The Black Bear 》Robb Stark

By unknownnavajo

385K 10.8K 1.3K

"A fighter that's all I ever wanted to be." A warrior is a brave or experienced fighter. That's what Jaidy... More

Act One
Winter is Coming
An Answer
A Dire Moment
One Heart, One Flesh, One Soul
A Lingering Question
Every Step Of The Way
Keeping Enemies Close
The News of the Bears
A Royal Pardon
Dark Wings Dark Words
New Power In The North
Act Two
Learning To Deal
An Attack?
Her Chance
Lost The Advantage
Looks Can Be Deceiving
Ulterior Motive
Respect Is Taken
New Course Of Action
Seperate Paths
Mama Bears And Bear Cubs
A New Companion
Forces From Across The Sea
Challenge Accepted
A New Era
Book Two

Declaration of War

9.5K 282 13
By unknownnavajo

Nothing seemed to get better as the time went by. No news came from her father as she kept an eye out for the messenger. But news did come when Catelyn took Tyrion only for him to be set freed. With all this going on Jaidyn had chose to set these news aside and focus on her baby.

Her bump was growing gradually while Robb was more attentive to her needs. He would often check up on her only for her to insist she'd be fine every time. Even the wolves seemed to have gotten more protective. Wherever she went one was always by her side.

But being in the North did not mean that the matters of the throne did not reach them. Especially when half of their family was scattered across Westeros. It wasn't till one morning that the threat against them became for too real for comfort.

Jaidyn, Robb and Theon were seated at the table breaking their fast when Maester Luwin came to them. She stared at the scroll in his hand, not liking every one more than the last.

Robb read the scroll silently before questioning Maester Luwin. "Treason? Sansa wrote this?"

At his words Jaidyn quickly stood and pulled the paper from him. Her eyes scanning the words. She sucked in a breath at the turn of events. Ned had been arrested for treason and now Robb was summoned to King's Landing.

"It is your sister's hand, but the queen's words." Maester Luwin began to explain. "You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new king."

Jaidyn feared the day that King Robert died and the throne passed to Joffrey. The boy had not shown any intention that he might be a good king but a foolish one. He would put all the realms in danger.

"Joffrey puts my father in chains, now he wants his arse kissed?" Robb scoffed at the idea of bowing down to someone so insolent.

"This is a royal command, my lord. If you should refuse to obey-" Maester Luwin tried to advise.

Robb's next words caused Jaidyn's breath to quiver. "I won't refuse. His Grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing. But not alone. Call the banners."

"All of them, my lord?" Maester Luwin asked knowing that such a big task would have a big impact.

"They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?" Robb questioned carefully.

"They have." Maester Luwin confirmed.

"Now we see what their words are worth." Robb stated. They were going to war. One could only hope that the Gods would favor them.

Maester Luwin went to get the task done leaving the company in peace. Robb sat in a state as the others looked him over.

"Are you afraid?" Theon asked. The dangers of the war was not a secret.

"I must be." Robb replied after looking at his hand that was shaking. He looked to Jaidyn hoping to find some sort to comfort in her eyes, but her gaze was focused on the table.

"Good." Theon responded bringing attention to him.

"Why is that good?" Robb asked. To go to war, you needed to be brave but there he sat shaking.

"It means you're not stupid." Theon said logically. It was true, a brave man could go to battle and face his enemies. But a scared one would make the better decisions.

The talk seemed to much for Jaidyn as she couldn't sit there anymore. She stood and announced that she was going to check on Rickon. Robb watched her leave before following himself. He couldn't do this if he didn't have her supporting him.

"Jaidyn." He called out to her from down the hall. But she did not turn around and seemingly picked up her pace. He caught up to her and pulled her in a room. "I cannot do this if you're not behind me. I value your opinion and no one else."

She took a breath before she could answer him. "I always thought that if there ever be a time, I would be the one to stand by your side in battle. I would fight for what is true but now I am subjected to stay behind these walls while you ride off to battle." With her pregnancy preventing her from going she would be stuck within Winterfell.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Robb responded stating that he'd rather have her safe than in harms way.

A smile appeared on Jaidyn's lips. "If the Gods didn't know any better, I'd say that you might've planned for this."

"I planned to seed you as quickly as possible and as often as I could. But to have this happen on the eve of battle has given me the option to keep you safe. Both of you." Robb answered truthfully.

"There is nothing I can to do to hold you back but believe me when I say, that I will pray everyday to the Gods for your safe return." Jaidyn gave him her support bringing him into a kiss.

It wasn't long till the banners of the north were seated in the hall. They sat to eat while Robb would take the time to discuss the placements of all the troops. Jaidyn had told a maid to have Rickon in his room not wanting him to come into the all this war talk so young. She sat at Robb's right with Greywind at her feet.

"For 30 years I've been making corpses out of men, boy. I'm the men you want leading the vanguard." Greatjon Umber insisted against Robb's positions.

"Galbart Glover will lead the van." Robb stated holding in his option. Everyone always seemed to push against his orders and tried to change them. No one seemed to want to listen to him, but Jaidyn had been the one to help confirm his position and told him to make sure it was known.

"The bloody wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover. I will lead the van or I will take my men and march them home." Greatjon continued to speak against him. Jaidyn shook her head at his antics as it would not get them anywhere.

"You are welcome to do so, Lord Umber. And when I am done with the Lannisters, I will march back north, root you out of your keep and hang you for an oathbreaker." Robb finalized for everyone to her. He would not allow anyone to go against him, not when there is so much at stake.

"Oathbreaker, is it?! I'll not sit here and shallow insults from a boy so green he pisses grass." Greatjon cried out in outrage before going for his weapon.

It was the wrong move on his part as Greywind hear the noise and jumped up. He charged forward and pounced onto Greatjon. The giant man let out a cry as the wolf took two of his fingers off. He stood with the blood seeping down his hand.

"My lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your liege lord. But doubtless the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me." Robb stated the consequences of his actions.

"Your meat is bloody tough." Greatjon stated after a moment. Causing laughter to ring out in the hall.

Jaidyn rolled her eyes before picking up a piece of meat and putting it in her mouth. Men, they would always allow their pride to get in the way when it comes to fighting.

The fire crackled allowing the only light to shine in the room. Jaidyn laid in the bed watching as Robb clothed. A heavy weight laid on her heart as the time drew closer. She got up and wrapped a robe behind her bare body before stepping behind Robb. She wrapped her arms around his waist and placed a kiss on his back.

"It'll be all right." Robb tried to ease her nerves. He turned around and placed his hands on her cheeks. He kissed her deeply pouring all his love into it. Their foreheads pressed to one another when they parted. "I love you my bear."

"And I love you my wolf."

Robb stood in all his armour and exited the room. A tear slipped down Jaidyn's face at the thought of the unknown. She dressed quickly and left.

"What is it? What's happening?" Bran asked once seeing Robb at his bedside. But his brother wore his armour and his sword laid at his hip.

"It's all right." He calmed his brother.

"Where are you going?"  Bran asked curious as it was still the dead of night.

"South. For father." Robb answered truthfully.

"But it's the middle of the night." Bran pointed out.

"The Lannisters have spies everywhere. I don't want them to know we're coming." Robb informed him of their actions. A huge army to move with a giant kingdom seeming to look at them. They needed to take advantage of every opportunity they could.

"They have more men than we do." Bran stated. With the Lannisters the richest in the kingdom, they could buy anyone to fight for them.

"Aye, they do." Robb said which is why they needed to be the ones to make the better decisions in battle.

Bran asked to go with him. The boy didn't want to continually be left behind especially when it was so important.

"There must always be a Stark in Winterfell." Robb relayed the same statement his mother told him. He would not put his little brother in danger. "Until I return that will be you. You are not to leave the castle walls while we are gone. Do you understand? Listen to Maester Luwin and Jaidyn. Look after your little brother."

"I will." He replied. He would have the entire north look after.

"I'll send letter whenever I can, but if you don't hear from me, don't be scared." Robb comforted. The matters of war were a timely task and there was not always an opportunity to send letters. But he set forth himself that he would as long as it calmed Jaidyn. He had wanted to leave Greywind with her but she insisted he take the wolf. "Until I return."

Jaidyn stood against the doorway as she watched the movements around the courtyard. She had enough sense to saddle and horse and follow behind but a kick to the stomach startled her. It was all she needed to hold her ground.

Robb approached the entrance and noticed Jaidyn standing there. Her hand on her belly as she rubbed it. He hated leaving her behind but it would keep her safe.

"It would seem that he wants to fight at his father's side." Jaidyn called out sensing his presence.

His eyebrows furrowed at her statement and stepped to her. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. It was only a moment before a kick was sent to his hand. He smiled lightly at the action before sighing. He would miss so much while he was away. Many moments like this.

"He will be a warrior just like his mother." Robb responded causing a sad smile to come to her lips.

"I am only a warrior when I've seen my share of battle. But he will be great just like his father and his grandfather." Her hands went to his cheeks. "Come back to me, Robb Stark."

He kissed her again before leaving her there. Jaidyn watched as he climbed his horse and barreled out of the gates. The many leaders following behind.

The North and the South were at war.

A/N: I know I'm a terrible horrible person.

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