My Dad's Girlfriend

By prettyliar0199

829K 19.1K 5.9K

A year after Emily's mom passes away, her dad meets a new woman but she's a little younger than him. In fact... More

Authors Note


12.9K 382 89
By prettyliar0199

Okay so I managed to write a chapter for you all:) I hope you enjoy it!

Emily's POV

"Have you noticed anything weird going on with Aria lately?" Hanna asks me as we are at the brew getting coffees. Aria went to the restroom. Something about not feeling well and practically ran there.

"No, not really. Why? Have you?" I asked, now concerned for my best friend.

"She's been really jumpy around me and I have no idea why. And every time I ask her if everything is fine, she just shrugs it off like it's not a big deal. I know there is something wrong but I can't get her to open up to me about it." Hanna has a frown on her face as she thinks about what might be wrong.

"If there is something wrong with her, she will tell you when she is ready." I tell her, trying to be comforting.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just hate not knowing what's wrong with her."

"Here's your coffee's." Sabrina hands our coffees over to us. We walk over to the couch and sit down. We come here sometimes before school. But I don't have to go to school because of the whole accident. I have three more days off. Hanna's mom insisted me on going to the brew instead of sitting on the couch all day.

She knows about my dad moving but as far as she knows, she thinks he is letting me stay here because of Hanna and Aria. I couldn't tell her the truth.

"Sorry, I think I ate something bad." Aria says, coming and sitting down beside Hanna but a little further than what I would expect.

"I bought you a coffee, babe." Hanna rests her hand on Aria's thigh. I can see Aria tense slightly but she relaxes a second later.

"Thank you." She grabs the coffee from Hanna and sets it in her lap, resting her fingers on the sides of the cup. I think Hanna is right. There's something wrong with her and she's not telling us what it is that has her so jumpy. "I actually think I want a water instead if you don't mind." She gives her girlfriend a sorry look before getting up and going to get a water.

"See what I mean." Hanna says, looking upset.

"Yeah, I see it." I frown.

"Is it me? Does she not like me anymore or something? Did I do something that I don't know about?"

"Of course not, Hanna. Aria loves you and you know that." I rest my hand on her knee to comfort her.

"Do I know that? Because lately, I feel like she's falling out of love with me. She dodges me every chance she gets. And when I ask her out to eat, she makes an excuse as to why she can't."

Hanna has a point. It's not like Aria to do that.

"Maybe we need to ask her together." I suggest and Hanna nods her head. I can tell she is worried about her girlfriend. I would be worried if Alison was acting like that too.

Once Aria comes over, she sits down on the couch and just stares at her water, not even acknowledging us.

"Aria?" Hanna calls her name lightly. She shoots her head up to look at the both of us. She puts on a fake smile.

"What's up?"

"We know that something is wrong." I tell her because I know Hanna won't be straightforward in fear that she will upset her fragile girlfriend.

"What are you talking about?" She questions, acting clueless.

"Something has been wrong for over a week and I want to know why." Hanna is the one to speak up. "And don't tell me it's nothing because I know it's something. We know it's something so you might as well just tell us." Aria frowns.

"I can't tell you." She whispers, looking at Hanna only.

"Why not?"

"Because you will hate me." A tear rolls down Aria's a cheek. What could possibly make Hanna hate her? Did she cheat on Hanna?

"Aria, I could never hate you." Hanna rests her hand on Aria's knee. "I love you, okay? And whatever you have to tell me, will not change the way I feel. I promise." Aria just shakes her head and begins to cry.

"Aria, we are here for you and we always will be no matter what." I say, trying to comfort her any way I can.

"I'm pregnant." Another tear slides down her cheek and she just breaks down crying. Hanna looks taken back by this before she shakes her head. I'm about to question Aria since Hanna just looks broken but Aria speaks up again, shoking me. "I was raped."

I look over at Hanna to see she doesn't look shocked. My blood starts to boil, thinking of ways to kill whoever did this to my sweet best friend.

"I knew that guy was eyeing you weirdly." Hanna shakes her head with a tear sliding down her cheek. "And I just left you there because you said you would be fine. This is my fault."

"It's not your fault, Hanna." Aria takes in a deep breath and wipes her tears away. "It's my fathers for letting his friend come over to spend the night in the first place."

"Who is this guy? Because I'm going to kill him." I stand up from the couch and Hanna immediately stands up beside me.

"I'll help." She grabs her purse and starts to head out the door with Aria and me at her heels. Aria doesn't even bother to stop us. She probably knows that she can't even if she wanted to.

As soon as we get to the guy's house, me and Hanna get out of the car but Aria just sits still, frozen. I don't blame her for not wanting to face him. I just can't believe she kept this to herself for so long. So what did she do after he raped her? Just went to bed like it didn't happen? I couldn't imagine how she felt at the time and how she feels now.

When we get to the door, Hanna bangs her fist on the door as hard as she can. I'm just as mad as she is. I can't believe he could rape someone so innocent, sweet, and full of passion. He disgusts me.

A few seconds later, the door opens to a middle-aged guy that has a messy beard and red eyes. He definitely screams pervert.

"Can I help you?" He asks grumpily.

"No, you can't." Hanna grits between her teeth. "But you forgot something."

"What's that?"

"This." Hanna draws her right fist back before slamming it right into his nose. He immediately grabs his now broken nose with his hand.

"What the hell was that for?!" He screams, angry. I step in front of Hanna so he doesn't try to hit her. If anything, he can hit me because I'd rather feel the pain than Hanna.

"For raping my girlfriend." Hanna's words are like venom as she lashes out at him. "You're lucky you aren't six feet under right now but what could be worse than serving years doing hard time in prison?"

"You and what lawyer?" He smirks at this, thinking that he is going to get away with what he has done.

"My mom happens to know the best lawyer in town. You might have heard of her before. Veronica Hastings." His smile immediately disappears. "And considering she knows Aria, she will make sure you stay in there for as long as possible. When you do get out, I suggest you stay the hell away from Rosewood." With that Hanna walks away but I just stand there.

"You disgust me." Of course, I had to do something as well. I bring my knee up and knee him right in the balls. When he bends down to grab them, I bring my knee up to meet it with his face. "That's for my best friend. I hope you rot in hell." I grit before walking to the car to get away from this place.

I know Alison isn't in this chapter and there was no emison but I wanted this one to focus on Aria for the reason why she was acting strangely. She's pregnant!:/

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