Warframe:lost cause(Finished)

By iohawa

9.1K 209 45

This story follows an ash and how everything changes in his world from his friends his surroundings and his d... More

Chapter 1 Ash's last mission
Chapter 2 reawakened to the new world
Chapter 3 enter arbiters of hexis
Chapter 4 the new world
Chapter 5 a raid?!
Chapter 6 abducted
Chapter 7 Crashed into the Syndicate
Chapter 8 heading to cephalon
Chapter 9 introducing the creators of destruction
Chapter 10 stranded on ceres
Chapter 11 alone and cold
Chapter 12 saving a friend
Chapter 13 waking up in an aftermath
Chapter 14 the upbringing on europa
Chapter 15 Plan to destroy snao
Chapter 16 war on Europa
Chapter 17 war on europa p2
Chapter 18 war on europa p3
Chapter 19 the uncharted planet
Chapter 20 Tough planet
Chapter 21 is he gone?
Chapter 22 on our way!
Chapter 23 the pit
chapter 24 Saryn
Chapter 25 these cages
Chapter 26 judgement
Chapter 27 Hell on earth
Chapter 28 Ghost tera
Chapter 29 the zephyr
Chapter 30 the simulacrum
Chapter 31 all gone to hell
Chapter 32 the simulacrum p2
Chapter 33 the war
Chapter 34 Ash the lost
Chapter 35 onlookers
Chapter 36 no more shells
Chapter 37 leave
Chapter 38 back into society
Chapter 39 Goals
Chapter 40 off to see nasd
Chapter 41 flushed out
Chapter 42 Revenge
Chapter 43 after report
Chapter 44 Lost in a dream
Chapter 45 the lost hero in the same era
Chapter 46 the arbiters bane
Chapter 47 aftershock
Chapter 48 odd ones
Chapter 49 Into the void
Chapter 50 Split mind
Chapter 51 seige
Chapter 52 the red veils rage
Chapter 53 Red veil miserys true intentions!
Chapter 54 unexpected alliance
Chapter 55 intrigued
Chapter 56 45 minutes of misery
Chapter 57 Ashs to ashs
Chapter 58 the trials ahead.
Chapter 59 weaponry!
Chapter 60 Basic steps.
Chapter 61 the orginal husk
Chapter 62 plans in motion
63 glitch in the system
Chapter 64 strike the heart
Chapter 65 Unspeakable terror/Chapter 66 Peace
Chapter 67 outpost
Chapter 68 Time to deal some vengence
Chapter 69 broken heart
Chapter 70 the strange man
Chapter 71 Marked
Chapter 73 Let me explain myself
Chapter 74 Reunions
Chapter 75 Beliefs
Chapter 76 Rathuum
chapter 77 the spoils
Chapter 78 Eternal
Chapter 79 the new world
Chapter 80 Operation Takeover
Chapter 81 Redemption
Chapter 82 the sattelite
Chapter 83 reawakened
Chapter 84 Hunters
Chapter 85 intial
Chapter 86 Drifter
Chapter 87 Apocalypse
Chapter 88 A warning
Chapter 89 A terror to all rogues
Chapter 90 The infested planet
Chapter 91 Father
Chapter 92 The shell janus
Chapter 93 rested up
Chapter 94 the mutants evolved
Chapter 95 The hybrid type
Chapter 96 the second raid
chapter 97 defection
chapter 98 awake again
Chapter 99 a fellow exile
Chapter 100 The genocide of a nation
Chapter 101 the neo
Chapter 102 rerisen
Chapter 103 Ctrl
Chapter 104 Lio virgo
Chapter 105 overlord
Chapter 106 answers
chapter 107 Where?
Chapter 108 The shaken universe p1
Chapter 109 The shaken universe p2
Chapter 109-2 imperfection
Chapter 110 the shaken universe p3
Chapter 111 the shaken universe p4
Chapter 112 there entitlement
chapter 113 Heirarchy.
Chapter 114 endebted
Chapter 115 end goal
Chapter 116 Nightime menace
a quick note
Chapter 117 death means no more betrayal
Chapter 118 a rescue mission for centuries
Chapter 119 another
chapter 120 fortress sent down
Chapter 121 The others
Chapter 112 Plan annhilation
123 the ashs of dera
Chapter 124 The army of many.
Chapter 125 the raid to come
Chapter 126 the means to and end
Chapter 127 the means to an end p2
Chapter 128 the means to an end p3
Chapter 129 the means to an end p4
the means to an end p5
Chapter 131 the time after.
Chapter 132 the time after p2.
Chapter 133 time after p3
Chapter 134 The new world we started
Chapter 135 the new world we started p2
Chapter 136 the new world we started p3
Chapter 137 the world we started p4
Chapter 138 Epilogue

Chapyer 72 No lives are special

21 2 0
By iohawa

I see a fleet of blue ships floating over the syndicate vanquinn NX firing lasers trying to take it out the sky

Janus:What the fuck!

I grab my corinith....but i hear a breathe next to me


I aim my gun at it but it grabs me by the throat i see its stalker


Stalker:Don't shoot me... Ill make you regret it tenno.


He puts me down

Janus:Gh...what do you want

Stalker:This faction is doomed.

Janus:We could!

Stalker:Win? A fleet of cephalons....They will kill you like the rest.

Janus:I have to do something!

Stalker:You dont...acting off emotion will get you killed...you should learn that tenno.

JanusWhy are you here then?!

Stalker:intel on the enemy see how they function....our raid on there servers failed. All data we claimed was purged and they backed it up elsewhere.

Janus:....they....they also caused ash to die...

Stalker:Your getting worked up for nothing tenno....

Janus:They Can't TAKE...THIS FROM ME!

I go into hysteria

Stalker:Your actions have consequences....


Stalker grabs my foot

Janus:LET ME GO!

I kick him in the face he slowly turns his head back at me and the look he gave me. I felt fear


He tosses me into a meteor behind us full force my back slams against it

Janus: GAHG!

He rushes in and punches me in the stomach I feel the air come out of my body.


Stalker/Hunhow:tenno...your nothing but a tool...but im glad your finally speechless.

He lifts me up by the back the head tilts me towards the syndicate vanquinn NX

Stalker/Hunhow:You hear it..

I listen closly i hear screams from the distance

Janus:I have to he...

He punches me in the back so hard i fall out of hysteria


Stalker/Hunhow:These people are no more.

He places me down next to him im still unable to move do to him hitting me so hard

Stalker/Hunhow:Everyones afraid of them and this void threat..they posses the means to corrupt simple units and even advanced ones...them taking this place would be a huge win..

Janus:Your fleet...where are they..

Stalker/hunhow:I would not win that exchange. A loss of firepower i dont need turning on me..

Janus:....but..my allys...ny chance of..

Stalker/hunhow:rebuilding? Starting a new future..this is the start of something terrible my dear.

Janus:are you afraid....as well..?

Stalker/Hunhow:I will wait this war until the two empires attack eachother I predict that this will not end pretty...


Stalker/hunhow:grineer and corpus would be a joke. Lightwork for these creatures. Red veil would posess some threat but shall be annihilated. The void and the cephalons will clash us sentients will join the void side.

Janus:You....they would know every ability....You Wouldnt stand a chance..

I look at him he doesnt even look at me

Janus:You...You know that dont you..

He sits silently


Stalker/Hunhow:a threat like this has never happened...i didnt expect a fleet of them to come here...didnt know they had the power to.

Janus:What....You think we all dont stand..

Stalker/hunhow:any chance... they arent nuking this syndicate look..

He tilts my head up and i see them shooting at at the ship

Janus:the...top a center?...

Stalker/Hunhow:They are going to knock it out the sky and pick up the remains...


I stand up

Janus:I have...to help them...

I see escape pods shoot out the base some being shot in air


I look and see banshee primes body flying in space.


Stalker:Your powerless tenno....We cannot stop them not now..


I see bodies flying out with cephalons flying out and grabbing them.

Janus:They....there gonna turn them..

Stalker:....I wonder..

Janus:i sit on my knees and see the syndicaye crash of the sky plunging downwards.


Swarms of cephalons swarm out and head to phobos the planet thats closest under it.


I try to fly but my archwing broke


Stalker:You cannot....you will die in from fleet..



He puts his hand on my back

Stalker:Enter hysteria....


I brace he blasts me in the back straight fowards


I jump on a cephalon mid air

Cephalon shell:EH?!

I stab it in the throat it goes limb and i shoce his body downwards towards the planet


I close into the atmosphere


I land ontp another cephalon shell

Cephalon shell 2:Huh?


The first shell twitches and looks at me

Cephalon shell:Foolish!

He grabs my face


I yell in his face stunning him for a bit

Janus:COME ON!!!

We crash into the ground forming a hole deep in the ground


I claw dowards into the hole hitting both of them.


I crawl out the hole and see nyx prime wounded and hydroid and valkyr prime holding them back.


I see the shells staring at me.


Valkyr prime:GRAAAGGHHH

She grabs one by the neck and twists it 380 degrees it falls on the ground i back up towards them.

Valkyr prime:Huh...didnt think youd come...

Janus:I couldnt leave you behind.

Valkyr prime:Well here the problem im feeling weak....my form will run out soon...im going to run out of hysteria. 


Valkyr prime:Nyx is clearly wounded. Hydroids just scrapping by.. save nyx..


Valkyr prime:if they get nyx this is over her knowledge is so great they could end all of this.

We see a red mist


Two capes floats infront of us

Janus:What the...

A valkyr looks back at me with stalkers head


Angst:Tenno....you are lucky today...

Valkyr prime:are you hear to help?

Stalker:I know your right tenno...that nyx is important....

We look back and see shes gone.

Hydroid prime:WHAT DID YOU DO?!

Stalker:She safe..she would have died here..

Angst:You have....to go valkyr your might is a problem if they get there hands on it

Cephalon shell:Are we done talking...stalker..you should have died on that planet!

Stalker:You arent taking my data...fool.

Cephalon shell:your loss.

They mold into zephyr and cut on turbulence.

Janus:Well bullets wont help now..

Cephalon shell:Alright units we end this

Stalker:you..are no more...

They run at us and we run at them

Hydroid prime:Eh...alright..

He pulls out a opticor wraith modified

Hydroid prime:Dodge this!

Zephyr shell leader:Fool that shall not pierce my...

Her head gets blown off and it hit three shells behind her



Two come towards me


The clash at me one with an exaled blade and another with talons like me

Exalted zephyr:Fool do you really think you can stand up to me!?

Zephyr talon:Suffer.

They start pushing me back i loose ground

Valkyr prime:RAAAAAHGGH

She does a war cry I feel my instincts kick in

Janus:Ash...lotus everyone....its over for you!!!

My mane comes out


I knock the one with talons off guard and kick her back and the exalted blade one stabs me in the chest


I punch her in the face grab her neck and close down as hard as I can

Exalted zephyr:RADIANT BLIND!


I feel my brain start to drift I start swinging wildly and shouting i feel bullets connect and i feel myself hitting them my sight comes back and i see a hand in my face


I get blasted and fly backwards rolling and my hysteria runs out

Janus:What???null blasts...

Hydroid prime:RAAAGGHH!

He fires a bullet taking down the shell that hit me


I pull out my lex


I start shooting them in the head while im still down


A shell teleports infront of me


I shoot him 5 times in the chest he barely flinchs a whip stabs him in the chest

Valkyr prime:Hehehe your funny!

She takes him and rams the body into about 10 shells


I stand up again and enter hysteria again

Janus:Ill save this even if my body turns to dust!

I put energy into my foot and get ready to jump.


I boost fowards with my claws out and ram into the the enemy i scewer about 20

Janus:RIP AND.....TEAR!!

They split in half


I look around and feel like i see one hundred with stalker taking the helm


His grenade takes out about 30


Her roar splits some cephalons in half

Valkyr prime:Hehe....hehe......

She falls down



He throws a grenade at her and the same misy he dissappears with engulfs her body

I look and see hydroid dead in the back

Janus:I just have...to KILL

I fully black out i just see red I start stabbing everything in my way I dont know how long we were fighting dont care to be honest. I feel like im fighting for the right cause for ones not as a pawn. But as person who chose this we fight for hours but i feel myself black out after awhile unable to stay awake after overextending myself

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