Actress in Disguise

By The_Anonymous_Me

47.1K 1.7K 504

The top actress in Hollywood, Jessica Raymond, goes undercover as a nerd attending a normal high school. What... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

1.9K 79 29
By The_Anonymous_Me

Check out my newest book, "Just Ordinary"


Chapter 9~

"That's not how you do it!" I screamed out in frustration as I threw my hands in the air. "Put more emotion into it!" Tyler scratched his head, and shyly looked downwards, like a child with guilt. He let out a sigh.

"I've expected you to be more... You know... Kinder? I never though that you would be so... Tough in person..." He thought for a moment before coming up with tough. He surely was debating on which word to use to be least offensive.

I rolled my eyes. "Just do it right, okay?"

"Alright let's start again," said Max Crystal. "Get back into your positions."

I walked over to the trees, and hid behind a tall, half dead Evergreen.

"Good, action!" And the filming begins again...

I pant hard, my legs tremble slightly, making me lose strength. I can't go on... Fear surged through me like a tidal wave, drowning me. I quivered, biting down on my bottom lip, as I nervously glanced around. Good. There's no sign of my assassin anywhere. I let out a long breath of relief, as I feel my legs give out on me and my knees collapsed, connecting with the rocky soil. My dress must've been dirtied, but I payed no mind. It has been years since I've stopped caring about cleanliness and appearances. It was enough to just stay alive.

A sudden rumble of the leaves in a nearby bush startled me, making me jump slightly, alert. Is he here? Already, I could feel the panic sink in. A mini adrenaline pumped through my veins, as I dashed out of the tree I was hiding behind, and sprinted at my top speed, passing through tree after tree. I could feel its ragged branches and sharp pine needles scrape against my skin as I hurried past them. My bare feet hurt greatly with each and every step, as they continuously hit against the jagged rocks and scattered pine needles.

Covered in bloody scrapes, I continued to run, refusing to give in. I slowly came to a stop behind a few bushes, and kneeled down, resting for a short while, keeping watch the entire time just in case. Footsteps neared, causing me to quickly get into running position. He's here already? I was about to start off, when a voice cut in behind me.

"Hello?" I snapped my head around, seeing a boy about my age in tattered clothes and old shoes. His face was slightly covered in dirt, and his hair was a mess. Even so, he appeared to be in a much better condition than I was. He took a step closer, and examined me deeply with his enchanting blue eyes. "Wow, there aren't many girls around here. How rare is it to see one..." He let out a gasp of amazement, as he continued to stare at me as if I were some mythical creature.

I was too shocked to say anything, so I stared back at him. Who is this boy? Is it safe to trust him?

It has been years since I last came into contact with a breathing human around my age. It made my whole body tense just at the sight of him.

"Who are you," I softly whispered.

"Oh right- I... I live near here." He nervously pointed in a direction. "My house is right behind there." He shot me a shy smile. Then, his awe became replaced with panic, as he looked me up and down. "What happened?" He honestly just noticed...

"No, it's nothing," I let out a nervous laugh, patting my dress, hoping to make it look even a little bit cleaner. "I fell down." Which is an utter and complete lie, but I didn't care. I can't afford to tell him everything. I can't possibly tell him that my dad owed a debt to a gang leader, and that we lost our house, belongings, everything... I can't possibly tell him that because of the debt, my dad had agreed to use me as payment... And I can't possibly tell him that I had escaped from their hideout, and now they are after my life... No, I can't tell him any of that. I can't possibly.

"Right..." He gave me one of those 'I don't believe you' smirks, before shoving his hands into his pockets. He looked up at the sky, and a troubled look flashed over his face. "Oh... Look at how late it is, already... I gotta' go now, before my mom starts giving me a one hour lecture." He winked, as he turned away to leave. Midway, he paused, and he turned around to face me. "I know you got into a fight. Trust me, I can tell." He sounded so confident that I didn't want to ruin his ego. "There are lots'a bad people around here. You should watch out, and take better care of yourself." And with that, I watched as his back disappeared, blending in with the rest of the trees.

"Cut!" Screamed Max Crystal. "That was beautiful! Now wrap it up, we're done for today. Good work everyone."

I let out an exhausted sigh, as I stretched my arms out. When I turned, I saw a hand holding a napkin up at me. Must've been one of the assistants. "Thanks," I said, as I grabbed it without ever bothering to look at who it was.

"So did I do well?"

I looked up, and saw that it was Tyler. So it was him. "Yeah, I guess... Slightly better than before, good work." I turned to leave, not wanting to waste any more precious time on him.


I halted to a stop. "Yeah?"

"What's your bra size?"

I ignored him, and continued walking, feeling quite agitated already.


I didn't pay any mind to him.

"No wait! I'm serious! My friend wanted to know!"

"It's 32B"


"Dude, you're so lucky!" Said one of Douchebag's friends, as he patted him on the back. "You're filming with Jessica Raymond, that sexy babe?"

"She's like the dream chic of every guy." Said another one of his asshole buddies, as he bit into his hamburger.

They were sitting at their usual lunch table, discussing about me. I rolled my eyes. Guys will be guys.

"Oh yeah, Josh?" I heard Tyler begin. "You know that question you wanted me to ask? Well, her size is 32B."

"Awwww, man. I hoped she'd be a DD." I choked on my coke when he said that. I let out a few coughs, as Beth patted my back comfortingly.

"Whatever, smaller boobs are still boobs." Said another guy.

His whole group then began to go into deep discussion about my breasts...

"Hear that?" I asked Elizabeth. "Is that what guys talk about these days?"

She let out a chuckle. "By the way, your fans are going nuts knowing that you have a new movie." She lowered her voice to a whisper, in case someone catches onto our conversation. "And your haters aren't backing down either... They started many false rumors about you."

I shrugged. "So? How is that any different? I get a lot of hate anyways."

"True, but one of them caught my attention... " I scooped some mashed potatoes into my mouth. "They say that Jeremy Kingsford's child is yours." My teeth stopped chewing, and I put my spoon down. Did they find out? Do they know?

"But still, it's only a roumor. Surely, it will be forgotten with time," I said with a calm composure, but the truth is that I'm sweating like a pig already.

"Yeah but it was suspicious already that you were taking a break for an entire year... And to make matters worse, it was back when you and him were together! More and more evidence supporting the theory are popping up each day. It's all over the web..." I gulped.

"I'm dead," I whispered to her. "Let's just hope it stays a rumor. If my parents find out, they will make me into steak and eat me!"

"I'll try to get rid of them."

"Yeah thanks," I mumbled, pushing my tray aside. I've lost my appetite.

My parents didn't know I was pregnant back then... I lied saying I just needed some time off of work, and that I needed some space to think. They were furious with me, and tried to demand better explanations, so I payed the doctor to tell them that I had depression, and was going away on a private island to receive therapy. They believed it. During that one year, I gave birth to Noah. Shortly after the birth, we split. Jeremy wanted Noah, and I did too. But I knew I couldn't keep him because of my parents, so I let Jeremy take him. He helped me lie and said that Noah was an adopted child. We both knew that it would be hard on him growing up, but there was no choice.

It's been a total of 2 years since I last saw my child. I wonder how he's been. Although Jeremy was my ex and exes usually have that bad relationship, it was different for us. We understood each other as friends, and would always turn to the other person during hard times. Jeremy was a reliable guy, and I respected him. I trust that he will take good care of our kid. Even so, I can't help but miss Noah's adorable chubby cheeks and sweet smile. Jeremy would send me photos of Noah every once in a while to show me how he's been. But photos are photos, I still can't help but want to see him in person...


Plot twister! XD comment, vote, and follow?

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