Guiltless Sin || John Murphy

By Cutehorse

137K 4.8K 1.9K

'Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offence, or omission; Guilty: conscious of, affected... More



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By Cutehorse



Byrd groaned as she awoke, her eyelids fluttering open; her hand moving to feel the back of her head when it didn't throb like it usually did. Her finger tips came back covering in a black slime, confusing her even more. But the moment she saw where she was, she was on her feet and looking for Lincoln. She reached for her knife when she heard footsteps, clenching her teeth out of frustration before she looked around for a weapon. The man wandered into the cave seconds later, gripping her wrist when she attacked him with a knife.

She fought against him, kicking at his legs and swiping at his abdomen with her free hand as she reached for another weapon. The girl let out a yell when she was pushed up against the wall, Lincoln holding a knife to her neck as she halted her struggle against him. Her chest heaved as she glared at him, holding his gaze.

'Where's Murphy?' She growled.

Lincoln shook his head, silently telling her he didn't know.

'You took him! You distracted me while your friends took him! Where is he?' She yelled.

'I don't have him,' He muttered.

'Then where is he?'

The man shook his head defiantly, taking a step back to let her go. Byrd looked at him, her eyes glassy as she watched him.

'I'm sorry,' He mumbled.

'Like hell you are,' She sneered.

They both paused when a soft groan came from the floor, their heads snapping down to look at the awaking girl. The Delani girl scowled lightly when she saw it was Octavia, but made no move to help her; her grudge against her too strong.

'I'm going to get some air,' She muttered.

Lincoln place an arm across her chest as she went to move, causing her to huff and roll her eyes.

'I'm not going to run away, I've got nothing left to live for so why not let you kill me?' She stated with a raised brow; 'I'm only going to the door.'

Surprisingly, he let her go, watching as she walked away. Byrd smirked when she heard Octavia begging for help, before she screamed; a light chuckle leaving her mouth.

'Karma is a bitch,' She mumbled to herself.


It was night again by the time Octavia awoke again, sitting up with a start as Byrd sat against the wall sharpening her knife. The Blake girl's eyes looked around frantically, soft gasps leaving her mouth out of fear.

'Hello? Is anybody here?' She called.

'You know, chanting that usually doesn't work if nobody's here,' Byrd drawled.

Octavia gasped, 'Byrd?'

'That'd be me.'

She chuckled at the fearful look on the girl's face, shaking her head as she slipped her knife away.

'I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're worried about,' She stated.

Octavia drew her leg up to her chest, studying the fresh wound from where Lincoln had fixed the protruding bone.

'He fixed it?' She muttered.

'Not all grounders are bad apparently,' The Delani girl shrugged; 'Though most are.'

'What are you doing here? Did you help him?'

'Sweetheart, you were already here when I arrived. I didn't do anything.'

She held Octavia's gaze for a second before she looked away, wandering up the narrow cave. She listened to the girl's yells as she tried to follow her, a small smirk sliding onto her face as she leant against the wall. Byrd ran her hand over her face, yawning as she waited for Lincoln to return. He had disappeared hours ago, leaving her to look after the Blake girl; much to her distaste.

'Where are we?' Octavia asked as she limped up to her, blood all over her face.

'I don't know,' She shrugged.


'I don't know where we are. Why do I have to spell it out to you?'

'Look, I'm sorry, ok?'

'For stringing me up by my neck? Or for kicking me and Murphy out of camp?'

'For all of it... We're stuck here so we may as well be friends.'

'Kiss my arse.'


The Delani girl flipped her off over her shoulder as she continued further up the tunnel, running her hands along the dirt walls. She smirked when Lincoln's silhouette appeared in front of her, before she met his eyes through the dark.

'I wasn't going far,' She muttered as she turned around.

'Is she awake?' He asked quietly.

'Up and moving... Heard anything about Murphy?'

The man shook his head, causing her to sigh as she nodded. But as they made it to the main part of the cave, Octavia was gone. Byrd chuckled as she smirked, holding her hands in the air.

'It wasn't me,' She stated.


Byrd wandered through the forest on her search for Murphy once again, Lincoln somewhere in the surrounding bush searching for Octavia. She had been from her cave, walking countless different paths trying to find some evidence of her best friend. So far, she had found nothing and it pissed her off.

Her head snapped up when she heard a scream, before her body was yanked behind a tree. Her eyes instantly met Lincoln's, the black paint smeared around them only making them look darker. She didn't make a sound, knowing why he was doing what he was doing. A smirk came onto her face when she heard a piercing squelch before another pained scream, her gaze never leaving his.

Once it went quiet again, the man shot off again. Byrd followed after him, ducking behind another tree not too long later when she watched him pull Octavia behind a mound. She peeked out to see what she was supposed to be hiding from, two grounders running by and a spear plunge itself into a girl's chest.

The girl had stepped out from behind the tree before they had even passed properly, walking toward Lincoln and Octavia without a care in the world. Octavia looked at her wide eyed, not able to say anything with Lincoln's hand over her mouth. Lincoln shot her a look that only she saw through his already stern gaze as he stood up straight, letting the Blake girl go.

'What?' She asked, but she didn't receive a reply; 'Come on. I'm not scared of them.'

He kept on walking, leaving the girl's to watch after him. Byrd glared at Octavia before she followed after her new friend, walking as though she hadn't just seen two people die. She sighed when Octavia jogged up beside her, but never once looked her way.

'You know he probably can't understand you,' The girl stated.

'And?' She replied; 'Better then being rude and not talking to him.'

'Since when do you care about being rude or not?'

'I don't. But since he's currently helping me find Murphy, I'd rather not be on his bad side.'

'Murphy's missing?'

'Since when do you care?'

'I- I just don't want you on your own, you know? I know we banished you, but you're my friend.'

'Too bad you're not mine.'

With that, the Delani girl strode forward, leaving Octavia to limp on by herself. They didn't make it much further before Octavia called out to them, leaning against a tree as she rubbed her bad leg. Byrd kept on walking as Lincoln paused, her eyes on the constant look out for Murphy.

'My leg. I need to rest,' Octavia moaned.

The next thing she knew, Lincoln was walking past her with Octavia in his arms. She huffed in amusement, jogging to catch up to the man. She kept in stride with him from then on in, looking around in complete awe as usual.

'Thank you,' Octavia muttered; 'You saved my life... That girl back there, I knew her, so, if she's here, then so is my brother. Please, you have to help him, too. They'll kill him.'

Byrd smirked when Lincoln didn't reply, his face remaining stoic. Octavia threw her head back, letting out a frustrated huff.

'You don't understand me, do you?' The Blake girl asked, Lincoln looking down at her but still didn't speak; 'Great.'

The Delani girl chuckled to herself, jogging ahead when her surroundings became more familiar; reaching the entrance to Lincoln's cave. She slid open the weaved branches that acted as a door, jumping down inside before she wandered in the dark. She could make out the faint outlines of the small table covered in books, sinking down onto her pile of blankets; her fingers searching for Murphy's knife.

Byrd played with the shard of metal in her lap as she waited for the other pair, a long sigh leaving her mouth. There had still been no sign of Murphy anywhere, and she grew concerned for his well being. His sharp tongue and sarcastic wit were bound to get him in trouble. Hurt, even. She wished nothing more for them to trade places, or even be wherever he was together, instead of him being alone.

'Why are you taking care of me?' Octavia's voice echoed up the tunnel before she appeared in Lincoln's arms once more; 'You found me at the bottom of that ravine. Fixed my knee.'

Lincoln placed her down on the ground, Octavia pushing herself up to sit properly. Though what the grounder did next surprised her. He grabbed Octavia's hands and bound them in cuffs, the girl crying out for him to stop. He dragged her across the cave a little, hooking the chain onto the ring; locking her in there. Octavia sobbed to herself as Lincoln walked away, Byrd shooting up to follow him.

'What are you doing?' She hissed once they were out of ear shot.

She didn't know whether he ignored her, or he was going back to being silent, but she grabbed his upper arm anyway.

'You know, if you really did care about her, you wouldn't lock her in the dark,' She drawled; 'She was locked in the floor for sixteen years.'

The man looked off to the side, his brows furrowing for a second before he looked back at her.

'You care about her. Don't say you don't,' She stated.

Lincoln grunted in reply, causing her to smirk.

'You sound like a, um... What do they call them? Cavemen! That's it. That's your new nickname,' She chuckled; 'Caveman.'

The man simply sent her a deadpan look before he walked away, leaving her to follow after him; only pausing when a horn sounded in the air. She looked at him with furrowed brows as he brought the long pipe from his lips, turning back to face her.

'There's no acid fog is there?' She asked.

He grunted again, pushing her back further into the cave.

'Go back,' He stated; 'Help her.'

'I don't help traitors,' She sneered.

'Do it. I have to go.'

'You owe me.'

She clenched her teeth as she turned away from him, walking back into the cave. Octavia had since stopped crying, sitting with her back to the entrance. Byrd let out an annoyed huff, plonking herself down onto her blankets beside where Octavia was chained up. She looked over at her mad face, rolling her eyes as she pulled out Murphy's knife again.

'I don't know why you're so mad,' She stated; 'It's not like he's torturing you, like I'm sure they're doing to Murphy.'

'I don't like the dark,' Octavia muttered.

'I figured.'

The girl glared over at her, causing her to chuckled as she shook her head. Byrd looked back down at her best friend's knife, blocking Octavia's hands as she tried to attack her. She smirked at her as she cocked an eyebrow, Octavia's face falling.

'You're gonna have to better then that if you wanna hurt me, Blake. You give yourself away before you even strike,' She stated before pushing her back.

'How would you know?' Octavia asked.

'Honey, killed eight highly trained men, I know.'

Octavia scoffed, 'Right.'

'What did you forget who I was?'

'No, never heard of you actually.'

Byrd let out an amused huff, 'Right. Being locked in the floor and all.'

The Blake girl looked away, her head lowering.

'Look, you wanna knock me out go right ahead. I'm tired anyway,' She yawned.

Octavia didn't waste a second striking again, hitting her head harshly with the wooden stake; knocking her out cold.


Byrd didn't know how long she had been out when she awoke, but when she did the cave was much more crowded. Bellamy, Finn and Jasper all stood over Lincoln. She let out a light groan as she sat up, bringing her finger tips for her pounding forehead; looking at the blood coating them when she brought them back down.

'Nice,' She muttered.

'Byrd?' Finn queried.


She pushed herself up to stand, wobbling as she lost her balance for a second. But as Finn went to help her, Lincoln shot up and stabbed him in the side; causing her to look at the boy wide eyed as he fell backwards with a yell. The Grounder was quick to grab the spear from Bellamy's hands, turning it on the boy as he tripped him over; lining the tip up with the centre of his neck.

'Stop! That's my brother!' Octavia screamed.

There was a thud before Lincoln's body went limp once more, falling off to the side to reveal Jasper with a bat. Byrd smirked at the sight, turning her gaze back to Finn before she looked at Bellamy.

'Did you help him?' He spat.

'Bell, we don't have time for this,' Octavia pressed; 'We need to get Finn to Clarke.'

'You heard her,' She hissed; 'I'll be right here when you get back.'

'No, you're coming with us so you don't run.'

'You don't scare me, Bellamy Blake. How many times do I need to tell you?'

The girl moved to help Finn from the ground, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as Jasper got the other one. They walked forward quickly, Monroe meeting them at the exit; helping lift Finn's unconscious form. Byrd was shifted out by Bellamy as he lifted the boy up by himself, Jasper moving to help Octavia.

'Monroe,' Bellamy stated; 'Keep an eye on her.'

She rolled her eyes as he motioned to her, walking at the front of the group as they started through the forest. The Denali girl kept a steady pace, leading the group back to the landing sight. She reached for her knife when the wall came into view, slipping it up her sleeve in case she was mobbed by the people inside.

'Clarke! Where's Clarke?' Jasper yelled as the gate was pulled open; 'Get Clarke now.'

'Hey. I'm here. What's up?' The blonde asked as she approached the boy before a gasp left her mouth; 'Octavia.'

Everyone seemed to pause when Bellamy walked through the gate with Finn in his arms, Clarke rushing forward with Raven. The blonde muttered quietly as she looked over the boy, checking his pulse amongst other things. A group of boys all moved to take Finn off Bellamy's tried form, four of them grabbing a different part of the boy.

'Get him in the dropship now. Go,' Clarke demanded before her face fell when her gaze landed on Byrd; 'What the hell are you doing here?'

'Thought I'd break in for the hell of it,' Byrd replied with a smirk.

Before Clarke had the chance to reply, Raven bailed her up with a worried face and the Delani girl was pushed forward by Jasper. She continued to smirk as she everyone looked at her being lead to the dropship, ignoring Jasper's muttered apologies.

'You know, you could let me go,' She drawled.

'Where'd you go?' He asked.

'Far from here.'

'I... I can't.'

'You lock me up, you're no better then Kane.'

Jasper paused at that, slowly letting her wrists go before she was shoved forward again by Bellamy. She glared up at him, but didn't struggle against him; having no where else to really go. He followed her up to the top level of the dropship, bounding her hands and tying her to the wall. She didn't say a word, slipping her knife out as he turned away. Bellamy clambered back down the ladder pausing to pull the door shut, only getting it half way before he paused again at the sound of her voice.

'Who's the chancellor now, Bellamy?' She sneered.

She didn't get a reply as the door was slammed shut, leaving her to listen to the rain pound on the roof; every inch of her wishing she could be outside sitting in it.

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