Legacy Of The Doomed

By crazy_pizza_duck

961 65 25

" The giant serpent opened its mouth and a dark tongue flickered out, licking around its sharp, white teeth... More

Alexander Hamilton
Aaron Burr (, Sir )
My shot
What'd I miss?
A Homecoming's dance
That would be enough
History has its eyes on you
Important informaiton!


52 6 2
By crazy_pizza_duck

"Hammy! What are you doing there?"

Alex put his quill away and glanced up at the person speaking to him. John. He quickly blinked a few times to concentrate better on what his friend had just said.

"I'm writing", he replied after a while and showed him the parchment.

"I see that but what are you writing?", John asked again and took a seat right next to him. What am I writing? It was hard to remember since he had to do so many things at the same time.

"Uh, what are we writing right now again, Madison?", Alex said to the person across from him.

James Madison was a small guy, almost as small as Alex himself, being one of the reasons why he liked working with him. The other was that he was very quiet and a little shy so he didn't bother Alex while he was writing.

"An essay", Madison answered and yawned.

"Ah, yes right. It's a group work, if you remember", Alex explained to John.

"Something in our history class, isn't it?", the freckled boy asked and played with the broom in his hands. Only now Alex realized that he was still wearing his Quidditch uniform. So he had just been practicing with his team.

"Yes, yes. History", Alex confirmed and tried to hold back a yawn.

"Alex. The essay is due in over two weeks", John remembered him slowly.

"Yeah, I know we just wanted to finish a few weeks earlier", Alex replied. "We're already done, see."

He showed his friend a big bundle of papers. John took a deep breath.

"Alexander. How many pages are this?", he asked. The small boy only shrugged. Of course he knew how much they wrote but still, John would only be worried if he found out and he didn't want that.

"Madison." John turned to the other student. "I'm asking you just once. How many pages did you write?" Madison winced at the sound of the anger in his voice.

"The plan was to write a total of twenty five pages, the work dived evenly among the three of us. In the end we wrote eighty five."

Alex sighed. Of course Madison would be too scared of John to keep his mouth shut.


Okay, they had to calm him down. Somehow. As always in a situation like this Alex did what he could do best. Talking.

"Well, yes. John Jay got sick after writing five. I don't understand why he didn't keep on working, I mean it's only a small cold, Madison is always sick and he still wrote more!", Alex explained.

"Um, Thank you?", Madison replied.

"How many did you write?", John asked dangerously calm. Shit. Keep talking. Just keep taking.

"My good friend James Madison here wrote twenty nine. Good job by the way."

"Alex, just answer my question!"

Alex didn't know what to do now. He didn't want John to get angry at him or to sent him to bed or whatever he did the last one and a half week when he overworked. If I want my house to win the house cup I have to get points and I get them with being good in class. Also I need to become house speaker. I have so much work to do!

"Alexander Hamilton wrote the other fifty one!", another voice sighed and Burr looked up from the book he was reading at the table next to them.


Damnit Burr why did you have to tell him?

"Could you- could you please be a little quieter?", Madison whispered scared.

"Shhhh! This is a library", Burr told them too.

"How did you even-? Is it possible to write that much in so little time?", John asked a little quieter.

"The topic interested me", Alex defended himself and played with the quill in his hands, something he often did when being nervous.

"Fuck Alex, put the quill away!", John shouted. "You've written enough for today!"

Alex did as he was told for he already knew what would follow. John would probably write Lafayette and Hercules and together they would sent him to bed. However, right after they would be gone Alex would pull out one of his school books and practice magic.

He would have never thought that it would be so hard to learn everything new with a wand and to have to do homework for year six at the same time. It's almost impossible. Most of the time he was either learning or doing homework, he had no time for fun or sleeping anymore, although his friends tried to get him to hang out with them all the time. Not that this was a problem if they could meet in the library.

"You need to take a break Alex", John lectured him.

"No, listen. I can't take a break, I've still got so much work to do! I have to learn this one spell, lumos, I think and I have to get caught up on wizard history and-"

"No, you need to be more chill! You don't have to know everything, it's okay to not be the best in everything, you just learned that magic exists you don't have to know everything about it in two weeks!", John told him.

"But I have to! If I don't-"

Alex stopped himself before he could tell him about the compromise he and Professor Washington had made. This still was a secret between Aaron, the Professor and him. John sighed.

"You can't go on like this Ham, it will kill you. Tell him Burr!"

Aaron looked up from the book he was reading and shot John an annoyed gaze before answering: "Soon that attitude may be your doom."

Alex still couldn't figure him out. When they were alone they were almost like friends but when other people were around him Burr acted as if they didn't know each other. Especially when Alex was with his other friends. Sometimes he wondered if Aaron didn't like them but who couldn't like funny Lafayette, cute John and loyal Hercules? With Madison he didn't seem to have a problem, maybe because they were in the same house.

Madison sneezed and with that reminded John that they weren't alone in the library but together with at least ten other kids all starring at them. So he decided to end this argument as fast as possible.

"Okay, you want to learn something new?", he asked Alex who nodded excitedly. "Good, because this is the real reason I'm here", he explained with a faint smile.

"What do you want to teach me?", Alex asked. His friends often showed him how to do new spells so this wasn't such a big surprise. Maybe he could help me with Lumos. Most spells are easy to learn since I can do most of them without a wand already but Lumos is almost impossible to do with hands.

But John only tapped at the stick of the broom in his hands and suddenly Alex understood. Of course. He had never thought about flying on a broom. After his adventures with the hurricane and the bird he lost interest in flying and was, although he would never tell anyone, a little afraid of it. He couldn't just say in the middle of the library where everyone could hear. Hey, I'm afraid of flying. Everyone here flew on brooms and played Quidditch, everyone of his friends did and it was horrible listening to them fighting about it. Alex could remember very well how Lafayette had told Hercules how Thunderbird would win the Quidditch cup this year for reasons and how they almost set themselves on fire arguing about it. No, he really didn't want to fly on a broom but studying John doing so was something different. He would love to find out how this worked and what was so great about Quidditch.

"You know, you'd be a perfect Seeker because of your... height", John realized. Alex shot him an angry glance. He hated it when people talked about his shortness before turning to Aaron. Help me, he begged silently but Burr was already lost in his book again and Madison was to shy to help him.

"Okay, I'm coming with you", Alex replied, "for five minutes. I still have to learn Lumos or I feel like a dumb kid." John nodded happily.

"I'll help you with it if you take a break", he promised.

"Learning how to fly on a broom isn't taking a break", Alex muttered but John acted as if he didn't hear what he had said.

"Come on, you can use my broom, it's not the best but it flies", he explained. Together they walked to the Quidditch field without a word spoken between them. John probably thought about how to do this lesson, meanwhile Alex tried to recall everything that had happened the last days.

He could remember the first day of school very well. He had been up before everyone else and had read in his new school books before they had been going to breakfast. He also remembered the first class they had had this day, Transfiguration with Professor Franklin. and how amazed he had been by it. And then there was Defense Against The Dark Arts by Professor Lee who had ignored him completely and in fact, still did ignore him as if he wasn't in his class. Something that made Alex very angry since he couldn't learn successfully like this.

At lunch he first met Madison who had been sitting on their table with them. It was kinda weird but on lunch everyone could sit were they wanted since the meal was divided into lunch for first to fourth years and fifth to seventh years. So everyone had more space and Alex and Lafayette could sit with all their friends together. Burr again didn't change seats and only watched them from afar.

It had also been the day Alex realized that he would have to do a lot more for school than he had expected and the beginning of his non-stop writing. The days after had almost all been the same. Learning, practicing spells, going to class, doing homework, his friends trying to stop him from working too much. Oh and of course Alex tried to become house speaker even though it was his first year here. He had talked to almost every student of his house to get them to know him and showed that he could take the responsibility.

The second day James woke up and the fifth he could already go to school. Alex had shown him around and introduced him to his friends but in the end his brother had found other squibs to talk to. One he remembered to be named Sally. It's weird to not have the same friends as him and not to hang out together. But I guess that's just how it goes. In the end he's my brother, not my friend.

It didn't take long to walk to the Quidditch field and when they arrived the place was completely empty. Everything was silent since the school was too far away to hear the other students talk and for the first time in days Alex felt like he could finally breath. Nothing to do for him here. He felt relieved but on the other hand he just wished he could go on practicing this one stupid spell. John didn't seem to realize what was up with his friend and gently put his broom to the ground.

"First thing you need to learn is how to get your broom into your hands", he said, destroying the silence. Alex nodded. He was ready to do this. Why not give flying objects another chance? What could go wrong? John held out his hand and commanded with steady voice: "Up!"

Immediately the broom did as it was told and flew up into his hand. Grinning he let the stick fall to the ground once more and pointed at Alex.

"Your turn!"

There was no going back now. However, he wouldn't even be flying on it, so where was the problem? Alex did exactly the same as John had done before him and held out his hand.

"Up!", he shouted, the broom trembled and... turned around. Why won't it work?

"Try again", John suggested, "it rarely works at the first try." And Alex did. He tried again and again until the broom finally did as he was told and flew into his hand.

"Yes!", he shouted and held his fist up. "I did it!" John laughed, causing Alex to do the same.

"Yes, you did it", he replied. „Next thing you have to do is to climb your broom but don't fly yet, you understand? I don't want you to crash into the snakewood tree." Alex made a face and rolled his eyes.

"Yes mother John", he answered annoyedly. John gasped offendedly.

"How did you just call me?"; he asked and pushed Alex a little. Although he acted as if he was angry there still was a small smile on his face. John is really bad on hiding his real feelings.

"Mother John", Alex repeated with a shit eating grin. Now it was his turn to push the other.

"So what, you think Washington is your father and I am your mother?"

Somehow John really sounded a little sad this time.

"Yes. And Laf and Herc are my crazy uncles who always get me into trouble", Alex joked to lighten the situation. "Well, actually Laf is my brother so only Herc can be my uncle."

John stared at him in disbelief.

"And who is Burr in your cute little family?", he asked and crossed his arms.

Alex had to think a minute about it before answering: "Burr is my secret boyfriend." Silence. It took a little to let that sink in.


"WHAT? Why Burr?"

Alex had already expected this question so he could reply fast and with good arguments. He didn't know why this made him uncomfortable but somehow it did. I wish I didn't say that.

"Well, when I'm alone with him we're like normal friends, nothing weird at all but when I'm with you he acts as if we don't know each other", he explained.


John became as red as a tomato.

"I'm not letting my son have a relationship with Aaron Burr", he told Alex angrily.

"Why not? Aaron is a great guy, just because you're old and boring it doesn't mean you can destroy my life!", Alex screamed back. "I'm going back into my room!" He was just about to walk away when John held him back at his robe.

"Don't you dare to walk away from me, I'm your mother!", he shouted. Alex screeched and started running towards the stand and really, he almost did it. Only inches before he arrived there John caught him.

"HA!", he cried out. That's when a group of students arrived on the Quidditch field, in their hands brooms. They walked as if they owned the place and somehow Alex believed them that they did. The first of them was a girl his age with dark skin and long black hair he recognized as the leader of the group. Even though she didn't wear a special badge or something, it was just in the way she held her head.

"Shit", John whispered. Okay, this was weird. He sounded scared and Alex had never before seen John Laurens scared, not even when Professor Lee caught them this one night.

"Who is this girl?", Alex asked. He had seen her before although he couldn't remember where. She just didn't have a face anyone could ever forget so it could have been everywhere.

"Angelica Schulyer."

Schulyer? Even Alex had heard about the three Schulyer sisters. Their father was president of the MACUSA and crazy rich, the girls were the most popular kids in school, everyone wanted to be their friend.

"Listen Alexander. When I'm going to talk to her you won't say a single word, okay?", John asked. "I know it's hard for you but please just act as if you weren't there, don't look at her and don't even breath." Alex nodded although he couldn't promise anything. "No, wait. This will make everything just worse. Talk but not much and only when I'm telling you to but never, swear to me that you'll never say something offensive about witches or squibs."

Now Alex was confused but he nodded again. What's so bad about this Angelica? She looks a little angry but I'm sure she won't kill us for being on the field. Just as he thought this the students stopped in front of them. All of them wore Hornet Serpent badges and only now Alex understood why John was so concerned. The first Quidditch play was soon and it was between the houses Wampus and Hornet Serpent.

"Angelica, hey", John said and held out his hand for the girl to shake it. Angelica however only stared at it for a second before crossing her arms.

"Laurens", she answered and chewed on her lips. "What are you doing here?"

It didn't sound like a question and Alex wasn't sure if it was even supposed to be one or if it was a trap. Even though John had prepared him for her sharp tongue he could have never guessed how beautiful Angelica was. Not in the normal beautiful way though but because of this glimmer in her eyes. This little spark telling Alex that she was searching for something and that she wouldn't be satisfied until she found it. Just like me.

"I'm here to teach my friend Hamilton here how to fly on a broom", John replied and patted Alex on the shoulder. Angelica smiled, well her mouth did while her eyes remained cold.

"Of course you are. This has nothing to do with the play", she said calmly. John sighed relieved.

"Yeah, I'm glad you understand. We want no trouble", he explained. Angelica shot him another one of her smiles and somehow Alex knew that it would be better for John to just shut up. But it was already to late.

"You want no trouble?", Angelica asked. "You know that you would break the rules if you would spy on us while training?" Oh shit. She thought they had wanted to spy on the Hornet Serpent team to find out their technique.

"Yeah, we know that but really, we didn't know you would come here this early", John defended himself and Alex.

"Oh, of course you couldn't know at least we came earlier to catch people like you", Angelica told them so causally that Alex almost overheard the trap as well.

"Thanks, so it really isn't our-"

"Angelica, that's your name, right?", Alex interrupted John quickly before he could say something wrong. The girl raised an eyebrow and a faint smile hushed over her face. A real smile this time.

"You're the new one. Hamilton", she realized.

"Yes. I'm Thunderbird as you see, what would it get me to watch you train when my house doesn't even play against yours?", Alex asked her. "Really, John just wanted to teach me how to fly on a broom. You know him, he's a little forgetful." Angelica shook her head and smiled her fake smile again as if she just had decided that Alex wasn't worth talking to.

"You repeat yourself. If you don't have any good arguments I'll have to call Professor Franklin", she threatened him. Okay, I shouldn't go easy on her. I have to think of something better than the nice way. He straightened his back, looked her right into the eyes and smiled.

"Great, do that. We haven't done anything wrong so we've got nothing to fear", he explained. Angelica stared right back at him as if she was trying to crack him. Just that there is nothing to crack. She can send us to her house teacher, we cannot be punished for doing nothing.

"Of course you haven't, you'll only get expelled when the truth comes out", she replied, "but which truth since you've done noting wrong?" Expelled? Can you really get expelled or is she just playing with us? But when I ask she'll only think that I did want to spy on her.

"You can't get expelled because you stood basically in the middle of the field before the other team was even supposed to arrive", John corrected her although he sounded a little unsure, something Angelica sure as hell had heard. He's right thou.

"Good, I'm writing to Professor Franklin to get the truth serum", she said and took out parchment and a quill. Alex only shrugged even though the thought of having to tell the truth about basically everything scared him. Somebody could shamelessly take advantage of his situation and ask him all kind of privat things.

Still, he knew that it was only a bluff to make him crack right here and without any serum. It would have probably worked if he would really have done what she thought he had done. But what could he say to convince her otherwise? I can't tell her that I know she's only bluffing or she'll maybe make her treatment true and I don't want that.

"Please, do so. I'd love to find out how I tried to spy on a Quidditch team, a sport I don't even know the rules for", he scoffed and crossed his arms as well. "Do you think I did it because I bet on the Wampus house to win and wanted to help them or because I want to know your technique for the Thunderbird game against you? Man, I just can't choose!" Angelica took a deep breath and smiled her widest fake smile. Shit. I made her angry.

"Listen, if you think you can fool the Hornet Serpents you're stupid", she explained but John cut her off before she could talk more.

"Ever thought about that, just maybe, not everyone wants to fool you?"

Before Angelica could answer a letter bird flew right past her, only a little from her ear away and right into Alex' hands.

"Excuse me for a second", he said and opened the piece of parchment. It didn't look like the kind the students used, more elegant as if would cost a little more. Immediately he knew that it wasn't from one of his friends. Slowly he opened the letter and started to read.

Mr. Hamilton,
I have a lot of important things to talk about with you, things I cannot write into this letter in the fear that someone else than you could read this. This is something you can't talk about with anyone and after you read what I wrote I beg you to destroy this letter. Come to my office immediately, the password to get inside of it is the first magic beast you've seen.
Professor George Washington

Finally! For the last days Professor Washington had been ignoring Alex completely, he acted as if he didn't even know him. Now he was sure that the letter had something to do with the metal chicken and how it almost destroyed the castle. Maybe they've found out what happened to it. Even though Alex was still sure that it only crashed to pay back all the things he had said to it he'd still like to know what the others thought. Now he just had to get away as quickly as possible without telling anyone who the letter was from or what he had just been reading.

"Who sent the bird? Was it Laf? Are him and Herc in trouble again?", John asked but Alex only shook his head.

"No, no. You don't have to worry about it, the letter is from Burr", he explained calmly. "He needs my help with his own history essay since his partners are all shit like John Jay and won't help much. But don't tell him I told you!"

John sighed.

"Let me guess, you'll let me deal with this alone? Man, you're almost as bad as Burr's partners. Why can't Madison just help him?", he whined and gave Alex a I-can't-do-this-without-you-bro look.

"You know Aaron, he hates asking for help and I'm kinda his only friend so I feel a little sorry for him", Alex said. "Don't worry, I'll hurry up." John nodded even though he didn't look very comfortable with the thought of having to deal with the Hornet Serpent's all alone.

"Okay but don't forget to come to dinner!", he lectured him and padded his head something he knew Alex hated. "Don't forget to eat the sandwich I made you and you aren't allowed to be alone with Burr. You'll only work on this one essay, do you promise?" Alex nodded happily and smiled up at him.

"Thanks mom."

"Of course, everything for you dear. Don't forget that I love you and now go." John made a face at him and held his thumbs up while whispering something like: "We're all rooting for you!"

Alex' face grew hot. He's taking the boyfriend thing ways to serious. I should probably stop making stupid jokes. Angelica who had remained silent through their conversation huffed loudly and looked down at him. Something she really could do since she was just as tall as Alex himself.

"So what, you just want to go now, in the middle of an argument?", she asked and raised an eyebrow. Man, I'm probably making a really bad impression right now as if I'm somebody who runs away from their problems. Still, he had to go so he only shrugged.

"Yes. See you all at dinner", he replied as unconcernedly as possible and waved goodbye. He felt the eyes of the Quidditch players drill into his back long after he had left the field and he looked around a few times before finally talking out the letter once more.

He pointed his wand at the parchment and whispered: "Incendio" For a while he just stood there, watching the letter burning up. When he was sure that every bit of the writing Professor Washington had sent him was destroyed he tried to recall everything what he had read before. I have to go to the headmaster's office. The password is the first magical beast I have seen here, that must be the Pukwudgie.

Luckily he could remember where the office was located, one of the few things he still knew from his first day with Aaron, so he wouldn't have to use the stairs. Alex had to hold himself back not to run, it would only get the attention of other students, something he really didn't want. The first days everything had seemed to be about him, everyone was whispering when he walked past him and almost every teacher asked him if he wanted not to do homework since he already had to do so much else. But soon everything had gone back to normal and the most people saw him as an ordinary student now, not as the wonder kid from the Caribbean.

Quickly he walked through the corridors, not quick enough for anyone to ask him why he hurried so much but quick enough to get as fast as possible to the office. Alex even played with the thought of using some of the secret passageways Hercules had shown him but decided not to. There were too many students in the corridors and, even more important, too many teachers.

After a few minutes he finally arrived in front of a small door with a carving of all four houses on it. This one he knew led to the Washington's private rooms and the office. And now? Was he just supposed to say the password or should he try to open the door first? Alex decided to do the last thing but it was unsurprisingly locked so he whispered: "Pukwudgie!"

But again, nothing happened. Is it the wrong word? But that's impossible, it's the first magical creature I saw, isn't it? He could remember the day he had found out to be wizard very well and there hadn't been another animal anywhere. Only the dead dog but he wasn't magical. Or does the chicken count? But it was made out of metal, it was only enchanted, wasn't it? It was worth a try.

„Metal bird?", Alex said to the door and it opened. „Really, the stupid chicken?", he murmured as he looked at the next room.

It was big, a lot bigger than he had expected and looked like an entrance hall completely made out of wood. But this wasn't what surprised him, no it was the person standing close to a second more elegant door opposite to the one Alex entered through.

"James?", he asked. The other boy winced as he heard his voice and quickly turned around. It was James!

"Shhhht", he made and pointed at the door he was standing in front of. Alex understood immediately. Something was happening inside of the headmaster's office. Something important. As he was getting closer he could hear loud voices arguing about something.

"But we have to tell the students, they have the right to know when someone is attacking the school!", somebody shouted. Alex knew the voice. Professor Lee. What's he doing in Professor Washington's office? And who is attacking the school?

"Yes, they do. But we don't know enough yet. Maybe it was just a joke or wasn't even supposed to destroy the school, we can't burden these kids with half-truths or everyone will panic! We don't even know who cursed the bird", Professor Washington explained calmly. The bird? This really is about the chicken! Somebody cursed it? But why, this is stupid! Alex exchanged a quick glance with his brother but James only shrugged. He didn't know what was happening as well.

"It's a very easy to break curse anyway. It's even possible for one of our students to have done something like this", Professor Franklin added and it made click in Alex' brain. This was probably the real reason Professor Washington didn't want to tell the students. When one of them really did this then he'll only warn them and tell them to hide.

"Maybe even the students standing outside?", Professor Lee asked and suddenly the door opened with a loud bang. It was the first time Alex saw the headmaster's office and he would probably keep the picture he got of it in his head for forever. The office was totally different from the entrance hall and looked at lot smaller with many shelves full of books and weird devices Alex couldn't name. A big projection of the metal bird how it was attacking the crooked tower was in the air and in the middle of the room stood a round stone table where the Ilvermorny professors sat on. All the professors. Alex had never seen all of them in one place together before except for the meals and that rarely counted. The worst part however was that everyone was staring at James and him.

"Are this the students who were inside of the bird when it went crazy?", Professor Franklin wanted to know and with this saved all of them from the horrible silence. Professor Washington stood up and nodded.

"Yes", he sighed. "Yes these are the kids. I think it's clear what we have to do now, the meeting ist over."

For he other teachers it was a signal to stand up and leave the office without asking another question. James and Alex however both knew they were in great trouble now and exchanged a series of worried we-are-fucked glances. What would be their punishment? The last professor to leave was Lee, before he closed the door behind him he looked around once more with this weird look in his eyes Alex had already seen earlier. He looked as if he was thinking about not following Professor Washington's orders and telling the other students about the cursed bird. He acts as if he would be a better headmaster.  He couldn't stop himself from wondering if he had been the one cursing the chicken to bring the Professor down and become headmaster himself.

"So", Professor Washington started and with that brought Alex back to reality. Impossible. He's a teacher and would never do something like this. The chicken was probably enchanted by a student.

"You've heard everything?", he asked. James nodded quickly and studied his feet as if he had suddenly found out that they were way more interesting than he had thought for the past eighteen years. Meanwhile Alex remembered one of the things Aaron had told him. He's going to kill me! He had never thought of Professor Washington as strict or easy to get angry but now he wasn't sure if the headmaster wasn't going to ban them to the secret basement for knowing to much. Laf would be so angry at me for going without him!He already had searched for good arguments to spare them like, you just can't expel us for being in a room you ordered us to go to! How were we supposed to know that you were speaking about things we weren't supposed to know?

"Good", the Professor sighed and put on an old hat.  "I didn't plan on telling you but maybe you could help." Help? Alex finally had the chance to help the Professor with the metal chicken thing? Yes! James looked up from his feet again, his mouth wide open.

"Hel-help?", he stuttered dumbfounded. Professor Washington laughed.

"Yes, help. Did you thing I was going to expel you?", he asked. James' face grew red and Alex had to hold himself back not to let out a relieved sigh. Yes, yes we did think so. Thank you. 

"How can we help?", he replied in the hope that everyone could just forget about this.

"Of course, now that you know everything you can also help a little. As you've heard the school's attacker was probably a student." He stopped for a moment and stared at one of the shelves.
"Seriously, these kids need to learn that there are consequences in life", he murmured. What's that supposed to mean? "So now we need to find out which student and that's your job", Professor Washington explained.

"Our job?", James echoed. Alex face lighted up.

"You mean we are supposed to get the guy?" Yes! A real quest! Washington trusts us!

"No! Merlin's beard, no! Just look around a little and when you see anything remarkable you tell me!", the Professor shouted.

"Thanks god", James sighed.

"You're the only ones I can trust since you were inside the bird as it crashed. You're perfect for this task, a wizard and a squib so we've got everything covered. I told nobody about this, not even the other professors. I expect the same of you. If you want to help you can't trust anyone, not even your closest friends."

Even though Professor Washington didn't directly say it Alex knew that he was meant with the last thing he said. It's not like I tell my friends EVERYTHING!

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to but together we could make this school saver. Can I count on you?" Yes, yes, yes! Alex nodded quickly while it  took James a while till he answered with yes.

"Okay", the squib sighed, "but I swear if I end up in the hospital wing with a box of Bertie Bott's Every-Flavor beans once more..."

"Yes, yes, yes! I know these beans are horrible but yes!", Alex shouted and a wide grin spread over his face. I'm going to prove that I belong here!

"Good, next thing I called you here. How's school?", Professor Washington asked causally.

"School?", James echoed. Merlin's beard, Lafayette was right. He adopted me.

"I'm good. It's a little harder to keep up than I thought but really, everything is amazing! I found great friends, I love learning new spells, homework isn't too much. Everything is great", Alex said quickly. He didn't need another person shouting at him to take a break.

Professor Washington raised an eyebrow which looked very impressive on him and replied: "Are you sure? Your eye bags have eye bags." Alex nodded and laughed to show how great he just felt. James took a step away from him.

"Oh, Yeah. It's just a little hard to sleep on those soft beds", he explained. It wasn't even a lie, he really couldn't sleep on his bed, this why he slept on the ground when he had to take a nap.

"I'm fine too", James told them curtly. Professor Washington nodded slowly.

"I believe you, you can go now." Alex sighed relieved. He still had to work on Lumos and he had to hurry up if he still wanted to eat dinner. John is already worried enough I shouldn't upset him even more with not coming.

"Thank you Professor Washington", James said and opened the door.

"Yeah, thanks", Alex murmured and was just about to follow his brother when the Professor held him back.

"Not you!" Alex froze and shot his brother a questioning gaze but he only shrugged helplessly.

"Sir, whatever you heard-"

"I think I've heard enough to know what's going on", Professor Washington interrupted him. Shit. Shit. Shit! Did Lee break his promise? Did he tell him?

"You work to much."

Thanks god. Wait, what? No!

"But I'm feeling fine! You said you believed me! It's not like I'm falling over at any moment", Alex argued. Really, everyone was acting as if he was going to die any second.

"But you look as if you would", Professor Washington said and shook his head. "I'm sorry son but if you go on like this I'll have to put you into first year. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"What! But you gave me time until Christmas! I can do this, I swear! Just you wait! You just have to give me another chance and I'll show you!", Alex shouted. He can't be serious, not now where I came this far already!

"No, Alexander just no. I'm responsible for you and I need you alive", the Professor explained calmly and with a tired expression. I'm more than willing to die if it means that I can stay with my friends!

"But I found friends and I'm happy. You just can't sent me to the eleven years olds!"

Alex felt like screaming or jinxing somebody. This can't be possible, not now. Was all this work for nothing? Professor Washington looked at him with an imperious face, then he suddenly softened at the sight of the desperate kid in front of him.

"Okay, one last chance for you", he sighed.


Alex let out a scream of happiness and hugged the Professor until he remembered where he was and who he was just hugging.

"Um, okay son. I'm giving something to you now, something very special and powerful I didn't give to many students before", he started and walked over to one of the shelves. "Not many people even know I have one and I want to keep it this way, you understand?" But he didn't want Alex to respond, he just kept talking. "Only use it for school, never for anything else and when I find out you did you'll get expelled." Expelled! He took out some kind of golden chain and handed it Alex.

"What is this?", the boy asked and warily inspected the chain. It had a round pendant with an hourglass set into the middle of it.

"This", Professor Washington explained, "this is a time turner and with it you can go back in time." He paused for a while to let this sink in. A time turner? And I'm supposed to use it for school stuff only?

"Watch out to never be seen by yourself nobody knows how you'll react when you stand in front of you, some people got mad or started killing each other. When you spin the turner once it sends you back for one hour, two times two hours and so on but it only takes you back to highest six hours. Use it to get a few hours more of sleep or to just take a break once in a while, I don't want you to work even more now that you've got it, you understand?", he lectured Alex who couldn't hide his excitement anymore. I'm able to travel through time like freaking Doctor Who!

"Yes, thank you Professor!", he beamed. I'm traveling through time and I can stay with my friends, life couldn't be better!

"One last thing, Hamilton. It's very important and I hope for you to never forget it", Professor Washington started.

"Okay, I won't!"

"Never take it with you in a bag or something. When you use it you always wear it around your neck and when not you hide it somewhere save."

Alex nodded.

"And now the most important part. Never tell anyone else that you have it. No one, not your friends, not your brother, not even a pet or something. This is a secret between the two of us!"

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