Your Soul: Where Light Goes...

By Amare-Scribere

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[Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued] **Edited version of this story is currently published. Also un... More

Your Soul ~ I
Your Soul ~ II
Your Soul ~ III
Your Soul ~ IV
Your Soul ~ V
Your Soul ~ VI
Your Soul ~ VII
Your Soul ~ VIII
1k? NO WAY!
Not A Chapter
Your Soul ~ IX
I have been tagged...
Your Soul ~ X
Your Soul ~ XI
Your Soul ~ XII
Your Soul ~ XIII
Your Soul ~ XV
Your Soul ~ XVI
Your Soul ~ XVII
Your Soul ~ XVIII
Your Soul ~ XIX
Your Soul ~ XX
Your Soul ~ XXI
Your Soul ~ XXII
Your Soul ~ XXIII

Your Soul ~ XIV

2.4K 118 114
By Amare-Scribere

The more I write...the more I forget what I wrote two chapters ago. Help xD

(Karma's POV)

Nagisa hesitated as he placed me down on the floor, petting my head before he left to his room. I played the cat act, meowing and strolling towards her, scratching at her legs. But it turns out that my (purrfect) acting wasn't necessary.

"So..." Hiromi began, a hand on her hip. "You're a demon."

I stopped all movement and stared up at her, my head tilted to the side. This woman found out about me, I wonder how. I dug my claws into her legs, she winced.

Next thing I know, she's holding me the same way that the crazy monkey held the lion in that one movie that Nagisa showed me this one time...

"You can drop the act." She put me down on a chair. "I wish to talk."

Showing no reaction, I asked myself the same question over and over again. How the hell does she know what I am. That's the only thing running through my mind, not to mention how I'm going to get out of this situation. Or as I like to say back in hell, 'how am I going to kill myself out of this one.'

Should I keep up the act? Do I reveal myself? As risky as that is...there are already too many humans that know of me. Three idiots, three teachers, one dead demon hunter...and Nagisa because he's the one who summoned me. Am I missing anyone?

"Well? Are you going to reveal yourself? There's no point in keeping up the cat act."

Still not doing anything, I gave her a non-suspicious meow.

"Fine. Since you're not going to show yourself...I'm going to warn you." She hissed, a hand resting on her hip.

Warn me? Is she serious...?

"If anything happens to my son, I'll kill you." She threatened. She legitimately just threatened me. A demon. "So please don't make it hard for me...because I can see that he really cares about you."

She turned around to leave.

"Nothing will happen to him."

Hiromi stopped dead in her tracks, looking over her shoulder with caution. Her eyes widened when she saw me, no longer a cat, but a demon in its human form.

My cold gaze penetrated her very soul. She's the one who's been hurting him, and she comes and threatens me. She is demented.

"Now listen here, I'm the one who'll be warning you." I seethed. "If you dare hurt him, your life will be in my hands."

Her heart pounded against her chest, I could hear as it was beating at a rapid pace.

Getting off the chair, I strolled passed her, smirking when I saw the fear in her eyes. Fear....what a delectable feeling.

I nodded at her and went to Nagisa's room. The door of his room was unlocked, so once I was inside, I made sure to lock it for him.

My eyes landed on the bed, where he laid asleep with a space beside him where I always lay down every night. Getting on the bed, I made myself comfortable, turning on my side to watch him sleep.

An action that I find myself doing lately.

Nagisa shifted a little in his sleep, he moved so his head rested on my chest, using me as a pillow, his arms wrapped around my torso.

I hope he doesn't squeeze me to death...

Though I didn't mind it. It was comforting in a way. It might not be much...but his made me feel safe. He's a lucky one, I wouldn't let anyone get this close with me...not after--

I sighed, turning off the lamp beside the bed and resuming in watching his sleeping face. Taking notice of the slight shiver, I brought him closer to my body.

As the minutes of silence passed by, the only sounds being heard were our breathing, I remembered a conversation I had with Nagisa a while back.

"When this is all over, if we succeed in eliminating Koro-Sensei, what are you planning on doing with me?"

I remember how his voice was barely above a whisper as he said that, how he pulled away from me just to look into my his eyes were dulled over as they bore into mine.

"What?" I responded with a quirked brow. "What do you mean by that? Why are you even asking me that? You know what I'm planning on doing with you." That was what I said, but in truth, even I didn't know what I was going to do.

His head lowered, a faint smile adorning his face. "It's just that...I couldn't help but wonder. You said I have until March, that you were going to grant wishes? Before devouring my soul."

To this day his words echo in my head. I hate this. I hate to admit...but in the little time that I've known him, I already bonded with him on a deep level. And I'm considering in taking back my words.

"Grant wishes huh..." I thought aloud. "Is the reason you're bringing this up...because you want me to grant your wishes?"

He shook his head in a 'no' motion. "Not wishes. Just one."

His face lit up brighter than I've seen before. It was such a mesmerizing sight. That gentle smile plastered onto his face, those kind eyes, and that one-of-a-kind personality.

"What's your wish?" I asked with a forced smile, just the thought of him already thinking of the day he'll no longer be alive brought a bitter taste to my mouth.

What surprised me though, was the fact that once again, he shook his head.

"I'm not telling you yet. It's a secret for now."


With just that, he returned to our previous position. Head on shoulder and arms wrapped around my waist. He may have forgotten about my good sense of hearing, but he muttered under his breath,

"You're already granting it."

I wish I knew what he meant by that...I am doing no such thing. I would ask again, but I doubt he would give me the answer. I'll just have to figure it out myself.

I breathed in his intoxicating scent and buried my face in his hair. Everything about him mesmerizes me. I'll never get used to him.

Maybe instead of devouring your soul... I'll keep it where it is, and I'll claim your entire being instead. Now that doesn't sound so bad, does it?

I closed my eyes, drowning into his scent. Not needing to sleep is a true fact, but maybe losing myself to it wouldn't hurt. The last time I slept was when I was younger, will I be able to do it? It's been a few years...

Nevertheless, I kept my eyes closed, hoping that maybe I can be at peace of mind for a few hours.

[Le Next Day - Early Morning]

(Nagisa's POV)

I awoke to an unbelievable heat...and not to mention the alarm clock. A yawn escaped my lips as I rubbed my tired eyes and attempted to remove what was causing so much warmth.


Turns out the source of the incredible heat was an arm. Karma's arm. What I thought was my pillow was actually his chest, and oddly enough, I heard a sort of rumbling sound...I would say it's a purr...but he's not a cat.

It still surprises me the amount of heat that his body releases. But what surprised me more at the moment was the fact that my demon was trapped in slumber. Never, I mean never, have I seen him sleeping. He's told me that demons don't need why is he sleeping? Is he sick? Do demons even get sick?

I tried to escape his grasp, but the moment I shifted, Karma's arm tightened around me, resulting me being immobilized. Why... I grunted and struggled to get out of his hold, but to no avail. I am trapped.

"Karma?" I called out in a soft tone. "Can you let me go?"

No response. Darn it...I have to pee. I managed to free my hand and shook him by the shoulder, as I did that, he made this sort of whimpering sound that made me freeze up.

He turned over so he laid on his back, and now I find myself on top of him. I made no sound. Looking down at him as he slept...his expression seemed peaceful, he looked...vulnerable.

I poked his cheek. "Karmaaa, let me go~" I whined, my face falling on his chest. After exactly four seconds, I looked up and poked him again.

He made another sound before scrunching his nose, opening his eyes. In a blink of an eye, he jerked up, him beginning to breathe at a rapid pace and turning his head in all directions.

With hesitation, I cupped his cheek, he flinched before looking down at me, his eyes wavered as they gazed into mine. "...Nagisa?"

My lips curved downwards. "What's wrong?"

His grip on me loosened, but I didn't move away. Karma sighed and dug his forehead into my shoulder. No words spoken. I let him stay like that for a moment, until I had to leave to the bathroom because I needed to empty my bladder.

Though when I came back, Karma sat on the edge of my bed, his face concentrated and his eyes looking into a far off land. He resembles a lost child who's seen the word for what it truly is, chaos... Shaking the thought away, I went to check the time.

6:38 am. Dad will be here at seven. Looking back at the redhead, he was still in his daze. Should I be worried? I feel like I should be worried.

"Get ready." He said, making me jump. He had fallen back onto the mattress and hid himself under the covers. I sat beside him, resting a hand on what I assumed was his arm.

"Something is bothering you."

"I'm fine."

Two words. All it took was two words to know that something was, in fact, bothering him. 'I'm fine' is equivalent to 'I'm not okay'. I would know that. But it also means 'I don't want to talk about it' which is why I decided to leave him be and do what I needed to do.

[Time Skip]

I stood there in between mom...and dad who arrived five minutes ago. I shifted closer to dad, not really wanting to be too close to her. My demon that was currently a cat sat on my shoulder, nuzzling his head against my cheek.

"I'll call you to see how things are going." Said mom in the most awkward tone I've ever heard.

"That's fine by" Dad scratched the back of his neck, a nervous quirk of his. He's been doing it ever since he got here.

"Pfft...dorks." Karma spoke through our mind link. I immediately shushed him...but I forgot to do it via telepathy. And now mother and father are staring at me as if I grew another head.

"Oh..uh.." I took a step back. "...I'm sorry."

Mother cleared her throat, returning her attention to dad. "Anyway, it's best if you leave now..." She turned to me. "I'll see you in a few days, love you."

"Mmhmm...sure you do."


Dad then turned to me. "You ready to go, kiddo? We can stop by the sushi shop on the way home."

I forced my lips to form a smile, as to not make the situation more awkward than it already was. "Sure!"

"...sushi?" Asked the red cat. "That's the raw fish rolled up in rice that you like so much, right?"


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