For The Sake Of Him {Clan Maf...

By twinscribblers

55.4K 3.1K 969

He was never a simple child. With rules, he would never abide. His complexity could put a maze to shame. His... More

About The Book
The Cast
Chapter-1: Promises.
Chapter-2: Keeping Her Safe.
Chapter-3: Call him Alejandro.
Chapter-4: Accelerate.
Chapter-5: Even.
Chapter-6: Roller-coaster.
Chapter-7: Three Hot Meats.
Chapter-8: Shred.
Chapter-9: Captain.
Chapter-10: Devastatingly Sweet Dreams.
Chapter- 11: Dead Memoirs.
Chapter-12: Inconsiderate.
Chapter-13: Kissing The Daylights.
Chapter-14: Fighting Over Alejandro
Chapter-15: Alejandro Of My Dreams.
Chapter-17: Madam Fate.
Chapter-18: Rejection.
Chapter-19: Turning Heads.
Chapter-20: Mistakes.
Chapter-21: Hiding Behind Smiles.
Chapter-22: Smiles That Make Flowers Bloom.
Chapter-23: Only Thing That Matters...
Chapter-24: Hurts.
Chapter-25: Fragile.
Chapter-26: Creepy.
Chapter-27: His Fate.
Chapter-28: Choose or Lose.
Chapter-29: Mi Bombón.
Chapter-30: Roles Reversed.
Chapter-31: Stars and Empty Skies.
Chapter-32: Falling.
Chapter-33: Finding the girl of your life
Chapter-34: Save.
Chapter 35: Positive
Author's Note

Chapter-16: Dumb and Dumber.

1.2K 86 14
By twinscribblers


I blinked a few times as mind and heart tried to adjust to the shock. I was a fucking dumbass and there was no doubt about it. But there's always this person in your life who's even bigger dumbass than you yourself.

I'd share the name of such a person in my life.

Sylvia Maden.

Lying beside the pavement, her eyes staring at me without focus, she was mumbling something incorrigible.

What had happened in the past few minutes was something that seemed beyond my cognition.

Me, blindly walking on the road. Adrian and Dante shouting at me. Someone colliding with me and taking me down with them. A car whoosing past us and Sylvia lying under me.

I had no idea what the actual fuck had happened.

"Alejandro!" Somebody's hand touched my shoulder but my mind was not track.

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to comprehend the situation. Once I opened them, her face was the first thing I saw.

She was batting her eyelids, probably trying to stay awake.

"Sylvia?" I placed my hands on the either sides of her face.

From my peripheral vision I saw Dante sut beside me and inspect Sylvia's wrist.

She mumbled something but it was too incorrigible for me to understand. "Sylvia..." I placed my hand under her head and pulled her towards me. "'s okay. You'll be fine." I whispered.

"She's hit her head on the pavement, Alejandro." Dante touched the sides of her head to look for any signs of bleeding. "There's no blood. I just hope it's not a concussion."

"Her back took the hit, first, her head just brushed it lightly." Adrian too bent down beside me.

Sylvia's lips moved. She was desperately trying to convey something.

"What's she trying to say?" Dante looked at me. Nodding at him, I bent my head and put my ears close to her lips.

Her breath fanned my ear. "Ki...Kiss me."

My heart stopped. I gulped audibly and pulled back.

"What's she saying?" Dante asked again. Adrian too was expecting me to answer.

"Uh...nothing. She's just know just random shit." At that moment, I was thankful that my hands were around Sylvia or I would have scratched my ear and Adrian would've caught my lie.

"She's in shock. Let's just take her to the hospital and then we'll drop her home if she's fine." I nodded to Adrian's suggestion.

"I'll take her." Dante pulled Sylvia towards him but I pulled her back.

"No! You... You sit in front with Adrian. She's a bit heavy, you won't be able to pick her up." I said.

"How do you knkw she's heavy, you haven't even picked her up, yet?" Danye narrowed his eyes at me.

Fuck Dante's Sherlock abilities.

"Just get into the car, guys. Alejandro pick her up, let's not waste time." Adtian ordered.

With one hand under her legs and the other behind her shoulders, I picked her up.

Fuck! She was heavy.

Her eyes had closed by now and her head lolled against my chest. Adrian was already in the car and Dante walked ahead of me.

It's the second time this girl has been hurt because of me and I can't help but feel guilty. I was actually on phone with Eric, who managed the dirt track with me and Ilian. He was talking about starting up the ring again since the drama with police had died down. I think I was too engrossed in the conversation and didn't realise I was walking backwards onto the road until Sylvia pushed me aside and the car sped past us.

Dante opened the door of the backseat of Adrian's car for me. "Be careful with her head."

"Yeah." I bent down a little and placed Sylvia on the seat and adjusted her legs so I could sit beside her. 

"I don't know why but seeing you and Sylvia together reminds me of what Paco, that black magician said." Adrian turned back and said.

"He was a tarot reader, Adrian. I don't think black magician's exist. Stop talking like grandma's friends." Dante smacked Adrian's head and earned a few profanities for himself.

At the mention of Paco, I couldn't help but remember what a shitty day that was. He made me feel like I was some sort of a beast who was just born to cause misery to people. Whatever happened between me and Sylvia were coincidences, at least this one was. 

"Let's take her to Speciality Hospital, Downriver. That's closest from here. Plus, we've evaded Jamie and his team and they wouldn't think about looking for us at a hospital." 

After getting Sylvia checked out, we decided to drop her to her house. Dante had asked Phillip for her address. He seemed a little vary before actually telling him the address.

The doctor said that she had just fallen unconscious due to the shock and apart from a bump on her forehead and a few scratches, she was fine. Thankfully, her parents were not home and we were greeted by someone whom I assumed to be their housekeeper. It was kind of nostalgic as we had dropped Janet in a similar way a night before. 

We had left her house soon after. But I couldn't help but think of how the year was turning out to be too dramatic for all of us, well except for Dante. His life still seemed the same- simple and boring as fuck.

A few days later, I was lounging in Dante's room while he was taking a shower. I had been living with the Indelicato's for the past three years since, I couldn't bear to stay in our mansion for long. Bautista mansion had a lot of memories. Memories that I didn't want to forget. Memories that I wanted to remember without any pain. Every room, every corner in that house reminded me of her. Every time, I sat in front of the gaming console to divert my attention, I got reminded of her. There were times when I felt I was dead, even though my heart sped. 

I see her lifeless face over and over in my dreams. I wished her smiles could replace that. The grief of her loss would be forever. I will never stop grieving her just as I will never stop loving her. Her memories are a reminder of how I failed as a brother. 

"Ale?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and I raised my head to see Dante staring at me with worry. He extended his hand and touched my cheek and pulled his hand back to examine something. "You... you're crying."

My hands too, went to my cheeks and it felt alien to feel the wetness on my cheeks. I had never cried in years, since the time she passed away, simply because I couldn't. My body always felt stuffed and suffocated but the tears I yearned for, never came. 

"Were you thinking about...Alana?" He asked.

Before I could reply, we heard Adrian scream some profanities. 

I shared a look of worry with Dante and we scrambled out of his room to find Adrian. Adrian, was apparently in that weird room beside his own. But his presence there didn't shock us. His presence on top of someone of the opposite gender was something that shocked us.

"What the fuck?!" I couldn't help but utter.

But even the god knows that this is not enough to cause a heart attack to someone, so he showed us the face of the girl, Adrian was lounging upon.

Janet Clayden.

I swear I have a feeling that she's stalking us, because these instances of Adrian and Janet have occurred way too many times for them to be called coincidences.

Either Janet is an expert at the art of stalking or they are fucking fated. Star crossed lovers and shit.

"Get off him!" Dante almost snarled at Janet.

We found them in a spare bedroom just beside Adrian's. Apparently, both the rooms were connected by a single bathroom.

Why did Mr. Indelicato get this made, was he expecting twins or what?

"Hey!" Janet said. "In case, you're blind, let me tell you that your brother is on me. You should ask him to get off."

My eyes moved to Adrian. His body was encompassing Janet's and his head rested in the crook of her neck. I dragged my feet towards them and heard something that made me cringe.

Adrian groaned. He actually really groaned.

Why the fuck does this look like a foreplay scene from a porn movie?

"What have my balls done to you, Janet?" He whined, as Janet tried to push him off.

"Get off me!"

Adrian groaned and rolled off of Janet. The very next momet, Janet sprang up from the bed and started fanning her face and taking deep breaths.

"You...stupid shit!" She bent down and was about to hit Adrian when I pulled her back. Immediately, Dante stood beside the bed post and tried to help Adrian.

"You should stop now, chick." I said, seizing her waist tightly and not guving her any space to move and get out of my hold.

"Let me go, Alejandro!" I saw her jaw clench as she tried to fight my hands off her. "I swear, I'll knee you in the balls too."

"I am not Adrian, honey." I pulled my arms tighter against her stomach, almost hindering her breaths. "I rarely let my guard down."

"Let her go, Alejandro." Adrian tried his best to get up from the bed. Janet must have kneed Adrian really hard, because his eyes were almost bloodshot. "Oh, fuck! It hurts so much. I don't think, I'll ever be happy again."

And just like that, my hands left Janet's waist and reached my knees. I couldn't help but laugh while slapping my knees. Dante was cocooned beside the bed, his shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Adrian too found his own joke funny but winced every time he laughed. Janet just stood there and stared at us.

Something told me that the past few aren't the end of the drama in our lives and we were in for a hell of a ride.



This book is a stand alone. Things are going to be different. I made a lot of mistakes in the previous book and I will correvt them here. For eg: No summer holidays for these stupid little shits.

You all have to accept the changes. Unless I have made a mistake like swapping names and all, please do not comment as to what was there before and isn't there now and stuff.

So, everybody flipped shit yesterday cause you got a notification that chapter 16 has been uploaded. First of all thank you, as you guys literally scramble outta your seats to see my updates.

This is what happened-

I was writing and my brother was beside me. I called him something stupid out of the blue and he sat on my head. We started wrestling and somehow the chapter got published. I freaked out and unpublished it IMMEDIATELY but you guys ate so nosy when it comes to reading you somehow got it.

End of the story.



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