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After The New Order of The Stone defeated Romeo also known as the Admin, Now Beacontown has been restored. Wi... More

Chapter 1: Awkward Situation
Chapter 2: Suspicious, Isn't It?
Chapter 3: You Gotta Stop Doin' That
Chapter 4: Friends and Family Joined Together
Chapter 5: Chaotic Incident in The Theater
Chapter 6: The Mysterious Threat
Chapter 7: The Truth is Revealed
Chapter 8: The Impending Doom
Chapter 10: In This Darkest Hour
Chapter 11: The Struggle Continues On
Chapter 12: The Silent Storm
Chapter 13: Grim
Chapter 14: Did Not Expect That
Chapter 15: The Great Escape
Chapter 16: Liberation Time
Chapter 17: Night After The Liberation
Chapter 18: Ura Ura Ura!!!,🇷🇺
Chapter 19: Centurions! At Your Service!
Chapter 20: Siege of Mushashi🇯🇵
Chapter 21: Das Panzerlied🇩🇪
Chapter 22: First experience with Modern Equipments
Chapter 23: Ask the Girl, Jesse :D
Chapter 24: When The Yankees Stepped in🇺🇲
Chapter 25: Vive Le France🇫🇷
Chapter 26: The Tides of War
Chapter 27: The Fire of Resistance
Chapter 28: The Return of The Swastika
Chapter 29: Glory Of The Navy🇬🇧
Chapter 30: The Steel of Destruction
Chapter 31: Multiple Party but One China 🇨🇳🇹🇼
Chapter 32: Enemy at The Gates
Chapter 33: Tank Brawls and Cavalry Charge
Chapter 34: Spirit of Wellington
Chapter 35: Showdown and Fate
Chapter 36: The Battle of the Bad Luck Alley
Chapter 37: Doom is upon us
Chapter 38: Nothing is in Vain
Chapter 39: United We Stand
Chapter 40: Greed of The Corrupted Eagle
Chapter 41: The Dark Juggernaut
Chapter 42: The Return of the Allies
Chapter 43: Hitler's Steel
Chapter 44: Return to Beacontown
Chapter 45: Believe in Unity
Chapter 46: The Charge Of The Freedom Fighters
Chapter 47: Time of the Judgement
Chapter 48: Even in a desperate Moment, there's always hope
Chapter 49: Future seems to be Bright and yet it also seems to be Dark
Chapter 50: Chasing off the Inevitable
Chapter 51: Light of Hope shines on the Dark Path we went through
Chapter 52: The end is closer than you think
Chapter 53: Victory is ours (Mega Chapter and Grand Finale)
Epilogue: The Peace and Calm after the Storm
Extra 1: Major Power's Infantry Units

Chapter 9: In Mortal Peril

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{Jesse's POV}

"Run! Run! Run!" i shouted to everyone while running outside The Temple to find the Town is in chaos. Beacontowners were running around for their life and many of the buildings were destroyed but thank the Admins that there are no injuries or deaths. I also heard somethings flying in the air. When I looked up, I saw these waves of these flying things (Bomber Aircraft) in the air dropping some sort of bombs into Beacontown and there's many flying over Beacontown in the sky. We quickly hide under an some sort of random built obsidian structures to cover ourselves from the bombs that were being dropped from the sky since obsidians can withstand even the biggest explosion

"Oh no, Its happening" i managed to said between my panting

My sister was panting really hard that she had to bend her hips so that she could reach her knees with her hands "The Attack...That Hologram Guy said... this is just the first phase" my sister said

"We better get the people to the safety!" Lukas stated while looking around

Petra placed one hand on her hips, clearly not into Lukas' plan "But where's the 'safety place' exactly? Y'know with everything here goes KABOOM!" Petra said sarcastically, flailing her arms in the air, making an explosion gesture with her arms

"Jesse! Jessica! Petra! Lukas!" suddenly s familiar voice called from behind us. We turned around to find Jack and Ivor running down towards us while dodging all the bombs that were being dropped from the sky

When they reached the obsidian structures we were in, I sighed in relief "Oh, I'm so glad you guys are okay" i said, feeling relieved to find them here. Well actually it's actually them who found us

"Yeah, we were at my Shop when suddenly we heard loud explosions around and saw these waves of... flying things dropping some kind of bombs from the sky" Jack told us while wiping the sweat on his forehead

"We went here as quick as possible when the 'Bombardment' started to tore down the Town" Ivor added while making a 'quote and unquote' gesture with his hands and fingers when he say the words 'Bombardment. Man, these two had quite a cardio training aren't they?

Lukas looked around them with a concerned look "Uhh, where's everyone else?" Lukas asked them with worry in his tone

"don't worry, They're already save in my underground shelter" Jack replied with a smile. I sighed in relief

I slammed my lower right fist to my left palm "Good, we need to get in there too. It's not save around here anymore" I stated. They all nodded in agreement

"Good idea" Petra agreed. Then when we prepared ourselves to sprint as quick as possible away from this structure to Jack's underground shelter. But suddenly the 'bombardment', as Ivor called it, had stopped and Its really quiet and dead all of the sudden. Okay this is weird and for some reason ominous

"Wait! it's stopped!?" My sister asked herself, shocked

"well it seems like it is" i took a deep breath of relief before turning back to the others "Okay, let's go guys!" I said to everyone. everyone just replied to me with a nod and was about to run to Jack's place

But then we saw those flying things coming back. But these looked different in shape but same in color: black and dark gray and they're not dropping bombs anymore. Bu instead they're dropping like about a hundred people gliding towards the town with some sort of Gliding Gadget with the form of umbrella attached to their backpack. I'm guessing that these people are the enemy troops because they have this unique yet strong looking armor, the same one we saw from John's message. Within seconds, they released their Gliding Gadget when they're about several centimeters from the ground as they landed on the streets of the town and pulled out their weapons, guns (particularly Gewehr-102 Semi-Auto Rifle, MP-68 SMG, Sturmgewehr 50 AR, FG 57 Machine Rifle, Machinegewehr-67, and Luger P-19 pistol). The same ones that John's group members uses but also different in design and look

"Halt dor!" One of those soldiers shouted at us. Then he turned to his man and said "Es sind sie! erschieße sie und keine Gnade!" this one Soldier, i think he's the leader of this troops

"Verstanden, Truppführer!" The other troops replied without haste to what I assume as their order from their leader. The dark armored soldiers quickly pulled out another weapons of theirs which were axes, but these axes are not ordinary wood chopping tool that could also be used as a weapon. But these particular axes were specially designed for combat. It was big, with black color and red stripes on the metallic part, and it has like some sort of 3 thorns on them. Those are some scary looking battle axe I've ever seen in my life

"Oh crap" Petra muttered as we quickly pulled out our own weapons, ready to fight them off. I pulled out my enchanted Diamond sword, My sister pulled out her longbow, Petra pulled out her 'Miss Butter' enchanted golden sword, Lukas pulled out his Crossbow, Jack pulled out his dual enchanted Diamond sword, and Ivor pulled out his Diamond Katana in one hand and some harmness potions in his other hand

"Für die herrlichen tausend jahre Reich!" the soldiers war cried as they begin their move to attack

"Prepare yourself guys! This is going to get nasty" i said raising and brandishing my sword, ready to fight. Everyone just nodded which mean they're ready to fight. The good thing is that not all 100 hundred troops went for us because they were all scattered around the town that left us to deal with 20 soldiers. 5 soldiers went for me, 5 others went for Lukas and my sister, 4 others went for Petra, and the last 6 soldiers went for Jack and Ivor

(With Jesse)

Five of them are coming for me by charging towards me with their axe. One of them started attacking me alone while the others are still on their way. I quickly dodged his attack that makes him to run past me. But that's when the other soldiers are coming from the either side, So to compromise with this, i used spin slash by spinning my swords in rhythm. I killed two of them spin slash before they could even try landing a hit or slash with their axes. There are three soldiers left now, one of them pulled out his gun, the same people that John and his people have and started to aim at me, he 'fired' at me while the other troops are coming for me. I dodged all the shots by deflecting and doing acrobatic evasive moves. When the shooter stopped firing, One of the approaching soldiers clashed his axe against me. We swiftly clanged our blades against each others for not long until I finally managed to broke his defenses bu slamming his axe down with my sword and quickly thrust my sword into his chest before he could raise his axe again. Then I could feel the last approaching soldier is behind me. So before he could strike, I quickly acted and knocked him out by punching his head swiftly, landing hard and unconscious on the ground. Now it's only the shooter. He still tried to get me by shooting small metallic deadly projectiles, but I managed to dodge all of his shots until he finally stopped shooting and slammed his gun nearby. I guess he ran out of 'ammunition'

"Urgh, I'll kill you Imbecile" the soldier sneered at me as he brandished his battle axe before charging at me. I smiled at this, knowing what I must do

"Oh, i don't think so" i said, raising my sword in a defensive stance. Within seconds, his battle axe and my enchanted diamond sword clashed together. We clanged our blades against each other, trying to find each others weakness before taking each other out. I studied his movements and He seems to be focused on attacking me straight with his axe that he neglected what's below him. So, i quickly kicked his leg real hard and he yelped before dropping his axe and holding his leg in pain

"Argh!!!" I decided to at least spare his live and just knocked him out him with the blunt part of my Sword as he dropped on the ground, completely unconscious

Hah, I finally got them all. This is tough eventhough I managed to defeat them all. Then I turned to where my friends were. I see Petra is in trouble and is actually struggling battling against those four German soldiers she's facing. I should help her now, no matter what

(With Petra)

I'm was faced by three enemy soldiers, heavily armored and armed with some sort of a huge modified and deadly battle Axe. But their attack are really slow and uncoordinated because of their heavy weapons. I had already defeated and killed three of them and It's a real struggle fighting these guys. They're not really that easy to deal with, especially with their heavy and strong equipment. After defeating all of them, I tried to refresh and recover from the combat fatigue myself that I forgot about the fourth soldier who used the advantage of me recovering from all of that combat. The soldier snuck up behind me and kicked me down hard that made fall to the ground before I could even react to his sneak attack

"Gah!!!" I yelped as whilst falling and stumbling on the ground. I had my eyes closed when I fell and I opened them again to see the soldier with his axe standing in front of me

He grinned evily before raising his battle axe as high as his head "Hahaha, novhere to run now, Schnitzel!" He was about to embed his axe in me but stopped when suddenly Jesse who came out from nowhere, stabbed him from behind as the soldier dropped his axe and fell to the ground, dead. I sighed in relief before looking up at Jesse who has a smug smirk on his face

"Getting a little bit rusty eh, Petra?" He remarked smugly. Okay, I really hate that smug face, really hate it

Annoyed, I threw him a look that says 'Stop it!' as I stood up and retorted him "No, I'm not!"

"Oh Really? well nevermind that, let's help the others" He said. I nodded before we ran to Lukas and Jesse armed with their bows who were having a ranged combat with the enemy soldiers armed with rapid firing guns

(With Lukas and Jessie)

We are facing these soldier who came to Beacontown via air. We got five of them across us, heavily armed with some sort of rapid firing Ranged weapons that were called guns. We have a crossfire over here with both sides hiding behind barricades, firing and releasing our arrows at them and they fired back with their guns that unleashes hails of small deadly metallic projectiles from the guns. But thank the Admins that their aiming skill is not as admirable as I thought they would be will all of that stuff. But they're still firing so it's still a threat for us

"How many bullets did they have!?" I said, really annoyed while peeking out for them from our barricades

"I don't know, hundreds or even thousands maybe" Jessica joked nervously, taking another arrow from her inventory before unleashing it at one of the soldiers, right in the head, killing him instantly, leaving only one of them for us to face who stubbornly continued firing his gun

This guy won't stop until he finished us. Guess John was right: They're really stubborn and maniac... I had already killed the two of them with my Crossbow that i modified and Jesse got two shots on them, including her recent kill with her Longbow. The last one was trying to throw something that shaped like a metallic ice cream? What? but before he could throw it at us, Jesse was suddenly seen behind him followed by Petra and knocked him out by hitting his head with the blunt part of his sword

"Haha, in your back" He laughed at his own pun after knocking the soldier unconscious who still has that metallic ice cream thingy in his hand

"Nice one, Jesse!" Petra said, giving him a thumbs up

"Thanks Bro" Jessica said to his Brother

"Yeah-" he was cut off when that metallic ice cream thingy suddenly exploded in the unconscious soldier hand, killing him instantly. We managed to get away but it impacts our ears because of the loud explosion

"What the heck!? A mini TNT!?" Jesse exclaimed, covering his ears

"Yeah, seriously!?" Petra exclaimed, covering her ears. It takes about seconds for us to recover from that loud explosion effect to our ears, but we managed to recover from that anyway

"This guys are getting more nastier and nastier..." Jessica grumbled, taking out another arrow for her bow from her inventory

I nodded in agreement before reloading my Crossbow with a single bolt "Let's help Jack and Ivor" i said as we ran to Jack and Ivor who were fighting six German Soldiers and I bet my money that these two combined will surely make a great combat partners, Just you wait and see

(Jack and Ivor Fights)

These soldiers looks unique and strong in combat than all of my Adversaries i encountered from all of my adventures. The six of them tried to attack me and Ivor separately. Two side for us to fight which are 3/3. three of the six soldiers attacked me by charging and swinging his Axe at me, but i dodged their attack by jumping pass above them and landed behind them and quickly threw one of my swords directly at one of the soldiers right in the head, killing him instead. I twirled the only sword in my hand right now to invite them to attack me. The other two remaining soldiers started to charge at me again with their axe raised as high as their head, but i dodged them again and killed the one on my left by slashing his neck swiftly with my sword, killing him instantly. On my right, the last soldier who failed to strike me, went to attack me again. But before he could even make a move, i quickly disarmed him and knocked him out by punching him on the face. I then walked to the soldier that I killed by throwing a sword in his head and grabbed my sword

I turned around to see how's Ivor doin' on his side. About Ivor...Heh, he can handle his own situation I see. He used his Ninja skill by throwing smoke bomb in front of them and disappeared to nowhere, but then he showed up behind them and threw three Diamond Knives at the the three Soldiers at the same time as they all died in unison as they poof-ed and turned into their own Inventory loot

"Whoa, Nice moves, Ivor" I complimented him by giving him a thumbs up

"I know! thank you!" he replied, grinning as he sheathed his Diamond Katana back in its scabbard

"Guys let's go!" The others called for us from the street across where they had defeated the soldiers they faced separately before

"Coming!" I replied to them as i turned back to Ivor "let's go!" he nodded as we regrouped with them

(No One's POV)

Meanwhile, on the outskirt of Beacontown, lies a Campsite where John Mayer and his people had evacuated to. It was cold and chilly out there on the Town's Outskirt, nevertheless it was safe and far from the German or any Axis Nations threat. John Mayer who's wearing blue winter jacket, plain white t-shirt, black cold-resistant pants, a pair of dark brown boots, a pair of long blue socks, and dark beanie was talking with his loyal Marksman and Sniper, Mike Brightenson who's wearing orange winter jacket, black t-shirt, gray cold-resistant pants, a pair of dark brown boots, a pair of long red socks, and red beanie inside John's tent. In between of them, there's a table with the map of Beacontown on it

"How's the surrounding are, Mike?" John asked Mike

"The area is clear, John. The Jerries have only sent their Fallschirmjägers to attack the Town first" Mike answered

John stroked his chin, thinking about similarities of The German and The Allied Tactic "So they used our Tactics of Paratroopers against The Beacontowners huh?" He wondered

Mike nodded and said "Yes, it seems like it is"

John thought about something for a while and then he sighed and looked at Mike "Alright then, Mike. You can go back to your post" John dismissed Mike, while focusing back on the map

Mike nodded as he went to the tent's exit "Okay, John" Mike said and as he exited the Tent and went to his sentry post outside. John looked at the map of Beacontown in which he had marked with his pen about where the Germans might set up guards posts, alarm siren, and Base after the Fallschirmjägers took over the Town

A few second later. Amy Watson, His Assistant with her hair French braided wearing green sweater, black training pants, a pair of brown boots, a pair of long white socks coming in. Came out into the room with a Tablet in her hand. she's here because she had something important to inform to John

"Uh, John?" She called her Leader as she got inside the tent

"Oh yes, Amy?" John responded, looking away from the map to look at her

Amy smiled at him "I got a letter from our spy earlier who stayed in Beacontown, John" She informed as she pulled out a letter from her bag as she handed it over to John "Here's the letter, John"

He smiled "Jolly Good! Thank you, Amy" John thanked her as he gratefully took the letter from her

"Your welcome, John" Amy said genuinely. "Do you need anything, John?" She asked

"No, I'm good, Amy" John said smiling at her, as i sat down on my chair in the Tent

"Okay, ummm, Then I have to go now, John" Amy said with a hint of stuttering as she exited the tent

When Amy is out from the room, John had this dazzling and longing look on his face "Wow, i never realized how beautiful she is..." John thought in his mind, smiling. Then he realized what he was thinking and snapped himself 'Come on! John get yourself together! This isn't the time for this'. So he looked at the letter in his hand before sighing

"Alright let's see this what this letter is about" John said as he opened the envelope and pulled out the written Paper from the envelope as he read it

"It has begun. The Jerries had bombarded Beacontown intensively, they sent the Fallschirmjägers as Vanguards before the arrival of the main forces. We think this is the first step of the German Offensive in this world. The first phase of their Offensive is just only numbered around a hundred Fallschmirjagers. The Jerries had already sent another reinforcement of 500 Fallschirmjägers from their base and a handful of Krebpanzers to Beacontown. We need to act quickly, sir. Or otherwise, Beacontown will be the Town filled with Inventory loots of the Townspeople. With regards Sergeant-Major Oliver Price." That was the message from our spy in the town, Price. What Price said had been right. John and his Groups must act

(Unknown Area)

Meanwhile somewhere else in the eastern region of Minetopia, the same where the Invaders came from. There's a huge Base with lots of Barricades, Defenses, Troops, etc around it. Inside one of the Buildings, it was the Command Center where The Supreme commander was talking with two hooded Figures. One of them was a man and the other one is a woman. The man is bald, pale skinned, and has light blue eyes. he wear a single glassed eyepatch. While the woman, she has long red straight hair, white skinned, and green eyes. She wear a red glasses and a blue Beanie. But their outfit is the same: Schutzstaffel

"So, you two wanted revenge on zis 'Jesse' fellow, ze leader of Beacontown huh?" The Supreme Commander asked the two figures with his unidentified accent, fiddling his fingers. They both replied by nodding at him before answering

"Yes, that's correct, Kommandant" That's their answer and they said it in unison to the Supreme Commander. The German high ranking officer continues to fiddling his fingers before stopping ans gave both the mysterious figures a wicked smile. Then he finally made his decision and order

"Gut, You two vill be sent to ze Town with ze 379th Fallscmirjagers. I'll inform Commander Hans about you two. Vhen you two got there, do vhat you must do und have nein mercy!" He said to the two figures with an evil devious smile as the two figures nodded and grinned wickedly before giving them a salute. The Supreme Commander also known as Der Oberbefehlshaber saluted back at them them as he dismissed the two. The war had just begun

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