Chapter 10 Mother

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Itachi's Pov
Konoha Forest

The soft gust of wind slightly ruffled Uchiha Itachi's hair as he swiftly ran through the tree branches carrying a very important flower in his arms.

After hearing what Sakura had said, she had passed out, most likely from exhaustion he guessed. She didn't give him time to respond, and even if she did, he was now certain that he probably would have if remained silent, simply because he wouldn't know what to say.

Itachi's confused eyes then lingered down to the pink-haired girl in his arms, oh how he desperately wished that life was simpler.

Then, perhaps he would regret, even if only a tiny bit, what punishment he had in store for his pathetic excuse for a father.

These were his final thoughts as the gates of Konogakure came into view, and a group of ROOT representatives were patiently waiting for their return.

Offhandedly Itachi recognized that two of the six signatures were Uchiha's, that meant his father was keeping an eye on him, despite him not being there himself. Super. Itachi thought sarcastically.

Becoming more and more cautious of those in front of him, Itachi tightened his grip on Sakura unconsciously, in return she pressed herself closer to his body heat, making a slight smile turn on his face before he wiped it from his features.

Emotionless, remember?


So mustering up his most commanding and authoritative voice he spoke.
"The retrieval mission regarding Haruno Sakura was successful, the backup squad that was sent should, hopefully, return shortly." Even now Itachi still felt sick to his stomach when he addressed Sakura in such formality.

He was snapped from his thoughts by the ROOT captain.
"We shall now take Haruno-san to the hospital, you will wait here with the rest," he gestured to the other ROOT, "Until the backup squad returns to the village, understood?" His Taichou patiently awaited the expected answer.

This time though, Itachi's thoughts led in the direction of defying his Taichou. He could feel it bubbling in the pit of his stomach, a dark feeling began to spread through him.

They would not touch her, not while he was here, that was for damn sure.

"Understood?" The ROOT captain said more impatiently this time.
Itachi allowed a deep dark chuckle to reverberate in his throat.
"You're a very funny man you know?" Itachi looked at them with dark amused cold eyes.

They Flinched.

Unable to look away from the Uchiha prodigy's cold intense gaze, the ROOT members remained frozen as the young ANBU Captain strolled by them like it was the most casual thing in the world.

Mikoto's Pov
Uchiha Compound

Her head still ached from the fall, but Mikoto did her best to ignore the throbbing pain that was coming from the back of her head.

She silently walked into her kitchen, the only light coming from the moon that shone brightly through the window pane.

Mikoto leaned against the countertop her back facing the window, her bangs hiding her face before she let out a choked sob.

Her eldest had just up and left to find the girl that had only been let into his lifeless than seventy-two hours ago, and she was taken by Orochimaru!

Her husband had said that Itachi had left in search for 'The little wench' as Fugaku had put it, Mikoto had seen nothing wrong with the girl, she was pretty, kind, and Itachi really liked her, she could tell. More tears fell from her eyes as she thought of her firstborn.

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