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Maria's Pov

Beep, Beep, Beep

I let out a slight groan, my head throbbing. Light burned my eyelids, daring me to open them. Slowly, I did, and I was almost blinded by the intensity of the white-washed walls.

Looking to my left, I saw that my hand was hooked up to an IV.

A rather...human hand.

I sat up, groaning when my head screamed protested, as well as my lower back.

Still, I looked around. I saw a red button on the side of my hospital bed and pressed it, hopefully calling a nurse.

Sure enough, one came in--a human nurse.

"Oh!" she said. "You're awake. How do you feel dear?"

"What happened?" I demanded, my voice raspy and hoarse. "What happened to my daughter? Or Discord?!"

"I'm afraid I have no clue what you're talking about, dear. You were brought here a few weeks ago; you got into a fight with your classmates, your head hit that statue in front of your school, and a teacher found them kicking at you while you were unconscious,"

"Fight?  Statue...?" I rubbed at my head, which was bandaged.

"I'm afraid so. You've been in a coma for a good two weeks," she said.

"Two weeks?!" I asked. "But what about Discord?  My kids? What happened to Equestria?!"

"Shh," she said, trying to calm me. "Whatever it was, it was all a dream,"



And that's the end! For realsies this time! But don't worry, don't panic, and don't riot--I'll have the sequal out soon. Keep a look out for my sequal, "Hearts As Strong as Chaos"!

Hope you all enjoyed this story!

This is Jasmine Pearl Posey, signing off!


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