
By xx_redphoenix_xx

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Katrina Grey has always steered clear out of drama's way seeing to the fact that she has a secret, and with t... More

Before Anything Else
✔ Prologue
✔ Chapter 1
✔ Chapter 2
✔ Chapter 3
✔ Chapter 4
✔ Chapter 5
✔ Chapter 6
✔ Chapter 7
✔ Chapter 8
✔ Chapter 9
✔ Chapter 10
✔ Chapter 11
✔ Chapter 12
✔ Chapter 13
✔ Chapter 14
✔ Chapter 15
✔ Chapter 16
✔ Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
✔ Chapter 39
✔ Chapter 40
✔ Chapter 41
✔ Chapter 42 : 1.0
✔ Chapter 42 : 2.0
✔ Chapter 43
✔ Chapter 44
✔ Chapter 45
✔ Chapter 46
✔ Chapter 47
✔ Chapter 48
✔ Chapter 49
✔ Chapter 50
✔ Chapter 51
✔ Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 36

71 17 0
By xx_redphoenix_xx

* * *

I need to find her before anyone else does.

By 'her' I mean the new transferee that introduced herself this morning to the whole school but also an idiot who thought about choosing this realm over The Lost City Of Atlantis. Well, it isn't a lost city but no one actually knows its location and extremely few people know about its existence, all together.

Recently I hacked into the school's system to figure out the periods or the classes that Indie has. Right now, she should be in arts.

Fifteen minutes left until break.

Right now, my motive is to find out where Indiana is so no one can see it. If there are people or students in our school which have come for other realms, she can be in danger and right now, I feel that it is necessary and I feel obliged to help her.

The hallways are silent and the only voice that I can hear is a singing one. A singing that makes me believe that there is a siren somewhere around but of course that isn't true. I follow the voice and I reach the woman's restroom.

Slowly peeking inside I see the taps of the water running and the best part some of the water drops are floating in the air. The singing continues and it is in a different language but I step inside and see water droplets going in opposition of gravity.

I quickly rush to the taps and shut it off causing the new girl to stop her singing. Just as she does the water droplets fall on the ground making a huge puddle of water.

''What the heck is wrong with you?'' I hiss at her.

Is she mad? For it had been anyone else right now, she would have been killed faster than light. She doesn't know just how dangerous and gruesome this realm is, does she?

I am so sure she has this weird kind of thinking where she feels that everything in the 'human realm' is perfect. But that is only what we choose to show, underneath it all, is nothing but darkness.

''I...I...I'' she stutters, being afraid of me.

''I, what?'' I ask in the same low, dangerous voice that I first used.

''I was missing Atlantia,'' she says, sadness filling her eyes.

''You live in the palace?'' I question totally bewildered by the fact that the girl in front of me is the daughter of the king of Atlantis.

As per my thinking she nods her head and I see the pool of water below.

Sighing I say, ''Don't do it again.''

Its more of a order than a command and continuing my previous sentence I ask, ''Have you seen any of the bad boys?''

A simple question to which she replies a straightforward 'no.'

So they don't get shocked when they see her with a different eye colour, perhaps the only reason why I asked her.

Mentally doing a happy dance I give her some brown lenses and she looks at me with confusion written all over her face.

''Wear this, so no one can figure out who you are.'' I explain and she nods.

As she makes her way to the mirror the water pool clears up, splitting into two halves just like it did for Moses and she wears them.

We both are about to make our way back to our lunch period as the bell rang five minutes ago when she stops me by holding my forearm.

''How did you figure out that I was an Atlantian?'' she asks narrowing her eyes at me.

''We had a history project or literature on super-natural realms of the world and my dad had a fascination with all of this stuff,'' I reason myself.

Not a complete lie but neither a full truth.

* * *

I enter the cafeteria with Indie by my side.

As we walk over to our normal table I find, Aiden and Winston sitting there and the table is silent.

"Hi guys?" I say but it comes out more as a question rather than a statement.

I take a seat opposite to Xavier and Indie sits next to me making her sit opposite to Nathan.

"I am Indiana," she says in a chirpy tone, "Indiana Hector."

She gets nods of acknowledgement but that is all. She shifts in her seat and I can tell that she is uncomfortable. Not just her but rather we all are.

"What's wrong?" I ask completely oblivious to anything that happened before we came.

"Nothing," Xavier says. This is the first time I have heard him speak since last night and something inside me suddenly bursts and I can't help the grin that comes to my face.

I feel happy even though he spoke to me in just a word with no 'love' or any other fancy nicknames. Even though he spoke in such a tone that made me drop the subject.

I feel content.

"So why are you so silent?" I ask even though I am supposed to drop the subject. But I never was the person who played by the rules.

"She doesn't know!" Aiden exclaims and Winston just smiles creepily.

"Know what?" I ask again my smile faltering a bit.

"He had a sister," Winston starts and the whole table shifts their head to him. He has a creepy grin on his face and Xavier's fists are clenched and his teeth are pressed together.

It's almost as if he is holding himself back.

"She died because of the simple fact that she had powers," he says his smile widening, "And partially because of the boy who claimed he loved her."

He pats Xavier on the back and I stare at him.

My mouth has gone say and I have forgotten how to speak. My eyes shift back from Xavier to Winston. My eyes hold no pity but they only hold shocked.

It makes so much more sense now. The way he knew exactly what to say when I announced that my parents died.

The way his eyes hold so much pain and agony. The way he asked me last night of what I did when I lost my parents.

Xavier abruptly gets up and leaves the camera and the table has once again become too silent for me to handle.

I start by getting up but Jordan holds my hand saying, "Let him go."

Seeing the door where he exited from, I look back and say, "If I let him go now, we might never be able to get him back."

I leave the cafeteria and I find Xavier in the parking lot. I yell out his name not once or twice but five times yet he refuse not to listen to me.

"Xavier," I shout again and he looks at me, his eyes turning into a perfect shade of blue and grey.

"What, Katrina, what? Here to say 'sorry' or that you didn't know," he says in a low voice.

And I get it. I get it why Indiana was so afraid of me when I used a low voice. I wish he'd yell at me telling me to get lost but he doesn't. He says it in a quiet, deep, dangerous tone that make me want to scramble off to the middle of nowhere.

I don't say anything instead I wrap my arms around his neck engulfing him in a hug. He needs it.

He says that he is fine but I guess, it will always be him who know how broken he is. He needs to move on.

But have you?

My inner voice asks me and I remind myself that the world doesn't revolve around me.

"Things will get better," I say.

All my assumptions about him were correct. He hasn't moved on and perhaps will never. The only way that he can be fixed is if someone attaches the broken pieces.

His heart is shattered and get shatters every year when he remembers that day when she died. I don't know much about her but what I know is that she was an amazing person only for the sole fact that Xavier doesn't grieve when anyone dies. So she and to be special.

Aiden, Xavier and his sister. In the photo at his house.

He hugs me back and let's go of me. But when he does I don't see confusion masked neither do I see admiration all I see is sadness.

And the amount of sadness this eyes hold....I look away not daring to meet his eyes. Too much pain. Too much sadness.

He takes my hand and makes me sit in his car. He gets in the driver seat without uttering a word and drives off to God knows where.

"Where are we going?" I ask after ten minutes of silence.

"Going to meet someone close to my heart, love."

It's all he says and it is enough for me. I'll fix him. I'll join the shatter pieces again. I knew this before but now I am just sure of it.

In order to fix him, I need to give him little by little of my story. Of what happened to me. Of what happened to my parents and most importantly how are world is dying.

I need to give him pieces of my own self so that he can be complete and for some reason that is unknown to me, I don't have a problem with it.

After twenty minutes of a stressful ride and deep thoughts we arrive to a cemetery.

I get out of the car and so does he. We walk by each other's side just as he slides his hand into mine. I give it a light squeeze telling him that it is fine if he's not ready for it.

His hand fits perfectly in mine and suddenly I want to know if he is thinking about me too. If I am on his mind just like he is on mine.

Do I mean anything to you?

I want to ask him that so badly. Just like how a thirsty man needs water and a starving beggar needs food. The same way I need to ask him that question.

He leads me to the inside of the cemetery and that is when I see it. The thing that I wanted to avoid for too long. The thing I refused to believe.

The graves of Blake Montez and Madison Montez formerly known as Madison Frazier.

We pass by their graves and I am glad for that.

He abruptly stops and so do I.

Elisha Knight.
A loving sister, daughter and a beautiful painter.

That is all it says and Xavier looks at it. My hand finds a way to escape his and I sit down becoming close to the grave and the earth.

My fingers trace what is written or rather engraved on the gravestone and I take my time. I take my time on seeing how each letter is served into the stone.

I let myself feel all the pain and agony.

"Hi Elisha, I am your elder brothers friend. My name is Katrina but you can call me Kat," I start and the ground becomes wet by a single drop of tear.

"I don't know who you are or who you were but you must be super precious to Xavier and I wanted you to know that he is not doing good without you."

Another tear hits the ground.

"I don't know why but I feel that if you would have been alive we would have been best friends even though you must be a younger than me or two," I say my hands resting on my legs.

"She was an elementae," he says with tears escaping is eyes.

"She faded away for she had been injected with Mercury."

I need to hold myself back from doing anything stupid right now.

After paying my respect to her bad sending a few more minutes in the graveyard we exit the cemetery.

We pass by my mom and dad's grave like it is nothing.

Nothing is in its right state right now but the only thing that I can think about is : I hope that Xavier gets his happy ever after.

* * *

A/N : Did you guys like this chapter?

So finally we have another girl in the group. Yay!

If you liked this chapter I would consider it giving a vote.

So, in a week or two my orals are going too art and then my final examinations for term one so most likely I would not be active in Wattpad from 6th August to 25th August.

That doesn't mean I am going to forget about posting chapters, what I am saying is that I wouldn't be able to do daily updates.

Anyways, if you can please share this story with your friends only if you like it and comment down below what your favorite song and band is.

I need some music to study and write...

And, it's 12 where I stay so I need to go to sleep.

Vote. Comment. Share. Follow.




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