Ours (Bts ABO)

By I-am-bts-trash

200K 7.8K 1.2K

"I'm sorry for upsetting you," Jimin says. He presses himself closer to Jungkook, as if to offer himself up a... More

No Alphas
I'm Sorry
Heat (X-Rated)
Love You
Definition of Love Making (X-Rated)
Good Boy (X-Rated)
Jungkook's Rut
Anything For You
Check Up Dreams
Your Forever
Hi There
Let Go
Never Again
Without a Doubt
I'll Take Care of You
The Arms Around Me
New Story!
Next Story!

You Have No Idea

7.7K 327 13
By I-am-bts-trash

Flash back to Yoongi's first heat because I really wanted to write it after last chapter.

If there was one thing Yoongi was unprepared for it was his first heat. His second to last year of school he still hadn't presented as an alpha or omega and had been deemed a beta. Yoongi didn't mind at all. Being a beta spared him from the intense hormones that all his classmates suffered through. Besides, it meant he had another thing in common with Jin.

Yoongi would never admit it, but he looks up to Jin. Admired his confidence and kindness. Yoongi is known for being feistier. Colder. Jin is the only one who can make Yoongi listen at all.

It's a Wednesday and Yoongi's sitting in science class running the worst fever of his life. Of course, he's far too stubborn to let a little fever get in the way of his schooling no matter how boring geology is.

The tap on Yoongi's shoulder makes him jump, not expecting the static shock. He turns his head to Namjoon sitting next to him. Right, he's supposed to be doing a project. With a kid smart enough to be in his class despite being two years younger.

"Hey are you okay?" he asks. Namjoon seems genuinely worried. He can probably smell the fever coming off of Yoongi at this point.

"Fine," Yoongi insists. His skin still burns from where Namjoon touched him. "It's nothing."

"I think I should take you to the nurse," Namjoon says. If only Yoongi knew why Namjoon was pushing him so hard. All he can focus on it how badly his head is pounding.

"Really," Yoongi says again, "it's nothing."

"Yoongi-ssi," Namjoon says flatly. His voice makes Yoongi shiver despite how hot he is. Aren't fevers supposed to make you cold? "You need to go to the nurse."

Yoongi shudders again. Suddenly his head is overwhelmed with the scent of the alpha in front of him. Every alpha in the room in fact. Yoongi is only now realizing that some of his classmates are looking at him.

"It's just a fever," Yoongi murmurs. He bows his head, unable to look Namjoon in the eye any longer.

The younger leans closer to whisper. "Shouldn't you be used to having heats?"

Yoongi's head snaps up at that. "I'm a beta."

"You don't smell like one," Namjoon comments. Despite how enticing Yoongi smells to him, he's still worried about the elder. There are a lot of alphas that wouldn't hesitate to fight over Yoongi and Namjoon doesn't think Yoongi wants that.

"Oh my god," Yoongi says. He'd been so focused on his fever that he hadn't notice the arousal slowly growing. The heat. Mortification hits him hard and he stands in a rush to bolt out of the room and away from so many people.

Yoongi's legs wobble underneath him. He puts his hand out to catch himself on the desk but it doesn't do him much good. He's too weak to hold himself. He would've hit the ground if Namjoon didn't get up just as quick to catch him.

"Let me help you," Namjoon insists. Yoongi is melting in Namjoon's arms. His touch is setting him on fire. But, Yoongi knows he could push Namjoon away from him. Demand that someone else help him. Someone that isn't an alpha. If Yoongi didn't feel so safe in Namjoon's arms, he would. Something about the alpha radiates comfort and Yoongi doesn't want to be away from him for even a moment.

Namjoon puts Yoongi's arm around his shoulder to help him walk. The long stretch of hallway is suddenly hell on earth. The slick dripping down Yoongi's thighs is the most embarrassing thing he's ever felt. Namjoon's breathing deepens at the sweet scent of it.

The nurse is busy with another student complainimg of a headache when the pair comes through. Yoongi's so out of it he barely notices that it's Jin and Hoseok.

"Yoongi what happened?" Jin asks in a hurry at the sight of his best friend. Namjoon carefully helps Yoongi sit. The former beta is panting now and the nurse is already taking his temperature.

"He's presenting," Namjoon answers for Jin.

"As an omega?" Jin says. He reaches up to feel Yoongi's forehead. The younger leans into Jin's touch instinctively. "I never would have guessed."

"I believe you're right," the nurse says as the thermometer reads a dangerous one hundred and two. "You need to go home. It's important you keep your temperature down."

Yoongi nods, although it's hard to listen. "I can't go home. I share my room with an alpha."

"You can stay with me," Jin offers without hesitation. "I'll take you."

"Thank you hyung."

"We'll help you out," Hoseok adds. Namjoon nods in agreement, already ready to help Yoongi up again.

The walk out to Jin's car is much easier with Hoseok helping Yoongi too. The two alphas settle Yoongi in the backseat. They begin to pull away but Yoongi grabs their arms before he can stop himself.

"Yoongi," Namjoon says cautiously. "You know we can't go with you."

Yoongi flat out whines in protest. He can't think straight, but all he knows is that he doesn't want the alphas to leave him. Their scent is so soothing he doesn't think he'll be able to live without it. "Please."

Hoseok looks between Namjoon and Jin, unsure of what to do.

"I just-" Yoongi starts, "I just need you near me."

"Just get in the car," Jin orders as he climbs into the driver's seat.

Namjoon sighs. "Okay."

Soon Yoongi is safely between Namjoon and Hoseok, eyes shut tight as he breathes through his mouth. If he knew anything about the two alphas besides their names, he might ask them to help him in a more intimate way, but Yoongi can't. He knows that neither Namjoon nor Hoseok would ever forgive themselves if they did something that Yoongi might regret.

Before Yoongi knows it, he's in Jin's bed. Yoongi is panting, hot all over, and absolutely aching to be touched. If his head wasn't so foggy, he'd be embarrassed to death.

"Yoongi," Jin says. Yoongi hums in response. "I'll be back in to check on you every now and then. No one else is going to be in here. Namjoon and Hoseok are going to be downstairs watching the door to make sure of it."

Yoongi nods. Jin fixes a hair that'd fallen in front of Yoongi's eyes. The feeling of his fingers brushing against Yoongi's forehead makes the omega's breathing hitch.

"You'll be okay," Jin assures. He, Namjoon, and Hoseok all feel horrible having to leave Yoongi alone in his state, but that's all they can do.

The second they're out the bedroom door Yoongi is pulling his clothes off, unable to take the heat and the friction against his skin. The arousal is too much. Yoongi starts to relieve himself immediately.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Hoseok asks Namjoon. They're camped out in the living room with a perfect view of the front door. Jin is calling his pack's alpha, letting him know that three strangers are with him and one of them is in heat.

"I don't know," Namjoon admits. "I don't really know him that well, but I think he's strong."

Jin still has his phone clutched in his hand when he comes back into the room. "I told the alpha not to warn everyone to stay clear. I said we'd chase anyone off that came anywhere close."

"Good," Namjoon says. He presses his palms together in front of him. It's in his instinct to protect Yoongi. Namjoon knows that if another alpha comes anywhere near the house he'd rip them apart to keep Yoongi safe.

"This is a shock," Jin says to himself. "I used to think Yoongi would be an alpha, but he never presented. We all thought he was a beta not a late bloomer."

"Well now you know," Hoseok says.

Jin chuckles. "This is going to make him even a bigger brat."


"Yoongi? It's Jin. Can I come in?"

Yoongi swallows hard. He's had about a twenty minute break and he isn't sure how much longer it'll last. But, he needs to see Jin. Someone. "Yeah."

Jin opens the door and closes it just as quickly behind him. He doesn't want Yoongi's scent to escape the room too badly. He isn't all that worried about Namjoon and Hoseok controlling themselves, but he doesn't want to make it harder for them.

"I brought water," Jin says. "And snacks."

"Thank you." Yoongi has the covers pulled halfway up his chest. His hair is already plastered to his forehead with sweat. Jin helps him sit up so he can chug the water, one hand resting on the back of his head.

Yoongi is breathless when he pulls back.

"How you doing?" Jin asks softly. He sets the other water bottles on the nightstand for later.

"This is the most excruciating thing I've ever felt," Yoongi says. He's never been one to sugarcoat things, especially not while it feels like his insides are being ripped apart. "I don't know how omegas do this all the time."

"I'm sorry," Jin says. "I'm sure it'll get better.

Yoongi shuts his eyes again and grumbles. "It'd be less painful to break my leg."

"At least you eternal optimism hasn't changed," Jin chuckles. "Do you need anything else?"

"I'd say a shower but it wouldn't do much good. I'll just get filthy again." Yoongi leans back against the headboard. "You might have to burn these sheets."

"It's a small sacrifice." Jin's smile slowly fades. "I didn't know that you roomed with an alpha at home."

Yoongi shivers at the mention of an alpha. He nods to Jin. "We're running out of space again so they're making betas share rooms with alphas or omegas. Taehyung only presented a few weeks ago, I don't think he'd be able to handle me in heat."

Jin nods in agreement. "Living so close to an alpha might have trigger your heat in the first place."

Yoongi's stomach cramps painfully and he curls into himself cursing.

"Should I go?" Jin asks.

"I don't want you to, but yes," Yoongi says. "You probably don't want to see me when it gets bad again."


Yoongi's heat lasts for eight days. Eight days of pure hell until Yoongi treads down the stairs freshly showered and in Jin's clothes. He looks more like himself, but he smells purely omega.

Namjoon and Hoseok have been sleeping in Jin's living room the entire time. They never left the house unless they thought they smelled someone nearby. Yoongi thinks he's lucky to have such devoted guardians.

"How you doing?" Jin asks. Yoongi is exhausted, but he isn't in any pain. A huge improvement.

"I think I'm going to sleep for a week," Yoongi announces. He falls on the couch in between the two alphas. "Thank you guys for all your help. I feel like I owe you so much."

Hoseok smiles and pats Yoongi's knee. "You don't owe us anything."


"Hyung! Where have you been? And why do you smell like an omega?" Taehyung asks when Yoongi finally comes home. The young alpha has his brows furrowed together. Yoongi thinks his curiosity looks adorable.

"I've been in heat for the past week," Yoongi explains briefly. He falls onto his bed, grateful to be back.

"You what?" Taehyung jumps from his bed to Yoongi's. It isn't a very far distance, considered how small their room is. Taehyung sniffs Yoongi up and down. He finds the elder smells heavenly. Like an omega "You presented?"

"Yeah," Yoongi says. He realizes how much he's messed things up. "You're going to have to get a different roommate."

Taehyung's face drops at that. It breaks Yoongi's heart. "But I don't want a knew roommate. I like you."

All things considered, Yoongi likes living with Taehyung too. Even when the alpha stays up late on the phone with Jungkook or yells while playing his favorite video games. The alpha is charming. Lovable. It's just not a good idea for them to be so close now.

"I know you do Tae," Yoongi sighs. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault hyung," Taehyung says. Suddenly a thought occurs to him. "Where were you all this time?"

"With Jin."

"With his pack?" Taehyung asks. "Just the two of you?"

"No. Two other alphas from school stayed there too. They made sure I was safe."

"I would've made sure you were safe," Taehyung grumbles.

"Aw, are you jealous Taetae?" Yoongi teases.

"I would've knotted you if you asked me to," Taehyung says. Yoongi's eyes widen.

"Tae, I didn't- they didn't touch me," Yoongi clarifies. "I barely know them. They were just keeping an eye on me."

"Okay," Taehyung says, still grouchy. "They still shouldn't have been near you. They aren't your packmates."

"Don't worry Taehyung," Yoongi says. "It was just this once."

Despite Yoongi's promise, Namjoon and Hoseok are present during Yoongi's next heat too. This time, Taehyung is by their side as well and much less upset that they're there. In the three months since Yoongi presented, they'd grown close. Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung spent more and more time together. When Yoongi called them all and asked them to be there for him, they didn't hesitate. They're at Jin's house again, simply because it's the most isolated place they have.

Taehyung asked Jungkook to bring dinner for them so that Jin could focus on taking care of Yoongi instead of cooking. Jungkook was happy to. He'd gotten to know Yoongi when he and Taehyung were roommates, since the two best friends spent most of their time together. It was then that Jungkook got to know the others as well and was suddenly spending time with them too.

It's two years later at Namjoon and Hoseok's high school graduation that Namjoon announces a decision that changes them all.

"So," Namjoon says. They're all gathered for a meal. Namjoon and the most important people in his life. "I've decided I want to start my own pack."

"For real?" Taehyung asks. He doesn't hide his excitement.

"Yeah," Namjoon says. He scratches the back of his neck. He wants all five of them to join him, but he wouldn't force them. "Jin already said he's in."

"You couldn't keep me out if you tried," Hoseok says with a blinding smile.

"Same here," Taehyung says.

"Me too," Jungkook adds. He hasn't presented yet, but no matter what he turns out to be he wants to be with these hyungs.

Yoongi smiles to himself. The five people in front of him have spent the past two years with him. They've always made sure he was safe and happy and god that is all he ever wanted. Even if he ended up as the only omega. Even if it was just the six of them. He imagined the alphas spending their ruts with him and taking care of his heats properly. He imagined being packmates. Being together.

"I'd like that."


Present Day

Yoongi opens his eyes hazily. The comfort scent of Namjoon's bed engulfs him and he snuggles against the alpha. His eyes shut again as he breathes in deeply.

"Hyung? You up?" Namjoon asks. Yoongi hums in response. "Were you having a dream?"

"Yeah," Yoongi says. "About when we met officially."

"Really?" Namjoon says in surprise.

"If someone had told me then that this is where we'd end up, I wouldn't have believed them for a second," Yoongi admits. Namjoon smiles back at him, reaching down to caress the elder's plump stomach. In high school he never thought he'd end up carrying a pup for Namjoon's pack. He never even thought he'd be in Namjoon's pack in the first place. Never imagined starting a pack with five other amazing people. "I wish Jimin would've been with us."

"Me too," Namjoon says. He presses his nose into Yoongi's hair. "But we have him now."

"I don't know how we ever managed without him." Yoongi opens his eyes again, meeting Namjoon's own rich ones staring back at him. "You know, I don't think I've ever told you how happy I am that you decided to start this pack."

Namjoon chuckles, looking down to hide his smile and to see the pup Yoongi carries for them. "I'm happy I started it too. You have no idea."

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