
By TheGhostOfThePast

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Lucinda is a girl with a heart of gold but more baggage than she can carry. Nathan is reclusive guy who has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Part II: Love Fades, Mine Didn't
Part II: Prologue
Part II: Chapter 1
Part II: Chapter 2
Part II: Chapter 3
Part II: Chapter 4
Part II: Chapter 5
Part II: Chapter 6
Part II: Chapter 7
Part II: Chapter 8
Part II: Chapter 9
Part II: Chapter 10
Part II: Chapter 11
Part II: Chapter 12
Part II: Chapter 13
Part II: Chapter 14
Part II: Epilogue

Chapter 16

306 8 2
By TheGhostOfThePast


Its prom night. Both me and Nathan are already dressed, though part of me wishes we weren't. I'm not interested in silly dances and obsessing over popular boys like the other girls. I'm not one for muscles, anyway.

I run a comb through Nathan's hair, trying to make it look somewhat presentable. Not that it matters, really, but still. As I brush his hair out of his eyes, a habit I doubt will be broken any time soon, he touches my wrist.

"I... Don't want to go in a wheelchair. Do you still have my crutches?"

I look at him surprised.

"Um. Yeah. I'll go get them.

They're a bit dusty but it doesn't take long for me to get them out.

As he stands up with them, a distant memory comes to mind but fades as soon as it came. It brings with it old emotions I've been struggling to bury. As they bubble back up to the surface I feel butterflies in my stomach and blush. God I feel like I'm fourteen again...

He looks so... Perfect.


Prom. Its not quite as big an event as its made out to be. At least not for me, anyway. The other students seem to be enjoying themselves. Popular girls are dressed like sluts, laughing and making fun of those they consider beneath them in packs. Most boys are just trying to get lucky enough to get into there date's pants. I on the other hand, am quite bored.

Mostly, I just stand around with Nathan, watching the others make fools of themselves. Its not like we can dance or anything. And I don't trust high school punch. You never know who slipped what in it. 

As I stand lost in my own thoughts, Alice approaches us with her blonde haired date. I don't think I've seen him before. 

"Hey, Luce!" she smiles joyfully.

She gestures to her date, "This is Ian."

Both Nathan and I voice our "hellos." Ian has a bright pair of hazel eyes at least.

"Has Alex showed up yet?" Alice asks.

I try to hide my distaste.

"Not that I've seen him."

She gives a thoughtful "hmm" and leaves.

I turn to Nathan for conversation.

"Hey. Are you...?"

"I'm fine." he interrupts,tired of hearing the same question.

"I wasn't going to ask that." I say firmly.

"Oh," he mutters, taken aback.

"I was wondering if you..."

I trail off realizing I don't know exactly what I want to ask. I don't ask him many questions. The ones I do are pretty mechanical, I don't have to think much about them. This time its different. Its something I haven't asked in a long time.

"What?" he presses.

"I don't know," I admit, "We've been standing here doing nothing for a while now. Are you... bored, I guess?"

"Bored?" he echos, seemingly confused.

"You haven't even said much this whole time. All you do is watch everyone in silence."

Suddenly, I realise I'm not just talking about right now.

"I am not bored," he hisses the word through his teeth like its some sort of curse, "Things are just different now."

I think he's referring to more than just this moment as well.

"You could do something... fun, I guess."

"Fun?' he repeats, puzzled.

"It was a stupid suggestion, never mind." I say, shamefully.

"No. I..." he seems unsure.

"I just have a lot on my mind." he says finally.

Yeah, I guessed as much. It's been a while since I've really talked to Nathan. I admit, its... a bit strange.

"Say something." he tells me.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Start a conversation."

Now its my turn to be confused. I try to think of a good topic, but its difficult. Nothing really comes to mind. We've already talked about everything we could possibly care about. Well except life before the accident. I don't want to get into that though. Not here. Not now. I think about usual topics, like music or local gossip(not that I've really heard any) but he wouldn't care about those things. And its not like I can just bring up the weather. Quite frankly everyone in town is sick of talking about the last "haunted house." I feel uncomfortable as he looks at me expectantly, so I look away from him.

"How... is your day going?" I finally ask, at a loss for anything else to say.

"...Fine," he says, disappointed in my lack of creativity.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I don't know."

We stand in silence.

"I take it you and Alex haven't been on the best of terms." he ventures.

I raise an my eyebrows, surprised.

"What would make you think that?

"You've been avoiding him for a while now."

I shrug.

"We were never close as it was."

He looks puzzled at my dodgy response.


I look away uncomfortable. It wasn't really a lie was it?

Neither of us try to make conversation after that.

I caught sight of Lucky with Adrian. He gestured for me to come over. I look to Nathan but he only nods.

"Go on."

So I tell him I'll be right back and take my leave.



"So... This is your date?"

"Yeah, I'm Adrian."

"Oh, so you're the famous Adrian I've been hearing so much about? Nice to finally meet you!"

I chuckle as Lucky blushes.

"Yeah, that's me."

Adrian laughs too and kisses him on the cheek, only succeeding in turning him a deeper shade of pink.

Lucky clears his throat.

"Uh. Luce, Alex was looking for you earlier. I think he's in the hall."

"Oh." I try to hide my disappointment.


"Right. I'll go find him, then..."

I wander off, taking my time. I really wasn't in the mood to see Alex. Let alone talk to him.

As I wander in the hall, I think Lucky was mistaken and that Alex isn't here after all. I was about to go back when I saw him.

Pressed against the wall by another boy. Do I have any straight male friends left?

Sure, I've seen my fair share of such scenes before but something about this repulses me. I practically run for the nearest exit.

As I take a breathe of fresh air, I hear the door behind me open.

And sure enough, there he is.

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