2175 C.E.

By jonbrain

3.6K 587 137

In the year 2175, a Hegemony science vessel was detached to an uninhabited exoplanet in orbit of star RN-06 i... More

I: RN-06
II: The Swordfish
III: Task Force 6
IV: The Coming of the Black Ship
V: Black Ship Scenarios
VI: The Dark Shape
VII: Patient Olivia Mattingly
VIII: Footprints in the Dark
IX: 4:25 AM
X: Rumors in the Night
XI: The Interrogation Room
XII: The Zaha-Katchem
XIII: Do You Remember the 24th of July?
XIV: Who Are We Now That You've Seen Us?
XV:Captive (Revised)
XVI: Interview with the Telepath
XVII: Who Watches
XVIII: The Terrorists
XIX: Calamity of Calamities
XX: Minutes to Midnight
XXI: Flight of the Black Probe
XXII: The Gathering Storm
XXIII: Iacta Alea Est (The Die is Cast)
XXV: The Debrief of Yong An-Hong
XXVI: "The Council of Elrond"
Part 2
I: The Town of Jimeso is Burning
II: All the Medicine in the World
III: Shifts in the Winds
IV: Comes the Hurricane
V: Aftermaths
VI: Pray to the Stars
VII: Gennady Semyonov
VIII: Rorith
IX: Zakal-Faah
X: Operation ZERO
XI: Welcome to the Homefront
XII: The Awakening
XIII: The Trojan Horse
XIV: The Battle of Earth
XV: The Treaty of Yvar

XXIV: The Battle of Nova

70 12 6
By jonbrain

News Article: The Hanson Harbor Inquirer: 08/06/2175

By Samantha Rodriguez

I've been bringing you live updates of the battle currently unfolding over the skies of Nova. A few minutes ago, a Grushan fleet left warp near the edge of the Novan star system. It's a smaller battle group than the Terran fleet; according to sources at the Novan Stellar Navy High Command, Earth seems to have marshalled its entire fleet to launch this invasion.

The Novan Stellar Navy fleet retreated about six hours ago to friendly Grushan space; we don't have a clear idea of why as of now. According to analysts and contributors here at the Inquirer, and at NBS, the Novan fleet was only about half the size of the Terran fleet, and would have been unlikely to survive an encounter with the Terrans until Grushan reinforcements arrived. In addition, many speculate that the NSNHC was unsure whether to expect the appearance of the black ship of the Zaha-Katchem arriving with the Terran fleet, as Zaha-Katchem politics, though apparently aligned with Terran politics, are at this stage difficult for analysts to predict.

For the past several hours, the Terran fleet has bombarded Novan orbital defenses and planet-to-space missile defenses while avoiding Novan missile fire. At 6:15 AM, the last of these defenses was neutralized and since then they Terran fleet has bombarded civilian and navy facilities on the surface.

With the arrival of the Grushan fleet, the Terran fleet has left orbit of Nova and according to satellite imagery and radar data collected by military and civilian traffic sources. The Terran fleet has launched missiles at the Grushan as well as kinetic canon fire and shells. The Grushan fleet appears to be taking evasive action, and appears to have launched manned fighters, which are staying near the main body of the fleet.

I'll be bringing you further updates of the battle as they occur. We have been advised to instruct everyone to stay in submarine settlement areas and secure airlocks in the event of Terran orbital bombardment, especially in major cities like Imladris and Hanson Harbor. Authorities are planning evacuations of several key areas.

Speech Delivered by Zahal of the Zaha-Katchem: 08/06/2175: Tiananmen Square, Beijing China

Greetings once again people of Earth.

I speak to you today in response to acts of violence and terrorism enacted upon Earth by the Grushan Federation and its puppets on the former Terran colony on Proxima B Centauri. I have spoken directly with the President of Earth; he knows that the force gathered against the people of Earth by the Grushan Federation is immense. Therefore he has requested that I summon the last scions of the Zaha-Katchem Empire, which once stretched across the stars from Zakal-Faah to the far reaches of the galaxy, to assist the mighty fleets of Earth in the war provoked by the hostile Grushan Federation. I have spoken to the remaining elders of my people, and our decision is unanimous. The Zaha-Katchem will come to the aid of the Terran Hegemony, which once came to the aid of the Zaha-Katchem when we were cast into eternal sleep.

My people have studied the Grushan as we have studied the Humans. They are a barbaric and brutal people. They live and die by tooth and claw. They squabble and fight amongst themselves and call themselves "honorable" and "courageous." These are lies. They are lies that they tell themselves to justify a history of war, violence, oppression, fascist tyranny, and authoritarianism. It is a lie that is driven into the core of the Grushan Federation to justify centuries of classism, racism, cultural domination of lesser cultures, and cultural superstition. This is a lesser race, an unworthy culture. In the interests of a just and verdant galaxy, we choose to throw our lot in with the Terran Hegemony.

For there are even greater bonds that unite our peoples; not simply common goals or culture, but a destiny, a shared fate that shall bring our cultures to unprecedented prosperity and unity, as the Terran Hegemony unites the stars themselves under a common sign, and we shall bring peace to the galaxy, together, as one empire, over the Grushan and over the Novan traitors to the Hegemony! Remember this day, Terrans. It is the foundation of the future!

08/06/2175 1014 NST: Transmission Sent TSS Graf Spee BBM 0201: O Nova: 08/06/2175 1114 EST: Transmission Received Terran Interstellar Authority

Begin Transmission

Additional Grushan fleet power has entered Proxima system. Sensors are tracking one hundred fifty hostile warships inbound. The fleet's begun emergency maneuvers. We're withdrawing to Nova's magnetic poles to disrupt enemy targeting. Request immediate support.

End Transmission

Doctor's Note: Dr. Thando Babatunde: 08/06/2175: Translated by Ibrahim Kayode

Patient William Aucaman

Patient regained consciousness at 7:15 AM today. Patient is highly agitated, but responding well to treatment. The odd neurological activity I noted earlier is reduced. We measured a slight fever of 37.3 degrees, but it seems to be going down. Patient describes chills and high sensory overload, and exhibits symptoms of exhaustion. I've prescribed sleeping medications to combat exhaustion, but patient is reluctant to comply. He complains of nightmares and visions. I will continue to monitor his condition.

News Article: The Hanson Harbor Inquirer: 08/06/2175

By Samantha Rodriguez

Since the arrival of a second Grushan fleet near Titan's Belt at 10:14 AM, the Terran fleet has withdrawn to the Novan North pole. According to analysts, they seem to be hoping to disrupt Grushan targeting sensors and guidance systems; they are hoping that the magnetic field will scramble electronics in Grushan missiles.

As of right now, at 11:00 AM, it appears that the Grushan fleet is starting to have the upper hand in the battle. The first Grushan battle group has been exchanging missile fire with the Terrans for the past four hours, mostly at long missile range. Grushan fighters have inflicted major damage on five Terran missile cruisers and destroyers, which have pulled back to the relative safety of orbit. The Terran missiles have done significant damage to Grushan warships, however, and at least one carrier, two missile cruisers, and one light cruiser seem to have taken heavy damage.

However, with the arrival of Grushan reinforcements, the numeric advantage that the Terrans had early on seems to have dissipated. The original Grushan fleet still engaged near the planet Anaheim consisted of forty-five ships, including three carriers, twenty destroyers, eight missile cruisers, six light cruisers and eight battle cruisers. The invading Terran fleet consisted of sixty-four ships, including four carriers, two battleships, twenty battle cruisers, fifteen light cruisers, ten missile cruisers and thirteen destroyers. The second wave of Grushan ships consists of an additional fifty ships, including one carrier, three battleships, twelve missile cruisers, ten battle cruisers, ten light cruisers, and fourteen destroyers.

The Terran fleet has thus far responded well to the pressure placed on it by the volume of Grushan missile fire with countermeasures and point defense weaponry. Grushan fighters have inflicted large amounts of damage. It is uncertain how much ordinance the Terrans have available, however, and as the battle wears on, the Terran fleet may begin to encounter supply issues.

It's 11:02 in Hanson Harbor. More updates will come as they become available.

08/06/2175 1118 NST: Transmission Sent FGSF "Crow" A-15 MK12: O Nova: 08/06/2175 4151 Grusheran Standard Time: Transmission Received Grushan Senate: Translated by Rezhmarizh

Begin Transmission

Attack wing AG03 has entered Novan space. We are engaging the Terran Hegemony fleet at long range with missile weapons. Attack wings AH01 and AY02 are engaged and have contained the Terran fleet within Nova's magnetic field. I expect their fleet will be contained within [static] hours [explosion] Mayday! Black ship engaged. Say again black ship [static]

End Transmission

Personal Journal: William Aucaman


I could see the black ship. I saw it in combat. I don't know where, I don't know when. There were many ships against it; I don't know it they were Grushan or something else. They weren't Terran though; they were more advanced than that.

I saw the ships crumble against the black ship. I saw many ships in battle; I saw missiles and cannons. But nothing touched the black ship. Everything missed, and it destroyed the fleet.

Then I looked out onto the planet and I saw the black creatures. They built palaces and execution squares. Humans, Grushan, both were led to the slaughter in lines. They were led by humans and Grushan who bowed to the Zaha-Katchem. Like they were emperors or gods. And then I looked up and saw Earth and Grushar, dead, and empty.

I don't know what it was I saw. It was while I was asleep. After that thing attacked me. I'm so agitated I can barely write steady. My handwriting is shaky, I can barely read it. It was like a dream, but I don't think it was my dream. I think in some ways, it was real. It was real, I know it was. I just don't know how.

Radio Communication: From Admiral Yomarith, FGSF "Hellfire" A-43 MK1E: To Admiral Miguel Huerta, Novan Stellar Navy High Command: 08/06/2175

HUERTA: Admiral, what's your status?

YOMARITH: Terran fleet is contained within Nova's magnetic field. The fleet has taken light casualties. But we have a problem.

HUERTA: Yes, we're tracking the black ship in combat with AG03 Attack Wing. We're having a hard time getting a clear picture from here because several of our key radar satellites were destroyed.

YOMARITH: I am getting a good picture. Attack Wing AG03 is being decimated. Our weapons are having no effect against the black ship. It's eating through our fleet strength like it isn't there. I may have to divert additional fleet strength to contain it.

HUERTA: The intelligence reports must be true then.

YOMARITH: True enough. Missiles and deck guns are having no effect on it, and even our armor is having very limited effect against its energy weapons. We've lost fifteen ships already.

HUERTA: I've received word that the NSN fleet has safely reached Yvar. They'll be available to join combat in six hours.

YOMARITH: Negative. That black ship is holding its own against the full weight of the Federal Grushan Star Fleet. If we're going to come out on top in this conflict, we're going to have to have the NSN in reserve; no need sacrificing it now anyway. Order them to get out of jump range from Earth and await further instruction. The Star Fleet will have to handle it as best we can on our own.

HUERTA: Well, you have to do something. That black ship could destroy us all.

YOMARITH: Unless it runs out of fuel first. We're preparing to launch an all-out assault against the Terran fleet; we came to destroy it, and destroy it we will. Once it's taken care of, Attack Wings AH01 and AY02 will engage the black ship as best we can.

HUERTA: Don't stay in if it turns out that you can't fight that ship. We've faced invasion here before; we can face it again. I'm ordering the warp gate to charge and prepare for a jump to Yveran; see that your ships make it there on time.

YOMARITH: Only if it becomes absolutely necessary, Admiral. Hellfire out.

[End Transcript]

News Article: The Hanson Harbor Inquirer: 08/06/2175

By Samantha Rodriguez

New information is coming in from the front lines as the Zaha-Katchem black ship has engaged the third Grushan attack wing. The third attack wing jumped into the system at 11:18 AM and was immediately attacked by the so-called black ship. The Zaha-Katchem ship has exhibited unpredictable military capabilities, such as the ability to disappear from sensors at will. It also possesses advanced arms and armor that have in the past proven difficult for Terran warships, according to the NIC.

The black ship has inflicted major casualties on the Grushan fleet. According to new figures, it seems that over thirty-five of the forty-nine ships that entered the system have been disabled in the past hour of combat. The rest seem to be retreating away from the combat area and towards the rings of the planet Yotenheim.

The first two Grushan Attack Wings have engaged the Terran fleet at close combat range. The Grushan advantage in destroyer numbers means that in the heat of a close combat battle, they are likely to have the upper hand. However, the Terran fleet is holding position and seems to be making a stand above the North pole. They also appear to be launching large numbers of fighters to combat the Grushan assault.

Our own satellites at the Inquirer have detected large of spatial waves emanating from the Warp Gate in orbit of Nova. We have no statement from NSNHC as of yet, but it is possible that the Grushan fleet is preparing to retreat in face of the arrival of the black ship. Again, no statement has been made confirming this from the NSNHC.

The black ship has altered course and seems to be on a direct course towards Nova, in an apparent attempt at a flanking action against the Grushan fleet.

Personal Communication: From President Angelica Nieto: To Praetor Almarith: 08/06/2175

Lord Praetor of the Grushan Federation,

I have learned that the warp gate in orbit of Nova has been destroyed by the black ship. The warp gate in orbit of Yotenheim and the warp gate in orbit of Anaheim did not survive the initial invasion of the Terran fleet. In short, no route of escape exists for the Federal Grushan Star Fleet. Escape, I say, rather than victory. Twelve ships in six hours were destroyed by the Terrans; the black ship has neutralized fifty in one. The Terran fleet, though decimated, still stands. Pessimism does not become one of my position, but even so, it would seem that the Grushan fleet is lost.

As the President, elected ruler of Nova, and speaker of her people, I thank you for the sacrifice of the sons and daughters of the Federation. It was not their place to die, far from their homes, far from their Federation, in defense of a wayward human colony. It was the place of Novans to die for their country. But the Navy lives, and the Star Fleet faces an opponent beyond the powers of the galaxy. It is not right; and yet, so history turns. The invasion of Nova and the destruction of the fleet seem unavoidable. And after that, where do the Terrans and the Zaha-Katchem go next? I fear that all of us may soon face invasion.

Whatever happens, you, Praetor, have the undying thanks of the Novan Alliance and all citizens who live under Novan rule. History may record this day as defeat; Novans will remember it as the day when Grushar defended them to the last.

Angelica Nieto, President of the Novan Alliance

Over the next several hours, the Zaha-Katchem black ship hunted down and destroyed the remainders of the Grushan Attack Wings dispatched to the defense of Nova. In all, the Grushan lost over 142 ships in the Battle of Nova, many of which were disabled beyond repair. Over 7,850 Grushan lost their lives in the battle, many when their habitat rings were exposed to the vacuum of space. Well over three quarters of the Grushan fleet was lost in the battle. The Terran fleet took comparatively light losses, losing thirty-four ships out of their full fleet strength of 68 ships. The Grushan inflicted 1675 casualties upon the Terran fleet. The Novan fleet lost only one ship, the NSN Shaka, a destroyer with a crew compliment of thirty-five. However, within coming weeks, as President Nieto had predicted, the invasion of Nova had begun. Once again, the Novan Alliance were caught in a deadly conflict for its freedom.

Jon Brain, Chief Archivist of the Interstellar Historical Commission

08/06/2175 1229 NST: Transmission Sent FGSF "Claw" A-27 MK7A: O Nova: 08/06/2175 4300 GST: Transmission Received Grushan Senate: Translated by Rezhmarizh

Begin Transmission

"The scourge of God is come among us. Look to your children, and to your families, oh sons and daughters of Mozhemarizh, for the time of spears and claws has passed as the fading of the day, and the night has fallen upon the palace of your fathers. Place your faith again in the Lord, for as He brought up the scourge from the netherworld, so too will He shelter His people who believe in Him." The fleet is lost. The Terrans and the black ship will have victory. Save those whom you can.

End Transmission

Official Diplomatic Dispatch: From Grushan Senate: To Terran Global Hegemony President's Office: 08/06/2175 1830 EST

To Yan An-Sing, President of the Terran Hegemony, from Almarith, Praetor of the Grushan Federation, Chairman of the Grushan Senate, Commander of the Federal Grushan Star Fleet,

Greetings. News has reached the Grushan Senate of a successful Terran invasion of Nova and the destruction of the entire FGSF attack fleet with the help of the Zaha-Katchem black ship. As is Grushan custom, I congratulate you on your well fought victory. However, I also warn you. Mine is a culture of hunters and warriors, where you and your nation are sedentary, of short tempers and shorter patience. Your victory today may give you confidence, but it has not broken the will of my people or the Federal Grushan Star Fleet. In response, therefore, to the unprovoked invasion of Nova, and the destruction of Grushan property and murder of Grushan soldiers, the Senate has voted and authorized a declaration of total, unrelenting war of attrition. May your blood be as rain upon Earth and all of your worlds.

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