The New Girl

By turtlelover1025

547 85 38

Jake is popular, rich, and is loved by all girls. A new girl comes to his school, and Jake believes she will... More

Before you read...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Character Contest
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

9 1 0
By turtlelover1025

Alexandra's POV
    The rest of the day passed in a blur. I really wanted to tell Izzy that I wouldn't be able to make it tonight, but whenever I talked to her, I couldn't make myself tell her.
    Before I knew it, the final bell rang, and I still hadn't managed to tell her. I stood at my locker and took a deep breath. My plan was to hunt Izzy down and tell her that I actually had family plans and would be unable to make it tonight.
    I slammed the door shut and spun around to run outside. Unfortunately, somebody was in my way. I crashed into that person and toppled backwards. The person's arm whipped out and caught me around the waist.
    I sighed in relief; hitting the floor again didn't seem like fun. As I looked up at my savior, my mouth dropped open. I was staring in the beautiful eyes of no other than Jake Vasquill.
    He smirked down at me, and I rolled my eyes. I pushed myself away from him and murmured a thank you.
    "Falling for me already, Sarns?" he asked me mockingly.
    "The only reason I fell was because your horrifying face scared the crap out of me," I shot back. Jake laughed.
    "Finally, someone who can fire back! John would just walk away!" Jake exclaimed.
    I chuckled at his enthusiasm. Seeing Jake reminded me of something. I quickly pulled his board out of my locker and handed it to him. "Here, you forgot this at my house," I said.
    He thanked me and glanced over my shoulder. As I shut my locker, I peeked over and saw John motioning at Jake. I turned back to him.
    He was staring at his feet, his face seemingly flushed, but it was hard to tell. "So Alex," he started, using my nickname. I don't know why, but him saying it made my heart jump. "I was wondering if you wanted me to show you around town tonight. You know, since you're new and all," he finished, still avoiding my my gaze.
    It took all of my willpower to stop myself from saying yes. Jake was nice and all, but being alone with him would still feel weird. Plus, I made him promise that he wouldn't fall for me, and being with him would make me want to break that promise.
    "Actually, I already have plans for tonight," I said meekly, and his face fell. "But," I said quickly,"maybe some over time."
    He threw me a small smile and ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah."
    I thought I had that whole situation under control, but at that precise moment, Izzy came sauntering in. She smiled at us and stopped next to us. "Hi there Alexandra!" she said. "Can't wait to hang with you tonight!" She flipped her hair walked away with a smirk on her face. Jake made a choking noise.
    "You're hanging out with her?!" he said in disbelief. John walked towards us, not caring if I saw him.
    He stopped beside Jake and stared at me with a blank face. "Did you hear anything we told you about her? She's dangerous."
    Despite the situation, I rolled my eyes. "She guilt tripped me into it, okay! I was going to tell her I couldn't make it, but you stopped me," I said, pointing a finger Jake. He glared at me and was about to shoot something back at me, when John shoot him a look. Jake huffed and turned away.
    "Just be careful. Don't let yourself get swayed by her charm," John told me. Jake still wouldn't look at me, and John waved me away. "You should probably go now," he said, and I left quickly.
* * *
    A few hours later, I was packed and ready to go. My parents were a bit wary when I told them I was going to a sleepover, but they eventually caved when I told them it was Isabella Drew. Apparently they knew her parents or something.
    I took my bike because it wasn't that far away, and against my will, I found myself getting exited. I hadn't been invited to a party in a long time, due to the fact that most of the friends I had were fake.
    Calling Izzy's house a mansion was an understatement. It correctly fit with the street because it looked more like a castle than anything else.
    It was huge with at least four floors. The walls were a pretty silver that sparkled in the moonlight and were engraved with intricate designs that were filled with gold. There were huge windows that showed glimpses of the inside and were outlined in gold as well. The yard was huge as well, and was filled with bright, blooming flowers, and like all posh houses, they had shapes cut out of bushes. There was a gold path leading to the front of the house, and and big fountain said in the center, spewing water that sparkled. A large fence encircled their property, and as I could closer, I could see it was one of those fences that had a screen where you buzzed in.
    I clicked the button, and nearly exploded with happiness when a monotone voice came over the speaker asking who I was; I simply adored these things. "I'm Alexandra Sarns, one of Izzy's friends," I said, my voice quivering in excitement.
    The door freaked open, and I sped in. I laid my bike awkwardly to the side. The door flew open before I could even use the fancy knocker, and I was pulled inside.
    The inside was also extremely posh. The room I was in was huge, and the floor was covered in a beautiful rug. It was a chocolate brown with gold designs weaved into it. From what I could tell, it was a family tree with little names next to the branches. The walls were covered in fantastic portraits of all of Izzy's family members.
     "You're finally here!" Izzy squealed. She pulled me into hug, and I stiffened and patted her awkwardly on the back. "Come on! We're all in my room!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me threw dozens of fancy rooms and up a couple flights of stairs. By the end, I was completely lost.
    Izzy pushed open a large white door and drags me into it. It looked like a pink bomb exploded, leaving the entire room dyed pink. There was a huge pink king sized bed that was covered with dozens of pink throw pillows. It also had one of those fancy drape things hanging over the top. A large light pink vanity was covered with makeup products and jewelry. There was a large pink dresser with clothes spilling out of it, and an opened door revealed a walk-in closet that was most likely larger than Jake's room. A huge flatscreen TV covered one of the walls, and the others were full of posters of boy bands. A desk to the side held a bright pink laptop and her phone.
    A group of three girls were sitting in the center of the room on soft looking pink seats. They looked up when we entered and smiled brightly at us. Izzy pulled me to the center and began introducing me.
    "Hey girls! This is Alexandra; she's new. Alexandra, this is Rose, Ella, and Joan," she said, pointing at each of the girls. I smiled and waved.
    It felt awkward at first, but I soon felt comfortable with them, and we chatted about random things. A few hours later, Izzy jumped up with an idea.
    "Let's give you a makeover!" she told me excitedly. The other girl clapped their hands happily.
    I laughed awkwardly. "Um I don't think..."
    "Please please please!!" Izzy pleaded.
    I sighed before reluctantly agreeing. They pulled me up into a pink swivel chair and spun me away from the mirror so it would be a surprise. The girls flitted around me, adding touches of all different types of makeup to my face. I actually started to enjoy myself, and even let them curl my hair.
    After about thirty minutes, they stepped back to admire their work. I started to turn around, but they stopped me, and Izzy rushed into the closet. She came back with a pretty deep green dress, and she held it out to me. I ducked into the closet to change.
    When I came out, they all gasped. I spun to the floor-length mirror and gasped too. The dress actually looked really pretty on me. It clung tightly to my body, showing off my curves. It also complimented my skin and hair color.
    I could hardly recognize myself because the person in the mirror was drop dead gorgeous. With mascara, my eyelashes looked extremely long. Light brown eyeshadow made my eyes look more like silver than gray. My lips were a rosy pink, and the blush on my cheeks made me look like I was glowing. My hair fell down my back in soft ringlets, and they bounced around when I moved.
    I posed while Izzy took some pictures. She told me she was going to post them on her social media, and I honestly didn't care; I looked pretty.
    We settled down in a circle again after I changed back into my own clothes. We began talking, and somehow, the conversation drifted to Jake.
    "So how is Jake?" Izzy asked quietly.
    I blinked at her change in mood. "Um, well, he seems pretty nice," I said.
    "Does he about me?" she asked sadly.
    I thought about lunch, and then said, "No, he doesn't."
    She looked down, and I could see her eyes filling with tears. The other girls rushed over and pulled her into a hug while I sat there awkwardly. They kept saying things like "He's not worth it" and "You deserve better".
    "But I'm still in love with him," Izzy wailed. She turned to me, and even though tears were streaming down her face, she was still the prettiest girl in the school. 
    "He asked you to walk around town, right?" she asked me. I nodded numbly. "Whatever you do, don't go with him! He did the same thing with me! He took me around town, and we grew closer, but when I went to surprise him at his work, he was flirting with another girl! He even kissed her on the forehead! When he saw me, he dumped me," she sobbed. "You're too nice; don't fall into his trap!"
    My mind was whirling with everything she told me. Was it possible that Jake was the one that was at fault? Could Izzy actually be innocent?!

Wooooow. That was the longest chapter I have ever written!! It should actually probably be two chapters, but since that would be 3 chapters with Alex I thought you would prefer to have one. Plus, poor Jake hasn't had a chapter in a while!!

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