The Bloodlust Alpha

By Youre_My_Sanctuary

9.5M 306K 649K

Highest in Werewolf: #2 "Selene, my daughter, please hear us out. I know we don't deserve it, but your sister... More

1|| gone she goes
2|| red roses
3|| forsaken me
4|| reunion
5|| the bloodlust alpha
6|| sexual tension
6.1|| wildflower
7|| death of me
8|| beauty and the beast
9|| please, raizel
10|| terrible liar
10.1|| [EXTRA] dates
11|| the wildflower of my heart
12|| wrath
13|| break
14|| marks
16|| love
17|| the dress
groupchat shenanigans
18|| it's what led me to you
19|| only you
19.1|| blue
20|| real
21|| what was his
22|| haven't lost everything
23|| demand
24|| the alpha of greyhound
25|| the hellhound
26|| karma
27|| disrespect
28|| liar
29|| duskfall

15|| yours, mine

390K 10.1K 32.2K
By Youre_My_Sanctuary


Yours, Mine


The Bloodlust Alpha

Intro : Singularity - BTS





we might need a fire extinguisher


Satan is shook.

Hell is quaking.

Landon is bleeding lolololololol

but i mean Imma just label it with '!!!!'

if you don't like smut, i suggest leaving the story after seeing the symbol cause from then on to the very end of the chapter its all about the dick babes.

alsososoosososo i didn't proof read. def many mistakes there.


His fingers run through my hair, the heat radiating from his body quickly spreading into mine. Inhaling his familiar scent, my fingers curl around the fabric of his shirt. My wolf let out a purr of contentment. Her tail wags high as she drank him in.

He's addictive.

Like a toxic drug seeping into my blood that makes me yearn for more. A drug that you can't recover from. Not that I would want to. One taste, one touch, one kiss was all it took for it all to come crumbling down. There was no point in resisting the attraction. I think we both knew that from the moment our eyes connected. There would be no running. No hiding from the truth. In the end, it would all be the same.

That somehow, someway, we would find ourselves in this exact situation.

Him in my arms and me in his.

Raizel's lips graze against my temple. His other hand not cradling the back of my head, reaching up to brush my hair back from my face. His lips pull into a small smile. A smile that has my knees feeling wobbly from excitement.

"Are you ready to go, love?"

He asks softly. His voice holds so much affection, his eyes softening into a gentler grey. I'm all too aware of it now. The difference in which how he speaks to others compared to how he speaks to me. I feel so lo-

His thumb skims across my cheekbone. A feathery caress that pulls out a sigh from me. I couldn't help but lean into him more, enjoying the comfort only he could provide for me. In this moment, I forget everything around us. The packs' watchful gazes, the pups -- everything. But I immediately bring myself back just as quick.


I pull back, smiling as drops his hand to weave his fingers through mine.

"Good. We should leave now so we can get this over with."

He mutters, looking behind us to the vans. I almost don't see the man standing behind him. An attractive ginger with muscles bulging under his navy blue t-shirt. Green eyes regard me for a moment, a small smile on his lips when he realizes I was looking at him. Raizel notices where my attention has gone and slips his arm around my waist.

I feel a prickle resonate from his wolf to mine.


The smile on my face couldn't have been wider. With an eye-roll, I lean up against him and stand on the tips of my toes. He didn't need to say anything. The look on his face was explanatory. Slipping my hands on both sides of his face, I steer him down until our lips lock. Tingles spark through me. A soft gasp leaves me when I pull away for a breath before he dives back in to land a more hungry kiss on my lips.

Heat stirs between us. Our wolves soaking in our contact before barking out their approval. Isaac, who's still standing behind me, gags in our mind link but I push it aside. I was far too concerned with my man standing before me. Raizel's cheeks flushed, realizing I caught the flicker of jealousy from his wolf.


He muttered, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck.

"I couldn't help it."

I laughed, kissing the side of his face. The corners of his lips pulling into a smile hidden away from the rest of the world. I leaned my head against his. The softness of his hair tickling the side of my face,

"Jealousy looks good on you."

I muse softly. Raizel pulls back until he has a good look at me. His hands still on my hips. I can almost imagine his tail swishing back and forth mischievously. Was it possible I just set myself up with that statement? More than likely from the way he was looking at me. I swallow, watching as he leaned forward until his lips are at my ear.

"You'd look even better."

His voice dropped down a few octaves. Sounding like sex with a dash of charm, I grind my teeth together at the blush coating my skin. My wolf giddily barking out with her front paws pressed onto the ground and her ass high in the air.

Oh my Goddess.

That backfired.

I could only pray he didnt see what my wolf was doing. This was beyond humiliating. Staring at his smug grin, he tightens his hold around my waist and leads us to the man who was watching us with a smirk in place.

"You know, when Weston told me you'd found someone..."

He paused, looking us up and down with a long whistle,

"I was pretty convinced it was just the paperwork getting into his head."

Ginger grins when his green eyes travel from Raizel to me. Mock being evident in his tone with a hint of hidden delight lacing his words.

He dips his head down.

"Pleasure to meet you, Alpha Crestfield. I'm Emerson Vince, Gamma of the Ignis Red pack under Alpha Locksworth."

When he raises his head to look between us he winks,

"In case you're wondering, I volunteer myself as the best man when the wedding comes."

Whirling my head to Raizel, I feel my lips twitch in amusement. Raizel rolls his eyes but there's contentment swirling in his pretty grays. His wolf puffs out, sitting on the ground with pride swelling in his chest. Then he looks over to my wolf with his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth. His emotions of joy being reciprocated from my wolf.

"It's nice to meet you."

I extend my hand to him which he takes in a handshake. His grip firm and his hand rough and calloused-- undoubtedly the aftermath of all the training he underwent as Gamma. I sense Isaac walking forward, taking Emerson's attention from me. The two men look at each other, hardened looks in their eyes as they subtly give each other an assessment. Both Gamma's giving into their wolves' instinct on surveying the 'competition'.

"Isaac Everdale, Gamma."

Isaac nods curtly. Emerson returns his gesture and gives him a tightlipped smile,


A moment of tense silence separates them until Raizel clears his throat. Garnering everyones attention to him, he cocks his head in the direction of the vans parked a few feet down.

"I think it's best we go now. Williams has sent his detainment team ahead of us just surrounding the borders."

His eyes drift down to me.

"It'd be ideal if we get this over with as soon as possible. There's been a number of rogue sightings lingering around Nightwake. Something tells me Xeneron has an eye out for something like this to happen."

His grip around my waist tightens,

"I know you're more than capable of handling yourself but I don't like the idea of you being in that place longer than necessary."

Pressing his forehead against mine, he sighs. Neither of us really had any fond memories of the place or people there. It's not a surprise Raizel already despises the idea of stepping foot in Landon's territory. He was pinned up as a mate, disrespected and more than likely had his reputation questioned with Hestia's claims. I'd heard Williams mention it once that Hestia made a scene in front of some other Alphas and how very close he was to shifting.

Pursing my lips, I allow myself to press my weight onto him. Time was ticking and sooner or later I'd be finding myself back in Nightwake tiptoeing around the place to make sure no unnecessary fights break out.

Getting Chamberlain was priority.

Making sure Raizel stays unshifted was close to second.

Isaac casts me a tight look and bites down on his bottom lip, no doubt thinking of Raizel's words and how much more this visit to Nightwake actually is. How much more was on stake by even considering the chances of Raizel finding out about Landon.

Not that Raizel really knew the extent of it.

And hopefully, he won't ever know until much later.

If only we knew 'much later' was sooner than either of us thought.


Getting into Nightwake territory was just as complex as I initially expected. The moment our vans pulled up to the borders, the wolves patrolling the area were on high alert. We hadn't sent out prior warnings of our arrival to avoid any chances that Chamberlain might catch word and make a quick escape. Knowing him, he was as crafty and stealthy as they can get.

The detainment operation was a complete surprise to both Walker and Chamberlain. We had the documents authorizing our search signed and approved by Williams, so regardless of whether or not Landon allowed it, we were permitted entry. His refusal to cooperate would be counted as treason.

Something he knows a lot about.

Of course, our entry was no easy feat. The wolves in charge of protecting the border by the gates all shifting into more hostile stances. They didn't care who we were but the fact that we were here uninvited.

I exchanged a look with Isaac. Wordlessly, he questioned me with his eyes on what we do next. To this, I looked to Raizel. We hadn't gone over what we were going to do when we got here. But I guess we all had a mutual understanding as we nodded to each other.

It was Raizel who stepped out first.

I went after him with the two Gamma's following suit. The rest of the guards staying in the van awaited our orders. From the corner of my eyes, I see Emerson's green eyes darkening from communicating through mind link. He must've been alerting the extra security he brought waiting a few miles down to stand guard.

I scanned down the gate. There were a total of fifteen patrol guards. The number cut in half the amount Harrison Walker had during his reign. My wolf watches in my head. Her eyes are alert and observing as she analyzes the threats surrounding us. She doesn't deem her presence necessary. Concluding that we would have no trouble in maintaining the situation and being safe.

I had to say it was going well until one of the more younger wolves dared to send a growl to Raizel.

I bit back a snarl, a reflex to defend and aid him. Raizel doesn't waver under the thick and heavy cloud of aggression rolling off the wolves. Not even the most iciest of glares is enough to nerve him. He maintains his posture, composed and looking ever so powerful with his shoulders squared up and muscles bulging out. He was slowly releasing his dominance, keeping the wolves in check and allowing them to know that even if they chose to attack, he'd have no problem picking them off one by one. The rawness of his power oozing from where he stood.

The tangible strength of this man in his Alpha role sends pleasurable tingling down my spine.

A pool of heat making its way down my lower abdomen.

I force my thoughts in the back of my head, clenching my jaw as I looked on. Yielding to anyone much less these people will never happen. The day I bow to these people will be the day I've officially lost my mind.

Emerson steps forward, holding the authorization document up to the wolves. A look of calm graces his features as he spoke,

"Under the authorization of Chancellor James Williams, Alpha Crestfield of Greyhound and Alpha Locksworth of Ignis Red are permitted entry into Nightwake on the account of detainment. Refusal to cooperate will mean automatic status change for treason. You will not alert your Alpha of our presence or purpose. Those who decide to do so will be subdued, arrested and put on trial. "

A hush falls upon us before the wolves break out into whispers. A mixture of anger and fear spiking into the hearts of the wolves. The name of Raizel alone and realizing he was the notorious Alpha dwindled their confidence. I release my own waves of authority. The wolves who'd been looking at me stepping back and bowing their heads as they did with Raizel.

Raizel winced in surprise, snapping his gaze to me with a slow, sexy smirk on his face.

The darkened look in his eyes melting the restraints of control within me. A purr from my wolf and seductive swaying of her tail enticing him further.

"That's them... the Hellhound and the Bloodlust Alpha."

One whispers quietly.

Raizel whirls his head to the short brunette who spoke. It takes a threatening rumble from the man beside me to silence them. Raizel grows impatient with the way his eyes narrow down on each individual. Its only until the head of security who I recognized as Kenneth stepped up to look at the document. After scanning down the page for a few seconds, he turns his head and nods at the gatekeepers. A long reluctant sigh leaves him.

"Let them in."

The large gates pull open upon command. A gush of relief flowing through me at the fact we didn't need to use force to gain entry. Although no one objected, I can feel the thick apprehension from the Nightwake wolves.

No one says a word when we get in and drove through the entrance. The short drive remained silent and terse. Raizel's hand falls on-top of mine. His fingers lacing themselves through the spaces before closing around it.

Taking the reassuring squeeze of his fingers, I let my eyes fall to Isaac. His eyes narrowed down as he stares out the window. Unblinking and hard while we pass by trees and soon come into view of the pack houses. Both Gammas go unnaturally still.

"This needs to be quick."

Isaac mutters.

"Walker is definitely going to cause a commotion. Hell, I'm sure Dixon will too."

Raizel casts him a glance. His hand tightens around mine.

"Should he try to stop us, I won't think twice about snapping his neck."

"Whose? Walker's or Dixon's?"

I ask, turning my head to look at him. I feel a chill run through me from the way his eyes were distant. He simply watches as we pull into the driveway without taking his hand from mine.


The minute the van stops moving, we slide open the doors and step out. Emerson, Isaac lagging behind Raizel and I. It doesn't take long for people to notice us. In fact, we had eyes on us the minute we entered the heart of Nightwake. The familiar earthly scent of pine and soil surrounds me.

All of the unwarranted emotions bubbling in the pit of my stomach forcing my heart to beat erratically. I can't deny the nerves I feel. There's this unshakable feeing that something very bad will happen. Something I won't be able to prevent. And it only grows by the second.

Wolves start crowding around. Some stopping mid-step to watch and whisper to one another. A gleaming red enters my vision and I find myself seeing the ring on Raizel's finger. His crest. A blood red gem with a black band circled around his pinky.

I haven't noticed it until now.

"Move! Let me through!"

A voice barks out. I turn my attention to the man facing himself through the crowd. Murmurs around us growing louder as my father breaks through and stops in front of us. His heaving chest falls as he takes us in. Confusion but most notably anger storming in his blue eyes.

"Alpha Locksworth, Alpha Crestfield..."

He grits out when he looks at me. The smoldering fire in his eyes burning into my face.

"Why are you here? We don't have a meeting scheduled with either of you."

The moment he says the last word he winces. Realization crosses his features as his face twists in an ugly scowl. Accusing dark eyes darting to the men behind us.

"You're here unannounced. You dare force your entry?"

He takes a step toward us. His body hunching forward to threaten. His shoulders squared and lips tugged up to bare his elongating canines. Raizel straightens his back, his wolf flashing forward with a dark look on his face.

He steps forward.  The two Gammas following suit and bulking up their forms. I can almost see the fragile strand of tension between the two sides. One little slip of the tongue can easily snap the thin strand in two.

The spectating wolves watch the scene unfold with wide, surprised eyes. Most of whom including those that had pups with them cowering back from the overwhelming pressure. Some of the men hunched forward. Their faces portrayed the uncertainty of whether or not they should join in. Knowing my father, he'd want to attempt to handle all three wolves himself.


Utterly stupid.

My wolf tugged at my side. Her marble eyes darting between Raizel and my father. Her instinct to protect our man stumping any other thought. She fills me with adrenaline. A gnawing urge to make Dixon submit before us. To interfere and defend him just as he was doing for us.

"We're here on orders by the Chancellor."

Raizel begins, taking the sheet that Emerson was handing to him. He holds it up, Dixon's eyes scanning the words with a look of pure outrage written on his face. He shifts his blazing gaze to Raizel's impassive expression.

"Emerson, Isaac find him. Bring him here."

Isaac dips his head down reflexively, eyes widening in shock by Raizel's acknowledgment of his first name. But I feel a flare of pride bubble from our bond. His lips turned into a thin line but was wavering as he nearly let out a smile.

Emerson and Isaac stalked toward the pack house, my father snapping his head in their direction. He let out a snarl, blowing their path.

"This is bullshit."

He rages,

"Who are you here to detain? There's no way you can waltz in our territory waving around a flimsy piece of paper demanding a capture!"

Pinching my brows together, I take a step forward.

"Actually, that 'flimsy piece of paper' gives us the right to do exactly that. Signed, sealed and approved by the Chancellor himself. If you don't bring your hackles down Dixon, I'll have to use force on you. And believe me when I say I won't be nice about it."

Benicio stepped back, eyes widening with shock. The threat made clear as day sinking in his head. His surprise quickly wore off as aggression replaced it. Glaring down at me, he opens his mouth to object when a booming voice broke out.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Everyone looks to the direction from which the voice came from. The wolves dipping their heads down as their Alpha walked passed them with Hestia by his side. Hestia's long, blonde hair tied up in a ponytail with sleep deprived eyes falling on us. Her lips part, looking between Raizel and I.

And then she looks in front of us to see Isaac and Emerson. A shiver rolling down her spine as she catches scent of the two gammas with us. Her body stiffens. A flash of fear crossed her eyes. The power emanating from the four of us together making her wolf beyond uncomfortable. Our presence beyond something she can withstand.

The two stop mid-step when they walk into the center. Landon's mossy eyes taking in the scene in front of him with clear confusion. His eyelids widen by a fraction when he finds himself going still. Something catching his attention which I quickly realize is my scent. Then, ever so slowly,

he looks to me.

I feel his gaze burn through my skin. An uncomfortable, prickly feeling cloaking over me from every where he looks. The feel of his eyes skimming over me makes my wolf bristle out her fur. I shudder from disgust.

Sophie trails behind them. Our eyes connecting briefly with a streak of her sorrow before I look away. That's when I notice him. Gamma Chamberlain standing behind them with an impassive look on his face. Dark graying hair styled in a buzzcut and an angular jaw set. Sharp brown eyes with the depth of an abyss observe quietly. All emotion washed from his expression as he watches.

He waits to see how this'll play out.

Raizel and I look to our Gammas and nod.

They don't waste another second from our wordless command and lunge at Gamma Chamberlain. He snaps his attention to the two and tries to turn, but Isaac was too fast for him to get away. Latching onto his right arm, Isaac twists Chamberlian's upper body to the ground with Emerson grabbing onto the back of his neck. Digging his clawed hand onto the base of his neck, he forces Chamberlain's head to the ground. He crashes face first.

Gasps and screams of terror erupt from the crowd. They quickly dispel from around the three, watching in horror as their Gamma is pinned to the soil. Chamberlain struggles, growling out and thrashing in their holds but the two Gamma's maintain their grip. The driver of our van sprinting forth with silver chains in his gloved hands.

"What the hell is this?"

Landon booms out. His eyes flashing with overwhelming anger. He moves to grab hold of Isaac but Raizel steps between them.

"You touch the Gamma, I break your wrist."

The threat isn't a light one. Anyone can see how deathly serious Raizel is. His power now oozing off him with no ounce of care or hesitation. It's almost terrifying. A chilling reminder of the Alpha he was.

Part of me feels satisfaction. Satisfaction from how he was looking after Isaac like how he'd look after Emerson. A sense of belonging as if we were all one. Landon flinches from Raizel's dominance. A quick look of fear slipping from his strong facade before he hastily composes himself. He musters all the courage he can and forces himself to stand up to Raizel. His pride and reputation dangling over his head.

"You come to my territory uninvited. You cause a commotion with my Beta. You attack my Gamma and now you threaten me?"

He hisses venomously. His eyes narrow into slits. His wolf is so close to breaking free but then again, so is Raizel's. The Gammas chain Chamberlain's wrists together much to his protest. No amount of struggling could get him free.

The wolves that had the guts to stand by and watch looking hesitant as to whether or not they should interfere. Choosing to get involved after a decree from the Chancellor and against two Gammas who won't hold back was suicide.

They don't do anything when Isaac forces Chamberlain up to his kneel. Emerson's hand still wrapped around his neck to alarm both Chamberlain and his wolf that if he were to try and resist any further, he wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck in half.

"Watch your tone, Walker. We were sent here by the Chancellor. Ordered to detain him by the Chancellor. And told to do any means necessary by the Chancellor. If you have a problem with that, bring it up to him."

I tell him. I keep by gaze steady. My voice projected loud enough for everyone to hear. Unwavering and strong. Hestia can only stand behind Landon wordlessly. She's struggling to keep herself from submitting. Her natural instinct telling her to bow before us but the mark on her neck and the title over her her head preventing her from doing so. The act of submission should never be an option of an Alpha's Luna.

Landon slowly tears his gaze from Raizel and looks to me.

"Detaining him?"

Landon repeats in shock,

"You're taking my Gamma?"


Raizel answers. His hand slowly reaches for me. His fingers intertwining with my own. An act of self restraint. A rush of warmth calming me when his skin touches mine. Like a flame set ablaze across my flesh. I look up to him, squeezing his hand reassuringly to calm us both down. The situation was getting out of hand. I know the wolves see the contact between us. None of them daring to say anything except for the wolf boiling to the brim with envy.

Landon laughs bitterly. Glaring down at our intertwined hands and growls. The darkness swimming in his greens unlike any display of jealousy before. Stepping forward, he disregards any logic and prior fear. He was too far gone at this point. Hestia, who takes notice of his mood change, rushes to hold him back. Knowing very well what was at stake here and the kind of secrets that could possibly come out in the open.

Her hands desperately cling onto Landon's forearm but he yanks his arm away. He looks down to her and snarls. Panicked blue eyes meet his now fully black ones. His wolf showing not tolerance in being touched even with his marked lover.

The blonde breaths in sharply, dropping her head down as she submits to her husband. The crown of her head the only thing Landon's wolf can see. He huffs out his approval at her compliance before continuing his strides.

Trembling with the fear flowing out of her like a stream, she shuts her eyes tight. A sign of weakness from a Luna. Her shaky hands fisting around the fabric of her shirt. Submitting to your mate was humiliating. Murmurs of displeasure sound from the crowd and I feel a scowl inch on my face. Not for Hestia's sake but for the fact that this pack was so quick to switch up. The pack that once held her with so much regard and practically set her on a pedestal now looking at her with disappointment.

Landon's wolf had successfully taken over half his mind. He's blinking with marble black eyes and movements reduced to frigid animalistic ones. He stares down, tilting his head from right to left as if to asses the situation and threat. Without warning, he pulls back just the slightest bit before thrusting his body in our direction. His auburn fur sprouting all over his body all at once as he shifts mid-air. The sound of tearing resonating through the crowd. His clothes torn off from his body in the process of his shift.

Raizel presses the heels of his feet into the soil as if expecting the response, readying himself from the impact and catches Landon's snapping jaw with both hands.

His jaw ticks in annoyance. Landon lashes around, attempting to snap his jaw around Raizel's fingers but he's too strong. Raizel pulls on his jaw to the point of it being painful. The snarls turning into whiney sounds of defeat.

Hestia screams along with the other wolves when Raizel throws Landon's body tumbling to the ground. The wolves around us stepping back when Landon's form skids across the mud before rolling over to his back. His wolf shakes his head to clear off any damage. Frustration and embarrassment burdening his shoulders when he tries to lunge at him again.

The screams were deafening. Most of the audience taking refuge behind the trees or rushing back into the buildings. Hestia's hands fly to her bulging stomach. She can't move. The intensity of Landon's wolf rendering her motionless. The mark on her neck and the oath to be Luna holding her down in her spot like chains. It was her duty to calm Landon down. To bring him back from his adrenaline rush and soothe his beast. As the first attacker was Landon, it had to be him who made amends.

The strings of snarls rumbling from Landon's chest trigger Chamberlain. He moves harder against Isaac and Emerson. Taking advantage of the chaos and pushes himself off the ground to his feet. Emerson's hold on Chamberlain loosened from the surprise of Landon's outburst.

"Hold him down!"

He shouts, shaking off the slight surprise. Everyone was so focused on Raizel and Landon that they momentarily forgot about the task on hand.

Isaac slams his right shoulder into Chamberlain's chest while Emerson gets him in a choke hold. Squeezing his bicep around his neck, he cuts off Chamberlain's air supply until his face goes increasingly red. His veins rise from his temples as he tries to breathe in. The desperate flailing of his body increasingly aggressive. He doesn't even care that the silver chains binding his wrists are burning his skin. The chucks of flesh forming around the binds red and patchy. He knew that if he didn't escape now, that he was never going to get out of this. He was caught and the only option was to fight his way out.

No matter how much he tries to push against their hold, he can't break free. Isaac and Emerson's tight grip around him made no room for escape. With a few sporadic breaths, he begins to slow.

His eyelids start to droop over his eyes and the struggles come to a sudden stop. Chamberlain's muscled body goes limp in their hold. His rapid breathing falling into a steady pattern. Emerson and Isaac share a look with one another. Turning to the driver who'd handed them the chains, Isaac frowns.

"Get a unit in here. We're leaving now."

"Like hell you are !"

Benicio protests. He'd been stunned by how the events played out but snapped out of his daze by the time Chamberlain had fallen.

Hestia's panic stricken face looks to him. Sophie is by her side, her hand around Hestia's wrist yanking her back. A protective stance over the pregnant Luna.

Benicio notices how his Alpha isn't doing so well against Raizel. He can see just how this fight would end. He had to interfere.

The darkest shade of blue shines bright in his eyes. A strong look of determination that I've never seen before when he's about to slash his claws over Raizel's back but its like a switch was flickered. I jump between them, catching his forearm in my hand and twisting it over his back. He lets out a howl of pain. His wolf whimpering out and I can feel with the cracking of his bones that I just broke his arm. The power I was using against him uncontrolled. I acted on raw instinct.

He snaps his head to me and I immediately let go of his swaying arm. His face contorts in hurt, betrayed blue eyes focusing on me like I was a vermin of the Earth.

I glare down at him, matching his heated stare and dare him to continue. My wolf successfully taking half of the control as she flashes her teeth at him. The need to protect me and my family a leading component from how she managed to bring forth such reflexes.

"You touch him and I swear to the Goddess above I'll fucking kill you."

The threat is enough to make him hesitate. The heaving of his chest rises when he takes in a breath.

It's then that he makes this face. A face that makes it look like he's looking at me. Really looking at me. There's silence between us. The only sound echoing down the lot were Landon's snarls as Raizel continues to hold him down. I can feel his patience wearing thin. Depleting so fast that I knew if I waited a minute later Raizel might just snap Landon's neck.

Benicio opens his mouth, but no words come out.

It wasn't words his words that caught everyones attention.

No, it was Landon's.

"I won't let you take her."

My eyes widen as I whip my head around to Raizel and Landon. Landon was shifted back, naked and bleeding from every which way. Torn flesh striped down from his shoulder to chest, scratches adorning his thighs and stomach, mud coating his skin and hair and the sweat rolling down his face. Raizel looks the same. Unbothered but guarded. Dark hair hanging over his eyes as he screws his brows together at what Landon was saying.

I glance over to Isaac who was already looking at me. Alarm set deep in his frown as he looks back to the two men.

"Y-you can never have Selene."


No, no, no.

I jump from my spot, hurrying to Raizel's side and grab onto his arm but he's not looking at me. The same kind of bad premonition I've felt before stepping foot on Nightwake soil creeping up my spine like a shallow ditch of endless trepidation. The vine like grip of unease coil around my neck when I tug at his arm.

"Raizel, love, look at me."

I whisper softly. There's an edge to my tone. Like a double-edged sword of worry and urgency. Landon walks a step further, now limping on his right leg. A large gash licks down from his knee to ankle. Blood trickles down his skin painting his flesh red with smudges of mud.

"She's mine."

He growls.

"My mate."

I feel Raizel tense. The muscles under his sleeves tightening. I raise my chin up, trying to catch a glimpse of his expression and feel my breath leave me. The look on his face cause ripples of fear to spike within me. Fear, not for my being, but for the wolves that dared to ever coerce such a reaction. He was beyond the point of sensical thinking. Every logical thought abandoned and curbed to the side.

His silky dark hair frames the smoldering look on his face. Those telling grey eyes swim in the abundance of rage sinking into Landon's frame. The arrow-like glare he pinpointed on Landon so similar to one of a predator. His body trembles from the resentment. The loud growl reverberating from the depth of his chest silences everyone.

I pull at him in a feeble attempt at catching his attention, but to no avail.

He was livid.

Gasps sound out from every direction. Nightwake wolves staring at me in shock as Emerson did. Hestia looks mortified. Her face paling before the red hue of embarrassment gloss over her cheeks. Her eyes are downcast, body hunching forward with the slouch of her shoulders. She looks utterly defeated. Mother who was still standing in front of her casts me once glance of desperation, silently begging me to end the humiliation but I turn away.

Benicio, who'd be so adamant about keeping the truth under wraps stare long and hard at me. Before anyone can really do anything, another wave of screams pull from the wolves when Raizel throws himself at Landon. His bare hand wraps around Landon's neck, his anger showing through the way his arm shook with unconfined fury.

Lifting him up, Landon struggles to catch his breath. His feet no longer touching the ground with his hands trying to pry Raizel's grip off. He's held up high, Raizel's feral eyes meeting Landon's fearful ones.


He grinds out,

"You're him?"

He doesn't even wait for Landon to answer. Not that he really can with the way he's choking him. Raizel tosses Landon to the side. The brunette can only groan when Raizel holds him by the hair,

"I'm going to enjoy killing you."

He meant every word.

Pulling his leg back, Raizel lands a kick to Landon's side. Blood rushing out of Landon's mouth in an unsightly grimace from the impact. The powerful assault making him double over in pain, but it's not enough. Raizel merely grabs him by the neck, forcing his fist into Landon's face before reeling back again

and again

and again

and again.

The sound of bones cracking, merciless attacks, Landon's coughing and blood spilling fill the empty void. Whimpers and cries from the pack joining together as they watch their Alpha fall into Raizel's madness. I was glued to my spot. Watching in awe as the man who'd done nothing but treat me like a Queen nearly kill a wolf-- an Alpha right in front of me.

Landon suddenly screams out, and my eyes widen. Raizel had broken his wrist, broken his right leg and with another glass-shattering kick, broke one... two... three- four ribs. His claws had finally ascended from the tips of his fingers. He swiped at Landon's skin, drawing out long stripes of slices over his chest. The blood immediately gushing out. By this point, Landon was barely awake. He'd tried fighting back, but every attack Raizel inflicted on him held enough power to knock any average wolf out.

Landon was swaying in Raizel's hold, his head lulling to the side as he kept suffering more and more damage. Raizel doesn't think to hold back. His wolf had gotten the best of him and standing before us was no longer Raizel Locksworth.

It was the Bloodlust Alpha.

The snarl escaping him tells us he wanted more.

More blood.

More pain.

Just more.

His given title no longer seems so farfetched. The thirst for blood when pushed to the limit rivals one of a demon. Like a spawn of hell that sought to spill as much blood as he could. Claws that drug his body up the gates of unadulterated sin. The need for the red liquid straining any other function of his mind.

He was so enwrapped with bloodlust.


Benicio was the first and only wolf to try and interfere. He moved toward Raizel, trying to reach out for Landon with the arm I didn't break but fell short when Raizel plunged his claws into his side. Benicio's jaw goes slack when Raizel pulls his claws out of his flesh. No hint of remorse or care could be traced in his expression.

From the distance we heard Sophie scream. She's hurrying over to her mate as he fell back. Hestia could only watch in utter horror as she glances over to me.

The area where Raizel struck him was nowhere near any vital organs to cause death but enough to draw a considerable amount of blood to soak into his shirt. Crying and choking out tears, mother tears the hem of her dress to push down on the wound. She's screaming for the wolves to help but everyone was too focused on Raizel's storming ferocity to move. Too afraid to be the one on the receiving end of his wrath.

Snapping myself out of my trance, I step forward to try and stop him but someone's hand wraps around me. I look up, seeing Emerson standing by and shaking his head in a firm but silent 'no'. I can't help the confused look on my face. Drawing my brows together, I part my lips in question.

"What are you doing?"

I ask him, trying to pull my hand back. Emerson keeps his hold and warily glances over to where Raizel was digging his nails into Landon's skin.

"You'll get hurt."

Is the only thing he says. It wasn't a warning of 'if' it happens, he knows it will. Chewing on my bottom lip, I give him one final persistent shake of my head. If there was anyone who shouldn't be afraid of him, it'd be me.

"I won't."

Pressing his lips in a thin line, he reluctantly lets go and watches as I make my way to Raizel's heaving form. His back is turned to me, head turned in Landon's direction. Landon, who was laying on the ground, blinks slowly when he sees me approaching. A spark of hope in those diminishing green eyes but I simply look away. My wolf not wanting to give him any other reason for his crazy delusions only whines at the look on Raizel's face.

I take in a breath, warily lifting my hand up and gently touched the side of his face. His hand quickly wraps around my wrist in a tight, bruise-inducing hold and I wince from the contact. He wasn't in complete control. Still hazy from the anger rushing through his veins to see clearly. Isaac steps forward, and shoots me a look. His bluish green eyes brimming with concern.


I tell him. My voice soft but strong. Still looking a bit perplexed, Isaac hangs back for a few seconds in case I changed my mind and gives me a curt nod when I don't.

I turn my attention back at Raizel, his hold still tight around my wrist but not enough to break it. I move closer and almost immediately felt the radiating warmth he gives out. His dark eyes finally leave Landon to fix on me.

Lifting my other hand, I place my palm at the other side of his face. Both hands now cradling his head. Raizel relaxes, dark eyes softening just a bit before he nuzzles his face on my fingers. A soft purr rumbling from the back of his throat as he breathes me in. He slowly removes his hand from my wrist, opting to press his large hands on my hips. His thick arms encircling around me as he buries the tip of his nose in the crook of my neck.

His soft hair tickles the side of my face. The string scent of rosewood and pine filling my nostrils. I feel him calming, his wolf slowly giving up the reins of control as he holds me tighter against him. The strong beating of his heart thundering against my chest and very well matches mine. Our hearts beating as one when I run my fingers through his thick hair. Stroking his scalp as gently as I could, he groans and licks at the junction connecting my neck and shoulder.

"My Selene..."

He mumbles.

"Mine. "

His fingers press into my side, but I don't flinch away from his hold.

"Only mine."

He adds. His wolf pulls from my neck and presses his forehead against mine. Such darkness embedded in his gaze with a small flame of fire lighting up when he looks at me.


He asks softly. There's uncertainty in his eyes. The slight tremor in his voice coaxing a frown to mar my face. I nod against him, running the pads of my thumb over his cheekbones. A gesture I had hoped would calm him enough.


Forcibly trying to calm himself, Raizel shuts his eyes tight before sighing out. He wants to leave. I can feel his growing outrage beginning to spike again. He wants to kill Landon but knows he shouldn't. Sliding a hand down to his, I lace our fingers together and tug him in the direction of the van. I turn my attention to the other wolves,

"We're leaving with the Gamma."

This time, no protests come. Everyone merely splits apart to allow us through. Chamberlain's unconscious body being dragged to the detainment van coated in hard metals with inner silver walls. The gazes of wolves following us as Raizel and I wordlessly enter the van. Isaac and Emerson choosing to stay on guard with Chamberlain but before we enter, I can see an awestruck look on Emerson's face. A small smile gracing his features as he looks to me and mouths a soft, 'thank you'.

Raizel was quiet. A hard look set in his expression but never letting go of my hand. His fingers curled around mine as he stares out the window. The drive out quiet but when I look behind us, the wolves are all fussing around Landon and my father. For a second, Landon's eyes catch mine. A look of overwhelming sadness washing over him as he watches our van pull out fro the driveway.

Alpha, where are we going?

I look to Raizel. My eyes skim down his body, noting how he'd gotten scratches from Landon but nothing too concerning. He was bleeding, covered in blood that was 95% not his with a look of complete disarray. Dark hair messy and tousled, body glistening with sweat, shirt torn at the sleeves and the hem. I lay my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes for a brief moment as I listened to his heartbeats.

Ignis Red. Take us to Ignis Red.


"Welcome back Alph- what the fuck."

Weston stops short when he sees Raizel and I. He takes a moment processing our ragged state before freezing in his step. His eyes are wide open as he looks to Emerson for an explanation who instead sends him a warning shake of the head.

The two seem to be communicating through mind link when understanding crosses his features. A semblance of pity wallows in his expression. Whether if it was for me or Raizel, I wasn't so sure of. Williams' unit carries Chamberlain down to the cells, Isaac following them close behind for safety measures leaving Raizel, Weston, Emerson and I in front of the pack house porch. It's silent. Tense and unbelievably uncomfortable.

Weston looks ready to say something, but Raizel tugs me behind him as he walks into the pack house. His hand still holding mine tightly as he leads us to the living room. He takes a few long, quick strides toward the stairs when we pass by some of his pack members. Their expressions morphing from confusion to joy when they see our locked hands.

The feeling I get from Ignis Red territory was very similar to the feeling I first got at Greyhound territory--


My wolf marvels at the sight. She doesn't hide her peaking interest in the interior designs, feel and decorations on the walls and floors. Her favorite being the smell of the place. Raizel's scent is thick around the pack house, all over the furniture and halls. She got excited when he led us to the room at the very top floor where his scent lingers the most.

His room.

He yanks the door open, pulling me inside with him before slamming it shut and pushing me against the wood. My heart was beating out of my chest. Adrenaline, excitement, nervousness all pooling in the pit of my stomach when he drops his head to my shoulder.

Raizel is still far too tense. The blood splattered all over his heaving form dried up and stained him for all to see. The cold, distant look in his eyes is so different from when he looks at me. Maybe that's why he didn't. Not once has he met my eyes since we left Nightwake. From the way Emerson kept glancing over to our clasped hands earlier before, I could guess that these 'episodes' of his happen a lot. Or rather, that these episodes are hard to contain.

I wrap my arms around his torso, carefully making sure not to press on any of his scratches. I doubt he would've even noticed. He barely winced when Landon scratched him-- possibly because he didn't even realize.

We stood there for what seemed like an eternity. Just holding each other without a word. His scent mixing with mine, his heartbeat falling into pace with mine, his breathing slowing down like mine. Touches for more than the sake of it. My fingers glide down his back, tracing the lines and curves of his muscles.

He shivers against me. A ripple of pleasure passing between us. I pull back, staring down at his body and take his hand. He doesn't say anything, but he arches an eyebrow at me. I simple smile, clasping my fingers around his and pull him to the direction of the bathroom. The door was wide open, a large bath at the wall and a shower at the corner. Flicking the light open, I lead him inside. I push him to the shower until he's standing right under the shower head.

Raizel tilts his head to the side, confusion inscribed with a tormented frown. The creases on his forehead displaying his slight displeasure at the loss of contact. The desire to trace every dip and curve of his form grips my heart in my chest. Swallowing, I run my hands over his shoulder-blades, enjoying the ridges of his muscles tensing.

He's watching silently, bright eyes taking in my every move. He's alert but calm. Excited but nervous. Then slowly, ever so slowly, I drag my hands down his chest before settling in the center.

I stare up at him, keeping our eye contact and found the first stud of his shirt

and unbuttoned it.

!!!! smirky smirk smirk !!!!

There's no need for any exchange of words.

No need to clarify anything when I continue my work.

Button after button, his shirt opens to reveal a strip of his toned chest. I had to keep my eyes from lingering, trying hard to focus at the task of taking his shirt off. Gawking at his figure was something I planned to do later. Heat bubbled in the pit of my stomach, forcing a blush over my skin. My cheeks, my neck, my ears, I felt hot everywhere. His perfectly proportioned body staying still as he waits.

Gently, my nails graze against his abs when I unbutton the last one.

He groans, body flinching when I let my hands rest at his hips. The pleasurable tingles run through me when I glide my hands over his abdomen, up his chest and to his shoulders. Our eyes connect, his breathing going hard when I slip my fingers under the fabric of shirt and unhurriedly brush the clothing off his shoulders and arms until it fell to the floor.

He's quick to understand where this is going. We both hurriedly take our shoes off and by the time I bend back up, Im caught at a stand still.

I suck in a sharp breath, unable to resist the urge to run my eyes down his bare upper body. His sculpted torso teasing me to the point of desperation. I bite back a moan, chewing on my lips at the delicious sight of him. The pants he wore stuck snug at his hips to which I could see the beginnings of his happy trail leading the area below his belt. I force my eyes up, leaning toward him and twisting the shower knob to the right.

Water sprinkles over his head, drenching him and I completely but we never take our eyes off each other. The blood that dried on his skin washing away to reveal slight marks of which the scratches were. It was only now that I realized he had a small tattoo on his chest in the shape of a crescent moon.

Without thinking, I reach out. The tips of my fingers tracing around the ink when his hand gently holds mine to stop it. I look up to him, slightly afraid he didn't like it when he pulls my hand to his face. He presses a firm kiss on my wrist, sticking the tip of his tongue out to trail up and over the heel of my hand, to my palm and finally

to my fingers.

My breath catches in my throat. The heat burning between my legs runs rampant. No matter how cool the water was set, we were burning hot. We were soaked. My shirt clinging onto the shape of my body like my pants were. My hair was in a similar state, sticking onto my skin as his did.

We shamelessly drank in the other's bodies; loving the sight of each other dripping wet. Hands twitch to touch, squeeze, hold and caress. The atmosphere sexual and strained. It was a waiting game.Both of us waiting for the trigger. Waiting to unleash the neediness we both suffered.

It's almost too much.

A startled noise came from the back of my throat when he drops my hand to lay both of his on my waist. He looks at me, eyes questioning as he curls his fingers around the hem of my shirt. He doesn't move until I respond. I can barely feel myself nod when he lifts the now skin tight fabric up and over my chest until it's completely discarded.

He drops my shirt to the floor. His hands wandering at my waist as he breathes in deeply. Heated dark eyes raking down the swell of my chest only covered by a black bra. He swallows thickly, eyes meeting mine when he slowly dips his head down. The hooded look in his grey orbs so enticingly seductive I have to force myself from acting out.

I follow his lead mindlessly. There's no room for doubt, second guessing or even thinking of the aftermath. Allowing myself this one moment to be led by this trance and sexual tension. Goddess it felt like forever. Inch by inch the space between us is erased until our lips touch.

The was his lips molds against mine is heavenly. Hands reach out to grasp onto each other in desperation.They run down his back, nails digging into his skin as he lets out a low moan.

His own hands find their way back to my waist until one of them disappears into my hair. He pulls at the hair-tie, releasing my hair from a ponytail so he could twist his fingers around them. The water raining over us do nothing to extinguish the ever-growing flame holding us together.

Our eyes flutter shut. Groans and moans with the sound of water pattering against the shower floor engulfing us both. The tip of his tongue swipes at the seam of my lips. A bold move that I eagerly welcome.

What started out slow and sensual quickly growing hungry with the intention to sate the thirst.

Raizel's hands wander against my skin. Pushing me to the shower wall as he deepens our kiss, he cages me. I shiver when the cool shower wall touches my back. Tongue against tongue, a battle for dominance is ensued. Dominance I was almost all too willing to give up for when his hand reached between us to tug at my pants button. He tugged, drawing my attention to my pants and hastily unbuttoned it myself. Raizel stops me, his hands curled around my wrists and pulled it away from my jeans. He used one hand to push my arms above my head, angling his head down to my shoulder.

I groaned, throwing my head back until it rested against the shower wall. Raizel's lips trailing down my neck with wet, open-mouthed kisses. Every little peck igniting all new sorts of sensations across my body. He glides his tongue over my collarbone, licking a line down between my breasts and over my bra to my navel.

I stop breathing, watching him through my lashes as he kneels before me. He looks up once and licks his lips,

"Do you want this?"

Goddess, he sounded so sexy.

The husky deep undertone just bleeding with seduction was enough to rake another ripple of bliss through my spine. I nod, raising a hand to my mouth and bit at my bottom lip.


Breathless. I was so breathless.

Raizel looks back to my pants, hooking his fingers around my belt loops before pulling down. I can feel a rumble of satisfaction from my wolf. She was enjoying every second of what was going on. But me? It was pure torture. His fingers grazing against my thighs when he made the move to get my pants off.

So. Painstakingly. Slow.

The heat of the moment going passed boiling point when he slides my pants off my legs to toss over his shoulders. He holds my leg up, hooking it over his shoulder as I stood pressed against the wall. My heart ready to jump out of my chest as when he pushes himself between my legs.

He looks at me one last time,

"Are you sure?"

"Very fucking sure."

His lips twitch into a small smirk from the desperation in my voice. The shakiness, the sound of it almost like a whine-- I would've found it mortifying but in this moment, I could hardly care. All I could think about was his damn tongue and just what he could do with it.

(Damn okay Selly you horny af)

He carefully slid his fingers over my underwear. A whimper pulling from my lips when he begins to rub the base of his fingers over my clit. He rolls his fingers over the bud, teasing, when he slides his fingers in my underwear to touch me directly.

I suck in a breath, shutting my eyes when he suddenly stops. The beginnings of a whine nearly tears from inside me.

I peel my eyes open, staring down at him curiously.

"Eyes on me, love."

He licks my inner thigh,

"Eyes on me."

My legs clench together, the dampness in my underwear growing and not because of the water spilling over our heads. Raizel grips down on my thigh, spreading my legs open for him. I feel his hands crimp against the thin material of the waistband. Without pausing, he rips the cloth apart, effectively ridding me of my underwear with an aggressive growl from his wolf.

I gape at him, blinking rapidly at his sudden roughness. I was silently thanking the Goddess above I wasn't wearing one of my favorites. The sudden goosebumps his action caused though... there was no denying I enjoyed the rougher side of him.

He stuck out his tongue, licking down my wet slit before lapping at my clit. The pleasure beaming throughout my senses unlike anything I felt before. I watch with half lidded eyes, remembering his order to watch him, and moaned when he sucked at my bud. My pussy pulsing with desire when he swirls the flat of his tongue around my swollen bud. I feel my stomach coiling, more moans echoing off the walls of the bathroom when he slides a finger down my folds. He hesitates, waiting to see if I liked what he was doing before sliding his finger inside me.


I groan, running my fingers through his hair. I tug at his locks, moaning when he begins to pump his finger in and out. So slow but so good. Pushing me to the brim of my climax after he added another digit. It's so odd. The intrusion slightly weird just because I wasn't accustomed to it done by someone else. Someone with longer, bigger fingers than mine.

My fingers curl around his damp hair harder. It's almost impossible to keep my eyes open but I manage. That is, until he starts to curve his fingers. My mouth falls open and his name is the first thing I manage to say.

I whine, biting down on my lip when he fastens his pace. His dark eyes zeroing on my lips as doesn't slow down his pace. He moves his thumb to my clit, rubbing in circles while pumping in and out of me. My walls clamp around his digits in greed to which he groans out his appreciation.

The desire pent up inside him guides his actions. His arousal evident from the bulge in his pants.

"So wet."

He mumbles, taking his fingers out and sucking my warmth off his fingers. I hold back a plea for him to take me. The annoying voice telling me to take initiative and take what I want ringing in the back of my head. I had no desire to stop. I wanted to go even further.

He abruptly stands in front of me, pressing close until both of his arms are at my sides. Raizel flattens his palms against the wall. I open my mouth to ask him what he's doing but nothing comes out. The words are drowned out by how his mouth catches mine.

I sigh against his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him even closer. My breasts press against his chest in a snug fit. Raizel makes quick work of his pants, yanking the belt off and unzipping his trousers before it pooled around his ankles. He kicks his pants to the side, angling his head over when he feels my lips attach to the sensitive skin of his neck.

Licking down the nape and over his collarbone, I reveled in the moan he lets out. I'm not even fazed when I feel him reach over my back to unclip my bra. I let it fall just as easily as everything else I wore before.

I felt a smile inch over my face when I catch sight of the bar of soap behind him. I untangle my arms around his neck, reaching for the soap and rub it over his chest. Cleaning every inch of his torso clean of blood while shaping his structure in my mind.

Memorizing the way his body was created and feeling tremendously blessed that this man was mine.

Raizel groans when I bend down, running the soap bar over his abdomen and down to his thighs. I kneel, taking in the sight of his hardened length curving over his stomach with the tip touching his belly button. He was.. intimidating. Goddess above, was this man blessed. I lick my lips without thinking, acting on raw instinct to wrap my hand around his cock.

It was a curious thing. To feel the weight of him in my hand. Hot, thick and unsurprisingly hard.

I feel him flinch in surprise, jolting in my hold when his bright grey eyes stare down at me with unmasked amazement. Having no experience in this whatsoever, I experimentally pump my hand, taking in consideration the way his eyes rolled to the back his head.

That had to be a good sign, right?

"Fuck, that's good-"

he groans, running his hand through my hair. I feel pride swell inside me, using his encouragement as motivation to keep going. I may be a virgin but I wasnt ignorant to sex. I've had my fair share of stories and the many retellings of Noah's adventurous sex life with Mailia. Granted, I've never asked for those details she was so insistent on telling me.

I swept the pads of my fingers over the veins on his cock before going over the tip oozing with pre-cum. Hearing him moan and feeling it in my hand managed to turn me on more.

I clench my legs together.

I want to taste him, to feel my tongue tracing his veins, to feel my cheeks hollow around his length, to feel him thrust into my mouth.

I want it so bad my mouth waters.

I peer up to Raizel, noting that his head was tossed back with his eyes shut tight. I wanted to do it... and there's nothing really stoping me, is there?

Breathing out over his cock, my heart raced when he began thrusting into my hand. I glanced at him one last time, held onto the drop of confidence left in me and licked the tip of his length.

He startles so hard he nearly stumbles. He snaps his eyes on me and with a parted mouth watched as I did it again.

Salty, bitter but unreasonable addicting, I lick from the base of his cock and over. He cussed, fisting a hand in my hair. The look of predatory possessiveness he gives me urges me to do more. I want him to moan because of me. I want him to feel good because of me. With this mindset, I open my mouth, sliding his length down my tongue and moaned when the tip touched the back of my throat.

The urge to gag is there but I steadily ignore it. I want to do this. Even if I don't do it right, I want to get him in my mouth.

"You're so good to me."

He praises, thrusting into my mouth at a very slow pace. I'm intoxicated with lust. The hazy yearning for him overpowering everything. I scratch at his thighs, telling him to go harder and he nods, his thrusts getting a little faster. He's making sure not to choke me, only thrusting bit by bit at a time.

His muscles tighten, breathing hard and heavy when he throws his head back. His other hand gently holding my jaw affectionately while running his thumb over my jawline. Hollowing my cheeks, he hisses out. His cock pulsing in my mouth with a want to release.

I want to take him in even deeper but before I could, Raizel suddenly lifts me up and hooks my legs around his waist.

He kisses me, a ferocious clashing of our teeth and wet muscle. As much as I want to be annoyed with how he interrupted me, I can't. I can't deny him of this. Not when I want this just as bad.

A strong arm wraps around my waist to steady me while he turns off the shower with the other. The soap suds long gone from his form.

"I always knew you'd be the death of me,"

He mumbled against my lips,

"But at the same time, I live for you too."

He rolls his hips into mine. His cock sliding against my wet folds teasingly. His length rubbing my clit back and forth. Goddess I wanted him so bad. The ache between my legs calling desperately for him. I feel myself leaking, an embarrassing amount of arousal coating his cock. Every brush of the tip only adding more heat to the fire.

I reach out between us, taking hold of his cock as I suck on his bottom lip.


I whimper.

"I'll give you everything. My heart, body, soul. Anything."

He tells me. He lays another heart stopping kiss to my lips.

"Just tell me you're mine."

He begs. He nips at my neck, teeth taking a soft patch of flesh in between. Arching my my back into him, I press my warmth further on his cock. Encasing his avid body part between my slit. His jaw ticks with wearing self control. His grinds going harder as his hold becomes increasingly aggressive.


It's that last word that gets to me. I feel his sorrow pouring into my heart, his desperation for confirmation. But I already did. He had everything. He just didn't realize it yet.

"Yes. Yours. All yours."

His canines ascend, his want to mark me written on his face but he holds himself back. He gets hold of himself, pumping his cock a few times before lining himself at my entrance. Then slowly, he plunges his length inside of me. A slight sting of pain making me shudder but he stops from the second he realizes my discomfort.

He kisses my temple, groaning when my walls tighten around him.

"I'll wait."

He mutters,

"I don't want to hurt you."

The slight pain washes away after a few seconds and I pull him closer against me. He doesn't try to resist, allowing me to pull our bodies tight together. Leaning down to his ear, I whisper softly,

"I know you won't."

The look in his eyes make me melt. The smile gracing his face that radiated with pure innocence at my words warm my heart. He knew I wasn't just talking about sexually.

Tightening his hold around my waist, he pushes my back against the wall and slowly seats himself fully inside of me. I involuntarily gasp out, my nails digging into his shoulders. His thickness filling me so good I could feel my peak just over my reach. I moan, rolling my hips into his to get him to start moving.

He takes the hint, pulling himself out of me before gradually pushing back in. The feeling of his veiny cock pounding into my tightness calls forth the kind of ecstasy I could see stars in. he's getting comfortable but so am I. My hand flies to the shower wall, wrapping to the wet tiles as he fucks into me. The earlier delicacy completely forgotten about as we ravage each other like animals. His pace going faster and harder that I could feel my him pounding me into the wall.

I'm babbling nonsense. I'm sure I've said his name and begged him to go harder all in one breath. The wanton need to get him deeper is the only thing on my mind. Not the rogues, not the pack, not Landon-

Nothing but him.

I shut my eyes, tears spilling from my eyelids at how good he felt.

His hips grinds against mine wildly, the sound of skin slapping skin bouncing off the walls and back to my ears. I was drowning in pleasure, my toes curling from the way his cock fit perfectly inside of me. Rough, relentless thrusts one after the other forcing out a string of moans out of me. The animalistic way he was pleasing me a major turn on that I had no hope of hiding.

Somehow the sound of our copulating makes it even hotter.

"You're so fucking good."

He hums, biting down on his bottom lip when he bucks his hips, his cock twitching inside as he suddenly pulled out. I whined, forcing my head in his direction when he suddenly slammed back in. His balls hitting my ass and my pussy tightening around his length even more from the abruptness. The stinging mixture of pain and pleasure clouding everything else except for him. The heat his body gave me, the pain, the pleasure. Every single thought of mine revolved around him and getting him closer. My back arched in response when he rubbed my clit. The tingly feeling in my legs returning.

My legs are trembling, shaking from the gratification of sex. I couldn't help but twitch. The tight coil in my stomach getting closer and closer to unwinding with my hand clawing at his back. He moaned louder, seemingly pleased with the way I was drawing blood with my nails.

Water rolled down his chest, I wasn't sure if it was from the shower or if it was sweat but either way he looked so damn good. His damp hair sticking onto his skin like glue on paper. Dark eyes intense and smoldering. I spread my legs wider for him, loving the way he took my legs with both hands to help me up. I was certain I going to bruise, possibly be rendered immobile from how rough he was going but I knew I wouldn't have any regrets. I didn't mind the bruises.

I wanted this just as bad as he did.

Slamming into me, he throws his head back, letting out a string of profanities under his breath. His grip was tight, fingers curving over my thighs as he stiffened. The pulsing of his cock and the convulsing my body warning us of our peaks. He works his way down to my clit, lips still attached to my neck as his hand squeezes my breast.

"I'm going to cum."

He warned, grinding down on his teeth with a look of euphoria washing over him. I nod, shutting my eyes tight when I finally feel myself release. My pussy gripping down on him greedily when he spills himself inside. Long ropes of his warm cum coating my walls as he gave me three more languid thrusts. He doesn't remove himself, not even when his cum was starting to drip from inside me. He rests his forehead on mine, our breathing meshed together haphazardly.

Kissing the corner of his mouth, I take his hand and lead it to my chest. He stares at me silently trying to catch his breath. His warm palm is flat against my chest.


I tell him softly. Leading his hand back to his chest, I press my palm on him and stare him straight in the eyes before leaning in for one last kiss after muttering,




It's not over.

Part two of sexy sex sex in the next chapter llolololololooolooooollololololol



And this bitch tired af.

If my parents saw the shit I write you best believe id be dead.

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