homestuck lemons

By Eternal_Melancholy

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Karkat (redo)

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By Eternal_Melancholy

A word to describe the troll you crushed on ? Loud .
And that was the word you used when always describing him.

But he could be sweet. When he wasn't yelling at Dave for making fun of his taste in movies .
  Telling the troll how you felt had been a long-time coming I mean everyone around the two of you could see it. Hell even Nepeta saw it .

  Dave teased you about it and Kanaya encouraged you to tell him , but you always denied it . It would never work you weren't able to make a relationship with a human work ,why would a troll be any different ?

   You always thought that
Until the day you saw Karkat and Terezi making out on the couch. It hurt alot ... you knew Kar liked Terezi but you didn't think it would go any where or atleast you hoped it wouldn't .

It wasn't long till you walked away from the scene. Why would you watch ? You decided it would be best to go to your room and cry it out then act like it never happened atleast that would be easier ..

A week past and you didn't talk much , you were introverted but this was different even Vriska was beginning to worry about you . Dave came by to talk to you throughout the week but have little to no info as to why you barely came out of your room. 

Karkat sat in the kitchen pissed that you weren't there to watch the weekly romcom with him . He was worried but his anger did tend to get the best of him . He hasn't seen you since the day he kissed Terezi. 
  Strider wouldn't shut the fuck up about how he should go talk to you , but something in his mind told him that you didn't want to see him .
" just go talk to her karkles, " Dave said , while getting a cup of Apple juice from the fridge .

Karkat mumbled out a fuck you to the strider before stalking off to his own room .. deciding to talk to you when no one was awake that way no could interrupt .

It wasn't long till everyone went to sleep , Karkat walked quietly to your room at the end of the hall  
He gasped silently at what sounded like you crying and Strider offering some comforting words .
He stood there for a moment listening to you two talk .

"It'll be okay , you don't need him (Y/N) ", Dave said to her.  Karkat pressed his ear to the door .

" I'm in love with him ...", Karkat pulled his ear away from the door shocked ... his best friend was doing this becasue some keep broke her heart ? He was pissed and immediately knocked on the door before opening and walking in .

" can I talk to her ..", the trolls voice was low and soft .
(Y/N) and Dave both stared at him . Dave looked towards her waiting for an answer. She nodded .
"Alone", Karkat added quickly after she had agreed to talk to him .
Dave looked toward her again . She nodded yes.

Dave hugged her and then walked out of the room closing the door as he went .

" I'm sorry ", she said before he could even get a word out .

"For what ?".

"Missing our movie night ", she replied avoiding eye contact .

"Its okay", he shrugged . " I just want to know why you baracaded yourself in here (Y/N) we've all been worried about your dumbass ", he stated his eyes sad but still as stern as they've always been .

" uhh....", her voice trailed off .

" don't give me that bullshit , I know it's becasue some asshat hurt you ....", his voice drifted " I heard you and Strider talking when I got to the door ".

You looked mortified ...He had heard you . Fuck this is awful ..

"Who was it ?", Karkat asked "Who hurt you like this , cause imma gonna shove my foot so far up thier add they will taste my show in thier throat ", his angry statement made you even sadder .

" so please ...just tell me ", he grabbed your hands in his " I was so worried about you ".

" it was ..", she couldn't look at him , she knew as soon as those words came out of her mouth he would leave .

" you're in love with me ?", he questioned .
You just nodded .
"My dumbass is the reason you locked your self in here ...", his voice triales "why?".

You looked at him , tears threatening to spill over the brim of your eyes .

" I saw you kissing Terezi  and it hurt ...", her voice trailed off slightly .
"It was stupid to be hurt by it , i-I kn-know but I couldn't help it ", her voice cracked as the tears sttreamed down her face .

Karkat was pissed at himself ... how in the actual fuck could be be that oblivious to someones feelings ? He sure as he'll didnt know .

He scooted closer to her and wrapped his arms around her in a hug .

"Karkat , I'm sorry ", she breathed out .
He sighed , " you can't help who you fall in love with ", he smiled sadly .
" yea ..and you're in love with Terezi ", she stated sadly , cuddling her head farther into his chest .
" actually that was a misunderstanding ", he states . She pulled back and looked at him with a year stained face and a confused look .

" Terezi asked me to help her make Dave jealous ", he exaplained " I figured it would be a good chance to get with her , but as soon as my lips were on hers I saw a completely different face in my mind ", he finished , his grey eyes looking into hers
And she looked just as confused as before.

    "All I could see was you ", he stated , pressing his forehead against hers.
She went to talk but his lips were already against her.
She smiled , kissing the troll back.

( A/N) : hey sooo this'll be a two parter . Okay ? Okay.

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