My Dad's Girlfriend

By prettyliar0199

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A year after Emily's mom passes away, her dad meets a new woman but she's a little younger than him. In fact... More

Authors Note


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By prettyliar0199

Who's ready for this update?! Anyways, I love you all so much. Like seriously. I can't imagine this book even existing without all of you! Hope you enjoy the chapter! Shout out to Ghostbuzterz You are seriously like one of my favorite readers! I love reading your comments. They brighten my day! Thank you so much for all the amazing and wonderful comments you write! You express how hyped you are about the chapters and that couldn't make me happier! Ilysm!

Emily's POV

We all had just got out of court and I couldn't be more happier or satisfied. The guy, Zach, who did what he did to Aria, is being put away to jail for 5 years. Ms. Hastings tried to make it longer but it was the best she could do. I'm just glad he isn't going to be around for a while.

Alison attended the court meeting as well but I think it was more because her best friend, Spencer, was back in town. I haven't seen the slim girl since the first day I met Alison. I still think it's weird she just showed up out of nowhere but I guess she wouldn't be showing up at all if it wasn't for her mom being the lawyer for this case.

"I feel so much better knowing that he is going to be away for a while." Aria says with a look of relief upon her face. I nod my head in agreement while Hanna grabs her hand for comfort.

"I think we all feel better about him being put away." I respond while looking over where Ms. Hastings, Alison, and Spencer are standing talking. Aria and Hanna had already said thank you to Ms. Hastings but I wanted an excuse to talk to Alison or at least hear her voice. I haven't talked to her since yesterday.

"Go see your girl." Hanna tells me with a wiggle of her eyebrows. I just roll my eyes playfully and then look at Aria for permission. She nods her head.

"Go, I will be fine."

Nodding my head at Aria with a small smile, I slowly make my way over to the three women who haven't noticed me coming in their direction. I wanted to ask Alison if we were still on for our little stay in at her house which consists of watching movies while cuddling together. I could just text her but I want to ask her in person because I miss her.

Ms. Hastings is the first one to notice me because she smiles in my direction. Both Spencer and Alison turn around to see me. Ali smiles but Spencer not so much. Maybe she's having an off day?

"I just wanted to say thank you again for taking him to court. We couldn't have won the case without you." I tell Ms. Hastings first so it doesn't seem like I'm eager to just talk to Alison who I can see checking me out in my peripheral vision.

"It wasn't a problem at all. I'm just glad he is put away so he can't hurt other girls like he did Aria. Tell her I'm sorry again for me, will you?" I nod my head before glancing at Alison. She gives me a small smile in which I return. Ms. Hastings has no idea I even know Alison and I don't think Spencer does either. I don't remember if Alison ever told her or not.

"Of course."

"Well, we have to get going. We have to meet up with your dad for lunch." Ms. Hastings says while looking over at Spencer who still doesn't look happy.

"It was nice meeting you Emily." She tells me which seems forced. "Ali, you coming?" I immediately glare at her on the inside. She called her Ali. Only I'm allowed to do that.

"Yeah, I will be right behind you guys." Spencer nods her head before catching up with her mother. Once they are out of ear shot, I speak up.

"Are we still on for tonight?" I ask in a hopeful voice. Hopefully, she hasn't made other plans.

"Yes, we are." She grins while looking me over.

"Careful." I smile. "Don't want the whole world to know Alison Dilaurentis has a thing for Emily Fields." I joke with a little laugh.

Alison reaches over and takes my hand into hers. "I miss touching you." She says in a small voice. I immediately smile.

"Well, tonight, you can touch me all you want." I pull my hand away from hers in fear that Spencer or someone from my school will see. Not that they knew my dad used to date her but still Ms. Hastings and Spencer know Alison is older than me.

"You can count on it." She winks at me before frowning. "I have to go. Spencer and her mom are waiting on me."

"I wish we could just go back to your place right now." I sigh.

"Me too but there's always tonight." She winks at me before walking away.


As I'm getting ready for mine and Ali's stay in, Hanna's mom walks into the room with a little knock to let us know she's there. Hanna and Aria are on the bed cuddled together which makes Ms. Marin smile. They told her not too long ago that they were together and she completely supported them.

She's been kind enough to let me stay here and when I know I'm overstaying, I go to Aria's house. If not hers, then I stay at Alison's. I would stay at Alison's house all the time but I want her to have her own personal space.

"I just wanted to let you girls know, that I am happy that man was put away." Aria smiles in thanks. "And if you ever need anything, you let me know." She says this directly to Aria.

"Thank you, Ms. Marin. I appreciate it." She still doesn't know Aria is pregnant. Aria hasn't made up her mind about rather or not to keep the baby. If she does decide to, she's going to tell her parents. Hanna has been completely supportive and I love her for that. I've been supportive as well. Whatever decision she makes, me and Hanna will be right beside her.

"Well, I'll let you girls get back to whatever you were doing." She closes the door behind her before I go back to putting on a little eye makeup.

"I don't know why you bother putting on makeup, Em. It's not like you have to impress Alison anymore." She shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't put makeup on to impress Alison." I roll my eyes.

"That is a lie." Aria points out, earning a high five from her girlfriend.

"Okay, you know what. Screw both of you and your little high five." I say, trying not to smile.

"I don't know about the high five, but the three of us in bed together sounds kind of hot." Hanna says while smiling, probably thinking about it. I immediately glare at her and so does Aria. "What?" She asks innocently.

"That doesn't even sound hot." Aria nods her head in agreement.

"Okay, then we can just have Alison in on it too. Does that make you feel better?" Hanna asks me. What gets me, is that she looks serious about it. A part of me doesn't think she is playing around but I never know with her. She says the strangest things.

"What? No." I can't even right now. A part of me wants to burst out laughing but I don't know if it's a joke.

"Well, if you change your mind, we will be here."  Hanna looks over at Aria with a grin.

"You mean you will be here." Aria defends herself. I don't blame her. "I don't want to screw my bestfriend and her girlfriend while in the same bed as you. It's weird, Han." Hanna rolls her eyes before smiling.

"I just have a sexy imagination, unlike you guys."

Before I can comment on Hanna's statement, my phone buzzes in my pocket.

"Is that your booty call?" Surprisingly Aria is the one to say it and not Hanna. I turn and look at her with a are-you-serious-look.

"I'm beginning to think you are hanging out with Hanna way too much." I say as I look down at the message. I immediately frown.

"What happened?" Hanna questions with concern.

"Ali. She said tonight is canceled because Spencer insisted on staying the night with her to catch up." I roll my eyes.

"I'm beginning to think you don't like Spencer." Hanna points out the obvious.

"I didn't say I didn't like her." Aria raises her eyebrows at me. "Okay, fine. I don't like her."


"Because I feel like she has a thing for Alison or either that, she knows about us." I sigh. "I don't know what her intentions are but I feel like they aren't good."

"Even if Spencer was to have feelings for her, doesn't mean anything. Alison loves you and that's all that matters." Aria tells me, trying to be supportive.

"It's not Alison I'm worried about." I pause for a moment. "Its Spencer."

It's like deja vu all over again.

Shout out to my favorite comment on this chapter will be posted in the next one😊💙

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