
By xx_redphoenix_xx

7.6K 898 35

Katrina Grey has always steered clear out of drama's way seeing to the fact that she has a secret, and with t... More

Before Anything Else
✔ Prologue
✔ Chapter 1
✔ Chapter 2
✔ Chapter 3
✔ Chapter 4
✔ Chapter 5
✔ Chapter 6
✔ Chapter 7
✔ Chapter 8
✔ Chapter 9
✔ Chapter 10
✔ Chapter 11
✔ Chapter 12
✔ Chapter 13
✔ Chapter 14
✔ Chapter 15
✔ Chapter 16
✔ Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
✔ Chapter 39
✔ Chapter 40
✔ Chapter 41
✔ Chapter 42 : 1.0
✔ Chapter 42 : 2.0
✔ Chapter 43
✔ Chapter 45
✔ Chapter 46
✔ Chapter 47
✔ Chapter 48
✔ Chapter 49
✔ Chapter 50
✔ Chapter 51
✔ Chapter 52
Chapter 53

✔ Chapter 44

87 11 0
By xx_redphoenix_xx

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A/N : Play the song if you're a fan of BTS!!!!

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"May I come in?" Amelia says while knocking on the open door of my bedroom.

"Hayden and I will be going to visit my parents for a day or two," she says and I nod signifying that I am with her.

My evening gown is laid on my bed, ironed properly while I sit on the dressing table I didn't know I had trying to figure out how to curl my full coloured white to pastel blue hair.

How the hell does this thing work?

"Shit!" I curse as I drop the devil in disguise of a machine and my hand burns due to me holding the curling iron from the wrong side.

A hearty laugh escapes Mia and suddenly my face and cheeks feel hot wanting the ground to swallow me.

"Here, let me," she says kindly as she picks up the iron coming closer and wrapping a stand of my hair around the metal part of it which is hot.

So that's how you do it!

"Did you dye your hair?" she asks while making the strand of now curly hair drop.

"Uhh...yes," I say doubtfully hoping she wouldn't catch my lie.

"It looks nice," she says smiling at me via the mirror and awkward silence fills the room. Her hands work much faster on my hair and within half an hour my waist length hair is all curled and styled up.

"Want me to do your make-up?" she asks me and I debate on whether to let her touch my face with the disastrous chemicals or not.

"Yes, please," I say reluctantly.

She exited my room only to come back with a super large eye-shadow pallete and foundation, compact, primer, eye-liner, kohl, blush-on and other such items.

She opens her transparent make-up bag whereas I scold myself for allowing her to do this. Just as she is about to apply the foundation I stop her saying that only the eye-shadow, eye-liner, kohl and compact would be put on my smooth and acne free face.

It isn't easy to get a pimple free face!

Rolling her eyes she starts of by applying the foundation which I am pretty sure is a skin tone lighter to my undertone but I let her do it.

After a while of me squirming and shouting at myself for letting her touch my face, Mia stops almost making me sigh in relief. As I open my eyes which were closed due to the gorgeous lady applying eye-shadow, I stare at my own reflection for a long period of time.

The girl in the mirror isn't Katrina but instead she is the very delicate, polite and the infamous Carmelliana or as people called her Alliana or Elinor, the latter after her middle name.

"She would have been proud of you," Amelia states and she doesn't need to say who the 'she' is, I already know who she is talking about. My mom.

She's talking about my mom and my throat feels dry when I answer, "Would she?"

It's almost a whisper but Mia hears me and she offers me a soft nod.

"I'll leave you to change," she says as she exits the room. Locking the door and closing the curtains, I slip into my evening gown with struggle trying not to get any lipstick stains on the ravishing dress.

After I am done, I look in the mirror taking my time to look at the girl on the oppsite side of the mirror. Her hair falls perfectly and the gown fits her too, she is the definition of perfect.

Or so I used to believe.

Until one day, my worst nightmare came true.

Until one day, my hands got covered in an immortal's blood.

Until one day, I tore my family apart.

The bell rings and a sharp intake of breath can be heard in my room. I was this close to breaking down.

My feet slip into the stilletos and I make my way downstairs, occasionally tripping because who would I be if I didn't trip?

I open the door and I see Aiden standing in a black suit with a black tie looking just like Xavier although I thing Xavier would look much better in that suit. He carries a corsage in his hands made up of what I assume to be lavenders.

"You look amazing," he compliments.

"Thank you, you too look handsome," I say and he hands me the corsage and I slip it on without trouble.

"Seriously," I exclaim in shock after seeing the extragavance of this rich kid in front of me.

He bought a limousine!

"Yes, seriously, now get in the ball starts at seven thirty and it already six fifteen!" he too exclaims after he sees the time.

He drags my hand and walks in the direction of the fancy car and hold out the door for me like any gentleman would. Just as we're both seated the car takes off.

"So who's your ex?" I ask him and he shifts uncomfortably under my gaze.

"Indiana," he says and my eyes widen on the thought of an Atlantian and a Human dating. Especially, an Atlantian which has lived in Atlantia for most of her life. It's nearly impossible.

"The Indiana from our school with platinum hair and green eyes?" I ask just to confirm and he nods.

"So what's going on between you and my brother?" he asks with a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Nothing," I say in a monotone voice.

"Sure, nice to meet you Katrina, I am Theo James," he says teasingly but hearing the name does something to me as I get reminded of the terrible person behind all the misery in my life.

Not all but most of it.

Shaking of the haunting memories, I manage to crack a smile.

"So you dyed your hair," he says and unknowingly my hand flies upto my hair, my fingers slipping from the roots of my hair to the tips, smoothly.

"Yeah," I say and he looks at me trying to decipher something. He looks in my eyes and looks away but then looks back at me. His gaze burns me and his eyes are widened when he looks at my face.

"Your...your...eyes," he says while still looking in them.

"What about them?" I ask totally oblivious to the whole situation.

"They're red and they're turning multi-coloured," he says and reality clicks in my brains.


Not now, not today. How could I forget to wear my lenses? Why the fuck do all bad things need to happen when I visit Burlington?

"Aiden, what colour are my eyes now?" I ask after keeping them shut for a long time. When I open them he answers, "Maroon."

Atleast they're back to their normal colour.

"Promise me, you won't tell anyone about this," I request and he looks at me before answering, "Nathan and Ashton know about it, now I do too, so when are you going to tell Xavier?" he asks like he knows my identity and is accusing me of running away.

Running away from who I am.

"I don't know," I respond in all honesty because I really don't. I really don't know how to strike up a conversation relating to matter this fragile but most of all, I am scared of he might react.

"He won't hate you," he says to me as if reading my mind. I almost laugh if how accurate his sentence was to my thought. A slightest doubt flickers in my mind of Aiden being able to read minds but I force it to go away. It is way too absurd.

"Yes, I can," he says and I my eyes snap back to his brown one's and a smile appears on his face and I stare at him. His eyes hold nothing like he wears something to protect it from the world. Unable to believe that he actually might be one of us...

...I mean not one of the category that I fit into but an heteroclite. A heteroclite is just like the elementae, the only difference is, heteroclite's were present naturally in nature. They weren't made. They have special powers like mind reading, mind controlling, shape shifting, teleporting, super strength. The powers you usually see super heroes have. On the other hand elemntae's are like Elsa but on a higher scale.

Get what I am saying? And there was and will be only one of me in this world. One and only limited edition.

"Cocky, aren't you?" he says reading my thoughts again as his hand flies upto his eyes removing something out of it.

Contact lenses. When he does remove them, I stare into piercing golden coloured eyes that take my breath away. His eyes are a rare phenomenon even in the case of heteroclite's. Shaded from green being outside to golden in a radical format, I maintain my eyes focused on his eyes trying to figure out who exactly his family and he is.

"So you're a mind reader ?" I say forcing my eyes to be turned away from his.

"And you're a-" he says but a voice in my head interrupts him.

Don't go, you'll die.

The thought seems familiar and so does the voice echoing in my head, like I've heard it before. Elisha.

I whip my air backwards trying to find where she came from.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asks me die to the sudden change in my behaviour.

"Elisha is here," I say because I don't need to hide anything from him. I am superior to him and perhaps the only person who I can trust right now is him.

"What?" he screams and I nod confirmation saying, "I hear the dead, she's here."

The car comes to a halt when I realize that we have reached the banquet and Aiden wears his contacts again when I say, "Just a quick question, does Xavier know about your mind reading abilities?"

He shakes his head and continues to wear the contact lenses. After he is done he searches something in the back pockets located at the back of the seat and hands me a container....containing brown lenses.

"Consider yourself lucky I carried extra lenses today, hurry up and wear them!" he says and I wear them effortlessly and we both get out of the car, Aiden opening the door for me. The driver drives off as soon as we get out of the car.

He offers me his hand and I slip my hand into his. His hand doesn't fit in mine life Xavier's does.

"And you say that there is nothing going on between you," he snickers and I nudge him hard with my elbow.

"Stay out of my mind, will you?" I hiss as we enter the definition of fancy banquet. Men and women are in formal attire everywhere and to say that I stand out in the crowd would be an understatement.

Everyone wears a white or light coloured gowns while I am the only woman who wears black. Same goes with the men, they were blue, dark green, grey suits and Aiden wears black. We stand out.

Just as we're about to enter the guardian, I assume stops us because of the 'dress code.'

"I am Aiden Knight and you see this girl right here, she is the future wife of Xavier Knight," Aiden says and the guards eyes widen and he let's us in. I slap Aiden on the shoulder and we make our way to the garden.

The garden is even more crowded than the entrance and suddenly I feel uncomfortable. Just as the doors open for the actual banquet everybody stares at us. The music comes to a halt and so does time when I see Xavier looking like a Greek God standing in a full black suit and his hair styled so properly.

"Stop ogling my brother," Aiden teases and I respond, "I am not ogling your brother."

"Sure whatever you say, love," he says stretching on the last part and I hit him.

Xavier doesn't know I entered as he talks to Indiana. I don't feel jealous. I am not jealous. I will never be jealous.

"You should probably let go of my hand, Alliana, you're squeezing the living daylights out of it!" he exclaims and my grip on his hand loosens.

"What did you call me?"

"Car as in short for Carmelliana," he says, "That's your name isn't it?"

"Don't call me that in front of everyone," I order.

My eyes trail back to Xavier's and I see his eyes on me, feeling content. We lock eyes and in that moment it feels as if we were infinite. Together and forever. Forever in a world where even life is temporary.

His jaw drops upon seeing my dress and I smile to myself in content as I was hoping for that reaction. He looks at me up and down, not lingering anywhere as if it is a practical scientific gaze.

"If you're done with doing this sappy shit with my brother, can we move. People are staring," he says.

As we walk together I notice Ashton's jaw still dropped and Nathan mouthing 'beautiful' to me. I smile like never before and we walk towards where the whole gang is standing.

"How are you brother?" Aiden asks, a smug smile playing on his lips and he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Good," he says as he holds Indiana's hand. My hands trail onto his their locked hands I smile like crazy when I notice that their hands don't fit.

Take that sucker! My hands fit better than yours.

Indiana has a similar expression to mine as she glares holes into my face. Speaking of holes, I need to get my nose pierced.

"Such a wonderful day, isn't it?" I say trying to lighten up the mood.

"I know right, especially when your date looks so handsome," Indiana says as she smiles at Xavier which he returns almost immediately.

Fake. Fake. Fake.

"Exactly what I was telling to Aiden," I say and I look at Aiden, biting my lower lip.

Two can play this fucking game.

Ashton clears his throat in order to ease the tension between the two pairs of people. By now, music has resumed and people dance and enjoy themselves occasionally sipping champagne and wine.

"So, love, why don't you tell us how much you scored in your assessment," Xavier says to Indiana and I flare in anger.

How dare he? How fucking dare he? That was meant to be my fucking nickname. That traitor!

Calm down, you're acting way too obvious.

A deep voice says in my head and I look at Aiden, who is looking at me.

Stare at me as if you like me.

He orders and I obey. We both stare into each other's eyes, well aware that the eyes that we are really seeing are protected by lenses.

"Katrina," a voice says but I ignore still staring at Aiden.

"Katrina," someone barely yells and my attention snaps towards Indiana.

"Yes," I say in a bored tone.

"I scored a ninety five on hundred ln my test, how much did you score?" she asks saying the first part to the statement in somewhat a smug tone.

"Ninety nine, I aced it," I say, a smirk forming on my lips exposing my dimples.

Jordan starts coughing like crazy and Aiden stifles a laugh leaning over and kissing my temple. Nathan has a smile on her pathetic attempt to think that she could beat me in studies.

Xavier has a neutral face.

"What about you, Xavier?" I ask him, "How much did you score?"

His face looses it's colour and Jordan burst out laughing while Xave glares at him.

Wheezing the answer out, Jordan says, "One."

I look away and that is when I meet Melissa's eyes and something clicks different about it. Her hair is tied in a fancy up-do and she wears a long gown whose colour I can't distinguish from this far away.

Xave leaves with Indiana, both heading towards the dance floor.

"That was amazing," Jordan says.

"Of course, she can beat anyone in the jealousy game especially if it involves a certain someone," Aiden states and I glare at him.

"True that," Nathan agrees and I hit him in the shoulder.

"May I have the honour of your first dance?" Ash asks as he bows down offering his hand to me which I gladly accept.

He leads me on to the dance floor and we start dancing to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Upon hearing the song I remember the time when I climbed in Xavier's house.

He spins me around and at this time the spotlight is on us. People have stopped what they are doing only to watch us dance. Being the stupid, idiotic person I am, I trip. I trip when we are dancing but Ashton catches me at the last second saving me from the fall.

"You're alright?" he whispers in my ears and his hands which protected me from falling are still on my waist and I lean against him, slightly shorter clutching his shoulders.

I nod and my cheeks burn in embarrassment when he let's me go and I fall. He let's me fucking go in front of a million people.

I was exaggerating but that is not the point!

"Shit!" he says as he makes an attempt to pick me up, "I am so sorry."

"Why would you do that?" I whisper, my voice laced in anger.

"Xavier was giving me this deathly stare and I got scared," he says and I take his hand and he lifts me up without breaking a sweat.

"Shit, I am so sorry, are you alright?" he apologizes again and I nod.

"Don't do that next time," I say, cracking a smile trying to lighten the mood.

He puts his arms around my waist and I do the same with his shoulders and we continue to dance.

After the song is over, I head to the drinking section of the place in hopes to get water when someone taps me from behind.

"Do you like Aiden?" Indiana asks me as she straightens her baby pink gown which has a familiar style to Cinderella's blue gown.

"Do you like Xavier?" I question and she shakes her head.

"I had gotten an invitation but didn't want to go but then Aiden asked me and I said no. Then he asked you. Then Xavier asked told me that you'd be going with Aiden so that made my blood boil and I came here," she explains, "Do you like Aiden?"

"Nah," I reply to her taking a sip of what seems like water, "He asked me because he wanted to get over you. Meaning he knew you would come here."

The water has a bitter taste. I don't like it the way it burns my throat.

"I hope you know that what you're drinking is white wine," Indie says and my eyes widen.

How did I mistake it for water? It doesn't even look anything like water for God's sake!

I am by far the most stupid person you will ever meet on this planet. To this people who are asking me as to why I don't like wine, just know that I have reasons for it. I am not crazy, okay?

Reason number one why I don't drink wine : I have a low intolerance of wine.

Reason number two: I cannot recognize faces when I drink wine.

Reason number three : I don't like the taste of it.

Indiana leaves me alone and I need to sober up before I do something stupid. Don't get me wrong, I still am not drunk but I will be if I don't splash my face with water.

It is the only thing that helps me sober up. No sleeping. Just one splash of water and I am back to normal.

"Where's the washroom?" I ask to one one of the waiters and he points to the corridors leading to a labyrinth.

First left and then the second right.

That is what he said to me. As I make my way towards the corridor, I notice a familiar figure in the crowd. She has blonde hair tied in a up-do and wears light blue gown.

She comes upto me and asks me, "Where are you going Katrina?"

She looks exceptionally pretty, with her hairstyle enhancing her height.

"Washroom," I reply and I think the woman standing in front of me is my sister.

A sharp pain shoots through my neck and I groan in pain, massaging it to ease the agony.

"Who did you come here with Abby?" I ask almost sure that it is my sister.

"A friend of mine," she says smiling, "Don't you have to go to the washroom?"

"Aah....yes!" I exclaim and make my way towards the washroom. On my way there, I feel as if someone is following me and just as I am about to take the first left. Forgetting where I was supposed to go next and I take the first right which leads to another passage.

As I go inside that I hear songs that are being sung by a certified siren that lure me to the direction the voice and where it comes from.

"Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to the sea."

The voice recites the verse again and again as if it was recorded and kept on repeat. Hypnotized by the voice, I follow it and just as I am about to turn around, my senses coming back to me I am pushed by a woman wearing a light blue dress into a room.

The lock on the other side is clicked and the air conditioner is turned on inside the room to its fullest. There are twenty air conditioners in this room all turned to its fullest.

Dear lord! What did I get myself into?

Banging against the door, another pain shoots up across my thigh and I slide down the door holding the part where it pains. Realization hits me harder than puberty hit Jungkook.


Somebody mixed Silverstone in the wine I drinked. I groan in pain and it feels like going in labour, no it feels worse. It feels as if a sword is being impaled into your heart, slowly and steadily.

I bang on the door and tears start streaming down my face. "Help," I croak and I start feeling cold.

My hands have turned numb and blue in colour and I can't bang the door anymore. I have no energy left. Before I slip into something which I won't be able to come out from only two thoughts wonder in my mind one being that he was here tonight and the second being that don't let anything happen to my friends.

And then I lie, I lie in the coldness and in the pain as I did before when I killed my parents unintentionally, waiting for the darkness to consume me forever....and always.........

* * *

A/N : So I haven't been uploading since along time and thus, this chapter is my apology to you. It's 3711 words and I hoped you guys liked it. Like I said, the next chapter is also going to be the ball.

If you liked this chapter, give it a vote and comment your thoughts on who you think the person who pushed Katrina into the room was.

We already know that Silverstone was mixed by 'him.'

Silverstone, I am not sure if it exists or not but I imagine it to be some kind of pill that makes Katrina weak as she is not immune to it. Basically like drugs but the Katrina would be immune to it so I went by Silverstone.

The lines that were sung by 'sirens' were adapted from the poem 'Crossing The Bar' written by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

I had my language paper today and I am going to have two papers tomorrow, so Lord bless me.

From tomorrow onwards, daily updates will be taking place. I hope you liked the chapter and to those of you who are thinking about Aiden being a heteroclite, more will be explained in the upcoming chapters. So take a chill pill, guys.

To those people who didn't know the reference made to realization and Jungkook, heres an image. The line goes that 'Realization hits me harder than puberty hit Jungkook.'

You're welcome, people for blessing your eyes. You can now die peacefully (no offense). I mean can we just appreciate them. Anyways shoutout to all the A. R. M. Ys out there for waiting for our boys to release their new album 'Love Yourself : Answer.' It's finally out and on the top is the song 'Idol.'

I love it.

The comeback trailer offended me way too much.

Katrina : Vote if you don't wanna see me die!

Xavier : You won't die yet, not until I kiss you. ;)

Katrina : Why the winky face?

Nathan : 'Cuz he's weird like that!

Ashton : Vote if you want to dance with me.

Aiden : No vote, if you want me to hold your hand.

Nathan : Are you dumb? They'll vote if they want to see me get more lines, right guys?

Katrina : You guys should vote if you like the chapter.

No pressure.

Vote for the chapter right now. The author put hard work in this!!

Xavier : Bipolar, much?



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