Itachi and Sakura Something's...

By Blue_Twinkly_Lights

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Itachi Uchiha, ANBU captain at the age thirteen, was supposed to be emotionless it was expected of him, he wa... More

Chapter 1 Cold Winters Day
Chapter 2 Meeting the Uchiha's
Chapter 3 Meeting a Devil in Disguise!
Chapter 4 Angel In the Dark
Chapter 5 Always Grab The Snake by the Head
Chapter 6 Torture for Both of Us
Chapter 7 Demons Are Real
Chapter 8 Stupid Ass Snake
Chapter 9 My Savior
Chapter 10 Mother
Chapter 11 Father
Chapter 12 Brother
Chapter 13 Sister?
Chapter 15 The Petals Fall
Chapter 16 Reunited at Last
Chapter 17 Living The Dream
Chapter 18 Show Me Where Your Love Lies
Chapter 19: Beautiful Angel
Chapter 20: Meet the Akatsuki
Chapter 21: Tobi
Chapter 22: Zetsu
Chapter 23: Sasori
Chapter 24: Deidara
Chapter 25: Intermission For ItaSaku (Smut)
Chapter 26: Konan

Chapter 14 A Broken Heart

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By Blue_Twinkly_Lights

Itachi's Pov:

The wind blew his hair slightly out of his eyes as he stared at the literal massacre before him.

So much Pain...

So much Death...

So much Blood...

He screamed, but there would be no one to help him, he knew that. Yet he continued to scream at the horror he had created. His heart beating a mile a minute, he stared at the body's of his relatives, spread out around him, he had just killed his own father, only after he had told him, that he would always love him, and that he would always be proud of him.

He didn't have the heart to kill his mother, he just couldn't do it. So he put her in a high level genjutsu, in her bed still, she would be unable to hear the screams, weather they came from her distant relatives, or ones as close to her as her son.

And then his worst fear became a reality.

Sasuke, sweet, innocent Sasuke walked into the compound, and much like his older brother screamed at the horror around him.

"Kaa-San! Otou-San!" Sasuke screamed.

Running into the main compound in which his family and Sakura lived, he needed to know that they were alive. Upon seeing his father's limp body on the floor, his mother no where to be found. Sasuke fell to his knees, crying and sobbing loudly. Then seeing his older brother in the background Sasuke reached out to him.

"N-Nii-San, w-what h-happened?" Sasuke asked shakily.

Itachi took a deep breath to calm his rising nerves.

"Reality happened Sasuke..." Itachi said softer than he meant to.

"The Uchiha Clan would have of killed the rest of the village, I did what I had to." He said, quietly.

"I-i don't understand! W-why did you kill them?!" He screamed at the boy who was no longer his elder brother.

Children don't understand, he won't understand until he is faced with a decision such as mine. Itachi thought sadly.

"I'm sorry Sasuke...I really am," He approached the shaking boy. Kneeling next to him, he spoke words that he silently hoped would keep his brother from hating him, even though he knew it was in vain.

"Sasuke, I will always love you...Please try to understand that this is for the greater good of the world, for your future. I won't have my little brother live in a world where he would be close to death every chance the clan would get."

"Please Sasuke for the good of the village, and for your own good, don't be like me. And Sasuke..." He said tears evident in his eyes.

The little boy turned his head up to his once beloved Nii-San.

"I will always love you..."

Those were his parting words to his beloved little brother...

A loud thump resounded through the compound as Sasuke's now unconscious body hit the floor.

Now, it's time to say goodbye, to her... Itachi's thoughts wandered to the pink haired angel who had brought a little peace to his life, she was up in his room. He had told her to wait there until he came and got her.

So, for one last time, Itachi climbed the stairs of his childhood home. His heart growing heavier with each step.

The thirteen-year-old stopped outside his door, only to hear small sobs come from the other side.

He lightly pushed the door open, with, he didn't even think it was possible, an even heavier heart than before.

He lifted his ruby eyes to look at the form on his bed.

He could hear her sobs stop as she heard footsteps, probably praying that whoever it was, they wouldn't find her.

He lightly pulled back the blankets.

The girls' eyes shot open in fright, surprise, and what he could only assume was a little hatred.

We deserve that look...

Yes, we do...

Her eyes changed as she recognized him. She jumped up into his arms without a seconds hesitation.

"Itachi-Kun I-I heard screams i-is everything o-ok?" She asked and before she could ask more useless questions, her lips were sealed by his. Her eyes were wide open, he knew that, so she probably saw his tear tracks and the fresh wave of them that were in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry..." he apologized profusely, over, and over, and over again.

She only stared at him, confusion written in every beautiful crevis on her face.

"For what? What's wrong?" She asked.

"For everything, and for what I'm about to do..." he said, confident that this was the right thing to do.

He would make it all go away.

He would erase the old pain that would come in the future.

He would erase the new pain that was sure to come from the past.

He would erase him from her.

He activated his bloodline limit, staring deeply into her emerald orbs, he kissed her, the wind from his open balcony whipping his hair every which way, the moon shining down on all the pain he had created.

"I love you...Sakura-Chan...




His vision cleared, his memory fading.

"Hn?" he silently questioned.

His blue-skinned partner sighed, in what he supposed was frustration, but with Kisame, it could be anything.

"I said, we are almost to Iwagakure, we should henge."

"Hn." He said. Quickly doing the hand signs, he transformed into a middle-aged female.

With pink hair.

Kisame doing something similar, but you know, not with pink hair, with brown hair instead,

"Hey Itachi, I gotta ask, whenever we henge, you always pick a female with pink hair, why?"

"That is none of your business." He said increasing his pace a little.

"Oh, I see! She must have been the one to steal your poor weak heart! I'm right aren't I?" The shark-man proceded to laugh his ass off.

"More than you will ever know..."

What Itachi didn't know was that he had said that out loud.

And Kisame had heard him over his boisterous laughter.

"Huh? What was that?!" Kisame said trying to catch up to his tiny partner.


When they arrived in the small town near the border of Iwagakure, many men stared at Itachi, Kisame as well.

One man though, an old one, who by looks of him, couldn't see very well, approached them.

"Is that you? Sakura-Chan? Back so soon are you? Did you forget something?" the old man inquired innocently.

Itachi froze. This didn't go unnoticed by his partner.

Itachi forgetting that his partner was right next to him, spoke.

"Um...Yes? I..uh forgot where I was going! Is there a possibility that you remember if I told you where I was going?" 'Sakura' asked.

"Oh, you are such a space cadet! You said that you were going to a shaman in the next town over, to discuss your recent migraines! Remember? You kept seeing flashes of something, you said it was like it was an alternate life. You kept rambling on about a boy with beautiful eyes or something...... Sakura-Chan is that you?!" The old man started again.

Ok, Kisame thought, So not only is he blind, he's also crazy!

Itachi felt his heart clench in pain.

Before he disappeared, he whispered so that only Kisame could hear.

"Complete the mission on your own, I have something I must do."

I'm cool with that, the shark-man thought. Maybe if he gets laid, that stick that's always up his ass with unplug for a bit.

The shark-man laughed at his joke before disappearing as well.


Itachi overlooked the town. The sun setting in the background, the wind lightly blowing open his cloak.

This is so cliche...


He could smell it. Her intoxicating scent. He knew that it was just the surrounding cherry blossom trees, but that was what she was, a cherry blossom.

His Cherry Blossom.

With those thoughts, going against the plan he had so carefully crafted since that fateful day. Itachi jumped into oblivion, not caring of the outcome.


Yo! Wassup?! So I would like to explain somethings, The first part of this chapter is a flashback of what happened. Sasuke and Mikoto are the only two Uchiha's alive, besides Itachi, I chose not to kill Mikoto, as she will have an important role later. It has been a seven and half year time skip because if I had continued the story when they were younger people would start to think a fucking pedophile. I don't want that. The reason behind Sakura's migraines is because the Sharingan's power over her memories is fading with time, allowing her to see images that Itachi had hidden away, to protect her from himself.

                                                                                         Whew, well until next time!


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