A Discorded Love (My Little P...

Oleh JasminePosey

103K 3.6K 1.8K

Imagine this: You're the average pegasister, living a normal teenage life. Not a day in your life had you eve... Lebih Banyak

CH-1: An Ordinary Day...?
CH-2: The Portal
CH-3: A Female Draconequus
CH-4: Allergies
CH-5: The Statue
CH-6: Off To Ponyville!!
CH-7: A Day of Fun!
CH-8: It Begins...
KIK Announcement!
CH-10: Lesson Number One...Billion
CH-11: Temporary Victory
CH-12: The Reason Why
CH-13: Discord Rules, Celestia Drools
CH-14: Ponynapped and Betrayal
SHOUT OUTS!! #2!!!
CH-15: Promises, Promises...
CH-16: Life After Chaos
CH-17: The Gala
CH-18: The Stranger
CH-19: The Deal
CH-20: Long Goodbyes and Another Deal
CH-21: Resistance is Futile-Or is it?
CH-22: Go-Karting Fun!
CH-23: Hide And Seek
CH-24: The Letter
CH-25: A Chaotic Birthday Party
CH-26: Fate
CH-27: Love Is In Bloom
Author's Note: Delay...
CH-28: Unexpected Events
CH-29: Expecting the Unexpected
Author's Note:
CH-30: Deliverance
CH-31: Growing Pains
CH-32: Baseball Games and Labor Pains
CH-33: Feeling Not so Special
CH-34: Preparations and Surprises
CH-35: Tragedy Strikes
IT'S HERE!!!!!! ^W^

CH-9: Queen Of Chaos? Not So Much...

3.4K 116 30
Oleh JasminePosey

"We meet again, Miss Firestone," a dark voice purred.

I shrieked in surprise, falling back. As I sat up, I saw the Lord of Chaos himself rolling on the ground laughing. I clutched at my chest where my heart was. "Don't do that!" I panted.

"You-you should have seen your face!" he guffawed. "Priceless!"

I fought back a smile. "It wasn't funny, Discord. I could've had a heart attack!"

"Oh stop being so serious, Maria," he sighed, wiping away a stray tear from his laughter. "I simply stopped by to announce my freedom!"

"I can see that," I said, standing to my feet. "It's about time you freed yourself,"

"I would have been here sooner," he chuckled, "but I couldn't help but notice that the sky was...a bit too clear," he gestured to the sky with a wave of his paw. I looked over the tops of the apple orchard to see that Rainbow Dash was chasing after a lone cotton candy cloud. I giggled as several more appeared and the chase was reversed.

"You didn't do a bad job at causing some chaos here, either," he mused. My mind was brought back to the fire I had accidentally caused. I whirled around, snapping my fingers. The fire was instantly put out by miniature cotton candy clouds. Despite what Apple Jack had said, I used my magic to restore the hay to it's original state, and harvest it with another snap.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "This was just fine, and you made it all perfect again!"

"You wanted me to gain the ponies trust, and I have. I couldn't let Apple Jack see the field on fire, or she'd doubt me,"


I sighed. "I have a plan, and it requires a little acting."

"I'm listening," he said, appearing above me.

"You'll have to come down here so i can tell you," I said, waving him down.

He groaned. "Very well," he lowered himself so that i could whisper my plan in his ear. When I was finished, he grinned. "That's absolutely brilliant!"

I smirked. 'And it won't effect the story line too much,' I thought. "Of course it's brilliant. I am your partner after all,"

Discord was about to speak when he suddenly disappeared in a poof of smoke. I knew why when I heard a certain some pony galloping up the hill.

"Maria! We got trouble," Apple Jack panted. "Twilight just got a note from the Princess that she wants to see us immediately!"

I pretended to be oblivious. "What's going on?"

"Cotton candy clouds! Chocolate rain! Apples growin' the size of houses!" she explained. She looked around, the focused her green eyes onto me. "We got to get to the castle quickly!"

I nodded. She took off in the same direction she came.

"Well, it seems Celestia has noticed that I am free," Discord laughed. I spotted him on top of one of the clouds. "If you don't mind, I've got a little task I must do," with a snap of his eagle claw, he disappeared.

I rolled my eyes, taking off in the same direction Apple Jack did.


"What do y'all thinks goin' on here?" Apple Jack asked.

"Beats me," Twilight said. She pawed at the seat nervously. "Whatever it is, it's not good."

"Not good?!" Pinkie Pie asked. "It's raining chocolate milk! What's so wrong about that?"

"It's not normal," Rarity said. "It'll take me forever to get chocolate milk out of my mane,"

"And what about the animals?" Fluttershy asked quietly. "I've never seen them behave so oddly,"

"THere's definitely something suspicious goin' on around here," Twilight concluded. She looked at me. "Do you have any idea what's going on here?"

I pretended to be oblivious. "Not at all. This is all new to me," I lied smoothly. "Whoever is behind this, they must be stopped,"

They all murmured in agreement. The next five minutes were spent in silence, until the train came to a halt at the Canterlot station. We exited, all heading for the castle. When we approached the entrance, the guards stopped us.

"What business do you have here?" the guard pony asked.

"Princess Celestia requested to see us all," Twilight explained. "It's an emergency,"

"Including that one?" the second guard spat, pointing at me.

"She's with us," Rainbow Dash said pointedly.

"Very well. You may enter," the two unblocked our path and we rushed in.

"Why do they give y'all a hard time?" Apple Jack asked.

I shrugged, grinning sheepishly. "A few pranks here and there,"

We entered the throne room where Princess Celestia paced the floor anxiously. "We came as fast as we could, Princess Celestia," Twilight bowed.

"Thank goodness you're here," the Princess said with a tight smile.

"Is this about the strange things happening in Ponyville?" Twilight asked. Celestia nodded. "What's going on? The animals are acting weird, there's chocolate rain, and everything's just-" Celestia put up a hoof to silence her.

"Follow me. I'll explain to you on the way," Princess Celestia began to lead us down a long hallway, turning into another hallway that I haven't been in before. However, I did recognize it as the place where the Elements of Harmony were kept. I gazed upon the glass windows in awe, same as the other ponies.

"I've summoned you here for a matter of great importance," she began. "It seems an old foe of mine has been freed, and has returned to cause great destruction. His name is Discord,"

Princess Celestia pointed a hoof towards a particular glass window, and every pony stared at it.

"Wait a minute-that's what Maria looks like!" Pinkie Pie gasped. "Is she the cause of this? Cause if she is...WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE IT RAIN CHOCOLATE AT YOUR PARTY?!"

"I'm afraid Maria is not the cause of this. However, Discord is," Princess Celestia continued. "Discord is the mischievous spirit of chaos and disharmony. You see, before my sister and I ruled over Equestria, Discord was in charge. For many years, he cause ponies strife and misery. However, we were able to defeat him with the Elements of Harmony. I foolishly believed the spell would keep Discord locked up forever, but I was sadly mistaken," she paused, to turn to us. "Since Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements, the spell was weakened, and he was able to escape.

"You six must wield the Elements of Harmony once again, and stop Discord from taking over Equestria," She finished.

"But why us?" Twilight asked.

"Hey look!" I said. "You guys are famous!" I pointed to a window that showed the Mane 6 defeating Nightmare Moon.

"I know you are able to do this, because you were able to recover the Elements to turn Nightmare Moon back into my sister, Princess Luna. You showed the full potential of the Elements, and it is you who control their power. There is no doubt in my mind that you can defeat Discord." Celestia said proudly.

Twilight thought about this. "You can count on us-"

"WAIT!" Pinkie interrupted, turning to Twilight. "Chaos and total destruction comes with chocolate rain and cotton candy clouds! Chocolate rain, Twilight Sparkle!"

I fought back a giggle. "Don't mind Pinkie, Princess," Twilight said. "We'll be honored to use the Elements of Harmony again,"

"Excellent. And Maria, I want you to assist them in this task. You have shown yourself to be just as powerful, therefore, I am trusting you to help defeat Discord," Celestia said, turning to me. I nodded solemnly, slightly guilty for no warning them about the events that were going to occur. The Princess smiled a bit, then turned to face the door, behind it the Elements of Harmony.

Bowing her head, she inserted her horn into the hole on the door, and the sun design began to glow a bright blue. The six circles on the door began to glow as well, and the door opened, revealing a beautiful navy blue chest encrusted with fine gems. Using her magic, Celestia levitated the box, turning back to our group.

"Do not worry, ponies, for i have total confidence you can beat Discord," she opened the box. "with these,"

Everyone gasped, and jaws dropped. The chest was empty of the Elements. Shocked, Princess Celestia let the chest fall to the stone floor, the sound echoing in the silent hall.

"Well, if you need me, I'll be outside with a super swirly straw!" Pinkie Pie tried to leave the room, but Twilight held her back.

"This is a serious issue, Pinkie," the purple pony cried. "The Elements of Harmony are missing!"

A worried look covered the sun princess's features, and she began to pace the width of the hallway. I watched her with a concerned look. Even though I was aware of what had happened, the mood was getting to me.

"That chamber was sealed with a protection spell that only I could break," Celestia spoke aloud her thoughts. Her usually melodic voice was now replaced with a mix of frustration, confusion, hopelessness, and anger. It was a new side to the Princess that I had never seen before. "This...this doesn't make sense!"

A dark chuckle pierced the silence, the source hidden from view. "Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?"

Celestia glared up at the ceiling. "Discord," she growled, "show yourself!"

Her demand was met with a taunting laugh. Determined, the princess scoured our surrounding area for the chaotic being. I glanced at the particular window he hid himself at. The glass Discord was standing on all fours over several puppet sticks, which lead to the three circles that held a pegasi, an earth pony, and a unicorn, who looked unhappy to be in their predicament. Suddenly, that glass Discord started to move.

"Did you miss me Celestia?" he asked, using the glass to speak to her. "I missed you," His body slithered across the glass, disappearing into the wall, and reappearing on the next window, which held the Mane 6 and the Elements of Harmony.

"It's quite lonely being trapped in stone," he said, sitting on a picture of Fluttershy. "But you wouldn't know that-because I don't turn ponies into stone," he said distastefully, knocking on the glass Fluttershy to prove his point.

"Enough!" Celestia interrupted him. Her white wings shuffled with irritation. "What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?"

Glass Discord was now in his own little circle, leaning his head on his lion paw. "Oh, I just...borrowed them for a teensy little while," he replied casually, snapping his fingers to make the Elements on the glass window disappear.

The white princess stomped at the ground, wings spread and snorting with anger. "You'll never get away with this, Discord,"

Now sitting where the glass Elements of Harmony stood, Glass Discord laid back and looked at his claw. "I'd forgotten how grim you can be Celestia. Really, it's quite boring,"

Rainbow Dash burst with anger. "Hey! No pony insults Princess Celestia!" she raced over to the window, probably hoping to give the glass window the old one-two. However, Discord was able to disappear before she could get to the window, leaving her to face plant the window. He reappeared, larger this time, as the cyan pony regained herself, hovering in front of him.

"You must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty; the Element of Harmony you represent," he said in a slightly amused tone.

"That's right!" she spat. "I'll always be loyal to the Princess,"

Glass Discord disappeared once more. "We'll see about that," he muttered.

Rarity eyed the windows with disdain. "I can't believe we're talking to a tacky window," she said daintily. Discord appeared at the window she was by.

"The beautiful Rarity, representing the Element of Generosity, if I'm not mistaken," he said.

"So ya know who we are, big deal," Apple Jack retorted.

"Oh, I know much more than that," he said, growing in size, until his whole body was the size of the window itself. "honest Apple Jack,"

"You seem to be aware of our strengths as well," Twilight mused.

"Yes, Twilight Sparkle. And yours is the most powerful and elusive element of them all; magic," he said reappearing back at the Mane 6's window, now lying face down on Fluttershy's circle once more. He continued. "Fluttershy's is Kindness, and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine-laughter," he chuckled, and the pink pony began to giggle beneath her hoof.

"Pinkie!" Twilight groaned. She burst into laughter.

"He-he's dancing on your head!" she gasped. WE all looked, and sure enough, Glass Discord was doing a shuffle on glass Twilight's head.

"Cease your stalling, Discord!" Celestia demanded. "What have you done with the Element's of Harmony?"

Discord stopped doing his dance and groaned. "Oh, so boring, Celestia. Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you, my way," He disappeared with a flash again, reappearing on numerous windows in an odd pattern as he gave his riddle. "To find your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events; twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began," The glass Discord was now once more part of the window, and his voice seemed to echo in the hall.

But he was gone.

Fluttershy quivered in fear. "C-can w-e go home n-now?" she pleaded quietly.

"What do y'all recon he meant?" Apple Jack asked. "Twist and turns, an' then endin' back were we started?"

Twilight paced a few steps, muttering to herself. "Twist and turns," she approached the window, which overlooked the palace labyrinth, located on the opposite side of the castle than the garden. "Twist and turns...that's it!" she exclaimed happily.

"Discord hid the Elements of Harmony in the Palace Labyrinth!" she concluded.

Celestia turned to me. "You are the only one who can help us," she pleaded. "Please tell us what you know about these current events,"

I pretended to think about it. "Um...I can't remember anything!" I exclaimed in a panicked tone. "I..I'm not sure what's going on right now,"

Celestia closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, then looked me in the eyes. "It seems that the time you've spent here is eliminating your memory of your past life," she said. "This is not good,"

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound desperate and afraid. I played my part well, seeing as I was in Drama in my own world. Acting is practically my second nature.

"You will still assist Twilight and her friends in their mission to stop Discord. You may not remember what will happen, but you're still as powerful as whom you're up against,"

I nodded nervously. "You can count on me," I said with a slightly nervous, but trying to be brave tone. She nodded, then turned to Twilight.

"Good luck, my little ponies," she said. "The fate of Equestria rests in your hooves," Using her long horn, Princess Celestia touched both of Twilight's shoulders as a queen would do a knight.

"We won't let you down," Twilight said confidently. "Let's go girls!"

With that, we all turned and raced out of the castle, heading for the labrynth. As we approached it, it seemed so creepy and dark all of a sudden, and I got a bad feeling in my gut.

"DO we have to go in there?" Fluttershy asked with fright.

"Nope, cause stupid Discord forgot about these babies!" Rainbow Dash said, flapping her wings. "I'll just fly over the maze and locate the elements!" She attempted to gain altitude to fly over the maze, when her wings suddenly disappeared. She fell to the ground with a pained grunt. Fluttershy's wings disappeared as well, and Rarity and Twilight's horn disappeared.

I felt incredibly weak all of a sudden, and collapsed to the ground. I felt like I had just ran a hundred miles, swam across the Pacific Ocean, then crossed an entire desert. I couldn't find any strength to get up.

"Maria!" Apple Jack was by my side in an instant. "What happened?" she gasped.

"Yer wings are gone!"

I glanced over my shoulder to find that my mismatched wings were gone. I struggled to get to my feet.

With a blinding light and suspense-building music, the Lord of Chaos appeared. At first it seemed like he had a menacing pose, but then he busted out in laughter. "You-you all should see the looks on your faces!" he said.

"Give us our horns and wings back!" Twilight demanded.

"And fix whatever ya did to Maria!" Apple Jack added.

Discord turned serious. "You'll get them back in good time. I just wanted to ensure that there was no cheating. As for your friend over there, it's just a temporary spell that drained her of her magic," he explained, poofing over to me. "You'll be fine, my dear. It's a side effect of the spell,"

"Side affect my tail," I grumbled. "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes it was. You see, that's the first rule of our game. No flying," he ran a claw down my cheek. "And no magic,"

I was tempted to bite his finger off, but played it cool. "First rule?" Rainbow Dash asked nervously.

Discord reappeared on the labyrinth, using it as a chair. "The second rule is, every pony has to play, or the game is over," he chuckled tapping his fingers together, adding, "and I win,"

With a joyful outburst, he flew from his seat. "Good luck, every pony!" he laughed, then disappeared into thin air. Apple Jack snorted, then helped me to my feet. I held my head as a headache suddenly hit me.

"You okay, sugar cube?" she asked.

I kept my eyes shut, nodding. "I'll be fine. Let's just go,"

"Don't worry girls, we can do this," Twilight urged. "With our friendship, nothing can separate us!"

The group burst into cheers. We stood at the entrance of the maze. I insisted that I was fine with walking on my own, lying to say that some of my strength had returned. Apple Jack reluctantly let me go. We took our first few confident steps into the maze, where-as expected, seven rows of hedges grew between us, separating us.

"Stay calm every pony! We'll regroup in the middle, okay?" Twilight yelled. Everyone but Fluttershy and I gave our agreements, then began moving. I heard Fluttershy whimpering in fear a few rows from mine.

"What's that?! Who's there?!" she panicked. She gave a scream of fright, and attempted to go on her way, jumping at everything. I heard her heavy breathing disappear and I sighed, leaning against the wall of the maze. My head throbbed and my legs were like jelly. I closed my eyes, burying my head into my arms, my knees pulled against my chest.

"Aspirin?" a familiar voice asked.

I looked up to see Discord floating above me, looking down at me. His fingers made a little bridge to which his chin sat upon. He examined me with curiosity, and I groaned. "That was a bit much, dont'cha think?" I growled.

"I apologize for the uncomfortable feeling, but I couldn't risk you assisting them for this first half of the game," he said. With a snap, my strength and magic returned, along with my wings. I shuddered.

"Don't ever do that again," I said. "That was the worst feeling in the world,"

"Well you are a magical being," he stated the obvious. "Having your magic taken from you would automatically weaken you considerably. In fact, if it's gone for too long, it could be your end,"

My eyes widened. "My end? You mean I could die if I lose my powers?!"

"For a long time, at least. You could last for weeks without your magic," he said. "Though you'd be absolutely weak and helpless, vulnerable to any source of danger,"

I stood to my feet. "Well, that's good to know," I said nervously.

"SO, shall we go?" he asked.

I looked at him quizzically. "Go? Go where?"

"Spread chaos, of course!"

I smiled brightly. "Why didn't you say so?" I asked. "However, I do need a bit of practice with my powers,"

Discord smirked, disappearing and reappearing in a teacher costume, complete with a pair of glasses. A chalkboard appeared next to him, and he held a ruler in his paw. In a flash, I was sitting in a student's desk with an apple in the corner.

"Let the lesson begin!" he said cheerfully.

I tried to make this chapter as long as possible. Of course, Discord is now a firm part of the story, and I am excited to start on the next chapter! I give my thanks to my readers, and I ask that you all vote for my story and leave a comment. Tell me what you like, what you didn't like, or maybe even a detailed story of your day! ^w^ I'll be back soon with the next chapter!



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