I'm Alive (BWWM)

By KassandraVivu

197K 11.2K 1.5K

She has forgotten everything Simply everything. Her childhood, her Memories, her family and loved ones. She e... More

CH.1 I don't know
Ch. 2 I hope she comes back
Ch. 3 What a loving family
CH. 4 This isn't easy
Ch. 5 Do I want to remember?
Ch. 6 She's Everything and more
Ch.7 It's what I need
Ch. 9 I'm going to help them
Ch. 10 She's my Wife
CH. 11 He did not
Ch. 12 Protecting you
Ch. 13 Oh No
CH. 14 No one touches my wife
Ch. 15. Oh boy, a plan
CH. 16 My wife is in trouble
CH. 17 Something to worry about
CH. 18 Why be Surprise
CH. 19 We're onto that
CH. 20 We're Home
CH. 21 There are more pictures
Ch.22 I want her
CH.23 This is what I like
CH. 24 We're a family
CH. 25 Something I remembered
CH. 26 Isn't this for the best?
Watty Award
CH. 27 I'll do anything
CH. 28 My Feelings
ch. 29 Hope this Helps
CH. 30 How could she not?!
CH. 31 You're my sunshine
CH. 32 I keep hoping
CH. 33 All the Questions
CH. 34 Being with you
CH. 35 The Meeting
CH. 36 Shower Session
CH. 37 That's what happened?
CH. 38 I want to know
CH. 39 I don't even know
CH. 40 Why can't I
CH. 41 Someone you might know
CH. 42 Shocking
CH. 43 I want to tell you
CH. 44 Clothes off
CH. 45 She loves me
CH. 46 Our Bond is Love
CH. 47 I don't trust everyone
CH. 48 YOU!
CH. 49 This is what I was worried about
CH. 50 He's been shot
CH. 51 She remembers
CH. 52 I'm Back
CH. 53 Whatever she thinks is best
CH. 54 It's been good
CH. 55 For better or for worse?
CH. 56 We can get through anything
CH. 57 I hate hospitals
CH: 58 What a wonderful surprised
CH. 59 Happy and glad
Our Life Together

CH.8 This isn't going to be easy

4.4K 250 17
By KassandraVivu

CH. 8 This isn't going to be easy.

(Dalton POV)

So here I am, taking a seat in front of my wife. Getting ready to tell her everything, well not everything but anything she desires to ask. I was going to tell her because I will always be an open book to her and as much as I want to be an open book to her right now. Some things you have to just hold in for a while.

"Can I just ask random questions? Questions that randomly pop in my mind?" She asks me and I nodded, giving her a smile.

"Of course you can," I told her, I mean. Melanie before knew everything about me. I don't mind telling her everything again.

"Okay, what's your favorite color?" She asked and I tried to hold back a laugh, I was hoping she was going to react the same way I told her my favorite color the first time I met her but I knew that was impossible.

"My favorite color is Brown." I said and her eyes widen, "Really? Brown, wow. What do you like about Brown?" She asked me and I had to stop the thrill that started running through my body.

"You know what's funny you asked me that same question the first time I told you that my favorite color was Brown and do you want to know the response I gave you?" I asked her, knowing that she wanted to know the answer.

"What?" She asked me, staring at me with a curious look on her face. The same curious look she had on her face when we met and she asked me my favorite color.

She brought both her hands up and held her face, smiling. God she looked cute.

"I like brown because my favorites are brown. Chocolate is a deep brown, devil food cake is brown, your skin is Brown and those are my favorite things. So I guess you can say that your beautiful skin color is my favorite color." I said. Her eyes widen even more and I gave her a smile, I didn't know if I went over any limit.

I mean was it wrong to flirt with your own wife? Even though she doesn't remember being your wife... I push the thoughts away from my mind.

She's alive, that's all that matters and she will get her memories back.

"Go ahead and ask your next question?" I said smiling at her, hoping that she wasn't nervous about asking me more questions.

"Okay... What's your favorite day? Like is it a holiday or your birthday?" she asked me and I didn't even have to think about the question and already was ready to answer it.

"Well, it's actually today. The day Penelope was born is my favorite day, also another good thing should be added to that day. You woke up today and even you don't remember anything it's good to have you here. Okay, next question." I said and we spent an hour of her asking me questions and me answering them.

She laughed at some of my responses to the questions she asked, like my favorite movies, band, shows, and my favorite planet. I made sure she knew that she was my favorite artist.

Now it was almost midnight, I noticed that she was getting sleepy but she was fighting it.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed," I said and she actually started pouting.

I laughed at that.

"I thought Penelope would be the only one who does that but I guess I was wrong, but you honestly look tired and I'm pretty sure as soon as you hit that bed you're going to pass out," I said, standing up and holding my hand out to her, letting her know that I wanted to take it.

She looked at my hand for a minute before she placed her hand on top of mine, not before her fingers brushed my hand.

I held back a groan, she had no idea how badly her husband is attracted to her and I need to control myself. The last thing I want to do is scare her. I watched as she stood up.

"Now I'm going to take you to the bedroom, tuck you in and read you a bedtime story," I said to her and she gave me one of her wonderful smiles.

"You know you don't have to." She said while I led us both up the stairs.

"I want to, I mean how can I turn you down from one of my greatest talents," I said and she laughed.

"One of your talents is telling stories?" She asked me as we headed towards the door of the bedroom we shared. I let out a breath knowing as much as I wanted to lay in our bed with her, to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight whispering soft words to her as she slept. I couldn't do that, I know I would have to make it to the other bedroom I was in before I headed to the kitchen, fighting the urges that my body was giving me.

"Yes, storytelling is actually one of my stories. You know back in the days, The Vikings use to get a thrill out of people who would tell stories and were good at it." I said opening the door as we walked into the bedroom, shutting it softly behind me.

I let go of her hand because I didn't want to make it awkward, I damn well know I didn't want to let go of her hand and my ass would have probably held her hand throughout the whole entire she was tuck in bed while I was reading her a bedtime story.

She walked towards the band, getting under the covers and I followed her. She scoots over in the bed giving me a spot to sit down and I smiled down at her.

Made sure she was tucked in, before sitting next to her laying position.

"Do you think I will ever remember who I am?" She asked me.

"Yes, I know you will remember. How do you feel, like honestly, I can't imagine what you're going through. It's hard for you I can understand that you don't know anything about yourself and seeing your family, this home and the things in it probably makes you feel like a stranger and you're in someone else's life. I don't want you to feel like that, so feel free to tell me if you feel uncomfortable about something or if something is bothering you." I said meaning each word I said.

"Honestly I feel horrible and a stranger. I'm told this is my life and this is who I am but you would have to see it from my point of view. I can see that this is my life but I can't actually see it if that even makes sense. I see the pictures, of our trips and the pictures of us. Damn, I see how happy you and I are in those pictures but Dalton I don't remember any of those moments. I don't remember those happy times or long trips. I see my face in those photographs but it's like a stranger. I know it's my face but it doesn't feel like my face. It hurts because I know for a fact, by the way, you look at me that you're hurt. That you're sad that the woman you love doesn't even remember you and it's making me feel even more horrible I don't even know why but deep inside my heart keeps clenching for this reason because I don't want to see you looking like that. I don't want you being sad." She said and I noticed she was crying.

I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her up to a sitting position.

"We will get through this okay, please don't beat yourself up over this. I know it's hard and I am not going to lie to you. Yes, it's hard for me because you're my wife, the most important person in my life. The light to my darkness and yes I admit that it hurts me that you don't remember anything. That you don't remember everything we've gone through, you don't remember our love for each other but I believe in the power of our love and I have faith that you will remember us. You will remember don't cry baby, don't you cry my little mouse." I said, dropping my arms around her and to wipe her tears falling down from her eyes.

"I don't like see you crying sad tears," I said, rubbing my finger on face wiping more tears that were falling.

I raised my eyes to find her already looking at me with that look and I knew that look. God, I know that look like I know the back of my hand and she probably didn't know she was giving me that look. Hell, she probably didn't even know that look her own self but I know that look. I know all her looks, I know her like I know myself.

I had to look away from her, if I didn't, well I know for a fact I would've attacked her with kisses, kisses that would have run all over her body.

I had to remind myself that she doesn't remember anything, so basically. She doesn't remember her feelings..... which means that the woman who was sitting in front of me didn't have feelings for me, but that look she gave me made me feel like she feels it. She feels the attraction between us.

I wasn't going to jump on it because of that look.

I respect my wife, I would feel horrible for it.

It's like taking advantage of someone who's drunk or isn't conscious. I know she isn't either but she doesn't know who she is and I can't take advantage of that one look she gave me.

Especially since she hasn't been out of her coma for that long.

"So... about that bedtime story?" She said and I laughed.

"You got it." So I told her a story, about a man who always wanted to find someone to understand him, love him for him and he just couldn't find anyone until a beautiful woman came along making his life turn into an adventure.

When I finished the story she was already asleep, I got off the bed and stood up staring down at her.

God, she is beautiful, I bend down to kiss her forehead.

Her cute snoring took over the room.

"I love you," I said to her, knowing she couldn't hear me.

She's already deep in sleep, when she was at the hospital in her coma, I came to see her every day, I told her every day that I love her and how much she means to me.

I let out a sigh and walked out of our bedroom, heading towards the bedroom I was going to stay in.

As I got into the bedroom, I closed the door behind me and made my way towards the bed.

I threw myself on the bed, letting the feeling take me over.

"Damn, that look she gave me," I said to myself as I felt my pants getting tight around me.

My hand trail down to my pants as I groped myself.

"She has no idea what she does to me," I said groaning.

"I have to take care of this, Gosh this isn't going to be easy. I missed her so much and now that she's here. I can't even show her how much I miss her." I said.

"I can't stop thinking about that look she gave me, God I know that look, that fucking sexy look she gives letting me know she wants me. If her memories weren't lost I would have taken her right there and then. Gosh, I miss the sound of her moaning." I said as my pants grew to tighten around me, I took them off,

"I need to take care of myself," I said letting out a moan as my fingers brushed down my lower region and I did take care of myself with the look my wife gave me flashing through my mind the whole entire time.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Aww, it's so hard for Dalton, can you imagine not being able to finally be with your wife/husband again right after they've been woken up from a coma only to have them not remember you. Losing all their memories of you and their family. Also, could you imagine waking up from a coma and being surrounded by strangers only to be told that they're not strangers but they're your family but you can't remember who they're and knowing that you don't even know who you're either? It's hard for both of them. Dalton & Melanie. Continue reading the journey that they're going through because it gets serious. Give this chapter a VOTE, COMMENT & SHARE to your social media. Thanks for reading!


-Kassandra Vivu

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