Chapter 13

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Alexandra's POV

    I kept my eye on the cafeteria door, waiting for Jake to rush in, and start complaining. Minutes ticked by, and I gave in to my stomach and shoveled a mouthful of burnt tater-tots into my mouth. Someone plopped down in the chair beside me.
    "Hey, have you seen my Jakey?" I sighed. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. I swallowed and turned to the person.
    "No Veronica, I don't know where he is."
    Another voice spoke up. "This is kinda of worrying me. He is normally here by now if he is late," John said, his eyes fixed on the door as well. He sighed. "He might be sick. You never know."
    Suddenly, I had a terrible thought. What if Jake was so embarrassed about what happened yesterday with my parents that he didn't want to face me today?! Then Jake would move and I would never see him again! Then I scolded myself for my dramatic conclusion; that kind of thing only happened in books and movies.
    John looked around again. "Come to think of it, Izzy isn't here either. Do you think..." He left the sentence hanging, and he and Veronica shared a look. What was going on?
    "What's wrong with you guys? Izzy probably just got sick of something," I said.
    John gave me a look. "Seriously? Jake didn't tell you?"
    "What? What didn't he tell me?" I asked urgently.
    John gave me an uncomfortable look. "Well, he and Izzy—" Veronica cut him off.
    "If Jake wanted to tell her, don't you think he would've told her already? Maybe you shouldn't tell her just yet."
    I glared at Veronica. "Come on! Am I the only person who doesn't know this secret about Jake and Veronica!"
    Veronica ignored my glare(which offended me greatly; those glares were hard to master) and grinned at me. "Yup! You got that right!"
    I had a good comeback, but was cut off by the lunch door flying open. Oh come on! Why must the world hate me so much?
    On the brighter side of things, the person who walked in was Jake. John sighed in relief and waved him over. Jake sat at down, and the table immediately burst into conversation.
    "Jake! I was really worried about you, you know!" John exclaimed to his best friend.
    "I'm fine. I just overslept," Jake responded huskily. I glanced at him, but he looked perfectly fine, and I decided to try my luck.
    "Sooo, Jake. About you and Izzy—"
    "Not now," Jake said fiercely. His tone of voice startled me and I turned to face him. He let his hair fall in front of his face, forming a black curtain that blocked our view of his eyes, but not before before I saw the pain and anger in them, turning his sea green eyes into a darker color of green.
    I stared at him in alarm. What could've caused him that much pain? "Jake, are you okay?" I asked him in a concerned voice.
    "I'm fine," Jake said gruffly, still hiding his eyes.
    My mom once told me that actions talked louder than words. When I was younger, I could never understand that. How could what you're doing show what you're feeling more than what you were saying? I got trouble on the playground once when I pushed a kid off the swing. I had gone home in tears with a letter clutched in my hand. After reading it my mom scolded me.
    "Why did you push Clayton off the swing Alexandra?"
    He was being mean! It was my turn on the swing and he wouldn't get off!"
    "So you pushed him."
    My mom had sighed.
    "It also says that you wouldn't apologize to him."
    "But mommy! That's a lie! I told him that I was sorry!"
    "But were you glaring at him with your arms crossed?"
    She smiled tiredly when I didn't answer her.
    "Honey, actions speak louder than words. You have to look sorry as well as saying it."
    Now I understood that theory. Jake sat before me, shoulders hunched, hair covering his face, and eyes full of pain and anger, I knew that he was not okay.
    If there is one thing that I was good at, it was making people people feel better. It was time to take matters into my own hands...

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, please

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