Chapter 12

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Jake's POV

My morning could've gone a bit better then what it did. I woke up at 11:15 because Dianne unplugged my alarm clock to charge her phone, so my alarm didn't go off at 6:15 like it was suppose to. I panicked and tried to jump out of bed, but my legs were still tangled up in my blankets, so I fell on my face. It took me a couple of minutes to free myself, and when I finished, I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and rushed out of my room.
"Why're you still here?" a scratchy voice asked as I slid my feet into my shoes.
"I over-slept dad," I grumbled. A head emerged from the pile of blankets on the couch.
"Huh?" he said groggily.
I sighed. "Hey dad, guess what? You won the lottery and we're all moving to New York tomorrow where we will all live in a huge mansion and live happily ever after."
He blinked at me. "What?" I rolled my eyes. Of course he wouldn't understand me; he had probably stayed up to 6:00am watching tv and stuffing his face with food. Sure enough, I saw three empty chip bags.
I ignored him and grabbed my bag. There was a bowl of apples on the counter so I grabbed one for the go. My mom was probably trying to get my dad to eat healthier, but it wasn't working that well. He always seemed to have a bag of chips or a cookie in his hand.
The door slammed behind me, and I set out for school in a dead run, slowing down ever so slightly every so often to take a bite out of the apple. When I reached the school, I yanked on the door, only to find that it was locked. That was when I started yelling in frustration. In my head, of course.
I gave up and sat on the step in defeat. It looked like I wasn't going to be able to get in until someone noticed me. My phone buzzed, and I got the brilliant idea to text John to let me in. I sent the text and stared at the screen, hoping that he would see it right away. Ten minutes later, I realized that he was most likely not going to happen.
The door flew open and whacked me in the back. I looked up, a grin on my face, thinking that John would be looking down a me with a smile. Instead, my eyes met the brown eyes of Isabella Drew. She smiled crookedly at me and my body froze.
"Hey Troy!" she called causally. She seemed to like my last name better than my first. "We need to talk."
It took a while for my mind to comprehend what she had said, but when I did I tried to push past her. "Isabella, I don't want to talk with you right now."
Her arm shot out, blocking my path. She shoved me back and let the door slam shut behind her, locking us both outside.
"No," she said firmly. "We need to talk now."


Yet another chapter done! If you liked it, please

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