Super Smash Bros. Newcomers b...

By Crede24

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Super Smash Bros. Newcomers bios More



37 0 0
By Crede24

Universe: Mortal Kombat

Entrance: Sub-Zero walks onto the stage as ice forms wherever he steps, and icicles cover his arms. As he enters his starting spot he says, "Test your strength in Kombat!" as he clenches his fists and the ice on them shatters. He then gets ready to fight.


Ice plays a large part in Sub-Zero's special abilities, opponents caught in ice attacks have the chance to be frozen when a special connects. Frozen opponents simply gain the animation of ice covering their whole bodies as if they were statues of ice sculptures. Even if they are frozen in the air, they will be suspended mid-air frozen like a statue.


B- Ice Blast- Sub-Zero launches an icy projectile forward. If the projectile hits an opponent, they receive 5% DMG and are instantly frozen as an icy statue for a couple seconds. While a statue you escape the ice by either rapidly pressing buttons to thaw yourself, waiting for the ice to shatter (about 4 seconds if you don't touch anything), or the ice instantly shatters if you are attacked. If the ice shatters from another attack, the opponent takes an additional 5% DMG, but the ice breaking on its own or from the person thawing themselves out does not deal additional DMG or knockback. Freezing opponents is a great way for Sub-Zero to quickly close the gap between him and another fighter and gives him a chance to follow up with a combo (see below). After a player is frozen, there is about a 3.5 second timeframe where they cannot be frozen again, instead they take flinching DMG if they are hit with an ice attack.

Side B- Barrier of Frost- Sub-Zero forms a brief barrier of ice in front of him to shield himself from incoming attacks. Along with that, opponents who touch the barrier of frost will be frozen in place while receiving minimal DMG. The shield has a small hit-box range, so opponents need to be right next to him in order to be frozen, but it allows for a quick follow up attack from Sub-Zero once the shield is gone (you cannot cancel out of the shield). Opponents who attack Sub-Zero when he forms the shield will be frozen in place like a statue for a couple seconds and receive minimal DMG. Because it leaves Sub-Zero completely open at the back and is not a long shield, this special is best done as a reaction or to absorb a projectile. Absorbing a projectile with this shatters the barrier but deals half the original DMG of the projectile to Sub-Zero and no knockback but can be tricky to pull off at the right moment.

Up B- Tombstone Teleport- Sub-Zero crosses his arms in front of him and falls backward into a portal made of solid ice directly behind and under him. Once he submerges into the portal, another portal instantly appears a short distance above him (about as high as say Roy's recovery height) where he will leap from and deliver an ice blast from his palms that can freeze opponents in the air.

Down B- Ice Clone- Sub-Zero backflips backward and in his place where he just stood is a perfect ice statue of himself. The ice statue stays in effect for 5 seconds before shattering and has a few different uses. First, if opponents attack or make any contact with an ice clone they receive minimal DMG and are instantly frozen solid. Second, Sub-Zero can use them as cover since each ice clone can one hit before breaking which can be helpful for melee attacks (or useless for spammed range attacks like Fox's blaster). Finally, Sub-Zero can press any attack button next to the ice clone and he will pick the ice clone up which can now be used as a throwing projectile by Sub-Zero. You can place up to 3 ice cones on the stage at a time, but there is a lag between the backflip and the ice clone, so you can't spam it, but this allows Sub-Zero to space out his ice clone traps. Especially annoying to opponents if done in the air as he descends!

Final Smash- Fatality! - Sub-Zero performs a medium-distance ice slide forward from where he initiated the final smash. After catching opponents in the attack, the screen goes black and the opponents are seen standing in a dizzy state in a new location, a flat stage similar to an arena in Mortal Kombat. As the opponents are in their dizzy state, a loud voice yells "Finish Them!" "Finish Him!" or "Finish Her!" depending on who is caught in the smash. As the voice yells this, Sub-Zero releases a large blast of ice directly at the opponents, freezing them where they stand starting from the feet up. As the opponents are frozen in blocks of ice, Sub-Zero charges up and releases a volley of sharp icicles at the stunned opponents and finishes the final smash off by delivering a large wind up smash attack with an ice hammer he creates. As he swings the hammer into the frozen opponents, they are transported back to the original stage and are sent flying with their DMG and knockback. As the opponents are being sent flying, the deep voice says, "FATALITY!"

SPECIAL ABILITIES-----------------------------------------

KOMBO MASTER- While most characters have a standard combo (pressing A multiple times in a row) all of Sub-Zero's standard moves (minus his smash attacks) have three hit combos you can use if you press the input commands fast enough. You can also experiment with different combos like starting with a standard "A" hit, followed by quickly pressing side "A" to finish with the side "A" combo finishers. This leaves Sub-Zero open for attacks from behind, but also can deal out some great DMG build up. He is a master of hand-to-hand combat, but vulnerable at a distance and to hit and run fighting style so be alert to his attack patterns or stay close to opponents.

Standard Moves---------------------------------------------

A – Sub-Zero delivers a straight punch at eye level.

AAA – A straight eye level punch, followed by a quick gut punch, and ending with a short-range blast of ice from both of Sub-Zero's palms.

A Left/Right- A large overhead fist swipe downward vertically.

A Left/Right Combo- A large overhead fist swipe downward, followed by a knee gut jab, and finishing with a large icicle infused roundhouse kick.

A Dash- Ice Slide- Sub-Zero slides forward creating a trail of ice ahead of him.

A Dash Combo- Sub-Zero slides forward creating a trail of ice ahead of him. For the combo he simply extends the ice slide further. The combo can trip opponents, and the ice slide can help you dodge projectile attacks as you can slide under most standard height projectiles. However, experienced players know that the ice slide leaves Sub-Zero vulnerable for a moment after it is finished and know that jumping over him, he cannot go into another combo so be careful not to get taken down from above.

A Up- An overhead punch in an arc with an ice fist.

A Up Combo- An ice fist overhead punch, followed by a second in the opposite direction, then finishing with Sub-Zero creating an ice sword and stabbing it upward.

A Down- While standing, Sub-Zero does a shin kick.

A Down Combo- Sub-Zero kicks downward towards the feet while standing, followed by a low sweeping crouching kick, and ending with a crouching short-range ice blast forward.

Smash Left/Right- Ice Daggers- Sub-Zero takes out twin ice daggers and delivers a series of three stabs forward with one, then two slashes with the other.

Smash Up- Ice Hammer- Starting from behind where he is standing, Sub-Zero creates an ice hammer and swings it overhead with great strength. This move is slow hitting but deals great knockback upward diagonally.

Smash Down- Ice Burst- Sub-Zero raises his hand which gathers icicles, and brings it slamming down into the ground. This creates a shockwave of ice on the ground around him and slightly into a wall on each side that if hit by will launch opponents upward and will freeze them momentarily. If done next to an ice klone (down special) the ice Sub-Zero will shatter forward in the direction it is facing, doesn't deal knockback but can deal good splash DMG to nearby opponents.

Aerial Neutral- Sub-Zero holds his fists out and kicks forward with his back leg.

Aerial Neutral Combo- Kick forward with his back leg, followed by a short uppercut punch, then a short-range ice blast from both palms.

Aerial Forward- Sub-Zero extends and punches forward at a slightly downward diagonal.

Aerial Forward Combo- Short punch, a spin kick, then a grab. If the grab lands, Sub-Zero grabs them and tosses them backward.

Aerial Backward- Behind the back kick with his front leg.

Aerial Backward Combo- Behind the back kick, followed by a fully rounded ice foot roundhouse kick, then ending with a grab. If Sub-Zero makes contact, he grabs them and tosses them backward.

Aerial Down- A straight downward kick.

Aerial Down Combo- A straight downward kick, followed by a two-foot stomp (no meteor), then a grab with his feet. If the grab lands, he grabs the opponent by the head, takes out an ice hammer, and swings downward which sends opponents knockback downward and diagonally

Aerial Up- An upward uppercut.

Aerial Up Combo- An upward uppercut, followed by a second, then finishing with a grab. If the grab lands, he grabs the opponent and stabs them twice with ice daggers, then tosses them upward.

Taunt/Result Screen---------------------------------------------------

Taunt 1 (Up) – Sub-Zero creates a frozen aura around himself which puts a thin layer of ice around his whole body. He pounds his chest once and laughs before the shell shatters off.

Taunt 2 (Side) – Sub-Zero lifts up his hand as his arm is covered in ice and icicles, he then clenches his into a fist and the ice shatters away.

Taunt 3 (Down) – Sub-Zero creates two ice swords and slashes them together creating ice sparks, before shattering them.

Defeat Pose- Sub-Zero circles in a dizzy state, just like the "Finish Him" animation from Mortal Kombat.

Victory Pose 1- Sub-Zero stands on the victory platform with a skeleton skull in his right hand. He lifts it high as the announcer says his name and holds it there triumphantly.

Victory Pose 2- Sub-Zero poses with both fists raised and says, "For the Lin Kuei!" he then brings his hands down and slams his fist into his palm as ice emits from it.

Victory Pose 3- Sub-Zero walks towards the camera, with ice forming at his feet. He holds out one palm at the camera as the announcer says his name. Ice emits from his hand, as the victory screen begins to appear as if ice is forming around it while Sub-Zero holds his hand facing it.

Alternate Costumes-------------------------------------------


Shirai Ryu Ninja (Costume based on Scorpion)

Wraith Assassin (Costume based on Noob Saibot)

War Torn Soul (Costume based on Ermac)

Saurian Ninja (Costume based on Reptile)

Hidden Ninja (Costume based on Smoke)

Edenian Ninja (Costume based on Rain)

Camouflage Servant (Costume based on Chameleon)

Kirby Hat- Kirby gets a copy of Sub-Zero's mask along with the copy ability "Ice Blast".

Punch Out Stage Name-----------------------

"Lin Kuei Cryomancer"

Trophies Associated with Sub-Zero----------------------------------------------


Fatality! (Final Smash)

Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)

Cyber Sub-Zero


Noob Saibot



Johnny Cage

Lui Kang


Sonya Blade






Shao Kaan

Mii Fighter Costumes---------------------------------------------------------

Sub-Zero's Mask- M/F Any

Scorpion's Mask- M/F Any

Scorpion's Garb- M/F Mii Swordfighter (Uses Scorpion's MK2011 Sword and Outfit)

Kitana Wig- Female Any (Hair and Mask)

Kitana Outfit- Female Mii Swordfighter (MKII Costume more covered up behind, uses open fan as the sword weapon)

Raiden's Hat- M/F Any

Raiden's Robes- Male Mii Brawler

Cyber Sub-Zero Mask- M/F Any

Cyber Sub-Zero Armor- M/F Mii Gunner

Special Quotes-------------------------------------------------------------------

All quotes are quotes that go along with his entrance and can be said when certain fighters are selected as opponents.

Vs Mario- "Mario, we meet in Kombat, a pity."

Vs Bowser- "Mighty beast, you shall know defeat!"

Vs Bowser Jr- "You are old enough to learn your place, child."

Vs Dr. Mario- "The cold will numb your pain, Doctor."

Vs Link- "You would be a worthy member of the Lin Kuei."

Vs Zelda- "Stand aside, your highness."

Vs Sheik- "Enter Kombat, denizen of the sheikah clan."

Vs Ganondorf- "You betrayed your realm, I will show no mercy."

Vs Young Link/Toon Link- "You have seen much battle, young one. Wear that claim with pride."

Vs Zero Suit Samus- "Your strength does not match your fortitude, Samus."

Vs Meta Knight- "You're a formidable opponent, but you lack conviction."

Vs Pikachu- "I have defeated the god of thunder, you are no match."

Vs Lucario- "Stand aside, warrior of aura."

Vs Greninja- "I shall freeze your water, adversary."

Vs Captain Falcon- "I shall extinguish your flame, Captain."

Vs Ice Climbers- "Time for a lesson in cryomancy."

Vs Marth- "The hero-king Marth, a worthy combatant!"

Vs Ike- "Test your might, mercenary."

Vs Roy- "You shall learn the sting of winter!"

Vs Robin- "Raiden would be most unimpressed with your display."

Vs Lucina- "You are not from here, are you warrior?"

Vs Corrin- "You dishonor both your lineage, dragon warrior."

Vs Mr. Game and Watch- "From what realm do you preside?"

Vs Pit- "Retreat to your goddess, angel."

Vs Palutena- "Are you this realm's protector?"

Vs Wario- "Your gluttony disgusts me."

Vs Olimar- "Do these pests pose a threat to Earthrealm?"

Vs Shulk- "I will alter your future, Monodo warrior."

Vs Duck Hunt- "Be gone to your master, hound."

Vs Snake- "Do you work for Sonya Blade?"

Vs Mega Man- "Are you machine, or man?"

Vs Cloud- "You seem a worthy ally, Cloud. I pity our encounter."

Vs Bayonetta- "Be gone from whence you came, Umbra Witch."

Vs Ridley- "For the safety of all, I will destroy you."

Vs Inkling- "Are you squid or child?"

Vs Sub-Zero- "Bi-Han, is that you?"

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