Being Bad

By kathleenf4

10.4K 430 28

| COMPLETE | [this is the first draft of my story. so, if there's grammatical mistakes and continuity errors... More

Chapter 1: Free
Chapter 2: New Changes
Chapter 3: The Gang
Chapter 4: I Challenge You
Chapter 5: Too Many Rich Kids
Chapter 6: Cat Got Your Tongue?
Chapter 7: Detention Is For Losers
Chapter 8: Fo Shizzle
Chapter 9: Just A Loner
Chapter 10: Your Cherry
Chapter 11: Playing The Game
Chapter 12: Just Hanging Around
Chapter 13: How You Get The Girl
Chapter 15: Punches From Hell
Chapter 16: What I've Been Waiting For
Chapter 17: I'm A Sunflower
Chapter 18: Run!
Chapter 19: Forgiveness
Chapter 20: Meet The Parents
Chapter 21: Escaping Reality
Chapter 22: Okie Dokie Karaoke
Chapter 23: A Secret Is Revealed [Part 1]
Chapter 24: A Secret Is Revealed [Part 2]
Chapter 25: A New Friend
Chapter 26: Friday Night Lights
Chapter 27: Dancing Like Kanye
Chapter 28: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
Chapter 29: Friend Of A Friend
Chapter 30: Dramatic Halloween Bash
Chapter 31: Thank You Next Bitch!
Chapter 32: The Price To Pay
Chapter 33: An Unexpected Occurence
Chapter 34: A Question
Chapter 35: It's Not A Party Without Any Drama
Chapter 36: The Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 37: My Answer Is Yes
Chapter 38: Andrew Is M.I.A.
Chapter 39: The Guitar Keychain
Chapter 40: More Than Friends?
Chapter 41: Lost But Not Found
Chapter 42: Always Come Back
Chapter 43: On The Right Side Of Rock Bottom
Chapter 44: Ruin My Life
Chapter 45: A Price Family Reunion
Chapter 46: Simm Records
Chapter 47: Amateur Night
Chapter 48: Sing!
Chapter 49: I'm Not Gonna Give All My Secrets Away
Chapter 50: A Strain In The Relationship
Chapter 51: Battle Wounds
Chapter 52: There's Something Really Wrong
Chapter 53: The Plan
Chapter 54: He's A Monster
Chapter 55: It's A Showdown
Chapter 56: Come With Me
Chapter 57: The Different Side of Andrew
Chapter 58: Andrew's Dark Past
Chapter 59: When Everything Changes
Chapter 60: The Business Gala
Chapter 61: You Can Either Peel The Mango Or Do The Tango
Chapter 62: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 63: First Official Date
Chapter 64: Just A Glimpse
Chapter 65: I Want It All
Chapter 66: Visit To The Hospital
Chapter 67: Congratulations!
Chapter 68: Can You Get Me A Pregnancy Test?
Chapter 69: City Of Angels
Chapter 70: You Can Never Be Forgiven
Chapter 71: Dahlia.
Chapter 72: Things End Badly
Chapter 73: Broken
Chapter 74: The Inevitable
Chapter 75: The Aftermath
Chapter 76: A Glimpse Of The Future
Chapter 77: Prom Night At Hater High [Part 1]
Chapter 78: Prom Night At Hater High [Part 2]
Chapter 79: Prom Night At Hater High [Part 3]
Chapter 80: The Five Stages Of Grief
Chapter 81: You're In My Veins But I Have To Let Go
Chapter 82: Beginning Of The End
Chapter 83: Fairytale Wedding
Author's Note

Chapter 14: The Player

151 8 0
By kathleenf4

Above: Dean Geyer as Cole Russell

Honestly, probably the best pick I had for him. Cole is such a funny, up-beat character, and I wanted to have a face to match up with him. I love Cole so much and I can't wait for you to see his development, and all the characters as well.

Enjoy Chapter 15!


Lia James

He smirked.

He freaking smirked.

He just stood there, in front of the Men's bathroom, all sweaty and flustered...and just smirked, at me.

But I went into panic mode when he started to walk towards the booth I was sitting in. He said right across from me, nonchalantly.

"Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What?" He smirked, running his hands through his curly hair, which was jelled up at the front.

"You're in public." I spoke harshly, and he just chuckled.

"Hasn't stopped me before." I covered my eyes with my hands and leaned forward in frustration.

"Just, keep it in your pants."

"No can do, LeeLee. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do." He looked like he was enjoying this. And that really pissed me off.

"You're really pissing me off." I glared at him once again.

"I guess the feelings mutual, then." He smiled, this time showing his teeth. I continued my expression, and he just sighed.

I heard the sound of heels clicking on the ground, so I turned my head, only to find the girl who was just in the bathroom with Andrew, approaching us at an alarming speed.

"Hey Andrew, I forgot my...Who is this?" She asked, pointing towards me.

"Nobody." He smirks my way, and I made a face.

She sat down next to Andrew, and put her head on his shoulder. He just looked out the window, unamused. "When can we do this again sometime?"

I scoffed, and she glared at me. "Do you have something to say?" She spat, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Andrew, did you call the doctor yet?" I asked him, completely ignoring this bitch's question.

"No. Why? What doctor?" He asked, but immediately regretted it. There's no turning back now.

"Oh, you know. About the STD? He called this morning to see if you still have those burning sensations...down there." I cleared my throat, now turning my attention to the witch next to him. "Welp, looks like you had sex with a guy who has an incurable STD. That means you might have to go to the doctors and get a whole bunch of tests done. Oh, and trust me, it's definitely your fault. You should've asked before you practically jumped and humped him. Well, bye-bye now." I waved at her, and she got up, huffing. She looked like she was about to cry, and I just turned my attention to Andrew, who gave me a blank stare.

"What? That girl practically had it coming." I shrugged. Honestly all these girls that he attracts are so annoying.

"It's a good thing she doesn't go to our school, or I would have a lot of explaining to do." He chuckled, and I sighed.

"Where does she go to school?"

"She's graduating college this year." My eyes widened, and he just laughed.

"Are you serious? You're like...17 years old! That's disgusting." I whispered, putting my palms on the table.

"I'm turning 18 in a couple months, so it doesn't really matter." He shrugged.

I looked at him, this guy who is completely unfazed by anything other than girls. Someone who practically humps and dumps girls.

Such. A. Player.

His leather jacket was situated on the side, right next to him by the window, and he was wearing a navy blue T-shirt. I was surprised about how he didn't have any tattoos, usually bad boys tend to have really nice sleeve tattoos or some all over their chest.

His hair looked like it was getting long. The top part of his hair, was jelled up at the front, but it definitely looked like he needed a hair cut. He practically has a bush on top of his head.

I looked at a particular spot on his neck, one that had smeared red lipstick all over it, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What? What the hell is wrong with you?" He looked at me, concerned, while I held my stomach in laughter.

"She got you." I snorted.

"What do you mean?"

"Her lipstick is all over this side of your neck." I said, pointing to the side that was infected with that girl's lip fungus.

"Get it off!" He whispered, and I looked at him confused.

"I'm not touching that!" I whispered back.

"I can't see it! Get it off!"

"Fine!" I gave up, and leaned over the table, grabbing a napkin. I then proceeded to rub his neck, trying to get it off, but it kept smudging.

"I can't get it, it keeps smudging. You might have to go to the bathroom and fix it yourself." I said it, more harsh than I intended. He nodded, and then got up, walking towards the bathroom.

While he was gone, the waitress had asked me if I wanted another coffee, and I politely declined. I asked for the bill, and she said that it was already covered. Probably Eli or something. She picked up my coffee mug and walked away.

It was still raining outside, and I mentally patted myself on the back for remembering my raincoat. Before I came here, I had looked at the weather app, and it said it was going to stop. But I didn't want to be too sure, and I was right, judging by the raindrops hitting the window every millisecond.

I put on my raincoat, and grabbed the land yard, which had my license, the keys to my house back in Maine,  my car keys, and about 20 dollars. I put it around my neck, and was ready to walk out of the shop, but was stopped by a pair of hands pulling me back.

"Where are you going?" I turned around and saw Andrew, he was all cleaned up from the lipstick extravaganza.

"I'm going home." I said, blankly and he still held his firm grip on my arm.

"Do you have your car?" He asked, and I gave up, knowing he could see right through me.

"No." I shook my head.

"Let me take you home." He said, and I just scoffed.

"I can walk perfectly fine, alright. One foot in front of the other." I replied sarcastically, and he glared at me.

"You're gonna get soaked, plus you could get a cold from it." He spoke honestly. It was nice that he was concerned, but I wanted to be alone.

"I'm fine." I shrugged his hands off my arm, and walked out of the coffee shop completely aware of the footsteps following me.

My phone beeped from a text, and I looked down at it. It was Aunt Alex.

Aunt Alex: Hi Lia. They called me in for an emergency shift at the care center. Mason is at a friends house, and Lia is still out on a date. Let me know if you get inside the house okay.

I groaned loudly, flinging my head back in frustration.

"What?" Andrew asked.

"Nobody's home at the Butler residence." I shrugged, and then stomped my foot.

"That's a bad thing?" He asked another question, confused.

"Considering Mason still hasn't given me the dumb house key, yes. Since there is no way I could get into the house right now." He nodded, and I put my raincoat hood up, since my hair was starting to get damp.

"What about Angelina?" He asked.

"She's out on a date with Dante from the football team." I said, completely unamused.

"Ah, the linebacker. What time is she going back to the house?"

"Geez, Mr. Twenty Questions! I honestly have no idea what time. I'm going to text her right now." I answered, and he chuckled at his nickname.

Lia: L, what time are you getting home? I'm out right now and Mason still hasn't given me the key yet, so I have no way to get into the house.

It wasn't long before she texted me back.

Lina: Thank goodness you texted me Lia! Dante's in the bathroom right now and I'm still so nervous. I mean he's nice and all, but I'm not sure if he's looking for a relationship. But anyway, I'm not going to be back until 9:30.

Lia: Okay, thanks. Go get him, tiger!

I smirked at our mini conversation, and realized Andrew was waiting for an answer.

"Oh, right. Well, Angelina isn't getting back to the house until 9:30, and it's...huh, 8:00." I flung my hands up in the air in frustration.

"It's okay, want to just hang with me until then?" He offered.


"Why not? Would you honestly want to walk in the rain and have to wait an hour and a half for her to come back?" He asked, and I knew that I couldn't refuse.

"Fine. So, what are we going to do?"

"I have an idea." He said, before leading me to his car.


After we got out of Andrew's car, he took me to a park, just on the outskirts of town. It had a little river, just beside it, and since it was raining, it was running furiously. There was a walkway made of stones leading to a really cute gazebo. The roof was a light color brown, and the polls and fence, surrounding the platform inside, was white. There were about 3 benches in total, in there. The dangling lights hanging from the sides, made it look so much more pleasing.

Andrew had his guitar slung over his shoulder, and he lightly put it to the side, and then took his leather jacket off. I took my raincoat off.

"This is a really cute place." I admitted.

"Yeah, it's not bad. My parents used to take me here all the time when I was a kid. I played with my siblings the whole day, and they would just watch." He started. "It was peaceful, to be honest."

"No, I get it. I used to play with Mason and Angelina at a creek near our houses. It was sort of a sacred ground there. My parents got married there too." I sat back onto the bench, reminiscing.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked me, and I knew this conversation was going to get deep. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about it.

"Yeah, I have 3. One is actually my half-brother." I told him, and he looked at me intently.

"From what side of the family?" He asked, and I looked at him in thought. His facial expression seemed like he was interested, but I knew he could easily fool me.

"My mom's." I told him, and he nodded.

"Why do you seem like you're afraid to tell me things?" He asked bluntly, and I knew I could never get away with anything.

"Because." I sighed. "Because people have told me bad things about you, and when I'm talking with you, I try so hard not to think about those things so that I could know you for you, but I can't help but think about them."

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like, you and Shelby, while Mason was dating her." I told him, and he put his hands on his eyes.


"Look, I'm going to be completely honest with you...that was a dick move. And I can't help but be mad at you by that. Plus, Mason is kind of my best friend every since we were kids and I am kind of forced to be on his side." I answered and he just blinked.

"Look, I know it was a dick move, but I was drunk and she apparently liked me. My judgement was obviously impaired, and I lost one of my good friends that night." He looked down to the ground.

"And second, the way you treat girls is so unbelievable. I mean, are you ever going to grow out of your old habits?" When he didn't answer, I scoffed.

"Maybe. I don't know. We'll see." He finally answered, and I twiddled my thumbs.

"And the third reason is that...I have trouble opening up sometimes. I can't really explain why."

"Bad break up?" He asked, and I released eye contact.

"Actually I've never had a boyfriend." My eyes shot up when I heard him laugh.

"Hey! That's not funny!" I punched his arm, and he still continued to laugh.

"So that means you've never kissed anyone?" He smiled, and I shook my head.

"Nope." I said.

"Wow." He flung his head back. "You're 17 years old, Lia. How come you've never had a boyfriend?" He asked.

"Couldn't find the right person, I guess. Plus, people at my old school thought I was super ugly, and they practically all hated me. So there's that."

"Are you attracted to girls?" He asked, and I knew he was just trying to get under my skin.

"Shut up! I'm not attracted to girls!" I punched him in the arm again, and he rubbed the spot on his arm.

"Watch the guns." He pouted, and I just scoffed at him.

"Okay, now that you've made me completely vulnerable, you have to tell me something. Like..." I made a clicking sound with my tongue. "How many siblings do you have?"


"What about their names? How old are they?" I asked.

"I have an older sister, and her name is Celina. And I have a younger brother, and his name is Nicholas, Nick for short."

"Do they go to our school?" I asked him.

"Celina is about to graduate college, and Nick is a freshman at our school."

"So, he's 14?"

"He actually just turned 15." He answered, and I tried coming up with more questions.

"Um...who are you more close with?"

"My brother, since my sister is away half of the time."

"Where does she go to college?" I asked.

"She goes to University of Miami, in Florida."

"I know where Miami is, you dumb." He chuckled. "What about your parents? Tell me about them."

"Why? You want to meet them sometime?" He eyed me, and I pushed him.


" Well, my Dad owns a car company, and that's where we get most of our income from. My mom is a music producer. Probably the best one in California."

"Wait, you own the Price cars? I should've known. My uncle has one back in Maine."

"Oh cool." He nodded. "Our company is voted the number one car brand in America."

"Oh, so you're a rich boy?" I raised an eyebrow, and he shrugged nonchalantly.

"I guess so. It doesn't really bother me. My family just feels normal...sometimes."

"What do you mean?"

"Since the car brand has got so much attention, our family has been really famous over the past 12 years. More famous than the Kardashians." He smirked, as my jaw dropped.

"Careful, LeeLee. Don't want a fly to go in your mouth." He closed my jaw for me.

"Wait...You're Dad is Jeremy Price?" I looked at him surprised, and he nodded. "And your Mom-"

"Natalia Price? Yep, that's her." I gasped.

"So, that must mean you're really famous."

"Yeah, the paparazzi follow me around almost every day. My parents had to pay them off to not follow me to school, and around the San Diego area."

"Wow, that's a lot to take in." I sighed. "Does everyone know that you're famous, you know, at school?" I asked him.

"Yeah, pretty much everyone...except for you, I'm guessing."

"Well, I'm not really a TV kind of girl. I'm more stay outside until the sun goes down kind of girl." I answered honestly.

"That's good to know not everyone knows I'm famous." He breathed. He grabbed his guitar from the other side of him, and started playing.

"What about, Eli? Is he famous?"

"Not as much as I am, but they have pictures of us hanging around LA, and he's just grown popular after that." He said, before strumming an A.

"So, do you know any good songs?" I asked, gesturing to the guitar.

"I can basically play anything you ask me to. I've been playing since I was about 5 years old."  I couldn't help but smile at the fact. I always had a soft spot for people who play guitar. It's such a sweet instrument.

"What about electric guitar?"

"Calm down with the questions, would ya? And no, I only play acoustic. I think electric guitar is too loud. I like to play instruments that are easy to listen to."

"So that must mean you play piano?" I asked him, and he glared at me. I put my hands up in surrender.

"No, not piano. But I can play the ukulele." He said, before continuing to play a soft melody.

"I taught myself how to play piano since I was 10." I told him, and he looked at me.

"How come?"

"The lessons were really expensive, and my parents didn't want to have to pay for them." I shrugged.

"What else can you play?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just piano."

"What about any other talents?" He asked, and I gave him a look.

"Look who's going at it with the questions now?" We both laughed. "Actually, yeah. I'm really good at softball, if you couldn't tell. And." I dragged on the last word.

"What?" He smiled, and my cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "Tell me."

"Well...I can sing, a little."

"Really? Me too." He said, and I shook my head.

"You can basically do anything, can you Andy-Bob?"

"I thought we were done with the name calling." He rolled his eyes, and I giggled.

"Never." I whispered, and he ran one hand through his hair.

After that, it turned silent. I slumped in the bench, listening to the soft melody Andrew was playing on his guitar. He seemed so focused on it, it honestly amazed me. I even saw him close his eyes at one point.

"Wait, wait." I said, breaking the comfortable silence. "Are you playing Shawn Mendes?"

"What? No!" He jerked back in his seat.

I leaned closer to him. "You so were playing Shawn Mendes."

"You're delusional." He leaned in, and we were inches apart.

My breathing was going from soft and smooth, to erratic as he was coming in closer. Was he going to kiss me? Wait, was I going to let him?

No, no I'm not.

Yes, yes I am.

I don't know.

He was almost a millimeter apart, before he reached out and grabbed the guitar pick that had dropped on the ground near my feet. He sighed, getting up and slinging his guitar over his shoulder.

"It's 9:10. We should go." He offered his hand to help me up.

"Yeah, we should." I agreed, and I took it. We both let go after he helped me up, and walked to his car.

The car ride was silent, and really awkward. But what were we even going to talk about? How we almost kissed? Or how were close to it? Sure, the moment would've been perfect, but still. It's Andrew Price.

He's a player, he's a bad boy. Need I go on?

We finally approached Mason and Angelina's driveway, and he pulled in. I unbuckled my seat belt.

"I'll see you around, LeeLee." He said, using the nickname he gave me.

"You too, Andy-Bob." I smiled one last time before getting out of the car.

Oh no.

I froze in my tracks as Mason was sitting on the steps to the front door. And he looked like he was pissed.


Don't forget to vote for this story by clicking the bottom of the screen! And comment as well!

Who liked the moments between Andrew and Lia? I know I did.

What if they actually kissed? What would you think would happen? How would you react?

By the way, how do you think Mason is going to react knowing that Andrew was with Lia? Keep in mind that they used to be really close and Mason will most definitely know what kind of car Andrew drives around.

Stay tuned for more of Being Bad!

Much love


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