
By mtx829

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When he found her, she had no idea who he was. But he was dead sure who she was. Story mostly focused on Kuro... More

Chapter 1 Found
Chapter 2 Reborn
Chapter 4 Deja Vu
Chapter 5 Memories
Chapter 6 Epilogue?

Chapter 3 Holiday

790 19 10
By mtx829

Warning: very bad fight scene (I'm horrible at writing them so please excuse me) and mentions of bloody situations. But since you all watch anime I think this will be fine

A new year was the time when people units together, whether they are friends or family. Back at the Rukongai I spend this day almost always alone. Ever since he died anyways. It wasn't that I didn't have people to be with, I just didn't feel that well knowing that he'd never be there when I celebrate with them.

But that changed when I arrived at the Seireitei.

“Hey Karin. Aren't you excited for the new year?” Akira asked as we finished off the last class of the year.

“Not really. For me it's just any other day” I wasn't lying. Holidays meant nothing to me

“Really? That's not the spirit. Let's go to the shopping district. I'm sure there will be something fun we can do on this day”

“Right. But honestly Akira, I really don't care. I'm used to think that today it's just like any other day. Besides. I'm busy”

“Busy, why?”

“Because the Shibas want to invite people to dinner tonight to celebrate the new year. -of which you are invited too- and I have to make a lot of preparations. For me it is going to be a busy afternoon”

“Oh the dinner. I completely forgot about it. But isn't that around 7pm? We still have time to have fun”

“Alright” I gave in. Knowing her, she wouldn't stop until I agreed to what she wantes. “But just a little, I need to prepare for tonight as Ichigo told me. “Do your best for tonight! It's going to be special” but I still don't see what's so special about new year” besides that. After the winter holidays we'd soon be having the final exams. For final year students it was meant for them to graduate. The teacher told me that if I was able to pass it. I'd be able to graduate too. Their excuse was because I already had a zanpakuto.

Speaking of that, saaqometimes at night I dreamed of my zanpakuto spirit. I would end up in a weird place she called my innerworld. Sometimes we talked. Other times I couldn't hear what she wanted to tell me.

But each time she tried to tell me her name I always woke up soaking wet on my futon even the floor was wet from so much water. I never understood where the water came from.

“I promise you that you'll love it.” She said.

We flash stepped to the shopping district.  Where shinigamis goes to after they finish work.

Most people there were in standard shinigami uniform and we were dressed in our casual clothes.

Akira was dressed in a light purple kimono, she had her hair down for the occasion. I on the other hand was dressed in a dark green yukata with my zanpakuto still carried on my back with the help of a piece of clothing. My long black hair was in a low ponytail.

I looked around as I saw shinigamis talked with each other and having fun. Somehow it made me loathe them even morr. While they were having fun like this, we were starving to death in the Rukongai.

“Karin? Are you alright?” Akira asked as she saw my uneasy face.

“Ah, it's fine. I was just thinking” in the end I decided to keep my bloodlust under control. After all, I didn't want to ruin the good time for my friend.

“Don't think too much. We are here to have fun, not to think. First let's go to this restaurant over there. I know the owner” she said.

She took me to this place, it was a ramen shop. The building was very simple.

“Go for the chicken ramen, it's the best” Akira said. I nodded for her to order it for me, since I had no idea how this kind of things work.

“Two chicken ramen please!” She shouted

“Akira-chan is nice seeing you.” The man dressed in a white yukata greeted her

“It's nice seeing you too, uncle. How have you been?” was he her relative?

“I've been fine, you know how repeating my life is” the man laughed. I stopped listening to their conversation as I thought that was their privacy. Instead I took time to look around the area. Everything was decorated with new year decorations. The atmosphere was filled with happiness, I wonder… if am I ever going to feel this happiness again? What is happiness for me anyways?

“Karin! Karin!” Someone broke through my thoughts.

“Huh?” I looked at Akira as she looked at me with concerned eyes.

“Are you sure you are ok? You were spacing out. I called you many times and you weren't responding”

“Huh… ah yeah I'm fine, really” I said awkwardly.

“Are you absolutely sure? We can go back if you want to”

“No! It's one really. I think I'm just a little tired.”

“alright, but if you want to go just tell me ok?”

When the food came we ate quietly. Akira was right. This was wonderful.

“I'm sorry Akira but I really have to go, I'm sure they are asking where I am now” I said, the sky has already darkened. And we haven't done anything at all.

“Ops, I'm sorry about that. Alright let's go” she said goodbye to her uncle and she left two coins.

“Who was that?”

“That's Sataro, he was the one who looked after me when I arrived at the 1st district. He's basically a father to me” she said.

“I see… it's cool to have family isn't it?” I asked. Even though technically I had a family but I didn't know them that well to actually consider them family. Even thought for some strange reason I felt a strong sibling connection with Ichigo, it might be because between everyone in that house. He was the closest to me.

“But you have the Shibas as your family.”

“Technically they are. But I'm not so close to them to consider them actual family you know. Maybe someday in the future they'll become my family. I abandoned the people I considered my family. I don't even know if they are ok” I had always wondered whether they are ok or not. But I couldn't go back.

“I'm sure you'll get used to them soon. I think they are very nice people” she said. I nodded

“yeah, they are nice people. It's just me”

“Hey Karin where are we?” Akira's change of voice caused me to look around.

“This is not where we are supposed to go. This part of the Rukongai is very dangerous”

“Really? What should we do?”

“Just use any kido spell you know it's fine, if anyone came to you. Don't worry about it. I have a zanpakuto. And to be honest with you. I'm used to dealing with this kind of situations. Aren't you?”

“Yeah, I guess. But I was the one who take care of the kids living with me. I wasn't the one going out looking for food.”

“Alright, but either ways. You should know that being a shinigami means that you have to face things a lot worse than this. Keep going and act normal. Someone is following us” I whispered the last part to her. “I know, I know. You don't have to repeat that”

When the guy came out. I wasn't expecting him to come in front of us. He must be quite fast.

“Give me everything you have. Or I'll kill you!” He said. What a pity, this guy he sounds like a coward. I stepped in front of Akira as she wasn't sure what to do.

“And what if we don't?” I asked calmly

“I'll kill you!” He said.

“Then I'd like to see you try” I smirked. I've dealt with many guys like him in the past. And this one seemed to be a weak one. If this guy is actually from the 1st district then he held no chance against me. My hand slowly went to my sword as the guy went toward me. He was holding a knife himself. As I pulled out my zanpakuto, the cloth that wrapped around it went flying.

“Hey Akira, ya mind holding that for me?” I turned to my friend who just nodded and moved away.

“Now let's keep this quick and painless. Shall we?” I smirked. My bloodlust was starting to show, earlier I wasn't able to do release my anger but with this guy there was no holding back.

I could tell that he did that kind of things a lot. And he was a skilled fighter, that I must admit. But he left out so many openings for me to attack. One thing I learned while living in the 80th is that if you can't find the enemy's weakness then you make one for them. Make them weak under you. This guy was fast. And his movements weren't so easy to predict. I learned that when I got several cuts on my face and arms when I tried to dodge from his attacks.

Well then. If he's fast. Then I'll have to be faster.

This guy is a close distanced fighter, so he'll be able to dodge me if I try to attack him like I usually do. But I'm not going to use kido either. I'm not good at using it.

As he moved closer to me, I grabbed that arm that was was holding the knife and kicked it away from there.

“Akira get hold of that knife. And stay away from here” I shouted for my friend who just nodded and went over to pick up the knife. I didn't want her to see what I was about to do

The guy was weaponless, I had created his weakness. Without that, he was defenseless. I pulled at his arm, pulling him toward me. More exactly at my sword. The tip of my zanpakuto pierced through his stomach. The man hissed in pain and his blood splattered on me. I threw him away when I withdraw my zanpakuto from his lifeless body. I splattered the blood on the blade onto the ground and sheathed it back into the case again. The guy was on the grassed ground. His body lifeless as his empty eyes looked at me. His expression held fear and pain.

That night I killed another man. I haven't killed anyone ever since I arrived at the Seireitei. Back then killing was something normal if I wanted to survive. Because it was a world of kill or be killed.

Another thing I learned was to never go easy on your enemy, always finish then as quickly as you can.

I walked toward where Akira was standing. She was still holding the knife and the clothe I used to wrap my zanpakuto while I wasn't using it.

“Karin! Are you alright? You are bleeding” she said looking at my torso where all the blood had splattered on earlier.

“Don't worry about it. It wasn't my blood” she handed me the clothe as I wrapped my zanpakuto in it once again.

“What happened?”

“Don't worry about that either. That guy won't do anything like that anymore” I said emotionless. I tried to calm down my bloodlust.

“You killed him?!” She said in shock.


“You shouldn't do that Karin"

“Not my fault he came looking for his death. Besides I've always been told that the world is kill or be killed. I wouldn't want that guy to kill me instead. I thought you'd understand that.”

“I do, but he was clearly weaker than you. Promise me one thing Karin, don't use violence again ok? You are not in the 80th district anymore. You are safe now. So don't killed anyone unless it's completely necessary.” She said.

I sighed “I can't promise you anything. But I'll at least try if that make you happy. But for now let's go, we have to hurry” I wasn't sure if I could.

We used flash step to get to the Shiba residence. When we arrived, I realised that the guests were already there. And everything was already decorated.

“Karin! Where have you two been?” Ichigo came over to us. Then he noticed the blood and injuries on me. He sighed and rested his forehead on the plan of his hand. “Did you got into another fight?” He asked. His voice a little softer.

“I had to, there was this guy who attacked us” I said calmly.

“What did you do? Fight him?”

“I killed him” he looked at me for a second in shock so did some of the other guests I didn't recognize.

“Alright, you two go clean up specially you Karin and then get over here. We are not going to wait any longer.” He sighed.

“Thank you” I took my friend hand and dragged her with me to my room. I gave her one of the yukatas in my room since almost all of them were bigger than my actual size. She chose a light green one and I chose the white yukata I wear to bed.

“Shouldn't you chose something more formal?” She asked as she saw me talking my pyjamas out.

“Na, they told me that I could wear anything to any type of event here in the house.” We took our newly selected clothes and we walked to the bathhouse.

“Well that's weird, because usually when an important clan does something they are usually really serious about it.”

“Yeah, but not the Shiba clan. You'll see that they'll all end up drunk in the end. So it really doesn't matter because I'm leaving that party sooner than anyone else”

“I see… but Karin, you don't drink?” She asked.

“I don't really like the taste of alcohol”

We finished cleaning up as we went to the dinner hall. Where everyone was talking. The guests who came were people I expected as well. They were all Ichigo's friends. Kukaku-san's friends and Ganju's friends. Ichigo invited the lieutenant of 13th and the 6th division, the captain guy and Matsumoto-san.

“Karin-chan!” Matsumoto-san called out. I simply nodded at her as Akira and I went to our place. My friend was so excited because she got to see some higher up shinigamis. And some were even talking to her.

While I just set there quietly eating my food while the others talked.

“Aren't you enjoying the party? Young one” a male voice appeared by my side and I jumped at the sudden activity. I was so out of it that I didn't even realize someone was there beside me. But when I turned around to see who it was the only thing I saw was a black cat on the floor.

“Were you the one who talked?” I asked. It was a quite ordinary looking cat with beautiful yellow eyes.

“In fact I was.” It said.

“What are you?” I asked. “Normal cats don't talk, or do they?”

The animal led out a sound I would say like a laugh. “I'm a shinigami too kid.”

“Really? That's cool.”

“I'll ask again. Aren't you enjoying the party? Your friend there seems to be having a lots of fun”

“This kind of thing isn't really something I'd do.” I said.

“Well, your lost. I'd say just enjoy a little bit.”

“What should I do?”

“Go talk with them. I'm sure they'll let you in” I looked around the place, the only person who was like me was the captain guy, he was just sitting there eating while the others were all talking and drinking. I guess he didn't like parties either.

“i don't like drinking, and all they do seemed to be that”

“I see”

“What's your name?”

“Yoruichi. I used to be that idiot Ichigo's teacher.” Yoruichi? But I thought she was a woman. As Kukaku-san talked about her before.

“His teacher?” how could a cat teach anyone?

“Yeah, he was a human back then. And I trained him. The kid is quite talented I must say. Well I'll have step in, I swear that Kukaku, she's always trying to punch those two.” When the cat left I was left alone once again.

They were playing several games. When they tried to invite me I declined. They were all drinking a lot. Some was already drunk and passed out on the floor. I on the other hand started to clean up the mess they made hoping that I'd have some time to burn.

I sighed as I picked up another small table with used dishes. Who will be cleaning them? Me! Of course, oh joy I thought sarcastically.

“Let me help” I was about to open the door with my feet when the captain guy opened it for me. Even though his intentions were good, his voice didn't show any changes from the last time I saw him. I looked at him, he was still wearing his uniform unlike many other guests who wore traditional clothes for the occasion.

“Thanks and all, but aren't you going to join the fun?” I guess that was just a question trying to get rid of him. Since I already knew the answer.

“I still have work tomorrow” he simply said. So that was the reason why he didn't join the party. Because he had work. Was this guy a workaholic or something. Then again like I was the one to talk. New year was like any day to me.

“I see. Can you grab on of those tables for me? We have to bring all of them to the kitchen” I said. He nodded and went over to grab a table. He followed me to the kitchen. We never talked. And the silence was killing me. So I decided to break the ice. Pun not intended

“why did you decide to help me? I think you are aware but we aren't exactly on the best terms.”

“I helped because that the right thing to do”

“You are the guest”

“Your point?” Well at least he was talking. And we weren't trying to killing each other.

“I'm not very aware of manners and all that stuff. But aren't guest supposed to let the host take care of them?” Honestly I didn't give a shit about that. But I just wanted to get rid of him.

“I don't mind helping, if help is needed” oh what a nice guy. I rolled my eyes.


When we arrived at the kitchen, we left the stuff there and placed the plates inside the sink then we went back.

“When you arrived earlier. You were covered in blood, and you were also injured. Are you alright?” As we walked back. He asked that out of the blue. Concern was buried inside his cold voice. Why was he worried about me?

I touched my face where Akira cleaned up my wound and place a little bandage. “I'm fine, those cuts were nothing. The blood I was covered in wasn't mine either.” I said.

“Did you really kille that man who attacked you?” He asked.

“Yeah. He probably deserve it.” I said easily as it was nothing.

“A zanpakuto isn't for that”

“Yeah like I care about that shit.” I sighed “look shinigami. I appreciate that you help me cleaning this up and all, but I don't like it when people tell me what to do. Who are you to tell me what to do? Were you suffering because of hunger? Did you have to steal food from others? Did you live in a world where the only option to survive was to kill or be killed?” the 80th district was a living hell. He didn't say anything “that's right you don't, so just shut up. I don't need you to tell me how I have to use my weapon because you'll never understand.” He didn't say anything back. And it was silence once again. It felt so awkward.

I guess I overreacted here. He was just trying to be nice, I shouldn't have done that. Besides he is a good friend of Ichigo. I really was getting soft. I couldn't believe that I was about to apologise to someone.

“Look I'm sorry for telling at you. All this shit was giving me headaches.”

“You don't have to apologise.”

“Well I did so just accept it.”

We went back to bring more dishes. And when we walked into the room everyone was already passed out on the floor.

“Well I guess this can't be helped.” I sighed as I rolled up my slaves.

The captain guy took of his haori and placed it nicely on the floor and rolled up his slaves too.

“I guess we've never been properly introduced before, haven't we? Well I'm Karin. Shiba Karin now that I'm adopted into this family”

“Hitsugaya Toshiro, captain-” I cut him off.

“Look save it. I don't care about your title. The only thing I cared about a person is who they are as an individual.” I said. Was I just imagining it or did I saw him smile just a tiny bit. But whatever.

An hour later we finally finished cleaning everything up. I was so tired after this.

“Hey come on, let me show you a place” I guess we solved our differences and he opened up a little bit. Even though the biggest part of the conversation was one sided, he did listen to them. Maybe Matsumoto-san and Ichigo were right about him after all.

He followed me out after he replaced on his haori. And followed me outside. With two quick moves I jumped on to one of the stone hands. He did the same and set down right next to me.

“When I stay in this house. Sometimes I come up here to watch the sky at night. I find this quite relaxing too. And most of all, it is a great spot for thinking”

“You like to watch the sky?” He asked. And I heard the surprise mixed with his usual cold voice.

“Yeah, what's the problem with that?”

“It's nothing. I like to watch the sunset myself” he said.


“Because it brings back memories”

“I won't ask why. But I guess that's a good reason”

“Just some good memories of when I was younger.” he said as I saw he smile a little. Maybe he was thinking about this girl he had feelings for. Which reminded me. I was quite curious about this girl ever since Ichigo mentioned it that one night.

“Say. Do you happen to know Ichigo's younger sister?” I noticed him noticeably tensed. I knew the reason why but I still wanted to know.

“Yes, but I don't know her that well”



“Yeah, we've only seen each other a couple of times. I've long forgotten how she looks like” he said.


“Oh well. I was curious about this girl.”

“Why?” He asked.

“Ichigo told me that he had a sister. And he said she was a very strong human. I don't know much about humans but from what I've heard humans are weak creatures.”

“Humans aren't weak creatures. They are like us, some of us are weak and others are strong. I guess you've already studied the part where Kurosaki and his human friend came to the soul society and changed everything.” he said. That was literally the longest I've ever heard him talking. He seemed to know a lot about humans. But I guess if he loved a human than it couldn't be helped

“You seem to know rather a lot about humans”

“In the past, I went to many missions in the human world. Sometimes I even have to go to human schools undercover”

“In the past? You don't go anymore? If I had the chance, I'd go visit the world of the living. Heard they had many infesting stuff there"

“I haven't gone to any mission in the world of living when someone important to me died” he admitted with a slight emotions in his voice, it was pain. I guess he really did love this person. If he was showing some emotion when talking about whoever she is. I turned over to look at him a little better. He was gazing at the sky as if he was looking for answers from the moon. The moon reflected on his face making his skin pale as snow. And his hair silver

He is not bad looking. Whoever that girl was, she had good eyes if she returned his feelings.

“It's getting late. I think I'll go to bed. Good night captain Hitsugaya” I waved as with one jump I was on the ground again. I was really tired, fortunately tomorrow I didn't have to go to class.

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