The Clan (Jooheon x Reader)

By mmiidmc

12.6K 620 225

✔️COMPLETE✔️ A land ruined by war. A group known to survivors as "Monsta X" or "The Clan" set out to restore... More

You really are them
Minhyuk and Shownu
Changkyun and Hyungwon
A dream?
Soldier 47
Authors note
Run from death...again
A night together
Authors note
A capture, A plan
A capture, A plan (pt.2)
THE Plan
Authors Note
An inside job
Authors note (plz read)
Lets do this
A True Hero

A way to say thanks

613 36 14
By mmiidmc

A/N: hope you enjoy this chapter despite it being a bit of a mess...


"You're gonna be okay, just hold on for me"

"Kihyun, we should leave her, give her some space"

"But what if she wakes up? I don't want her to be alone.."

"(Y/N), take your time resting but please come back to me"


I woke up to a ringing in my ear and a dusty smell filling my nose. My eyes dragged open and I saw Minhyuk and Kihyun hovering over me. "(Y/N)" Minhyuk said "(Y/N), can you hear me?"

"Yeah.." I said softly as I sat up. I felt Kihyun's hands on my back holding my up a sitting position as I felt my head spin. "What happened?" I asked as I held my head and looked around. This wasn't the room I remember being in.

"That's what I wanted to ask you" Minhyuk said "you've been unconscious for two days and we can't seem to find out why. What's the last thing you remember"

"Umm... I remember an explosion. Seeing a orange glow in the distance. I remember Jooheon holding me and hearing the explosion getting louder and that's it. I remember a dream...but nothing after" I said quietly

"Very strange" Minhyuk muttered "its possible you passed out from either stress or trauma. Your mind may have suffered severe trauma that you are unaware of, the bomb and explosion may have caused you mind to fit without actually showing which meant you passed out" he explained

"I suppose that makes sense..." I said. "That might explain why I had the dream I did"

"What dream did you have" Kihyun asked

"The day my family was was about that"

"That would explain your dream" Minhyuk said "you will be okay, but for now just take it easy. Don't try and do anything or rush to much"

"Okay, thank you Minhyuk" I smiled softly

"Of course" he smiled back and stood before walking into a different room. Kihyun remained by my side.

"I'm so glad you're okay, I was worried" he said

"I'm sorry I worried you.."

"No it's okay, you're fine now" he smiled. "Are you hungry, or thirsty?"

"Uh no, I'm okay" I said "where are we? In the house?"

"Yeah, sort of. We're under it" Kihyun said

"Like a bunker?" I asked

"Yeah, sort of. We knew something like this may happen so we build this place just in case, and it just so happened to be the case where we need it" he explained

"Oh..." I said. I felt Kihyun's eyes on me which made me fidget slightly "where are the others?" I asked trying to worm my way out of the awkward situation I foresaw between us.

"They're just in the next room, do you want me to get them for you" he asked

"Can...can you get Jooheon please?" I asked quietly.

He paused for a moment but soon smiled and nodded before standing and walking into the next room. I heard voices and waited to see if Jooheon would show up. He soon did. "(Y/N)!" He said happily as he came over to me and knelt by my side. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. I...uh...thank you for holding me...I'm sorry I got so scared"

"Don't be sorry. We all get like that. Everyone's scared of something. It's nothing to apologize for. I'll be here to hold you if your scared again" he smiled

"Thank you Jooheon" I smiled back. A comfortable silence fell around the room as we just looked at each other. Suddenly a sharp pain flew though my head "ah!" I groaned as I held my head.

"What is it?" Jooheon asked quickly.

"My head...could you get me some water?" I asked. He nodded his head and quickly went in search of some water.

My head was fuzzy but one thing was clear in my mine. A giant white '47' as clear as day in my mine, as if it were being projected in front of me. I blinked rapidly as I tried to get the image out of me mine. It suddenly turned red and disappeared as I heard Jooheon call out to me.

"Ah Jooheon!" I jumped. He placed a bottle of water down beside me and placed his hand against my arm.

"Hey, breath" he said softly. I noticed my breathing was heavy and uneven. "Relax. Your safe. Nothing will hurt you here" he said in a soothing tone. I took hold of his hand and slowly started to breath normally again. "Better?" He asked, I nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened..." I explained as I looked away from him.

"It's fine, your just still a little shaken up from what happened. Maybe you should get some sleep. Rest your mind" he offered.

"O-okay" I said as I went to lay back down "c-can you stay with me?" I asked squeezing his hand.

"Of course I can" he smiled softly at me. My eyes slowly slid shut and soon I drifted off to sleep, feeling the warmth of his hand relax every muscle in my body.

I slept soundlessly while feeling the warmth of his hand never leaving me. My sleep was dreamless to which I was thankful for. Another nightmare wouldn't be ideal at this moment, but I didn't think anymore on it, fearing that a nightmare would find its way into my mind.

When I woke, I saw Jooheon reading a book, his hand still holding mine. "Jooheon...why didn't you leave while I was alseep?" I asked him as I sat up.

"You asked my to stay with you, so I did" he said, his eyes not leaving the book resting in his free hand.

"Thank you..." I mumbled.

"You're welcome" he said, smoothly closing the book and smiling at me with a smile that made my heart melt.

"What are you reading?" I asked quietly trying to find the title of his book.

"I don't know" he admitted "I'm not really reading it. Just saw it and thought I'd see what it's about. It's not that good to be honest"

"Why didn't you put it down?" I asked him. He smiled and turned to look at me.

"Because the only other thing I would look at it you" my heart started pounding against my chest and my face burned red at his words. I tried to get a thank you out but it just came out in a string of fumbled letters.

He chuckled as he put the book down. I gave up trying to speak and just looked at him. "Jooheon, I never really did say thank you for helping me. For taking me in and looking after me" I explained as I looked down "I would've died if it weren't for you guys. There's no way I can thank you enough for what you've done"

He was silent for a moment. His eyes flicked from mine to my lips and back to my eyes again "I can think of one way" he said quietly as he leaned forward.

"Jooheon!" Shouted a voice. Jooheon stopped and sat back turning around to see Changkyun walk into the room. "Ah! (Y/N)! You're awake!" He smiled brightly causing me to smile back, despite the fact that he was the reason my kiss with Jooheon was taken.

"What is it?" Jooheon sighed in annoyance

"Shownu is going scouting and wants you to go with him" Changkyun explained.

Jooheon sighed again "alright" he then looked back at me "I'll be back later" he stood and walked past
Changkyun came and sat next to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Um..I guess I'm okay. I feel better then I did before" I said

"That's good then" his smile fell as he looked down to the floor.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"...everyone seemed different with out you. It may have only been two days but it felt like a lifetime. You've changed things around here, everyone is so much more...happy I suppose. Thank you for coming here"

"Thank you for taking me in" I said. He didn't look at me. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

" remind me of my sister" he smiled as his eyes met mine. "She had such a kind heart and strong will. You have the same softness about you as she did. It makes me think about how much I miss her"

"Changkyun...I'm sorry I remind you so much of her..."

"Sorry? You don't need to be sorry" he laughed "because of how much you remind me of her, it's like I get to spend all day with her. Don't be sorry. I'm thankful for you" I didn't really know what to say so I just smiled. "Perhaps you should get some more sleep. Just to make sure you're okay"

I nodded "okay" I layed back down and closed my eyes ready to fall asleep.

"Changkyun" came a familiar voice. I knew it to be Shownu but didn't dare move. I was meant to be asleep.

"What is it?" Changkyun asked

"I need you to go upstairs and wait outside. I saw some soldiers on our mission and I need you to tell me if you see them again" Shownu explained

"Alright" Chankyun said. I heard his footsteps leave the room but I guessed Shownu stayed.

"What did Minhyuk see it you...I wonder..." he then left. What did he mean? Did I think I wasn't good enough? But his voice sounded...curious, as if he wanted to know. Maybe he saw something and wanted to know if that's what Minhyuk saw. Maybe when I woke up I would ask him about it.


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