kid + fack

By -raspberries-

92.7K 4.2K 4.1K

finn has a child and jack doesn't seem to mind [highest ranking: #6 on 'fack' #4 on 'itmovie' #4 on 'fack'] More

whoa 30K
life update & things


1.7K 87 51
By -raspberries-


noah sighed sitting on the couch after finishing his shower and getting dressed. he saw that pizza had already arrived and finn was already playing a wii game due to him being bored. noah groaned as he sent a text to his friends to come over after school or in two hours when they were free. he knew it would be enough time for he can talk to finn so he didn't worry.

"okay this has been killing me so are you gonna tell me what i did? ive been trying to think but my hangover just keeps getting worse" finn said and took sips of his apple juice he was currently babysitting.

"okay but finn just know you were drunk and you are always different when drunk" noah said and finn rolled his eyes. "well what do you really wanna know?"

"anything that was memorable or shocking" finn said sitting up straight facing noah. the blue eyes set on the floor and he began to tell a story.


"chug chug chug!" the crowd yelled as the teen drained down her twentieth drink. sophia cheered on her best friend knowing her alcohol tolerance was higher than anyones in this whole house yet she was still the drunkest.

"fuck yeah sadie!" finn yelled going on the table where the red head was on. she raised up the finished cup before throwing it somehow. the grouped around chanted her name until someone decided to change it a bit.

soon enough 'kiss' was being chanted at the two best friends that were way too drunk to control their actions so they began to kiss. sophia eyes widen as she tried to go pasted the crowed to stop the two. noah rushed to the scene knowing his friend wasn't gonna enjoy what was happening.

before the two could stop the kissing someone already did. noah looked at groaned realizing that finn was going to have an earful the next day or maybe week. millie pulled finn down knowing that he wasn't in the right mindset. noah went with them as sophia went to sadie trying to keep her off the liquor for the rest of the night.

"oh hi millie! i haven't seen you in forever!" finn smiled stumbling a bit but noah kept him up as much as he can.

"what are you doing finn? wheres lydia? aren't you supposed to be with her at the zoo?" millie asked and finn looked at her funny.

"how long you want us at the zoo for? its already past twelve! we came home at five! dont worry my mom has her and she is fine and fine" finn said leaning on noah for support.

"want me to take him home?" millie asked and noah sighed. finn laughed stumbling yet again not being able to keep his balance.

"wanna take me home again huh? you missed me that much?" finn said and continued to laugh. millie rolled her eyes at what he said not being hurt by it since she knows finn isn't like that.

"i got it millie but thank you! ill see you soon, okay? dont listen to him he is just saying whatever his mind makes up" noah said and millie smiled him.

"just... just text me when he is safe okay?" millie said and noah nodded at her.

so thats what he did. he took finn home after a few hours being in the house tucking him in and texting millie that he was okay and safe. usually noah wouldn't text anyone about a thing like this but he knew millie is worried and knew all she wants is for finn to be okay.

flashback end

"i really kissed sadie? oh god! and i said that to millie? fuck! what if she goes to me at court? what if they take away lydia from me? oh no noah i fucked up!" finn said and noah rolls his eyes.

"millie wouldn't do that to you.. she loves you way too much" noah said and finn looked down. the thought of millie actually loving him was upsetting to him cause he knew she did.

"i know... what else happened?" finn asked hoping to get the answer that there is no more to tell.


flashback part 2

"finn no!" millie yelled trying to keep finn from taking off his clothes. noah and millie decided to take finn outside but once he saw the pool he wanted in. so he was about to take off his shirt when millie caught him in time.

the two pulled him over to wyatt and jaeden with the rest of the group hoping to sober him up before taking him home. noah knew he didnt want lydia to see him in that state.

"lets go!" wyatt yelled as he chugged down his beer. jaeden wanted to hit the boy for yelling for no reason but he restrained himself. jaeden had stopped counting after his fifteenth one cause wyatt wouldn't stop no matter how many time the boy would ask him to.

finn and wyatt began to get hyped up due to them being intoxicated. millie sighed as he tried to give finn water to calm him but the boy just threw it wetting who ever was around.

"give me beer! lets party!" finn yelled and began to hype up whoever was outside. people screamed as they danced while others fell not being able to keep their balance.

noah sighed looking at the time seeing how it's about two now. he was now regretting throwing a party on a school night. wyatt and finn wondered off not being seen by the others.

wyatt had hit shoulder with someone else accidentally. the boy turned around angrily at the two. finn shrugged it off until he felt someone grab his arm.

"whats your problem?" finn asked as he yanks his arm back giving the boy a funny look. wyatt had turned seeing the two confused.

"your stupid friend fucking shoved me!" the guy yelled and wyatt chuckled at the male. that only angered him even more. "what! huh?"

"nothing chill out dude" wyatt said rolling his eyes. the boy shoved wyatt which only got finn mad. finn shoved the guy off of wyatt not liking how he is touching his friend.

"fuck off asshole!" finn said and the guys shoved him back. "we did nothing wrong your bitch ass is just mad for no reason!"

finn was red from yelling over the music and how hot he felt due to his intoxication. wyatt tried pulling finn back but the boy was too strong for him. the man shoved finn one more time with a chuckle.

"you're finn right? you knocked up the little whore millie before she left you with the child, huh?" the guy said and thats all it took for finn to finally throw a punch. the man stumbled back a bit but hit finn back on the jaw. wyatt screamed which only made jaeden run go him as noah and millie noticed what happened.

"dont ever talk to about her like that!" finn yelled as noah quickly stopped everything before it got an further. the guy friends trying to calm him down as jaeden and millie calmed finn down.

flashback over

"thats what i heard when wyatt told me everything. i understand why you hit them so that explains the bruise on your jaw" noah said and finn frowned.

"i have a bruise?" he pulled out his phone and saw the yellow color forming into purple. he groaned knowing he wont be able to hide it from anyone. he felt completely horrible since he could remember but he felt even more now since he barley realized that he had a bruise on his jaw.

"that was the most eventful things i remembered"


sorry guys i thought i published it but i didn't noticed that i actually didn't ugh im so so sorry !!!!

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