgets and plans for an hour.
" You've already started on the difficult areas and it's commendable so keeping aside the business part for today's meeting.. I wanted to ask did you hire your secretary yet?"asked Mr.Kapoor

" No sir but after this meeting is the interviews for my secretary,I have shortlisted three so I'll have the person hired by today " I answered.

"That's perfect. You can do your job more prioritized without chaos around you! It's your choice to select a person because the company believes that if you get to choose your assistant ,there is a sense of connection and loyalty which makes it benefical for you, assistant and the company. " He said with a smile.

I was sure this was his policy for the company and I admired that.

" And Welcome to Vedas ,Ms.Mehta and I hope you have a good day "and thus I was dismissed. I thanked and left.

After that meeting ,I had no time for thoughts.. because i got engulfed with work and after appointing Alisha Dixit ,my new assistant who was so in sync with me that she started today and had saved me from loads of calls , research and the blessed tea refills.

After an hour after my assistant left ,I stood up and left for my apartment.
On the way I picked up some shawarma rolls. Then after gobbling up,I fell asleep as my head hit the pillow and the last thought ..this life is what I imagined .

Unedited version.
A/N - I've had the most ups and downs these couple of months..I wouldn't like to bore you with the details.
I really would love if you could help me out with who do you see Kabir Kapoor as ? And what about Ruhi? Please comment below.
My apologies for the late late updates.
Lots of love.

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