More Than a Coincidence (An E...

By kj77anime

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Currently editing! Warning: boyxboy ErenXLevi (Trigger warning: violent language, depression, self-harm, suic... More

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It's happening!
Update :)

Chp 24

91 2 7
By kj77anime

(Eren's P.O.V.)

The cell phone slips out of my trembling hand which remained frozen at my ear. It lands on the floor with a smack. 

"...Eren? Is everything ok?" My dad asks, becoming very concerned about my look of pure terror. 

I couldn't respond. I couldn't do anything. My mind went completely blank as it tried to process what I was just told. I stumbled back as my legs become wobbly. It was as if my blood stopped flowing. My heart stopped beating. My lungs stopped taking in oxygen. My body just ceased to function. 

Somehow I began trekking to the front door. My hip ran into the couch and my feet dragged across the floor. I was a zombie, void of any perception of reality as a deafening high pitched scream rang in my ears. I flew the door open gaining speed and stumbled down the stairs. 

(Play song)

Large raindrops still fell from the sky. The storm still in full force. The wind ripped through the trees howling around me like a lone wolf. At some point I started running across the front lawn, splashing through water and mud. My sprint came to an end when I got to the end of the driveway. My feet fumbled into the middle of the street as my body became numb but not from the cold rain. 

My legs buckled under the weight and I collapsed to my knees. I sat back between my feet as my arms hung loosely at my sides. The street was flooded as I sat in an inch of water, drenching my jeans. I looked up at the sky as the rain became heavy on my body. 

The hyperventilating started, forcing a panic attack. I shook and clawed at my closing throat. "AH GAHHH-HCKK-AHH!" Indescribable noises came from my mouth as I tried desperately to breath. "NGH-GAHH *GASP*". Finally, air entered my lungs, but I still wasn't in control yet no tears fell. All the pain, confusion, and shock came out in the most broken, animalistic shriek one can imagine. "AAAAHHHHHH!" 

Beyond the sounds of the torrential rain, I heard a voice call out to me. "Eren!" 

I didn't process it fully as I stayed frozen. At some point, my dad reached my side and attempted to pull me out of the state I was in. He shook my shoulders, calling my name. It was to no use for my eyes stayed locked, focused on absolutely nothing. It wasn't until my dad lightly slapped my cheek a few times did I get released from the crushing grip of the trance I was in. His hand cupped my face and I looked into his confused eyes. Relief fell over his shoulders as he sighed, "Eren, there you are. What happened?" 

The same look of terror never left my face from the moment I learned the news up until now. 

Something bad! I caused it! I'm the one who made this nightmare happen.

My scratchy voice came in and out as I croaked, "W-we need to get t-t-to the hos-p-pital." 

(Levi's P.O.V. ~2 Hours Earlier) 

I shoved the crumpled papers in the pocket of my leather jacket as I retreated to my bike. Eren, I'm so sorry. 

I climb on my bike and refused to look back as I turned the key. It came to life under me and I was ready to leave due to me forgetting my helmet. I was completely soaked already so it's not like it mattered. 

As I did this, deep down I wanted, no I wished Eren would do something. Anything. I want him to call my name right before I left for good. So I could confess everything I had to say to him. 

Stop me Eren! Please, make a move.


You idiot

Don't let me go 

However, he never did and the chance was lost. I was leaving. As I rode my emotions kept building. The rain got denser yet I drove faster. 

Tears fell down my face. I was being blinded by the rain but I managed. This is not good weather to be riding right now but fuck it. I was stopped at a red light with two cars ahead of me. I looked up at the dark storm clouds above me and fail to see the light switch, nor the cars leave. All I thought was how much I screwed up. I was a coward and couldn't tell the brat how I felt. 

He deserves much more than what I am. Maybe this is for the best. At least now I won't hurt him anymore. Eren, you mean so much more to me than you know. 


I jump when the car behind me blares its horn at me sitting at a green light. Shit. I quickly take off down the road. This was a straightaway for miles so I began to pick up speed. Swerving between cars in the lanes. Something dangerous without the added factor of the weather. 

I flew through the traffic feeling absolutely free. Getting a high off the adrenaline as I felt the wind through my soaked hair, caught in a trance. 

Up ahead was an intersection where I had the right of way, perfect. 

Eren came back into my mind and I wiped the tears attempting to fall that were stinging my eyes, distracting me. I failed to see a car speeding up the perpendicular road and by the time I realized that they were not stopping, I knew this wasn't going to end well. I slammed on my breaks but I was going too fast, the back wheel locked and it slid on the slippery, flooded road. "NGH SHIT!"

~ Suddenly everything went slow motion, I was only able to observe the inevitable. My mind went to recall all my memories. I was in a dark place, even with Erwin it was just an illusion of what I thought happiness was. Until Eren showed up and shined the most beautiful yet annoying light on me. I think of the few people I truly cared about. I recall on some certain memories, like at the bar and grill with everyone where Eren played the piano. The graduation and the party following. Up on the roof. All of these memories had one common theme....Eren. Dammit. I fucked up. ~

Tch, I guess that whole "Your life flashes before your eyes" bull shit really is true. 



Silence. That's what I noticed first. The deafening silence...ironic really. I was completely unaware of my surroundings as my consciousness flickered like a lantern running out of gas. Everything was a blur. It was as if time itself stopped. My world stopped spinning. The sky above me going in and out of focus. 

I couldn't move. Not an inch. My body was stuck as if I had no control over myself. I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. All sensation gone. Did I even have a body? For all I know every limb could be severed. Then the ringing began. It started off quiet but slowly the frequency increased, until it became so unbearable it felt like my eardrums would rupture, much like an opera singer breaking a glass. 

Where am I? How did I get here?

Finally, the silence was broken as I heard a voice call out. It was as if I was underwater, listening to the muffled voice. "Sir?! Are you ok? Sir?!" Who is that? Why are they calling me?  "Somebody call 911!" 

911? I don't understand. 

Finally, the world came into focus. Multiple scared faces I didn't recognize hung over me. They were yelling to each other over the sound of the rain pouring down. Though I didn't feel the sensation of the water hitting my face, I knew it was there but I couldn't feel it. I couldn't feel anything, no pain. I was completely numb. 

Helpless on the ground I tried to ask what was going on. I opened my mouth but no sound came out. I tried again but choked on something. I coughed up an unknown substance as my mouth filled up with it. The taste of iron burned my taste buds....blood?

Finally, after being trapped on the ground I was able to move. My fingers twitched and I turned my head to look at them. The liquid in my mouth overflowed, oozing out between my lips. It ran down my cheek as I saw the splashes of every raindrop as it landed in the flooded pavement. 

I was in the street? 

Then I saw it. The clear water began to swirl with bright crimson. Is that coming from my head? I hear the ghostly wail of distant sirens as everything went black. 

- - - - 

When I woke up again, I was met with a blinding white light. Now I really couldn't move for I was restrained head to toe. It was hard to breathe and I began to gasp heavily. 

"Sir calm down! You're ok. We're on our way to the hospital you were in an accident. Can you tell me your name?" 

I open my mouth to try and answer, "" I manage to spit out. 

"Alright Levi, I'm Miche, we're gonna take good care of you, I'm not letting you die in this ambulance, not today." 

Die? I'm not hurt that bad, I feel fine. 

Suddenly I hear panicked beeping, buzzing. Everything blew up. The EMT's began shouting gibberish medical terms I didn't understand and grabbing packages of unknown items. I felt a prick in my hand as my hearing went and a clear mask was placed over my nose and mouth. 

Is this it? Is this how dying feels like? How did this happen? One moment flipped the world on its axis, throwing everyone who inhabited. This is how my life ends?

It''s not fair! 


(Hanji's P.O.V.) 

"Where are they taking him?!" I ask panicked.

"Sina Mercy Hospital." Erwin stated, driving fast down the road. 

".......H-how did this happen?" I say in shock.

"Police say witnesses saw a car run a red light. One guy said the bike tried to stop but with the wet road....." Erwin's voice cuts out as he holds back sobs. "I'm sorry." 

"Erwin I know you loved him."

"I did. And I shouldn't have blamed him or Eren for what I did. It was 100 percent my fault. It's just I watched him slowly fall for him. He might deny it but I know him too well." 

"I know, I saw it too. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him." I mumble. 

"How's Eren doing? He wasn't at the apartment." 

Should I tell him about what happened between Eren and Levi? "........He left. He went back home to his dad. That was the reason Levi was out there. He was trying to bring him back. But I don't know what went down." 

"What would make Eren want to leave? I thought he hated his father?" 

Dammit...... "Um, after you left, Levi wasn't doing so well. He locked himself in his apartment and drank for 3 days. Eren went over to talk to him but..... you were right. Levi had feelings for him." 

"I don't understand what you're trying to tell me." 

"A couple weeks ago, Eren shared something with me. He had feelings for Levi too. But he tried to push them down because he knew you were together. It was two nights ago when Eren went over to talk. Levi was depressed and drinking and would only talk if Eren drank with him. Long story short they got drunk and........" 

"I get it you don't have to say it." He says.

"I'm sor-" 

"No, don't be. I knew it would happen..... let's just make sure Levi is alright." 


What a mess. This can't be real. I just saw him not 2 hours ago and now..... Levi.....shorty. 

We arrive at the hospital and head to the E.R. immediately. A doctor asks us if we were here for Levi and when we nod, his head bows. My stomach dropped as he took us into a back room. 

"We don't know the extent of his injuries just yet, but it is very urgent that we do so he is heading up for surgery right now." 

"S-surgery?" I stutter.

"Yes, I'm the head of the trauma department here and will be operating. He's in good hands." 

I nod in shock. The doctor goes to a table in the corner of the room. I recognize the items he held. A black leather jacket and a cell phone. He hands them to me and I hug them tightly. "This was also found in his pocket, I'm not entirely sure what it is but it's for someone by the name of Eren?" I gasp and take the wrinkled paper. "Now if you'll excuse me." 

We say our thank you's and a nurse escorts us to where we can wait. After sitting for 20 minutes both Erwin and I became restless, this is going to suck, I hate waiting. Suddenly Erwin takes his phone out and calls someone. 

"W-what are you doing?" I ask on the verge of tears. He doesn't answer me but only stares at the note in my hands. 

"Making amends." Erwin stated.

I watch him redial twice and finally, he jumps. "...Eren. Something happened."

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