Lost, Afriad and Broken (PPGZ...

By LondonMary22

6K 191 63

This book is discontinued. "We have to stay strong. Those Ruffs have ruined our lives. Yes, we've lost the ab... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

682 17 6
By LondonMary22

So this is my first time writing a fanfic and it's on my friends account cuz I don't have one. I'll try my best while writing this and if you see any mistakes feel free to point them out.


Momoko's P.O.V

We were broken. Lost in our minds. Afraid of reaching out. Scared to love anyone again after them. Then we went into depression. We tried so hard to come back to our old lives but we failed. And then it got even worse when we found out that they were in a  band and had new girlfriends. Our lives were a mess after that.

Kaoru became quite and shy and prone to crying. She stopped playing sports and basically became the opposite of her personality but she was still strong. Same with Miyako. Instead of her shy quite self, she became loud and aggressive and her personality became like Kaoru's old one. She stopped doing art and left her passion for fashion behind. As for me, I stopped going boy crazy, though that stopped when we started dating the boys. I stopped reading comics and stopped watching my shows. I even stopped eating candy. The sight of any sweet makes me want to puke.

And we'll that's what happened over the last 3 years.

"Momoko?" I turned around to see a crying Kaoru. "Yes?"

"Can I sleep with you?"she asked. "I can't help but remember him. We had such good times." She was staring off into the distance.

I pat the space on the bed next to me and she came and sat. Then she let it all out. After a few minutes, Miyako joined us too. She ran inside and cried. We all did. We are here for each other no matter what happens. Soon they fell asleep, tears streaming down their faces. I tucked them into my bed and got in too.

"I love you guys" is what I said before I drifted to sleep.


Well how was it? I know it's short but, once again, it's my first time so you can't blame me. Also I would like to be called Miraculour14 and I want to hear your guys feed back about this chapter.

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