CH-30: Deliverance

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A/N: I finally have my YouTube channel set up! Sadly, I haven't been able to put up anything, since I haven't received a microphone yet. It might take a while to get stuff up, since I'm also trying to illustrate a few key events in the story. I will be the sole person reading, illustrating, and other stuff, so it'll take some time to get the first video out. (Unless someone has some clever art skillz or knows someone who can voice act MLP character's quite we. Let me know if any of you would like to help me with this! ^^) 

I'm kinda nervous, though, cause I don't want it to seem like I'm mimicking DisneyFanatic2364, cause I'm truly not trying to. She does have the credit; however, for inspiring me to do all of this. Without BOD, I would've never come to love MLP, or Discord. It's all because of her that I was able to accomplish all of this. (I'm trying to get her to read this fanfic!) 

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this chapter, because it was quite difficult for me to write, since I'm clueless to the pains of childbirth and labor. I'll do my best, though! ^w^

Oh, and If anyone is willing to subscribe to me right away, here's the link to mah new channel!

Anyways, on to the next chapter!


Maria sat on the window sill of her and Discord's bedroom, staring out at the beautiful forest below. THe tops of the trees barely touched the window, and she had a clear view of the sky. It was strange how the castle was. It didn't look like it was so tall when you were on the front lawn, but inside, it was like the castle was floating. 

It probably was, knowing Discord. 

Maria leaned her forehead against the cool glass, her arms resting on her swollen belly. It had been a few months since she found out she was pregnant, and her stomach had practically inflated over the short amount of time. The filly's magic field grew stronger, and Discord was certain she had inherited their magic. Discord was concerned; however, with his wife's health. 

The filly would have random spurts of magical energy, usually whenever she would get excited. The energy would shock Maria, sometimes even paralyzing her for a few minutes. Every time, her husband would be by her side, calming his unborn daughter down. Maria would insist she was fine afterwards, though she developed a slight twitch from all the shocks. In total, there had been about twelve and counting. 

Maria shivered slightly, feeling her daughter squirm restlessly inside of her. She placed a hand firmly over her bellybutton. "Shh, little one. Just rest," she cast a temporary calming spell on herself, affecting her child as well. She sighed as the filly stilled. For a moment, she closed her eyes, listening to their hearts beat in sync, creating a peaceful lullaby. 

She almost dozed off when she felt someone pick her up. She was awake immediately, seeing that Discord was trying to carry her to bed. Her eyes glanced towards the window, seeing that the sun was setting behind the horizon, turning the sky a light oranges color. 

She let a sigh escape her lips as her husband laid her on the bed, planting a soft kiss on her forehead as he laid the blanket over her. He, too, slipped beneath the sheets, and Maria curled up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. The two fell asleep rather quickly. 

2:45 AM

Maria was the first to shift in her sleep, feeling a painful pressure in her abdomen. Her bleary eyes struggled to focus in the dark, and her mind barely processed the pain growing stronger. A sudden shock racked her body and she yelped. 

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