Our Destiny

By Itz_Aneesa

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DISCLAIMER: hi guys I'm going to be editing and rewriting this book completely so if you don't see the chapte... More

Author's note
Chapter 1- Nightmares (Edited)
Chapter 2 - Get To Know Me (Edited).
Chapter 3 - Shezard's Empires (Edited)
Chapter 4 - Amir Shezard (Edited)
Chapter 5 - Saving Amira (Edited)
Chapter 6 - Sleepovers (Edited)
Chapter 7- Confessions (Edited)
Chapter 8- Back To Work (Edited)
Chapter 9-She lives in a mansion!! (Edited)
Chapter 10-Family Dinner (Edited)
Chapter 11- Surprises (Edited)
Chapter 12- Shock (Edited)
Chapter 13- Blood Donor (Edited)
Chapter 14-Wedding Preparations/Mendhi night (Edited)
Chapter 15- NIKAH!! (Edited)
Chapter 16- Wedding Night (Edited)
Chapter 17- Her Past (Edited)
Chapter 18- Office Fun (Edited)
Chapter 19 - Wedding Anniversary Part 1 (Edited)
Chapter 19-Wedding Anniversary Part 2 (Edited)
Chapter 20- Walima (Edited)
Chapter 21- Goodbyes and Movie Night (Edited)
Chapter 22- Hide And Seek & Stolen Kisses (Edited)
Chapter 23- Birthday Surprise and Sweet Mornings. (Edited)
Chapter 24 - Happy News (Edited)
Chapter 25- Midnight Fun(Edited)
Chapter 26-Planning?(Edited)
Chapter 27-Baby Shower/Baby Gender Reveal(Edited)
Chapter 28- All nighters and hidden truths. (Edited)
Chapter 29-Truth. (Edited)
Chapter 30-Secret Project and More Shock. (Edited)
Chapter 31- Chaotic Nights. (Edited)
Chapter 33- False Alarm or Not False Alarm. (Edited)
Chapter 34 - Ariyan and Ariyah Shezard. (Edited)
Chapter 35- Family Bonding. (Edited)
Chapter 36- Hard To Stay Without My Babies. (Edited)
Chapter 37- Bringing Them Home! (Edited)
Chapter 38- Family. (Edited)
Chapter 39- Figuring it all out. (Edited)
Chapter 40-Fun Moments. (Edited)
Chapter 41-Birthday and surprises. (Edited)
Chapter 42- Secrets Always Unravel Themselves. (Edited)
Chapter 43- A Break. (Edited)
Chapter 44- Coming Clean. (Edited)
Chapter 45- Famous. (Edited)
Chapter 46- Family Matters. (Edited)
Prologue. (Edited)

Chapter 32- Ameena's Wedding. (Edited)

1.4K 80 14
By Itz_Aneesa

Aaliya's POV

It has been about a month since that incident happened and it was all over the news and we had reporters outside everyone's houses including our friends and families houses. It was so stressful because Ameena's wedding was coming up and to say that none of us was scared shitless would be a lie.

I am still so confused as to how did I not realize that it was his evil twin brother and why did he not tell me that Rahim was related to him at all?

To be honest I was just glad everything was over now so we can kick back and relax but I still felt like something bad is going to happen and I don't know if it is to me and my little family with Amir or my family from both sides as well as my friends.

I was now about 6 and a half months pregnant and couldn't fit into nearly all of my clothes but the doctors say that they are quite small for their age which has got me worried if I'm completely honest. As I am a skinny person in general so my clothes have to be a bit bigger but I don't really mind coz when I have the twins I will just have some oversized clothes which don't really bother me.

Right now I was sitting in Ameena's mendhi and I was watching her get her henna done beautifully by me and was looking at my own hands waiting for the chance of having them covered in mendhi and this reminded me of my own mendhi which was about 7 and a half months ago.

"So are you ready to take the big step in your life?" I asked her as she smiled at me and I winked at her and she blushed really bright red to which I just laughed.

"Aww, look at you blushing Reharn bhai is going to lose it when he sees you on your Nikkah and who know's what might happen next, maybe I can finally become an aunt," I said as I wiggled my eyebrows at her to which she just shouted my name causing all the girls to look at us.

"So do you guys know where you are going on your honeymoon?" I asked her as she looked at me with shock in her eyes like I wasn't gonna ask that question.

"Hey bhabi, you never went on your honeymoon with Amir bhai did you?" Simra asked me as she gave me a sad smile.

"No we didn't but I guess it's coz we had so much drama going on in our lives and not just mine and his but all of us," I answered as I looked at each and every one of them as they looked away as they were hiding something from me.

"Yeah aapi Ameena or should I call you my bhabi now that you are marrying my brother?" Zaira asked teasing her as we all continued to laugh and have fun as Aleena teared up and was staring into nowhere.

"Hey, Aleena what's up?" I asked her as I sat down next to her putting my head on her shoulder's from the tiredness as I was working all day at the office even though Amir told me not to and now I was serving the guests and applying henna on my friend's and both my sister's hands.

"I'm going to be all lonely now," she whispered with a small sad smile on her face as I pulled her in close and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Ameena had stopped talking and was now watching us along with Zaira.

"Hey, you're not alone okay you still have us no matter what house we live in. We will always be your sisters and family and I will ask Amir if I can stay here for a few days as the wedding preparations are going on okay, plus you will have a new bhabi Zaira in about two weeks, so don't worry," I said to her as Zaira blushed at the last statement as I smirked at her knowing she loves teasing others it was now time for hers.

For the Mendhi we decided to keep it simple and at home with just all the ladies present which meant family and relatives and family friends and their relatives as all the guys were out at some arcade somewhere.

Ameena's mendhi(henna) was almost done but the henna artist who was me had to write in her husband to be's name so I thought it would be fun to add a small love heart into his name so as I was writing 'Reharn' I added a small love heart at the start and end.

As I completed doing her arms on both sides and her feet in about 2 hours and a half and it took me a bit longer because of all the crazy people sitting next to me teasing my sisters as I had to stop and laugh otherwise I would ruin her henna.

"I'm glad I asked Aali to do my henna because some of the stuff you are saying would be so embarrassing if you said it in front of someone I didn't know," Ameena said as we all laughed and made our way to get ourselves something to eat as we were starving.

Everybody soon started to leave so I decided to phone Amir. I was waiting for him to answer the phone when two hands a appeared in front of my face covering my eyes.

"Guess who?" the familiar voice asked me.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are," I answered.

"Oh, really?" the voice asked.

"Yes really, now please let me go and speak to my husband," I answered back as I grabbed the person's hands and began to leave.

I was about to leave when a hand wrapped around my arms and pulled me back causing me to collide into his chest.

"So you're going to speak to your husband?" he asked me as I nodded my head.

"What are you going to speak to him about?" he asked me as I shook my head.

"That is only for my husband to find out," I answered back as I smiled at him and began to leave once more.

"Wait so I am not your husband?" he asked me as I shook my head.

"No, you're not," I answered just to see the look on his face.

"My husband is a very handsome man, and is always smiling and knows what I am thinking before I ask him, my husband is fearless and I love him very much, he is a fearless businessman that receives many threats," I said as he looked at me for a while before he bursts into laughter.

"You want to ask me if you can stay at you're parents for the wedding, right?" he asked me as I look at him in shock.

"How do you know and can I ?" I ask him as he nodded his head.

"You are my wife and if I was a married girl I would want to stay at my parent's house for my sibling's wedding," he said as I gave him a long hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, is that all ?" he asked me as I looked at him.

"What do you expect me to dance around naked for you?" I asked him with sarcasm laced clear in my voice.

"Ya I would like that," he answered back with amusement in his eyes, as I slapped his arm and walked away to where the girls were standing.

"Hey Aali," he called me as he grabbed my hand and gently pulled me towards him and placed an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, Amir?" I asked him as he gave me a small sad smile as his dimples started to show wishing mine were as deep as his but they are not.

"I overheard your whole conversation and I am sorry for not taking you on our honeymoon," he said as he held his ears and pouted at me as I couldn't help but pull his cheeks and laugh at him.

"Hey, it's alright you gave me more than I could ask for so forget about the honeymoon okay, we have a lot going on in our lives and with the two little ones coming we won't have any time," I said to him as I smiled at him. I wasn't upset about the honeymoon at all coz it's a bit late for that 7 and a half months into our marriage we are going on a honeymoon. Not gonna happen.

I kissed him on his cheek and he did the same before I left telling him to go and enjoy his night with the guys. But he had a mischevious look on his face like he was planning something.

I joined the girls and smiled brightly at them, as they all started to squeal so it was Aleena, Ameena, Maryam, Zaira, Sidrah, Safina, Simra, Sam and I as all the other girls had to go out with their family somewhere to some relatives house or some funerals but they promised to make it to the Nikkah and Walima.

We sat downstairs as all the parents started to laugh at childhood stories we quietly made our way up and sat in Ameena's room but we had to be quite so we don't get told off for staying up late as tomorrow is Ameena's Nikkah.

I was currently having my sister Aleena doing my henna for me and the funny thing is that me and my sisters all know how to do makeup, hair and henna so we can just start a side business together if all goes downhill but Alhamdulillah it never did.

"So who's gonna do what tomorrow then?" Simra asked as she opened the notes app on my phone as I was waiting for my henna to dry.

"Umm..Aali coz you have done my henna Safina can do my makeup, Sidrah and Simra can both do my hair, Aleena you can paint my nails if you want, Zaira and Maryam can style and pin my scarf onto my dress and Sam you can be the photographer if you want," Ameena said as everyone started to smile at her and hug her.

"Okay that's fine I will just make sure everything including the decorations are in place then, yeah?" I asked her as she glared at me.

"No Aali you ain't doing anything, you need to rest you're gonna put yourself and your babies in danger," she said as I sighed and nodded.

"Can I help with the decorations?" Sam asked.

"OMG, obviously Sam I have seen your Instagram page of what you do in your spare time and it is amazing so yes," Ameena said as we all laughed at her squealing.

That's how we spent half the night talking away until we all got tired and fell asleep with makeup items, notes and planning ideas on pieces of paper surrounding us.

Beep beep beep

I opened my eyes to find everyone asleep but Ameena and Aleena were not in the room but even though all the 'future couples' were engaged they were not Nikkahfied meaning there were not actually married. Apart from Maryam and Ismail who kept it small as Ismail didn't have any actual family members to invite so he invited his friends and Amir's family to make up for it so Amir and Amir's dad took place-as his witness for his Nikkah. So we had to make sure that none of the guys saw the girls without their scarfs.

So I quickly left the room and found Aleena and Ameena in the kitchen talking with Amar and my parent's and even Amira was sat on the counter so I climbed on top of a chair and sat on the kitchen counter as everybody glared at me.

"As-salaam wa alaikum everybody and what just coz I'm pregnant doesn't mean that I can't sit on the kitchen counter, so Ameena you happy that you're gonna be married now?" I asked her as tears started to form in my own eyes as I smiled at her and tried my best to not break down in front of her.

"Aww I'm going to miss my big sister," I said to her as I hugged her whilst laughing but tears were falling down my face. As she hugged me back.

"Hey at least it is in aunty Zoya's house you guys can come all the time as you are friends with Zaira but isn't it funny I am going to their house and Zaira is coming to our house," Ameena said as we all started to burst out laughing as Amar blushed deeply as I just laughed and had tears forming in my eyes as I tried really hard to not cry.

"Well I am still going to miss you and I don't think I will have time though will I coz I have the twins and Amira to worry about and also the doctors said they don't know if they are going to be premature or born at the actual time they are meant to," I said as everyone nodded their heads looking at me with worry.

"Hey guy's, calm down nothing bad is going to happen okay. In Sha Allah ", I said to them as Ameena walked away to pour herself a glass of water and grab a Ferrero Rocher from the counter as I eyed the box waiting for the right moment to grab one too.

"Hey everyone write speeches about her that we will say on her Nikkah, I know we are meant to do it on the Barat but she leaves and goes to her husband's house after Barat innit, so it makes sense, and also due to the fact we are doing Nikkah and Barat on the same day instead of two separate days makes the wedding shorter," I whisper to everyone standing there as my mum, dad, Aleena, Amar and even Amira nodded her head as I quickly message all the girls to write up a speech if they want to, knowing that some of them are going through a tough time.

"We need to include all the funny, embarrassing and cute moments ever so let's do a slideshow with photos to go with the memories," Aleena said as we nodded and agreed with her ideas.

"How about I find the photos from your childhood and then you all get together and recreate them as you are now it will be so nice, you now like a jump through time," mum said as we all started to jump in excitement and went to grab Ameena from the living room.

So that's how we spent the morning times before her wedding taking photos of our best childhood memories for a 'scrapbook memories project' in Ameena's mind.



Everybody was beginning to get ready as Aaliya got herself and Amira dressed with great difficulty. The theme of the Nikkah for the girls from the bride's side was a teal dress type lengha with gold embroidery and designs on it with a gold scarf and gold jewellery and from the groom's side was the same except the colours were switched, a gold dress type lengha with teal embroidery and a teal scarf with gold and teal jewellery.

For the guys from the bride's side it was a teal sherwani with gold skinny trousers and a gold scarf and from the groom's side, it was a gold sherwani with teal skinny trousers and a teal scarf.

Aaliyah went into her sister's room to see her dressed in her beautiful maroon and gold lengha with Ameena putting on her jewellery as she walked closer. She had to shield her eyes from all the diamonds as the sunlight came into contact with the dress, making it shimmer like a room full of diamonds.

Aaliya could tell Ameena was uncomfortable in this because of all the diamonds but this dress was absolutely gorgeous and stunning and Ameena loved it but didn't want all the attention on her even though it was her big day.

Ameena turned around and found Amira, Aleena, Aaliya, Safina, Simra and Maryam all standing there looking gorgeous wearing matching clothes and gasped even Sam was wearing the same and it looked so good on her as it brought out her hair and eyes, so they decided to take a 'few' selfies for themselves as they hadn't sent their scarves yet.

Zaira and Sidrah were wearing the same as each other as they were from the groom's side and they all looked gorgeous.

Everybody quickly got started on what they had to do as Zaira and Sidrah had to leave after and head to their parent's house as it is their brother's wedding after all.

45 minutes later everyone was ready with their scarves set on their head covering their hair but not wrapped around fully and set onto their clothes with their makeup and hair all done they began to take selfies as Sam began to instruct everyone around so they moved to the large stairway instead.

At the front right was Aleena with a smile on her face next to her in the middle was Amira with a small rose bouquet in her hand, at the front left stood Aaliya with a massive smile on her face and a hand on top of her bump which was not too large nor small. In the middle behind Amira stood Ameena tall, beautiful and proud as she pouted at the camera with Safina and Simra on either side of her, and to the back right stood Sidrah with a cute smile on her face and at the back left stood Zaira sideways smirking at the camera looking gorgeous like everyone else there.

Sam squealed in delight after taking every picture alternating each girl so they were in a new place each time with new poses and new faces.

During the friend's photoshoot, Amir walked in with Ismail and Amar as they froze in their spots at noticing how gorgeous their wives and fiancé looked.

Amir walked up behind Sam and screamed in her ear causing her to almost drop her camera as she turned around and slapped him one on the back of the head.

"Hey, can you take a picture of all of us together now?" Sam asked as every one of the girls lined up on each side of Ameena and the second photoshoot began.

Zaira looked at the time on her phone and grabbed Sidrah's arm who looked at her phone and back up at her sister knowing that they need to go now.

"Hey, guys we need to go now otherwise we will miss the photoshoot with our brother," Sidrah said as they greeted everyone goodbye and left.

As they entered their house, they found their parents wearing the exact same as what her and Reharn's friends were wearing and they looked adorable. Zaira thought of teasing her brother as they finished with their small family photoshoot and selfies, she made her way upstairs.

She knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in," he said as she opened the door and gasped at how handsome her brother was looking standing in a gold sherwani with red designs on it with a red scarf on his shoulder and red skinny trousers.

"Oh wow look at my baby sister looking gorgeous," Reharn said as he walked towards Zaira and placed a kiss on her forehead as they hugged each other and Zaira being Zaira whipped out her phone from her small diamond studded clutch and began to take some selfies with him and then Sidrah appeared so they continued to take photos.

A knock was heard on the door and in entered Mason looking so adorable in his teal sherwani, Shazeb looking like a model in his, Subhan, looking amazing in his too, Ismail looking a bit uncomfortable but so handsome, Mohammed looking like a model in his as well as Amir looking like a model and it was a bit weird as he is from the groom's and the bride's side but he knew the groom longer so he decided to use the groom's dress code so all the guest knew who was from who's side.

Adam and Daniel both looked at each other as they all smiled at how good they looked so they all started to take some photos with the groom as Zaira and Sidrah left the room and made their way downstairs to find some amazing cars in a lineup.

Zaira squealed as she knew they were going to do a lineup with Ameena's side of the family too.

As they are more people in Ameena's family Zaira and Sidrah and their parents each get to chose a car they can drive alone.

The guy came out and their jaws dropped as everybody stood next to their choice of cars.

Sidrah was going to drive a Space grey and blue BMW i8.

Zaira was going to drive a space grey Mclaren F1

Zoya was going to drive a space grey Maserati GranTurismo.

Lastly, Mohammed Hussain was going to drive a space gey Lambhorgini.

And Reharn was going to drive the red Ferrari with Ameena sat next to him and they were using the same cars for the Nikkah as they both own these cars.

Just as everybody was talking about the Ahmed's they had appeared.

Aleena pulled up in the space grey BMW i8.

Aaliya pulled up in the space grey Mclaren F1.

Amar pulled up in the space grey Maserati GranTurismo with Ameena sat in the front seat.

Zackariyah and Khadijah both pulled up in the space grey Lamborghini.

All the guy's jaw dropped when they saw Aaliya's family step out of the car as the filmmaker was recording without them knowing but it ended up coming out awesome.

Everybody got into their cars as it was getting late and Reharn wasn't allowed to see Ameena as she had a massive veil over her face as he just wanted to see her face but he knew that it would have to be done after the Nikkah.

Everybody was in their cars and let Reharn's family cars go in front of the order of Sidrah's, Zaira's, Zoya's and Mohammed Hussian's car then Reharn's car then it was Mr and Mrs's Ahmed's, Amar's, Aaliya's and Aleena's car and it was perfect as the drone filmed from above and the camera's started clicking away as everybody stood in front of their cars and did a photoshoot.

People stopped and stared, as the cars passed them leaving them shocked as they guessed who's wedding it was and soon just like Aaliya's and Amir's wedding #AmeenaandReharn'swedding was trending on Instagram and other social media's.

They made it to the hall and parked their cars in front of the mosque next door as that is where the Nikkah is going to happen. Aaliya came running and dragged Ameena inside the mosque and into the girl's section leaving Reharn smiling at his sister in law's tactics knowing what they might do.

Reharn took off his shoes and placed them in the shoe rack beside the door and walked off not noticing Aleena and Sidrah had picked them up and hid them whilst laughing silently and messaged Aaliya to which she smiled at Zaira who had no idea what was going on.

"Okay as salam wa alaikum today's speech will be the importance of the relationship between a husband and his wife. The reason why I chose this topic is that one of the brothers that used to come to the masjid and help at every charity event is getting married today, congratulations to Mr.Reharn Hussain who is getting married to Ameena Ahmed who is also a big part of this mosque as her and her sister's Aaliya Shezard and Aleena Ahmed funded and designed this mosque," as the Imam said that all of the friends stared at Aaliya and her sister's as they didn't tell anyone what they have been doing with the mosque.

" Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

In the Quran, it has said,

.وَأَنْكِحُوا الْأَيَامَى

ٰ مِنْكُمْ وَالصَّالِحِينَ مِنْ عِبَادِكُمْ وَإِمَائِكُمْ ۚ إِنْ يَكُونُوا فُقَرَاءَ يُغْنِهِمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ

Marry the single people from among you and the righteous slaves and slave-girls. If you are poor, Allah (SWT) will make you rich through His favour; and Allah (SWT) is Bountiful, All-Knowing." (Surah 24, Verse 32)

In this verse, Allah (SWT) commands us (by Him using the imperative form of the verb) to marry the single, righteous man/woman from among us. Allah (SWT) even gives us a guarantee that if we are poor or lack the proper funds, still we should not delay the marriage as Allah will take care of the couple and grant them bounties from His Grace and Mercy.

There is also another verse from the Quran that says

هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَهُن

They (your wives) are a clothing (covering) for you and you too are a clothing (covering) for them." (Surah 2, Verse187)

In our day-to-day life, we see many uses for clothing. Not only does our dress act as a beautification for ourselves, but it also covers any defects that we may have on our physical body - thus, if a person has a scar or burn mark on his body, the clothing will cover this from others around him and thus, they would not know that he has such a physical 'defect'.

The husband and wife are to play the same role in relation to one another. If the wife has spiritual defects or lacks something in her character, then the husband must cover these up and not expose her shortcomings to others. The wife too must cover up and hide her husband's deficiencies and weaknesses and protect her mate. Not only has Allah (SWT) commanded the believers not to make fun of one another and not to mock or ridicule others, but they are also supposed to protect the honour and integrity of one another.

Also, the prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) has said that the husband has to provide his wife with money, house, healthcare, a safe house and clothes but if the wife works then the husband still has to provide for his wife as it is his right.

I would love to carry on but it is nearly time for Jummah and we have to pray and after that, it is time for you guys to get married, the halal way. So that's all for now guys but let's start the Jummah prayer. As slam wa alaikum", the sheikh/ Imam said as he finished his speech and got ready to pray as Ameena and Reharn had one thought on their mind.

They both got led into separate rooms where Ameena still had her face covered and had her sister's surrounding her waiting for the time to come where she will sign the papers.

"Hey don't worry okay Reharn won't do anything as we have known him for a long time okay," Aaliya said to Ameena who was shaking in nervousness not knowing this weird feeling inside her was beginning to grow bigger and bigger just like when she first saw Reharn.

So Aaliya may have forgotten to mention why they are wearing red on the Nikkah, well it is because the Nikkah and Bharat are on the same day to make it easier. They are having a small Nikkah in the mosque with just family and family friends who are really close to them and then later that same day they are going to the hall which is where everybody is going to be.

This is because after everything has happened they can't afford any more damage happening to their family. Forget about family names or reputations coz it's not more important than their family or the emotions and lives of others in their family at the moment.

There was a knock on the door causing Ameena to slightly jump as she started to pace around the room, not knowing what to do as Aaliya burst out laughing causing Ameena to glare at her.

"Hey did you forget your time or do you still remember it?" Ameena asked as she walked over to Aaliya who sat down on the sofa placed in the middle of the room with a table full of food laid out in front off it.

"Yes, I do remember it. but I wasn't this nervous, it was just the fact that I was scared he would get hurt if he knew my past or if I would get hurt again ," Aaliya said as she looked at Ameena and burst out laughing again. Just then there was a knock on the door again.

Aaliya walked over and opened it to find a nervous looking Reharn standing outside the door surrounded by Aleena and all her friends as Aaliya laughed knowing Reharn's pockets are gonna turn empty soon.

Aaliya winked at Ameena and walked out before placing a kiss on her cheek and decided to join in on the money asking as it was her sister's wedding, after all, it is her right.

"Heyyy!!!!!!! Reharn bhai how are you?" Aaliya asked as she walked up to him and crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him as he began laughing.

"You guys do know I am not scared of you guys and I will give you whatever amount you ask for," he replied and by this time Safina and Simra walked a bit back and just watched them all as they didn't know Reharn that much they didn't want to take money off him.

However, Aleena, Aaliya, Maryam, Lucy, Sofia and Sam weren't afraid as they practically grew up with these people.

"Okay so Sam, Lucy and Sofia will £45 be okay for you or do you want more? Don't bother I know you guys want more so will £50 be alright for you I still have five more people to give money to tho," Reharn said as we all laughed but wondered who those five people were.

"Woahh £50 is well enough bro thanks for it," Sam said as she took it out of his hands and hugged him and went back to the hall as she had nothing to do anymore as Lucy and Sofia followed her after thanking Reharn for the amount he has given them.

Reharn now turned to Aaliya, Maryam and Aleena and smiled.

"Now, as you are closer to me than the other three, Maryam you get £55, sorry if it's only £5 extra," he apologised as Maryam looked at him like he is crazy and started squealing jumping up and down.

"Are you crazy this is more than enough for me thanks bhai Reharn," Maryam said as she pulled his cheeks and hugged him before getting a message from Ismail telling her he needs to talk to her about something.

"Ismail wants to talk to me about something so I will just leave you three alone," she said as everyone smiled at her as she ran as quickly as she could but started to feel dizzy so she slowed down a bit.

"Now for my favourite four, "Reharn said as Aleena and Aaliya looked around to see who he is on about. Until Aaliya realized who he was talking about.

"Oh no, you are not giving me £165, as I am one person right now the twins are not born and I am trying to not spoil them so £50 will be fine Reharn, "Aaliya said as she shook her head and gave him a side hug as he laughed but pouted at her.

"Oh come on I will be an uncle three months after my wedding in sha Allah and I can't even give them an early gift, that's not fair".

"Hey thnk of being their uncle the best gift you can give them," Aaliya said as he smiled at her.

"Well I am gonna give £65 as the twins will get £5 each for now," he said as she reluctantly nodded and accepted them money and so did Aleena squealing as she jumped up and down.

"You know what you should be happy we are above happy with the amount given to us because many other people ask for hundreds even thousands of pounds and if you add all the amount you've given out so far it would probably be under five hundred," Aleena said in a matter of fact tone as she smiled at her second brother in law.

"I know and thanks for being cooperative with me," Reharn replies as he smiled back at his new sisters in law.

They soon both wiggled their eyebrows at Reharn as he shook his head at them both and entered.

He opened the door and took a deep breath as he looked at his beautiful bride standing there by the window as the sun shined on her beautiful maroon lengha making her look like the queen of his world.

He slowly walked up to her and stood right behind her watching her lost in the beauty of Allah's creation.

Ameena felt a soft coolness on the back of her neck and started to panic as she realized this must be Reharn as she had been so lost and caught up in her own thoughts, she didn't hear him enter the room.

"You look absolutely gorgeous today my queen," Reharn slowly whispered in her ear as his breath fanned her neck and her heart started to beat faster and feel nervous.

"Um..t..thank.y..you, you..d..do...not ..look...bad either," Ameena managed to say after feeling like an idiot for stuttering in front of him.

Reharn sensed that she was nervous and slowly turned her around to face him as she looked down he gently placed his hand under her chin and slowly bought her face up, so it was in his full view.

"Look at me," he said gently, waiting for her eyes to meet his, but they never did.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't need to be nervous just look at me," he said and upon hearing this Ameena gently scoffed no remembering who was talking to her.

She quickly realized who she just scoffed at and quickly looked up at her husband to find him smiling down at her as she just barely reached his chest.

"Um..I..am..s..sorry I didn't mean to scoff at you," Ameena said quickly whilst trying to stop stuttering, as Reharn laughed at her reaction and took his phone out and took a quick photo of her,

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ameena asked forgetting her situation as she tried to grab the phone off of Reharn but couldn't as he stretched his hand above his head. Knowing there was no way she could reach and Ameena was pretty tall for an average girl at 5'8 it was just Reharn who was a giant at 6'8. He was exactly a foot taller than her. 

Apparently, it was because he used to play a lot of basketball when he was younger and that led him to jump a lot and stretching his body as well as his dad and uncles all being giants too.

"I was just taking a picture of my beautiful wife, is that not allowed now," he teased her as she shook her head trying to grab the phone.

"No it isn't. Especially when I am not ready at all, and this isn't fair your really tall and I am short plus it is my wedding you can't make me jump," she said long forgetting about her shyness as he just laughed.

"So you don't have a problem I took one but it is the fact you weren't ready?" He asked her as she nodded as he laughed at her.

Ameena remembered she had her phone and took it out and logged into her Snapchat and began to take a few selfies of herself as Reharn stared at her and began laughing.

"Hey, do you wanna join in?" she asked as he nodded and came over as he looked at the camera and smiled. They took a few more with Ameena pouting at the camera and Reharn looking at her with love in his eyes and another one with Ameena looking at Reharn as he looked at her as they both smiled at each other.

Both forgot about their surroundings as they stared into each other's eyes, as Reharn wrapped his arm around her waist and Ameena placed her arm on his chest as they continued to stare at each other.

They both soon heard a knock on the door and broke out of their trance and quickly moved away from the position they were currently in, as Reharn rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as his ears turned red and Amena's cheeks turned a bright red too as they both stared at the floor.

Reharn quickly made his way to find Aaliya and Amir standing outside the door smiling brightly at Reharn and Ameena both waving their eyebrows at each other at the same time.

"Ooohh, finally after 5 years the king and queen leave their palace, what do you think Amir?" Aaliya asked Amir teasing her sister and new brother-in-law who both looked at the floor.

"I think we should make a move before the king and queen are late to their own wedding," Amir said as they both looked at each other with wide eyes and walked towards the car really fast as everybody laughed and followed them as they climbed back into their cars and put them into the same positions as before.

Everyone was laughing happily, finally being able to breathe as nothing wrong has happened. They all got inside their cars and began to move towards their destination and started talking about the speeches they all wrote and making sure their slideshow goes perfectly.

Around the time they reached the hall, it was starting to get dark and thought why not have the first part of the wedding inside and the second part outside, after serving the food to everyone who wanted to stay but knew it would mostly be family and family friends only it would be a little number of people.

The outside was simple with a few stairs going up the middle and a water fountain in the middle just in front of the stairs.

They exited their cars and slowly made their way inside the hall, but before that, they all decided for the family to go in pairs.

The lights in the hall dimmed and the music began to play quietly as all the guest ran to grab their scarves to place over their heads and sit in their seats and stop taking selfies.

The door opened and in came Reharn's parents, Muhammed Hussain holding hands with Zoya Hussain.

Following them was Ameena's parents Zackariyah Ahmed holding hands with his wife Khadijah Ahmed.

Following them was the first couple in the family Amir Shezard holding hands with his daughter Amira Shezard who was holding hands with her mother Aaliya Ahmed Shezard as the smiled at all the guest.

Following them in came Zaira Hussain and Sidrah Hussain spinning each other around once before standing in line with everyone else.

Following them in came Amar Ahmed and Aleena Ahmed who both did a pose at the end of their walk making all the guests laugh.

Finally, after all the pairs had come in and stopped opposite each other on the long red carpet on the floor the groom and bride walked in slowly as their families threw rose petals on top of them as everybody laughed.

Nobody could believe how beautiful the hall looked as it had beautiful chandeliers hanging down from the ceilings, with round tables with cloth the same colour as the beautiful stage where the couple were walking up to, with amazing colour changing lights installed into the stage that just gave that impression of fun.

The couple made it's way to the stage and Ameena was soon surrounded with all her best friends and sisters as they all wanted to take photos with the couple before anyone else.

So for the first twenty minutes, it was all family taking photos as the cameraman was doing his thing, as everyone laughed and had an amazing time. Soon the guests came and started to take pictures and hand over some gifts to the bride and groom making dua(small prayers) for them to stay blessed and happy with their lives.

Soon the food began being served and Reharn thought it was a perfect opportunity as no one was watching to take a small red velvet box out of his pocket and present it to her.

"Ameena, I have got you something," Reharn said unostentatiously trying to not gather the attention of anyone else.

"Really, you didn't have to," she replied back in the same manner as she turned her head towards him as gasped when she saw a box placed next to her.

She slowly opened it not wanting awareness of everyone else. Inside was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen with a slightly larger diamond in the middle surrounded by slightly smaller ones on each side as it glistened in the lights.

"It's beautiful you shouldn't have," Ameena said as she placed on her ring finger on top of the one she was already wearing.

"You're my wife it is my duty to love you and shower you with gifts expensive or not," he said in return smiling at her as she smiled back.

"But you have to tell me as I don't like you wasting money on expensive things for me," Ameena said as Reharn looked at her.

"Hey, I am not wasting my money on you ok, if I buy you something it's because I think you deserve it and you do, you spend your hours on end saving the lives of other people and barely take time for yourself so I am gonna take care of you okay," Re said as Meena nodded her head and they both smiled at each other as their families watched them with smiles on their faces as they laughed like no one was watching them.

"Okay lovebirds that will be all for now, we now have a little surprise for you," Zaira spoke into the mic as Ameena and Reharn looked at them in shock as the hall went completely dark and they flashed a light on the couple who were red in embarrassment.

"So we know we are normally meant to give speeches on the Barat but like today we mixed the Nikkah and Barat together we are going to do it today as she will be leaving our house as not only our daughter but now a daughter of someone else and a wife which is a big responsibility," Khadijah said as she tried her best not to cry.

"Ok so I am going to start off with a story I think Ameena knows and she hates," Aaliya said trying to hold in her tears as Ameena groaned causing Reharn to get more curious about her because yes even though they all grew up together they didn't know everything about each other.

"Okay so this happened about 8 years ago I was 14 years old and Ameena was 16 years old and we thought it was funny to do some really stupid challenge where we decide to make our lips bigger, so we went to the corner shop and the person at the till was our family friend so we were trying to explain to him if he has a lip kit and injections as a joke. He thought we meant we will put injections in his lips and eyes to make them invisible, so he got security on us. We escaped security and tried running home but ended up bumping into our dad. The next thing our dad saw was the police running after us as we were laughing and the shop owner was running after us," Aaliya said laughing as Ameena was laughing too.

"The best part was when we were talking to the police officers like we don't speak English and started speaking Urdu instead and they began to interrogate our dad and he joined in so they realized it was no point," Aaliya finished off as all the family friends started laughing as the knew how naughty they were as children plus everyone here has heard of the things Aaliya has done as children.

"I just wanna say I am going to miss not having my sister in my second home now, at first I got married so I couldn't be with her every day and go to her when I needed a shoulder to cry on or for advice but now she won't even be at my parent's house but rather my best friend's house Zaira who will soon in sha Allah( if Allah wills) be my sister-in-law and move into my second house my parent's house so I won't even have an excuse to go to their house. However, we still have Sidrah, so Sidrah if I am over every day it is to meet you and have time with you but also see my sister. I am just joking though coz aunty will let me come whenever I want, so be warned Reharn if you don't get to see your wife for a couple of days," Aaliya said and then just laughed as everybody knew she was joking.

"I'm going to miss you deeply Ameena my sister, my rock, my other half as well as Aleena being my other half, can't leave her out, plus Reharn if you ever harm my sister or if I ever see tears in her eyes let's just say you might not be able to have any kids in the future," Aaliya, Aleena, Amar, Khadijah and Zackariyah all threatened at the same time causing him to seriously look worried as the guests started to laugh.

Aaliya wiped her tears and moved to where Amir was sitting and sat on the sofa as he placed his arm around her waist as she leaned her head on his shoulders as everybody laughed at the slideshow of photos old and new and the guests soon began to leave.

So it left the really close family and family friends and it was time to take it all outside into the beautiful scenery. They all made there way down the steps and into the garden of the hall which they had set up.

With the trees and bushes covered in daisies and lanterns hanging on the branches as there was a passageway made by rose petals on the floor that led to a beautiful arch made with flowers and lights as well as a few rows of chairs placed there as well for the people to sit down.

Ameena's family and Reharn's family sat in the front two rows followed by Amir's family right behind Ameena's and next to then was Maryam's family and behind them was Lucy's family and next to them was Sofia's family so only family friends and family were left behind. As the atmosphere will ease up and all of Reharn's friends and their parents sat in the back row but everybody was still sitting close together so it wasn't a problem for any of them at all.

The atmosphere slowly transformed into peace and comfort as everybody engaged in small talk or heated arguments between the siblings, as the elders just laughed praying for their kids to stay together.

That's how the rest of the night went as they all spent their time with their loved one hoping nothing bad is to come and the nightmare is finally over for good.

Hey guys I am sooo SORRY for not updating in AGES but believe me with exams and family emergencies coming up everything was stressful and nor easy so I had decided to take a break and I really felt like my book was never good enough but so many people would message me telling me that my book is worth it. So I hope the books to come and the chapters to come are interesting and u love them.

Aneesa Mahmood

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