
De xx_redphoenix_xx

7.6K 898 35

Katrina Grey has always steered clear out of drama's way seeing to the fact that she has a secret, and with t... Mais

Before Anything Else
✔ Prologue
✔ Chapter 1
✔ Chapter 2
✔ Chapter 3
✔ Chapter 4
✔ Chapter 5
✔ Chapter 6
✔ Chapter 7
✔ Chapter 8
✔ Chapter 9
✔ Chapter 10
✔ Chapter 11
✔ Chapter 12
✔ Chapter 13
✔ Chapter 14
✔ Chapter 15
✔ Chapter 16
✔ Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
✔ Chapter 39
✔ Chapter 40
✔ Chapter 42 : 1.0
✔ Chapter 42 : 2.0
✔ Chapter 43
✔ Chapter 44
✔ Chapter 45
✔ Chapter 46
✔ Chapter 47
✔ Chapter 48
✔ Chapter 49
✔ Chapter 50
✔ Chapter 51
✔ Chapter 52
Chapter 53

✔ Chapter 41

76 19 0
De xx_redphoenix_xx

* * *

I don't believe my ears. Upon hearing such an ecstatic news, Hayden spins her around kissing her temples while Abigail and I just sit at the dining table, opposite to each other not knowing what to do.

Abby still seems in her mind right now but for me, it is a completely different story. I am frozen.

"Did you just say that you're pregnant?" I confirm and Amelia nods her head, biting her lower lips, "With twins?"

She nods again and Hayden hugs her tightly. I share a look with Abigail telling her to congratulate her on this occasion but after Mia just reconfirmed what she had said, I don't think she ever will be able to do that.

"That's.....amazing!" Abby says with obvious fake excitement.

"Congratulations," I exclaim.

"How far?" I ask, genuinely interested.

"Seven weeks," she says smiling widely.

"Katrina and Abby go change," Hayden says his smile matching Amelia's, "We're going out for dinner."

We nod and head back to our respective rooms leaving the couple for some alone time. Abby looks at me and I avoid talking to her or making eye contact with her.

She doesn't know what she did.

"What's wrong, Kit-Kat?" she asks me.

I shake my head and slowly turn the knob of my door. She stands in front of hers and I want to tell her so badly that I heard their voice. That I get these crazy dreams which hurt me and cause me enough pain to last for a lifetime.

I want to tell her that I am not normal and never was and this whole act is just a barrier, a phase. I want to tell her that I race. I want to tell her that I love her, and that mom loved her and so did dad and I could probably make her listen to their voices one last time.

"I'm sorry," she says fidgeting with her fingers, "I don't know what came over me......"

"It's okay," I say giving her my best fake smile.

It's not okay. It's not fine. Your words pierced my heart and hit my feeling. I felt terrible knowing that you thought of me as a murderer. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't catch my smile or maybe she does but she doesn't say anything to me about it, and for that I am grateful. I had forgiven her a long time before.

I think that is my problem. I forgive people too easily. Throwing myself at my bed, I lie down, checking my phone.

No text messages from anyone.

I admit, I wanted to see that small notification on my phone saying that Xavier and texted me. I am not disappointed, though.

I open my mess of a closet and one by one throw the clothes that would be most appropriate for this occasion.

After spending fifteen minutes on what exactly should I wear, I settle down with the option of a long hoodie that has the words 'Rules Are For People Who Don't Know What To Do.'

The black colour accentuates my eyes and after deciding on what to wear, I stand in the mirror finally noticing the pastel blue streak running on the insides of my hair.

First white and now blue?

The streak is pastel blue with a light mixture of white and I stand there my hands searching every other part of my hair for a similar strand of hair. My bangs fall right in place covering half of my one eye.

Quickly getting changed into the hoodie, I wear denim shorts inside and fishnet stocking paired up with Nike Airs. I remove my lenses and my wig for me to wash my face, and then put it back on.

I look at the brown eyes of the girl in the mirror, whom I once knew very well, her eyes are emotionless. I wonder what would happen if this mask came off right now. If the mask came off in front of everybody.

I exit my room making my way down the stairs only to find my whole family waiting in the living room. Okay, not whole family, but I have Hayden with a black t-shirt and jeans and Abigail wearing a yellow sundress which makes her look like a chick with feathers.

I stifle a laugh at that thought and we all wait for the pregnant woman to make her grand appearance. We wait and we wait for what feels like an eternity scrolling down our social media accounts and Hayden working on yet another case when she finally enters.

Amelia stands in a ravishing black gown which falls straight hiding her tummy. It's flowy black silk material leaves Hayden and I speechless and wondering how the help does a pregnant woman who is seven weeks with freaking twins look so nice and slim and thin in a black gown?

I look like a sac of potatoes when I dress in dresses and I am not even that fat!

"Let's go?" she says but it comes out more like a question rather than a statement and Hayden takes the key to his Tesla Model S that is blue in colour.

Hayden and Amelia call shotgun and Abby and I sit in the back with our phones.

Abigail doesn't say anything and neither do I. Hayden and Amelia are busy in their own conversation, something about their recent case and who the killer can be. Abby often gives me glances and when I do catch her staring at me, I give her smiles which she returns. Something is bugging her and she is refusing to accept or tell me what it is.

I look out the window not paying attention to my surrounding. The trees pass by and so does McDonalds and for a minute I wonder if they can drop me off at the same so I can fill my stomach to the fullest.

Owing to the fact that if we step inside a posh restaurant, with a name that I got surely won't be able to pronounce, my stomach ain't getting any food. I don't know why but higher classes of the Society expect ladies to have proper dressing manners and only live on water and leaves.

Sorry, they expect us to live on spring water and leaves of plants. Like what the hell is kale? Kale sounds like a serial killer who lived in the corners of Antarctica. No jokes.

We arrive at a restaurant and I immediately dislike it at first sight. La Gavroche. A French restaurant.

It's high class, high maintenance and you for sure, will have red wine or strawberry champagne served over here. I seriously wanted hot chocolate or a cold coffee.

"Good evening sir," a lady with a Spanish accent says and I stare at her. A French dine-in, Spanish waitress, the next thing I know is that they'll be serving burgers and hot-dogs.

"Good evening," Hayden replies politely.

"Would you like a table?" the lady asks and I roll my eyes.

Nope, I came here to eat on the floor so can you please do me a huge favour and give us a carpet for four?

Everybody looks at me and when Abby nudges me offering me a smile that probably means that my death is nearer than our table, I figure out that what I thought is what I said out loud.

Amelia let's out a nervous laugh and the lady leads us to our table, which is in the centre of the restaurant. The place is lit brightly with several lights causing my eyes to blink a few times to adjust to the new settings.

The tables are covered in red cloths and wine glasses with a bottle of red wine is placed on each table. Everyone is laughing at jokes which aren't probably that funny and I suddenly want the ground to swallow me due to the embarrassment.

I am wearing a hoodie right now, whereas this fancy-ass restaurant probably requires you to be dressed formally. It isn't written anywhere but once you see, what I am seeing then you'll know exactly what I am talking about.

We sir down on our designated table and I don't even want to open the menu for I am pretty sure, I won't understand a thing. If this was either a Spanish restaurant or a German or a Russian for that matter, things would have been different.

Abigail scrolls through the menu effortlessly and I look at her, examining her for a brief moment. Mom and Dad would have been proud of her, she learnt only one language due to her intellectual capacities whereas I learnt seven and a bit of French.

Latin, Spanish, German, Russian, English, Greek and Mandarin. My memory is a bit rusty and I can't interpret French correctly, I think. For instance, I know how to order an extra large pizza with extra cheese, no onions and tomatoes but I cannot find myself to speak proper French when I am stuck in a life and death situation.

The struggle is real.

"What are you having, Katrina?" Mia asks with a gentle smile on her face.

"A ratatouille," I reply not taking my eyes off the waiter as he pours some amount of wine to all. I don't drink wine.

Hayden places our orders and the conversations on our table resume and my eyes roam around the entire place until they land on a familiar blue-eyed boy.

Before he is able to catch me staring at him, I break my stare looking back at my table.

My eyes, unconsciously drift off to the tables of the Knight's where the loving family of Cole and Melissa Knight is situated.

Aiden and Xavier seem to be talking to each other with great interest. However, I can't read their lips 'cause they sit too far away from me. My attention from them gets diverted when I hear my name being called on my table.

My eyes shift to the owner of the voice.

''How's school going?'' Hayden asks taking a sip of his wine.

''Good,'' I say chewing on my lower lip, ''We are going to get back our tests tomorrow.''

''Oh God!'' Abby exclaims, ''Can I not go to school tomorrow?''

''No,'' Amelia says immediately, ''Did you not to good on your tests?''

''It was a surprise test!'' she tries to reason earning a chuckle from the beautiful couple sitting on our table.

''What about you, Katrina?'' Hayden asks me,''Did you do good on your test?''


''Obviously, she did,'' Abby says snickering at an inside joke on me.

''Abigail,'' Amelia says in a warning tone, ''Just 'cause you didn't do good in your test doesn't me that you can pull down other.''

''What, not everyone is like a nerd like her!'' she exclaims.

Only if you knew. Only if you knew of how much of a nerd I am.

''Just because I get higher marks than a fake cheerleader like you, it doesn't mean that I am a nerd,'' I retort unable to hold my tongue.

I don't regret saying that even a bit. What I said, I true. Going around while caking your face with twenty pounds of make-up doesn't make you original, does it?

''God, you're such a bitch,'' she says, rolling her eyes.

"Abigail Rosalind Montez!" Mia exclaims.

"Say that again," I deadpan ignoring Mia.

"I said that you are a fucking bitch!"

"You sure honey, cause bitches do right as their fucking told," I say trying hard not to loose my temper.

Abigail already has. She is practically fuming and if my life was a comic, she would now be portrayed as the girl who has steam coming out of her ears.

"Fuck you!" she says holding up her middle finger.

"Keep your STDs to your fucking own self."

"Sorry, I don't speak to murderers," she says rolling her eyes.

"And I don't speak to fucking people who belong in a mental institution," I reply.

"You're order, sir," the waiter who served us says interrupting the brawl my lovely sister and I were having. He places down my ratatouille in front of me and I look at it.

I've lost my appetite.

The table has gone silent and Hayden and Amelia just eat their respective dishes and Abigail sits on the chair like a spoilt brat, that she is.

This is exactly what I meant when I said that she does nothing but make my life miserable.

Normally if it would have been her saying the same words a year or two ago, I would have let it go but I can't seem to control my tongue nowadays.

"I'm out of here," she says, getting up from her chair.

"Bye Felicia!" I say earning a glare from Hayden.

I pick up my fork and start picking on the vegetables in my ratatouille and I play with my food. Taking a long gulp of wine, I let that liquid burn in my throat. I feel the wine travelling all the way from my mouth to my food pipe and down into my stomach.

"Are you alright?" Amelia asks me sounding concerned and I simply can do nothing but nod.

I feel my temper rising a bit and for the betterment of the restaurant, I get up leaving the table and going to the washroom.

Upon entering the ladies washroom I find myself standing next to a face I never thought I'd see again. Melissa Evans.

Avoiding her, I move over to the sink washing my ice cold hands and spraying water on my face. I say my face with tissues kept there when she finally notices me.

"Hello, Katrina," she says smiling at me.

"Hi Mrs Knight, didn't expect to see you here," I say with a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Neither did I, anyways what are you doing here?" she asks drying her hands in the dryer.

Hunting elephants.

"Casual family dinner, my aunt's pregnant," I inform her and a briight smile appears on her face.

"Congrats, anyways I hope to see you at the ball," she says her smile not wavering even a bit.

"What ball?" I ask her out of pure confusion.

"Xavier didn't tell you?"

"Nah!" I say.

"Well every year we hosts a ball and this year it is going to be at our mansion in Burlington, it's after two days," she informs me.

"You should come," she offers.

I stop dead in my tracks. Burlington. Mansion. Two days. Seven Days.

"I'll think about it," I reply politely.

We both go separate ways from there and I suddenly feel claustrophobic. My lungs are hurting, and my hair is feeling like it is being ripped out and my hands, their running cold and...and I don't know what is happening to me.

Melissa exits the bathroom, leaving me all alone and a question raining in my head.

Why the hell can I not be free? Why are the chains still attached to my wrist? When will I be cast out from my Society ? When will I be a human?

Something bad is about to happen. I don't know what but it is going to happen. Perhaps there is only a week or so left....to live and to love.

I exit the bathroom with a straight face pretending I didn't freak out in the bathroom and that is when I feel someone staring at me. I whip my head around only to find Xavier deep, intensified eyes searching my scared and pained eyes.

His expression changes and he offers me a small wave which I, without hesitation return. I sit on my table, diverting my attention back to the original reasons to why we were here in the first place.

"I am sorry," I speak up causing the eyes of the respective couple to shift to me.

"It's fine, it was her who crossed the line, anyways," Amelia says offering me a small, sad, sympathetic smile.

"Do I need to threaten a certain boy?" Hayden asks me while sips on his wine.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion and he point to a familiar table and I look at Xavier. Through actions, I ask him what is wrong and his eyes simply point towards the outside of the restaurant.

I look back at Hayden and he nods as if allowing me to go talk to him. Getting up from my hair and scrambling out the door, I finally see him.

"Hi," he whispers.

"Hi," I say back in a low voice.

"So, I assume my mom invited you for the Timeless Ball?" he asks and I nod my head.

"So do you....have a dress?" he asks unsurely.

"I might not come," I say with a sad smile on my face.

"Why?" he enquires.

I didn't think of an excuse.

"All the boys are coming and we'll be going shopping tomorrow for tuxes, so you can join," he says.

I avoid eye contact and that is when he comes close.

Putting his hand on my shoulder he says, "What's wrong, love?"

"My parents house and graves are in Burlington," I say in a small tone.

He doesn't say anything and there are already tears in my eyes. So much, for moving on. Without hesitation he pulls me towards him or pushes him towards me, not sure which one and engulfs me in a hug. Stroking my hair, he has one had on the arch of my back and I inhale his scent.

Unknowingly my traitor eyes start shedding tears onto his shirt and I don't think that I have ever cried in front of someone before.

"Leave the past where it is supposed to be, love," he whispers only do that I can hear him.

"I know," I say breaking the hug, "I know but it's just that it's too much for me knowing that I was the reason why they got killed."

"Death isn't who does, love, but what we let die within ourselves while we live," he repeats the same words that I had told him.

"It's okay if you do not want to come," he says looking into my eyes.

"I'll come," I say.

He has done so much for me, the last thing I can do is come for a simple ball with him.

My hearts starts beating fast and my stomach does this weird flips when I'm around you and only you, Xavier. I don't think that I like you anymore....

* * *

A/N : Wassup guys!!! Guess whose back again with another chapter. Like is aid that my exams are starting so no daily updates anymore, doesn't mean you're not gonna get any of Xavier and Katrina drama anymore.

Chill my homies, I've got you. I'll be posting every weekends so that means you'll have probably four chapters a week and my exams last for three weeks. So twelve, I think.

Anyways comment down below and let me know what you guys felt in this chapter or for it. I am so happy that after 41 fucking chapters they finally hugged. It's like yessssssss!

Vote if you like this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy reading my books.

So now Abigail is exposing her true colours or is she? You never know. I mean, I know but you don't know. *insert evil laugh*

So today was my first oral and it went good, it was a bloody thirty mark dictation of another language. Interesting, isn't it?

Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share.



Author : Vote if you want to see me pass.....

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