Soulmate AU Reader Inserts

By DaisyErina

30.2K 555 143

I've started a soulmate series and decided to let people suggest characters like I did with the Fandom x Read... More

Garth Fitzgerald IV - Bruises
Peter Pan - Emerald Green
Fili - Man of My Dreams
Jake Fitzgerald - Stab My Back
Bucky Barnes - Nicknames
Sam Winchester - Coincidence
Sweet Pea - Dangerous
Liv Moore - Under the Stars
Steve Rogers - Common Names

Fangs Fogarty - Colors

1.6K 34 11
By DaisyErina

Fangs Fogarty – Colors

Soulmate AU: You can only see black and white and your soulmate's eye color until you kiss for the first time.

Everything is grey.

Every object, every location, every person around you was grey. Several shades of grey melding together like an old-fashioned movie from before Technicolor came to be.

The vegetables laid out on the cutting board in front of you were grey, as was the knife you were using to dice them. You had to rely on your sense of smell to tell one ingredient from another as you pulled object from the fridge to cook dinner for yourself and your friends.

You had invited your fellow Serpents and their significant others to your family's lake house on an island that was only accessible by ferry. Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead, Betty, Toni, and Cheryl had joined you, and you appointed yourself the cook of the crew.

The familiar sound of the opening credits of a horror movie sounded from the living room and you smiled to yourself. They must have let Jughead pick the film, and he must have found your stash.

"(Y/n)!" Toni called from the living room. You raised your head to glance at the doorway as the small girl sauntered in holding an empty plate.

"Those cookies were amazing!" she squealed.

You exhaled a laugh. "I can tell."

"The boys are hungry," she mused with a smirk. "I'm sure Fangs appreciates your cooking."

"I'm sure they all do," you countered, ignoring her pointed meaning. You threw the colorless vegetables into a pot on the stove, sautéing them in butter before mixing in flour.

"What are you cooking?" she inquired, sneaking up beside you to inhale the scent of vegetables and seasoning.

"Gumbo," you replied. "It's one of my specialties."


She left you to your cooking, returning to her girlfriend who was waiting in the living room. A soft sigh fell from your lips. It felt like everyone had their soulmate but you. You were beyond happy for Jughead and Betty, and Toni and Cheryl. Even Sweet Pea and Fangs had girlfriends who had gone on a bestie vacation instead of tagging along to your lake house.

You were the only single left.

When the gumbo was done and the rice was cooked, you called everyone in to plate up their food. Everyone returned to the living room to eat while the movie played in the background.

"What's it like?" you asked suddenly. Everyone turned to you with raised brows.

You glanced around at all of your friends. "Finding your soulmate. Finally seeing colors. What's it like?"

"It's unbelievable," Toni whispered.

"Life-changing," Betty followed.

"Shopping is a lot more fun," Cheryl smirked.

"So are movies," Jughead added.

"You finally feel complete," Sweet Pea stated. "Like you're a whole person."

You turned to Fangs. "What about you?"

He looked down at his lap. "I don't know if I've found my soulmate."

Your brow furrowed. "What do you mean? What about Jade?"

"I can see her eyes," Fangs replied, "but I haven't kissed her. We just started dating, and we haven't spent a lot of time together. We were supposed to hang out this weekend until she made plans with Sweet Pea's girl, and I tagged along with you guys."

"You mean you haven't kissed her yet?" Toni clarified.

Fangs shook his head.

Toni nudged your side as you settled back on the couch. You rolled your eyes, ignoring her raised brows and pointed stare.

Later that night, you ventured out onto the porch of the lake house. Most of your companions had fallen asleep, leaving you mostly alone. You leaned against the railing, closing your eyes as a cool breeze swept across your skin. You inhaled deeply before exhaling a soft sigh, enjoying the peaceful night air.

Footsteps sounded behind you and you wondered who was still awake. Fangs settled in beside you, resting his forearms on the railing beside you. He turned to you with a soft smile.

"Can't sleep?"

You shook your head. "My sleeping habits have been off lately. I've been enjoying the calm and quiet of the night to myself."

"Hope I'm not interrupting," he chuckled.

"Nah," you grinned. "I don't mind the company."

Another breeze sent a shiver up your spine, so you turned on your heel to head inside. Your foot caught in a rope on the ground and you lot your balance, tumbling sideways. Fangs caught you with ease, hooking one arm under your back and wrapping the other around your front.

"Thanks," you murmured, gazing up at him. His chocolate brown eyes- the only color you could see- sparkled under the moonlight. You wondered how the rest of him would look in color.

"Anytime," he smiled.

"I guess I'm not very coordinated tonight," you admitted, chewing your lower lip.

"Probably the cocktails Cheryl made," Fangs chuckled.

You giggled softly. "Yeah, probably."

Fangs held onto you a moment longer than he should have, helping you stand and reluctantly letting you go. He followed you back into the lake house, and you headed down the hallway to your bedroom to try and sleep.

The vacation eventually came to an end, and the lot of you headed home. After a long ferry ride and a short road trip, you arrived back in Riverdale. Sweet Pea had received a text that his and Fangs' ladies were back in town as well, so they all agreed to meet up at the Whyte Wyrm. Toni and Cheryl went along, nearly dragging you by your wrists when you tried to skip out on the reunion. You didn't want to see Fangs all lovey-dovey over another girl.

You hung out for a couple of drinks before excusing yourself. When Cheryl inquired as to why you were leaving, you simply glanced in the direction of Fangs and Jade. She nodded in understanding, offering a sympathetic smile before bidding you goodnight.

You'd only been home for about an hour when your phone rang. Toni's photo lit up the screen, and you exhaled a sigh before answering the call.

"What's up, Topaz?"

"You can only see brown, right?"

Rolling your eyes, you replied, "Yeah, why?"

"And you like Fangs?"

"What does it matter? He has Jade. She has the right color eyes." Biting back a huff of annoyance, you sauntered into your kitchen and plucked a water bottle from inside the fridge.

"But she's not the one!"

You nearly dropped your water. "...What?"

"They just got into a huge fight about it. Jade has (e/c) eyes but Fangs is still colorblind!"

"Wait... (e/c) eyes?"

"Yes! Now answer me one question."

"What is it?"

"Do you like Fangs?"

"I..." you hesitated, sitting down on your couch. "Yeah, I do."

"That's all I needed to know."

With that, she hung up. You stared at your phone, chewing your lip in thought. What was Toni up to? Was Fangs with her? Had he heard your confession?

Within half an hour, a knock sounded upon your front door. Your heart pounded in your chest as you rose to open it. With a shaking hand, you turned the handle, revealing an out of breath Fangs standing outside.

"Fangs? What's going on?"

Instead of responding, he crossed your threshold and took your face in his hands. He leaned in, pressing his warm lips to yours. You melted against him, returning the kiss with a soft sigh.

He pulled back for a second, gazing into your eyes. A gasp fell from your lips as color blossomed around you. Fangs' dark brown locks, his tanned skin, his pink lips.

"It's you," you whispered.

"I'm so glad it's you," Fangs grinned, pressing his lips to yours. He picked you up by your waist, chuckling as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your phone rang again, but upon seeing that it was Toni, you elected to ignore it, reminding yourself to text her later to thank her.

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