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After The New Order of The Stone defeated Romeo also known as the Admin, Now Beacontown has been restored. Wi... More

Chapter 1: Awkward Situation
Chapter 2: Suspicious, Isn't It?
Chapter 3: You Gotta Stop Doin' That
Chapter 4: Friends and Family Joined Together
Chapter 5: Chaotic Incident in The Theater
Chapter 6: The Mysterious Threat
Chapter 7: The Truth is Revealed
Chapter 8: The Impending Doom
Chapter 9: In Mortal Peril
Chapter 10: In This Darkest Hour
Chapter 11: The Struggle Continues On
Chapter 12: The Silent Storm
Chapter 13: Grim
Chapter 14: Did Not Expect That
Chapter 15: The Great Escape
Chapter 16: Liberation Time
Chapter 17: Night After The Liberation
Chapter 19: Centurions! At Your Service!
Chapter 20: Siege of Mushashi🇯🇵
Chapter 21: Das Panzerlied🇩🇪
Chapter 22: First experience with Modern Equipments
Chapter 23: Ask the Girl, Jesse :D
Chapter 24: When The Yankees Stepped in🇺🇲
Chapter 25: Vive Le France🇫🇷
Chapter 26: The Tides of War
Chapter 27: The Fire of Resistance
Chapter 28: The Return of The Swastika
Chapter 29: Glory Of The Navy🇬🇧
Chapter 30: The Steel of Destruction
Chapter 31: Multiple Party but One China 🇨🇳🇹🇼
Chapter 32: Enemy at The Gates
Chapter 33: Tank Brawls and Cavalry Charge
Chapter 34: Spirit of Wellington
Chapter 35: Showdown and Fate
Chapter 36: The Battle of the Bad Luck Alley
Chapter 37: Doom is upon us
Chapter 38: Nothing is in Vain
Chapter 39: United We Stand
Chapter 40: Greed of The Corrupted Eagle
Chapter 41: The Dark Juggernaut
Chapter 42: The Return of the Allies
Chapter 43: Hitler's Steel
Chapter 44: Return to Beacontown
Chapter 45: Believe in Unity
Chapter 46: The Charge Of The Freedom Fighters
Chapter 47: Time of the Judgement
Chapter 48: Even in a desperate Moment, there's always hope
Chapter 49: Future seems to be Bright and yet it also seems to be Dark
Chapter 50: Chasing off the Inevitable
Chapter 51: Light of Hope shines on the Dark Path we went through
Chapter 52: The end is closer than you think
Chapter 53: Victory is ours (Mega Chapter and Grand Finale)
Epilogue: The Peace and Calm after the Storm
Extra 1: Major Power's Infantry Units

Chapter 18: Ura Ura Ura!!!,🇷🇺

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In the unknown place in The northern territory of Overworld, There's a base in this Snowy Plains. In front of the shelter base there are two banners planted on its sides. The banner Background is red with the insignia symbol of a yellow lined star with yellow Hammer and Sickle. In there, there's about 500.000 men wearing Winter Outfit and Bearskin Hat (Ushanka) with the same hammer and sickle Insignia. They're armed with Guns too, but they also have medium sized knives. They also got Tanks with the same with a red star planted on its turret's hull along with many artilleries and aircrafts. These men belongs to the Soviet Forces and this is their base, The Valutinya 


"Comrades! On this day, the Great Soviet Republic has risen again! The Germans had already conquered our Country. But we're not out of the fight yet! We stand here today to get our revenge on the Axis Order. Comrades, We are going to launch an offensive on the Japanese base in the North East. This is our first act that'll show that the Great Soviet Republic is not out of the fight yet and that we don't fear anything

Comrades! Today we'll take our revenge on the Axis Alliances! We will take their base till the last blood. March to Victory, Comrades!

For the Great Soviet Union!
Ura! (3x)"

That was the short speech plus dramatical short briefing from the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Red Army, Sercetary General Aleksandr Mikhail Zhukov

{Vasilli POV}

My name's Vasili Kradenko. I'm a sergeant of the Red Sniper for the Red Army consisted of myself, my brother Nikita Kradenko, my sister Vera Abrimov my sister, my best friend Reznov Cherdenko, and my lover Anya Velikaya

We were in the middle of the Field of Valutinya Base for the Comrade Sercetary General Aleksandr Zhukov speech. He's the only remaining General in the Red Army

In Valitunya base we have 1000 T-78s tanks, 500 Mig-15 Jet Fighters and Old Tupolev Tu-2 Bombers, and 500 Katyusha Rocket Artilley. after our escape from the motherland, Soviet People's Army became weak because of the Axis onslaught and conquest

The remnants of the British, American, French, Italian (whose loyalty resides in the Italian Monarchy instead to the Blackshirts), and Chinese also escaped to this world. The British and The Royal Italians in the West, The American and French in the South, The Chinese was nowhere to find so i thought they were hiding underground or somewhere undetected, and We, the Soviets are in the North. Our Enemies chased us down to this World. With The Nazis in the East, The Japanese in the North, and The Fascist Italian (whose loyalty resides in Benito Mussolini, The Fascist Party, and The Blackshirts) in the south

I snapped from my thought as i was hitchhiking on a Tank with my Comrades. Our Army is going to launch an offensive on the Japanese Base named Mushashi with all of our Forces. The Japanese is a lot more stronger with a total of 2000 war machines while we got only have 1000 war machines. This will be a tough battle for us ever since our failure at Stalingrad and Moskwa

Then we heard the Comrade General Zhukov speaks from the radio

"Alright Comrades! We'll advance to the North East to destroy the Japanese Imperial Force who are not aware of our presence. It's an honor to fight with you all Comrades once again. We'll attack straight at them, kill them without mercy, and dispose of that scum Japanese Commander Rezhei! Understood?" He said through the radio

"Yes, Comrade Secretary General!" All the troops replied

"Then, let's move out, Comrades" The General Secretary said as we all march to the Imperial Japanese Base, The Mushashi Base to set our fate


It was night time in Beacontown. Colonel Conrad was sitting on a chair outside of his Basecamp having a nice private tea time alone to relax himself. He was thinking about how the Allies would win the War. The Germans were relentless and unstoppable and so are the Axis. True, they did drove the Germans out of the Town, but it was merely a small forces. He sighed and then, When he was drinking his Tea, his Communicator ringed. He quickly took it out from his pocket and see who's calling

"His Majesty..." He mumbled, looking at contact's name

He answered the call by clicking the 'Answer Button' as he turned on the speaker

"Goodnight your Majesty. What's the need of your majesty to call me?" Conrad greeted the King

"Goodnight, Colonel. I was just going to calling you to confirm: Is it true that the Soviets will launch a massive offensive against the Japanese at Dawn?" The King asked "because from what our Secret Intelligence informed they spotted a Massive army of The Soviet Red Army advancing towards the Japanese base of Mushashi"

Conrad sighed before answering "if that's true, the Soviets have some rough time with the Japanse. They're outnumbered. They didn't know what the Japanese are capable of. Yet, they're still stubborn and brave enough to face them. Just like all of us. We must help them, Your Majesty..." Conrad Suggested

"Indeed. I already told Air Marshal Lambert to send a RAF Squadron there to assist the Soviets. So in the maintain, please take care things in Beacontown on behalf of the Allies. The Jerries will be attacking anytime soon" the King said

Conrad nodded "Yes I understand, your majesty. I Hope they're lucky with the Soviets. If not the Japanese will surely annihilate the Soviets" Conrad said

"Right, Colonel. Goodnight" the King agreed as he bid the Colonel goodbye

"Goodnight, your majesty" Edward said as the phone went off. Now! Back to relaxing Tea Night

{Back to the North}

The Soviet Armored Forces are approaching to the Mushashi base and ready to assault the Japanese anytime. They entered the Snowy biome of The Overworld. Since they used to live in a cold Russia, they will use the Biome to their advantages in order to defeat the Japanese

"All right this is it, Comrades! All Katyusha open fire on the base! All tanks to the front! All troops advance behind our Tanks! Show them no mercy!!! Ura!!!" Zhukov ordered through the Radio

"Ura!!!" All of his troops cheered as they began their offensive

The Katyushas fired the rockets at the Enemy base, raining it down with high explosive rockets. Lots of Camps were destroyed, The Japanese troops and armours were blown to smithereens. This surprised and alerted the Japanese Forces

In the midst of the Soviets Offensive, the Commander of the stationed Japanese forces named Kimonuchi Rezhei ordered to his troops, Senshas, and Artillery to defensive position

"To the defensive position. We will hold off the Soviets with all of our might. Kill all of them and take no prisoners!" Rezhei ordered his troops as his troops and tanks were in position while the cannons are placed behind them

As they spotted the Soviet tanks and troops approaching, Rezhei ordered his men to fire the cannons

"Fire!!!" Rezhei ordered as his cannons open fire on the approaching Soviet Forces

Back to the Soviets
"Come on, Comrades! To Victory!" Zhukov shouted as his Tanks advanced towards the enemy with all their troops following behind the Tanks. Vasilli was already leading the Infantry with Cavalry charging at the Japanese too on the other side to flank them while also looking for a Sniping Spot. The Battle of Base Mushashi has just begun between The Soviet Red Army and The Imperial Japanese Army

{Robert's POV}

Air Marshal Lambert Hook had just ordered us, RAF Squadron no.303 to support the Soviet Forces on the Northern side of the Overworld. The Soviet and the Japanese are both reckless and deadly in war if I remember about them back during the second world war in the original universe

Me and my squadron fly the Gloster Javelin Jet Fighter, our brand new Jet Fighter. These aircrafts have more speed than the Germans Messerchsmitt Me.363. It's armed with Mk.VII Javelin six air-to-air guided missile and 50.Cal MG. The Fast of this Jet was just like the speed of lightning or wind

Our mission is to support the Soviets offensive in attacking Mushashi. It was heavily defended by the Japs. The Soviets had the Advantage because of the snowy biome that they used to their advantage but still the Japanese are way too ruthless

"Alright Chaps! Let's get going! Our Soviet Chaps are fighting the Japs! We shall go as well! To your Javelin, Chaps!" I ordered my squadron

"Aye Aye, Sir!" My Squadron replied as we all got to our own Jets, ready to take off and head to North East

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