
By xx_redphoenix_xx

7.6K 898 35

Katrina Grey has always steered clear out of drama's way seeing to the fact that she has a secret, and with t... More

Before Anything Else
✔ Prologue
✔ Chapter 1
✔ Chapter 2
✔ Chapter 3
✔ Chapter 4
✔ Chapter 5
✔ Chapter 6
✔ Chapter 7
✔ Chapter 8
✔ Chapter 9
✔ Chapter 10
✔ Chapter 11
✔ Chapter 12
✔ Chapter 13
✔ Chapter 14
✔ Chapter 15
✔ Chapter 16
✔ Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
✔ Chapter 39
✔ Chapter 40
✔ Chapter 41
✔ Chapter 42 : 2.0
✔ Chapter 43
✔ Chapter 44
✔ Chapter 45
✔ Chapter 46
✔ Chapter 47
✔ Chapter 48
✔ Chapter 49
✔ Chapter 50
✔ Chapter 51
✔ Chapter 52
Chapter 53

✔ Chapter 42 : 1.0

74 16 0
By xx_redphoenix_xx

* * *

*Katrina's POV'

* * *

Battle scars cover every inch of my body.

Whether new or old, it doesn't matter especially in my case. Last night was a horrid and a petrifying night to go through. I have no idea of what I dreamed about but when I did wake up and tried to get ready for school I saw scars on my body that hadn't dared to make an appearance since four years.

In addition to that, I discovered that there had been four more streaks of pastel blue running through my hair in the morning for no apparent reason. But then again, everything that happened to me might or might not have an appropriate reason that I would want to hear.

Putting my hair in a tight bun I decide to go without my wig today, so Xavier can atleast see a part of me. The real me. Abigail was furious that I had been invited to The Timeless Ball by Melissa Knight herself and Amelia was happy.

Hayden seemed in deep thought when I told him about Xavier probably deciding which weapon would be better and leave no room for suspects when he kills him. I just hope that the twins are not girls otherwise....dear Lord, bless them.

Lines and small cuts with blood seeping through them run all along my torso, some short and some long enough to stretch from one end of my body to the other. A loud horn cuts me short in my thoughts.

Slipping my feet in my shoes, I exit the house and see the side of Xavier's face who looks ahead, his eyes on the road even when the car isn't moving.

After Jordan whispers something to him, his face turns in the direction that I am walking and a smile makes a way onto his face. Seeing him smile, unknowingly I begin to smile to and I get in Xavier's new car that can possibly accomadate five people all at once.

"Sup, girl?" Jordan asks me, smiling way too brightly and giving me a high-five something he hasn't done before. Or maybe he has. Aah! Who know? I have shitty memory.

Thank God, you know that, at least.

"So, where to?" I ask pretending that my stomach doesn't hurt at all when I speak.

"We'll shop first and then eat," Xavier says as he turns on the air conditioner. Taking a u-turn he heads in the same direction they came from.

Jordan and Ashton sit beside me, Jordan a bit further than Ashton whilst Nathan sits ahead along with Xavier driving the car. Ashton looks at me giving my hair a wary look and my hands unconsciously fly up to the messy tight bun which almost suffocates my hair.

I begin fixing it and Ashton's hand stops me. "Let it be," he says and he puts my hand down.

Jordan noticing the words that were spoken by Ashton looks at me giving me a puzzled look. His eyes seem to scan my entire face and finally they rest on my hair. His mouth is open and his jaw has probably landed on the floor along with his eyeballs which seem to be popping out of their sockets, just a bit, though.

"Nice hair," he says while clearing his throat first and upon hearing that two heads snap in my direction. I mean one but Xavier's eyes are on me and suddenly I feel that showing my hair wasn't that great of an idea.

Nathan's eyes are wide as he looks at me from the front mirror and Xavier just looks at me, and I dare not try to meet his eyes for I know they hold curiosity. When I do look up after gaining some amount of courage his blue eyes capture mine, once again and his eyes seem to question the blue strands running in my hair.

"I love your hair," Nathan says breaking the awkward ( atleast for me ) eye contact Xavier and I were having. Replying him with a polite thank you is all I can do now.

"When did you do that? I mean...it was fine this morning," Xavier says taking a smooth right turn.

I don't answer but he waits and it takes me a long-ass time to realize that he wants an answer.

"She's always had this hair, she just used to....." Ashton trails off and Jordan simply raises his eyebrows.

"Put temporary dye on it," Nathan completes and I let out a nervous laugh.

"I didn't know, but it looks good," he says smiling at me, showing his dimples and I internally swoon-

I mean I scold myself for not telling him before. Yes, that is what I mean.

"What kind of dress do you want?" Jordan asks.

"Black one, simple, classy yet sexy and elegant."

One sentence is all it takes for Nathan to shout, make us all deaf and to shock the living daylights out of me.

"That's my girllll," he stretches out the last part and a hearty laugh escapes me. Chuckles from all around the car can be heard and after all of it is done, only one thought goes through my mind about this life being worth fighting for.

* * *

I choose an evening gown.

The perfect mixture of black and silver with a slit coming all the way up to my thigh and having one full sleeve it is the epitome of irrestible. It hugs each and every sinful curve of mine, focusing on my long legs, paired with beautiful black coloured stilletos.

While the guys shopped for their tuxes, I was left in the middle of the mall given different options as to where I wanted to buy my dress from. After seeing a million options from different types of stores, I finally found the perfect dress which was sexy yet didn't loose it's classy touch.

Just the way I wanted it.

So after trying it, the first thing I did was purchase it and it did cost me a fortune. I mean seven thousand dollars for a dress, I could have eaten so many things.

Me of course being the lady I was, paid for my own dress even though Xavier had been extremely thoughtful and given me his credit card but I figured I didn't need it.

The boys and I were supposed to have a reunion in the food court where I currently sit waiting for them to appear. Meanwhile, my stomach decide that it was hungry so I got a coffee from Starbucks and a burger from McDonalds.

As I focus on eating my delicious meal, I hear a chair screeching only to look up and find Xavier and Nathan sitting opposite of me while the other two goof-heads sit next to me.

"Did you get your dress?" Nathan asks me.

Unable to answer him due to the food in my mouth I simply nod and hand over Xavier's card to him.

"Did you use it?" Jordan asks and I shake my head.

"Pay up," Xavier says smirking and I watch Jordan remove a hundred dollar bill so that he can give it to Xavier which does nothing but make my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"That had a bet, Jordan said whether the bill was small or large you would use it while Xavier said that you wouldn't as he 'knew you better'." Ashton explains making air-quotes.

"How much was it for anyways?" Xavier ask taking a sip of my chocolate frappacino.

"Seven thousand dollars," I say casually and the sound of four jaws can be clearly heard to the people living in the outskirts of the dense forests of Africa.

"How did you get so much money?" Jordan exclaims.


"Parents were rich," I reply shrugging my shoulders. My parents were rich but I haven't taken a single penny or inherited any of the money kept in my bank account right now from them.

I set up an empire with my own money.

"Can we see the dress?" Nathan asks and I shake my head. The grand reveal shall be tomorrow. Why? Because I said so and you are no one to question it.

I seriously sound like a mom, right now!

Loud sips can be heard and my eyes shift to Xavier holding an empty cup of my frappacino. I resist the temptation to smack him on the head because I am mature.

The whole I-am-mature thing last for about 0.02 seconds before I lean over the table and smack him. Hard.

How dare he? How dare he did he finish my coffee? Who the hell does he think he is?

He groans in pain as he says that he would buy me another cup of coffee.

Shooing him away so that he can buy me a cup of coffee, I engage in conversations with the rest the boys all disscusing about the amazing suits they bought.

It turns out that Nathan got a dark grey suit, Jordan got a navy blue one whereas Ashton got a dark forest colored suit.

"What about Xavier's suit? Which color did he buy?" I ask to no one in particular.

"I'll tell you if you show me your dress, love," Xavier says appearing out of nowhere.

"Not a chance, pretty boy," I say using the iconic nickname.

Just as Xavier is about to answer, Ashton cuts him short saying, "I bet 50 bucks they're gonna get together by the end of this week."

My head turns sideways and my eyes glare holes in Ashton's face.

"I bet three days," Nathan says.

"I think two weeks at the most," Jordan intervenes leaving me speechless.

"I bet by tomorrow," Xavier pipes in and all of us look at him, me giving him a baffled look.

What the fu-

"Ow!" He groans in pain and rubs the part where I hit him. "What was that for?"

"That was for making an disrespectful statement, you idiot!" I say.

"But it's true, you like me, I like you, so why not?" he says shrugging like it is totally normal for him.

Oh My Fucking Lord!

Did he just? Please tell me he didn't. Oh Lord! Okay, calm down, deep breaths, it's all good. All good. All good. Nothing's freaking good!

"Excuse me," I finally manage choking out.

"I said that I like-" Xavier says but Nathan nudges him while saying that he shouldn't be so honest.

Nobody speaks after that.

I quietly sip on my coffee after finishing my burger looking somewhere in the distance. I can't look at Xavier after what he just said. It's not about the fact that he likes me, no that isn't the problem at all. The problem is that he somehow figured that I like him.

Afterr eating we all head back to Xavier's car and as soon as I sit in the front seat, my phone rings.

Incoming call from Unknown number....

Sighing I pick up the phone ready to shout at the other line but stop myself midway.

AK : Is this Katrina?

KG : Yeah, who's this?

AK : Aiden, can I have a few minutes if you're free?

Looking at the guys, I get out of the car for some privacy.

KG : Um... Sure. What do you wanna talk about?

AK : I just wanted to tell you that if Xavier asks you to be his date for tomorrow night, say no.

KG : Why?

AK : Because my ex is gonna be there and I need a girl to show off so that's why.

KG : I don't know...

AK : Please, please, I'll get you chocolates?

KG : Seriously! what do you think I am. Five?

AK : I'll get you a bike or a play station.

KG : A bike? How do you know I ride bikes?

AK : You shouldn't tell Nathan your deep secrets, he's not good at hiding them. I know what happened and how you lost your bike so come with me tomorrow and I'll buy you a bike.

KG : I don't need one, just get me an extra large pizza with no tomatoes, nor onions and extra jalepeno's.

AK : Consider it done, so tomorrow, I'll pick you up at seven sharp.

KG : Cool.

AK : Bye.

KG : Bye.

A sigh leaves my lips because now another person knows about my racing habits or as many people put it 'addiction.'

I open the door and sit at the front seat putting on my seatbelt when Xavier asks me, "Who was it?"

"Your brother," I answer.

"Wait, she's met your brother?" Jordan exclaims and asks at the same time and Xavier simply nods.

"Guess the saying need to be changed from bro's before hoes to hoes before bro's," Ashton says shaking his head in disappointment.

"Not that we're calling you a hoe, K, what he meant was that it took him eight months to open upto us," Nathan explains.

"Don't sweat it!" I reply.

"So what did my brother want?" Xavier asks shifting back the whole topic.

"Oh, he wanted to ask me for tomorrow as in if I wanted to go with him or not," I respond and the brakes of the car slam making my head jerk forward.

"What did you say to him?" he asks me.

"Yes?" I respond trying to sound firm but it comes off more like a strangled cat.

And for the second time in a day, no one dares to open their mouths.

* * *

A/N : Hi guys, I am back with another chapter.

I know, I am so so sorry for the late update. I also know that I promised to update very weekend but I got damn sick this week and my exams are still going on and I have math tomorrow.

This chapter is split into two and this is the first part, the second part will be updated probably when I start feeling a bit better. That'll happen soon, don't worry.

Anyways vote for this chapter, if you liked it and comment and let me what you think about the same.

I have a math exam tomorrow and I just have one question for all my readers. When I grow up, who the hell in a job interview is going to asks me to find the area of a trapezium.

Honestly, all those grown ups out there, do you even see a trapezium or a rhombus or a parallelogram in like a normal life because I don't.

Not saying I hate math but for me Math and Monday's are the same thing. Hell.

So pray for me that I'd not end up failing tomorrow's paper or else you'll find me working in McDonalds. No jokes.

I really hope you guys liked this chapter 'cause I honestly put alot of hard work into this. I haven't uploaded the picture as the perspective thing because the two halves are going to be of different characters. As in the next half of this chapter isn't gonna be in Katrina perspective.




A/N : Vote if you wanna see me get better and not flunk my math exam.

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