Divine -A Vampire Knight Fanf...

By untaking

60K 1.9K 159

Mika, the first of her kind to survive thus far, is forced to tackle the asperity of Cross Academy, a Pureblo... More

The Monster
The Pureblood Prince
The Dhampyre
A Deadly Thirst
Ice King
Hunter's Blood
My Vampire Knight
Vampires; Killers or Lovers?
Trust or Not To Be Trusted?
The Day Of Love
Bad Friend
The Shirabuki Family


2.2K 103 2
By untaking

Point of View: Mika Sasaki

Click. With the bathroom door locked, I started pulling apart the bandages, tossing them away. I found my reflection in a mirror, running my fingertips between my breasts; there was no wound, not even a scar.

"I don't hear running water, you wouldn't be trying to escape out the window, would you?"

Aidou said from outside the bathroom and I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Must you listen while I try to take a bath?"

I scoffed, undressing myself and starting the bath.

Think. Think. Think. How can I get past Aidou? I sunk down into the clawfoot style bathtub, until I was underwater. I thought about when Zero and I were in the barn and he nearly relapsed; he had no control and he almost killed me. But somehow I was able to stop him.. if only I could do the same thing to Aidou and put him to sleep. Coming up from under the hot water, I crossed my arms over the edge of the tub and laid my chin against them, looking around the bathroom, noticing a large wardrobe closet. But what if I fail, what would Aidou do to me? I had to at least try, I can't stay here. It's only been, what, a little over a week? Maybe longer? I don't really know how long I was out but in the little time I was here, one person died, Zero was injured and I've been very problematic to the Chairman and Kaname. My mind was made up, I was leaving.

Finishing up with my bath, I rung out my hair and quietly climbed out. I needed to be quick, or Aidou was going to check on me. Picking up the white uniform the Chairman gave me I sighed, sadness overwhelming me. After this, I swear, I was done running away. I wanted a home. Laying the uniform back on the counter, I spun around to the closet, opening the doors and snatching the first thing I could find off its hanger. It was another kimono dress; heather grey in color and made of soft silk, but this one stayed above my ankles.

"It's about time."

Aidou said, sighing as I opened the bathroom door. He started to walk back in the direction we came from and I reached out to him.

"Wait, Aidou.."

He turned halfway, shrugging his shoulders.

"What is it?"

I can't believe I'm saying this. I bit my lip, my eyes clammed shut.

"I've been thinking! You said I should..offer Kaname my blood but..I'm scared, does it hurt?"

I refused to look up, but I could tell he was in awe, by the brief moment of silence that followed.

"Can you..show me what it feels like..so I'm ready?"

I blushed, glancing up to find his widened, blue eyes beating down at me and his face was flushed too. This was my chance!

Cupping the blonde vampire's face, I felt my eyes flicker red. Aidou grabbed both my wrists, summoning his ice around my ankles, but as his ice shot up my torso, his eyes became heavy and the ice began to withdrawal. Frost dispersed from his body and was sucked into mine, like I was stealing his power. I gasped, forcing my hands off of Aidou, catching him as he fell to the floor.

"Please forgive me, Aidou.."

I whispered, my breath frosty. I wonder..
Laying my hands on Aidou's chest, ice swallowed his unconscious body, trapping him in a cocoon. In awe, I stared down at my hands. I could..control Aidou's power now? But for how long? Was this all because of Kaname's power..?


It was almost noon, as the sun rose to it's highest point, cloudless and bright. I found my way again through the small woodlands on campus that hid the barn, hoping Zero wouldn't be here. Nobody should have caught onto me yet, I was too quick.

Pulling open the barn door, there Lily was in the first stall, staring back at me with a mouthful of hay. My one, eventful day of horseback riding with Zero was not enough to make me feel comfortable about riding alone, but I had no choice. I took a hooded cloak off of a hook and threw it on, tucking my hair away. Lily wasn't wearing her saddle, but I had no idea how to set it up and I had no time. I ran my hand up her long face, reassuring her it was me. She flared her nostrils, sniffing me so hard it blew the hood off my cloak.

"Easy girl."

I whispered, climbing onto her back and taking hold of the rein still fastened on. I nearly slipped right off without the saddle, but I caught myself, hugging my thighs against Lily until she started to walk out of her stall.

"We have to go fast, okay?"

I said to Lily, not that she understood me at all. How did Zero get her to gallop? I thought hard, but all I could remember was Zero sitting behind me, his arm protectively holding me in place. I blushed, shaking Zero out of my head. No! Now is not the time to get soft..but..

I tapped my heel against the horse and suddenly she took off.


Point of View: Zero Kiryu

There was a faint knock at my door that woke me, the harsh rays from the sun that peeked past the curtains nearly blinding me. I threw my arm over my eyes, slipping back into a light sleep.


I groaned, figured it would be Yuki. She knocked again before slowly turning the door knob that I forgot to lock - Damn it.

"I'm coming in!"

Yuki said, and I sat up in bed, there was no going back to sleep at this point.

"Good morning!"

She smiled real big, running over to the curtains and throwing them open. Too bad I wasn't a vampire that bursted into flames when sunlight touched them. Yuki twirled around and gasped.

"Zero you're covered in blood!"

Shit, I forgot about that too. She rushed over to my bedside and I stood up.

"Relax, it was just from my shoulder."

I lied. The dried up blood on my hands and arms was from Mika. I could feel her usual, wearisome eyes following me as I crossed the room.

"So, you were attacked, like the Chairman said?"

Tch.. Why did Kaien have to tell her these things?

"Yeah, but I'm fine. Why did you come here anyway?"

I asked, pulling out a clean uniform from my closet.

"Moon dormitory inspections are today!"

I froze, Mika instantly flooding my thoughts. She would be there and I don't know if I can control myself..and if Yuki saw me relapse, she would know I'm a vampire.

"Zero..? I really need your help."

"Okay. Just give me 10 minutes to shower and I'll meet you out front."

Can I really control myself this time..?


Approaching the tall, steel gates we as Prefects guarded daily when classes changed, an older man with an eyepatch looked down at us with an unwelcoming hiss from his post.

"Who goes there?"

Yuki tugged on the narrow garment wrapped around her upper arm. It was all-white with a red symbol; both Yuki and I wore it, it's what identified us as Prefects.

"You may pass."

He grumbled, hooking his arms over his chest and sinking down into his post.

"What a grump."

Yuki whispered. Side by side we walked, up the cobblestone steps that led to the Moon dormitory mansion. I could feel Yuki repeatedly looking over at me.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, our eyes meeting.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I faked a smile.

"Yuki, I'm really okay. Don't worry about me, alright?"

I liked how gullible Yuki could be, it kept me from having to discuss my problems with her. I knocked hard on the large, ivory doors - I knew those vampires were in a heavy slumber. Eventually, the door opened but a crack.

"What is it?"

A raspy voice asked.

"Dorm inspections!"

Yuki responded, her hands on her small hips. Opening the door more, a vampire shorter than I, revealed himself, rubbing one of his eyes. His hair was unkempt and red like blood. And his eyes were a sapphire colour. His mouth stretched wide in a sudden yawn, baring his fangs. Yuki reached for my arm - She was afraid of most vampires but who could blame her, they were all horrid beasts..like myself.

"Can this wait till Lord Kuran returns---"

A loud shriek echoed through the mansion, it was a female. Was it Mika..?

I shoved past the vampire and darted up the stairway. As I turned the hall, I saw a small group of vampires gathered, all in their nighttime attire.

"What's going on?"

I demanded, and their eyes all fell upon me with glares, slowly stepping aside. I saw Ruka seated on the floor next to.. what the hell..

"Akatsuki, do something!"

Ruka pleaded. It was Aidou. As I stepped closer, I saw that he was frozen in a cocoon of ice. How was that possible..? Akatsuki kneeled down and placed his hand on the ice, flames emitting from his hand and instantly melting the ice.

"I thought Aidou was the one who could control ice?"

"He is."

Ruka replied, touching Aidou's unfrozen face.

"Shouldn't he just wake up?"

Ruka asked Akatsuki, holding Aidou's head in her lap.

"Let me try.."

A soft voice emerged from the crowd, and along with it came a girl with orangish-blonde hair in perfect pigtails and deep, cerulean eyes. Bending over, she touched Aidou with merely the tips of her fingers, emitting vivid electricity from them and shocking the vampire. Immediately he awoke with a loud yelp, jumping to his feet.

"What the hell Rima!"

Aidou growled, clenching his fists. She sighed lightly, shrugging her shoulders.

"I was only trying to help."

"Hanabusa! Explain to us now why the hell you were in an ice cocoon in the middle of the hallway!"

Ruka growled, standing with her hands on her hips. She was just as impatient as I was. I watched as Aidou's expression become confused, touching his face.

"The last thing I remember was.. Mika, she touched me and I could feel my power being..drained before I passed out."

"So she put you in that ice prison?"

"I'm not really sure.."

Aidou whispered. I narrowed my eyes, remembering in the barn when Mika had forced me unconscious. But she can't control ice, not from what I can remember. Unless..she can drain other vampire's powers and use them? I approached Aidou, my patience becoming thin.

"Did she say anything to you before all this happened? Anything about where she might have gone?"

Aidou sighed, shaking his head.

"No, I have no idea. Everything is still pretty hazy."

I sighed heavily, walking away from the herd of vampires.

"Search the mansion, I'll check the entire schoolyard. The ice that was around Aidou wasn't even melting yet when we found it, so she couldn't have gotten far."

"We don't take orders from you. And why should we care about that halfbreed anyway? I don't."

Ruka said, and I turned, meeting her careless look with a glare. I wasn't in the mood for this.

"Actually, Ruka, we have to help. Lord Kuran ordered me to watch her while he was gone."

Aidou said.

"Well, whose fault is that?"

Ruka replied, hooking her arms over her frail chest and walking back to her bedroom.

"Come get me when Lord Kuran returns, that's the only person I care about."

Ugh, I was wasting time with these useless vampires. I left with Yuki close behind me.

"What's going on, Zero..?"

Yuki asked, trying to keep up with me.

"Bad vampires are after Mika.. and I told her I wouldn't let anything happen to her."

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