Supernatural One Shots

By softlymasculine

699K 8.1K 2.9K

Supernatural X Reader One Shots☆☆☆ - Female x Female - Male x Male - Ships - x Reader ~~~ (I don't own all of... More

Supernatural x Reader
Sam & Dean x Vamp! Reader
Hey Dean here
Sam & Dean x Reader
Dean x Suicidal! Reader
Castiel x Dying! Reader
Sam x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Dean x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 1}
Lucifer x Reader {Part 2}
Crowley x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 3}
Lucifer x Reader {Final}
Jack Kline x Reader
Archangel Gabriel x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
SMUT! Dean x Reader
Sam x Reader
SMUT! Jack Kline x Reader
Charlie Bradbury x Reader
Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
SMUT!Meg x Reader x SMUT!Castiel
Dean x Daughter! Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Father! Castiel x Nephilim! Reader
Claire Novak x Reader
Dean x Cutting! Reader
Dean x Male! Reader
Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Dean x Reader
Sam x Male!Reader
Charlie x Reader
Human! Castiel x Male! Reader
NSFW! Crowley x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Sam x Birthday! Reader
Lucifer x Male! Reader
Sam x Guardian Angel! Reader
Jealous! Jack x Reader
Dean x Dying! Reader
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 1
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 2
Castiel x Demon! Reader FINAL
Jack Kline x Reader SOUL
SMUT! Dean x Male! Werewolf! Reader
Dean x Birthday! Reader

Dean x Witch! Reader

7.5K 155 21
By softlymasculine

  "We got a case," Dean popped his head into Y/n's room without knocking. "You wanna come? It's only a couple hours out of town."

"Yeah sure!" Y/n sat up in her bed. She was used to Dean entering unannounced. Both brothers did it, that's why she installed a lock. Thank you Home Depot. "What's the case?"

"Coven of witches killing tourists. Really sick stuff. Sam can show you the crime scene photos if you want. Shit like this is why I hate witches, they're just plain evil."

Y/n's jaw tightened slightly, "You guys leaving right now?"

"Yeah, we're all packed up."

"Well I would, but I have a date," Y/n smirked.

Dean raised his eyebrow, half of him knew she was joking but the other half really didn't care.

"-with the Gilmore Girls," She finished. "Last week, Rory gave some serious attitude to Lorelai and I just have to see how this plays out!"

He chuckled, "Didn't that show end forever ago?"


"You could record it."

"I could," Y/n nodded. She tapped her chin pretending to think about it. "But I'm not going to. Plus I don't have pants on right now and I am not planning on putting any on."

"I don't see how that's a problem," Dean smirked as he sauntered over to the bed.
Y/n laughed, "Get outta here!" She grabbed both of his hands and pulled him into a kiss. She broke the kiss quickly and whispered. "If you need me, I'll go."

"No, we got this. I just like spending time with you," Dean said. Their faces were close, their noses almost touching. He didn't want to move away.

"Right back at ya," She smiled. "Now kiss me again and get out of my room."

"With pleasure," Dean pressed his lips to hers in a brief but passionate kiss.

"Be safe," Y/n called as he walked to the door.

"Always. Hey I'm thinking Chinese food for dinner, you in?"

"You betcha," Y/n beamed.

"Ok great, I'll see you soon. I love you."

Dean's expression faltered. He threw one last smile at Y/n before he ducked out of the room. As soon as he was out of sight he cursed. Dean never said he loved her before and he certainly didn't mean to say it then. Sure, he'd loved her ever since he first saw her but he'd never saidit.

As Dean left the room, the smile dropped from Y/n's face. He loved her? Loved loved her? Not just an aggressive like? Guilt tugged at her heart and she gently bit her lip.

It had been five months since they had started dating and Dean had no idea she was a witch. She had been very careful not to give him any clues. Y/n kept all of her spell ingredients in multiple shoeboxes in her closet, she never left a candle lying around (they were also in the closet), and as far as Sam and Dean knew she'd never heard of Practical Magic or Bewitched. They also assumed Y/n hated witches as much as they did.

That's not to say Y/n stopped practice magic when she moved in. She wasn't about to change a huge aspect of herself just because she'd gotten two new roommates and the best boyfriend she'd ever had. In fact Y/n had used her powers to help on several cases; tracking spells were an infinite help and protection charms eased her worry. But Y/n knew the dangers. If Sam and Dean ever found out she was a witch, there wouldn't be a happy ending. At best she would lose two of the most important people in her life. At worst... there would be blood.

So Dean couldn't really love her. He didn't know her. He only loved the Y/n she'd let him see.

Y/n swung her feet off her bed and walked over to the closet. She pulled out a pink shoebox and a white robe from the very back of her closet. She flicked her finger and the hair tie that held her ponytail wiggled itself out of her hair. It dropped to the ground without a sound. She shook her head and let her hair flowed down around her shoulders. Y/n pulled on the robe, which smelled like sage and jasmine, and started placing candles around her in a circle.

It was hard for Y/n to know what to feel when the boys went on a witch-hunt. Most of the witches Sam and Dean hunted were bad people. They killed for personal gain and sometimes just for the hell of it. But at the same time they were her people. Her mother had been a witch and her mother before her. So whenever a witch had to be taken care of, Y/n would cast a spell to help their souls into the next world.
Y/n sat with crossed legs in the middle of the circle. She took a deep breath and cleared her mind. Y/n reached out and lit the candles surrounding her with only the tip of her finger.

First order of business was to cast a mild luck charm on the brothers. The charm in mind was strong enough to change the course of a bullet but weak enough to not ruin their lives. Luck could be dangerous. Y/n closed her eyes and tried to focus on her words, on the power burning inside her but it was no use. She was completely and totally preoccupied. All she could think about was Dean.

It took Y/n five tried to get the spell right. It was very aggravating and time consuming but she loved Dean back, so how could she not think about him?

"Dude, I can't do this," Dean said. His brow was creased and his grip on the wheel tightened with each passing mile.

"What do you mean? We've dealt with covens before," Sam said as he looked over at his brother.

"No man, I... I told Y/n I loved her right before we left. It just kind of slipped out."

"Oh..." Sam muttered. "Well it's about time!"


"Oh come on, you've been in love with her since she moved in."

"Dude shut up!"

"You know I'm right."

"Yeah, well... you know that I'm in love with her, and I know that I'm in love with her, but Y/n didn't know that." Dean hissed. "What if I scared her away? I mean she's the best thing to ever happen to me Sammy."

"I'm sure she loves you too Dean. I honestly think you have nothing to worry about."

"We're turning around," Dean said as he pulled the biggest and fastest U-turn the world has ever seen. "I need to talk to her."

"What about the witches?"

"We'll gank those crazy ass bitches an other time."

Y/n frowned as she completed her final protection spell on Dean. You could never been too carful. After all she knew better than anyone what a powerful witch was capable of.

Y/n sighed, she felt awful. It was bad enough she'd been lying about what she was for five months but now he loved her? She'd never felt so guilty. Could a relationship function properly if one person didn't really know the other?

Lying was unavoidable, she told herself. It was purely self-preservation. Dean made it very clear he wanted to kill every single witch that crossed his path. She sometimes wondered if it was healthy for someone like her to be in a relationship with someone like him. On the other hand, she'd never been so happy.

'Ya know what'll make me feel better?' Y/n thought with a smile. 'Sage. That'll cleanse this guilt... Maybe.'

She took her smudge stick and press the end of it to the palm of her hand. Smoke drifted up from the contact, it mingled with the smoke from the candles. As Y/n sighed again the smoke danced towards her as if it were drawn to her.

Y/n rubbed out the flame burning the end of the sage out on a seashell already covered in ashes from smudge sticks long forgotten. She waved the stick around her body, letting it cleanse her soul and hopefully clear her mind. Y/n exhale and all the smoke glided away from her to the outward corners of the room.

"What the HELL?"

Y/n's eyes shot open. Dean was standing in the doorway. His leather jacket was still on and his hair was windblown. He was confused, Y/n could see that very clearly, but there was also anger in his eyes.

Y/n bolted up. "Dean," She whispered as panic flooded her mind.

"What the hell is this? " His venom seeped from his voice.

"I can explain-"

"Are you..." He made a vague gesture with his hand, "Are you a witch?"

Y/n could have lied. She could've wiped his memory or done a million other things to keep him in the dark, but instead she decided to tell the truth. "Yes...I am." The pain in her voice was evident. Whatever was about to happen was going to hurt.

"What the FUCK? "

Y/n had never been scared of Dean before but as he stalked towards her, fury radiating from him, she felt her throat clench. The candle flames flared up.

Suddenly Dean was stopped in his tracks. He couldn't more his legs (or his arms). He tried to jolt them into motion, but nothing worked. They were frozen in place. Honestly, Dean wasn't fully aware he'd been walking towards her. He was too stunned and angry and caught up in the moment to be fully aware of anything.

"How long?" He grunted, "How long have you been a witch?"

"Since I was born."

"And you didn't tell me?" Dean snapped. He tried to move his arms again but it was no use. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't I tell you?" Tears pricked at Y/n's eyes and her voice cracked with emotion. "Dean, on our first date you bragged about the time you killed five witches in one day. You said you snuck up on the last one, that she never saw it coming. What was I supposed to do Dean, tell you and hope for mercy? I don't think so," Y/n was crying now, full out sobbing, but she stood behind her words and did not let go of her hold on Dean.

"You lied to me!" Dean said, there was hurt in his eyes but his features were set in stone.

"Yeah Dean, I did!" The flames flared again. "It was self preservation! And if you think for one second-"

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Dean interrupted her, speaking his mind as the worst scenarios popped into his head.

"No! How could you even think that? I've never used my magic for malice. I've only used it to help."

"Help?" Dean snorted.

"How do you think I know the exact location of each vampire hoard? You haven't needed stitches in a while, why do you think that is? Sam always seems to find the right book when he's researching. I help!" Y/n sniffed. "You don't have to believe me but it's the truth."

There was a pause. Y/n fought hard to keep a strong expression on her face while simultaneously letting bitter tears drip down her cheeks. Dean was calming down. He couldn't move but at least he wasn't pinned to the wall.

"So what now?" Y/n murmured.

"Let me go and we'll find out." He said. To Y/n it sounded like a threat, like something he'd say to your average demon or vampire, but Dean meant it as a statement. He honestly didn't know what to do. The love of his life just threw him the biggest curveball he'd ever had to deal with and he could barely think straight.

"Dean," Y/n's voice broke. "I love you. I love you so much it scares me ...but I'm... I'm not going down without a fight."

There were tears in Dean's eyes now. He could tell Y/n was scared. She thought she had to lie to him to survive. She thought she couldn't trust him. That hurt him deep.

"I could never hurt you Y/n, " Dean said. "And I don't want to lose you; I can't lose you too."

Y/n stifled another sob. Her grip on Dean loosened.

"I just can't believe you didn't tell me."

She laughed tearfully, "I promise you this was the only thing I've keep from you."

Dean suddenly felt movement return to his limbs. He staggered but regained his balance. A small smile stretched his lips. "Doubt it," He teased.

She laughed again.

"Come ere." Dean said as he walked forward with open arms. He moved slowly, just in case she was still jumpy.

Y/n wiped her nose on the back of her hand and stepped out of her circle, the candles extinguished themselves as she left. Dean's eyes widened, he didn't know how he would ever get used to shit like that, but like a true hunter he rolled with the punches and pulled Y/n into a tight embrace.

They both stood together, clinging to each other. Dean was still trying to process everything that just happened. Y/n's hands were shaking though she tired her best to hide it. One question burned in her mind, forcing itself on to her tongue and out of her mouth.

"Do you still love me?"

Dean looked down at her, "Of course I do; don't think that's changing any time soon."

Y/n smiled, "Good." She paused and bit her lip as she tried to think of how to phrase her next question. "Are you...okay... with all of this? Are we...okay?"

Dean hesitated. "I mean, it's going to take a while to get used to the idea that my girlfriend is a... witch. But I love you and that's all that really matters."

He could feel Y/n's sigh of relief.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," She whispered.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," He replied. "Now, do you still want that Chinese food we talked about, cause I got a craving."

"Yeah. And I also want my own order of eggrolls this time. You and Sam eat them all."

"Whatever you want," Dean kissed her forehead as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They walked out of the room. Together.  

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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