Chapter 8

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Jake's POV
Against my will, I found myself being dragged into Alexandra's house. When the door shut behind us, Veronica finally let go of my arm, which now had red mark on it.
Alexandra led us to her kitchen where we all awkwardly sat around the table. Veronica opened her mouth. "Hey! Al! You have any siblings?" Alexandra opened her mouth to answer, when, as if on cue, a kid walked into the room.
The kid looked around the age 7 and had spiky dark blonde hair. His blue eyes zeroed in on me.
"Alex, didn't mummy tell you you couldn't have a boyfwend yet?"
Alexandra turned a dark red. "Josh! Go back to your room!"
Josh stuck his tongue at her and bolted. Alexandra chased him down the hall leaving Victoria and me in the kitchen. Seconds later, a door slammed upstairs and Alexandra came stomping down the stairs with a furious look on her face.
"Sorry about that little brat," she said as she entered the room and I laughed weakly.
"You should probably leave. My parents will be coming home from work soon, and I'm afraid they will probably think along the same lines as Josh."
Veronica shrugged. "I want to meet you parents! You just have to tell them that Jake isn't yours, but mine." I glared at her.
"I really don't think—" Alexandra was cut off by the sound of a car door slamming. Two voice called from the door.
"I'm home!"
A man with brown hair enters the room holding hands with a woman with blonde hair. "Hello Alex! How are you!"
Her mom was the first to notice the different in the room. "Oh you must be Alex's friends!"
Veronica gave a little wave. "Hi Alex's parents! I'm Veronica!"
Her mom smiled. "You can call me Mrs. Sarns. It's nice to meet you Veronica! And you are..." She stopped when she saw me. "Oh."
    I fidgeted uncomfortably under their gazes. Her dad was the first to speak. ""
    "Er...I'm...I'm...Jake," I said, avoiding their gaze.
    Alexandra looked back and forth between us. "Dad—"
    "Alex, can we talk in the hall?"
    Alexandra rolled her eyes but followed them into the hallway.
    I took this as my cue to leave, so I  rushed out the door and into the sunshine.

Hi guys! Sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, but with school being close to its end, my teachers feel like they have to give us a test every day! Anyways, if you have questions, or if you just want to chat, shoot me a message on Kik. My user is: turtlelover1025    Hope I get to talk to some of you! XOXOXO

The New GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora