Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)

By MrAladdin

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The cousins are back from the dead, mysteriously, and their work is far from done. Pete still has a club to... More

Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 4) *Coming Soon*
Return of The Chosen (Part 1)
Return of The Chosen (Part 2)
I Came I Saw But I didn't...
Cousins: "Eye For An Eye!"
Green With Envy
Zak's Night
Got To Get My Heart Back (Part 1)
Got To Get My Heart Back (Part 2)
Movie of My Life
Charmed Saga: New Love
LYING with the Wolves
The Quotebook
Gods and Dangerous
Saving Private Allen
Bite Me!
Off To See The Wizard
Heath of The Damned
God?! Which Way Now??
Season 5!!!!!

Alpha Beta Omega.

561 15 1
By MrAladdin

At The Manor

Zak, Pete, and Heath were all standing in the attic. They were making a plan for a demon that has been killing all week long.

"We should just go in and catch him by surprise." Pete stated.

"But he could possible be waiting for us." Zak stated. Heath got tingles in his head.

"We need to go there now." Heath stood up as the crystal landed on the map.

Somewhere in The Forest

The cousins were orbed in by Jeremy. And they were looking around. When they heard a scream, all four of them ran to see it.

A demon had snapped a girl in half. Heath cried out in pain from the girl's emotions. The demon saw them and shot a wave of energy. The energy through them further into the dark forest.

"Why didn't we search for this asshole in the day time." Heath sighed getting up. The demon was standing in the middle of them. Zak levitated into the air, strong winds slammed against trees around them. Heath swung his arm and the demon was thrown up against a tree, but in retaliation the demon shot back a energy-ball.

Pete frozen it before it could hit Heath. Zak made a mini cyclone and it became an blue energy cyclone, after absorbing the energy-ball. The demon jumped out of the way of the Cyclone and shot another energy-ball at Zak. The energy-ball hit Zak and knocked him into a tree branch.

"Zak." Jeremy orbed Zak by him, so Zak wouldn't fall to the ground. The group heard menacing growls approaching. When six werewolves appeared out of nowhere. The meanest looking one was staring at Heath and Heath was staring back.

"My mate." Heath smiled. And the wolf let out a howl of appreciation, but an energy sent the wolf into a tree. The Wolf let out a yelp and Heath raced over to help him. The other five werewolves went to attack the demon. "it's OK, my precious wolfie."

The demon somehow ran away because the next thing Heath knew was two naked men trying to get him away from the wolf. Heath swung his arm and the two were sent flying into trees. The other three took fighting stances, but the wolf, Heath was caressing, sent out a threatening growl at the other wolves. At the growl the other wolves politely sat down with a bow.

"Heath, what the hell is going on." Zak asked, as he took up a stance for fighting. Zak then glared at the wolves.

"He's my mate." Heath stated with awe.

"And he's our Alpha, and could you politely move so we can check and see if he's OK." a guy with tattoos growled at Heath. As he did the weather became dangerous and snarly.

"Knoxtain, you will show respect to your Queen. And as a higher level, that is a fucking order." Another one of the nude werewolves stated.

"Sorry your highness." Knox looked apologetically at Heath.

"Your highness?" Pete asked and looked at the wolf that growled at Knox.

"I'm not who or what you think I am." Heath looked at the wolves as he rubbed his mate's head.

"If that's your mate, then you're exactly who we think you are." The lead wolf said.

"And that is." Zak glared at them.

"The mate of the Alpha of the Remi-Con pack." Another wolf said.

Opening Credits

"Pete, get back." Zak growled.

"Why?" Pete asked taken aback.

"They are a group made up of highly trained assassin members." Zak glared deathly. "and they were after Bruce, years ago."

"We aren't going to hurt the loves ones of our Queen." the lead wolf in the situation stated.

"Guys, can we just get back to the manor." Heath begged feeling bad for his mate.

"We can, but they can't." Zak glared even more at the wolves.

"Zak, be generous. Just go and alert Bruce and Allen." Pete said.

"What about you guys?" Zak kept his glare.

"It's only a mile away from the manor." Pete informed them.

"How do you know?" Heath and Zak asked Pete.

"Me and Allen come to the woods often..." Pete was blushing.

"Pete! I can't believe you!" Zak yelled childishly.

"What?" Pete asked confused.

"I wanted to have sex in the woods first." Zak whined. The wolves looked at Zak and Pete, as if they were joking.

"Just go to the manor." Heath ignored the two.

Zak and Jeremy orbed away, leaving Pete and Heath with the wolves.

"I suggest you three either put on clothes or change into wolves." Pete told the three wolves that were in their human form. One of the wolves growled at Pete. "I wouldn't dare if I were you."

"Come and lift him up for me." Heath told Knox and the other guy.

"Yes, Queen Alpha." Knox nodded and walked to carry Heath's mate body.

At The Manor

Zak was telling Bruce what was going on with much panic and torment.

"Puppy, the Remi-Con pack and my coven are on good terms now, we even partnered on a couple of projects." Bruce smiled and caressed Zak's face.

"What if they try something bushwhacked and go after you." Zak complained.

"Then we will end them, but until then we have to make peace for Heath's sake. Puppy, Heath killed his last mate because he didn't receive your approval. Now, you hold the key to your cousin's happiness." Bruce informed.

"Fine... but the first strike of violence from them and I will suck all the air from out of their bodies." Zak threaten. Bruce just wrapped his arm around Zak's waist as they waited for the others.

A Few Minutes Later...

The Wolves were inside the living room and nude. Pete had given them robes and sheets to cover themselves with.

"OK, so let's start with names." Pete smiled trying to keep the peace. "I'm Pete."


"And Heath." Heath said standing by his cousins, his mate was now in human form and showing all his glory for his mate to see and enjoy.

"From past acquaintances, Bruce." Bruce said properly.

"Kion, and my mate Kelly." Kion smiled, but gave Heath's mate a hot glare. At this the wolves looked knowingly at Kion and Heath.

"Allen." Allen introduced as he stood behind Pete and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jeremy and my mate, Mark." Jeremy smiled.

"Well, I'll do the intros for my pack." Heath's mate took charge. "first of all, I'm Korey."

"I love it." Heath smiled like a high school girl, causing Korey to shoot him a wink.

"This gentleman here is my beta and older brother, Kyle." Korey pointed to the man who growled at Knox earlier. Kyle took a bow at Heath.

"This kind creature here is Knox." Korey glared at Knox. "he is my right hand, and under punishment for a display of disrespect to his Queen."

"Sorry, my Queen." Knox kneel-ed in front of Heath and kissed Heath's hand.

"Get back in line." Korey let out a growl that made the others jump. "next to him is Leo, Leo is the beta's, Kyle, right hand."

"Nice to meet you all." Leo smiled shyly at them.

"Lenny here is head of the Remi-Con assassins. And his mate, Chase, is head Mistress of The Assassins wives." Korey spoke and pointed. "Monnie, here is the beta's, Kyle, mate. And Cyron is the mate of Leo."

"So that leaves the twins." Korey pointed to twins, who were soothing Knox after being humiliated. "they are both Knox's mate."

"Ohhhh OK." The cousins shared a look.

"And these are your leaders of Remi-Con." Korey smiled.

"OK, Mr. Alpha, that's cool and all but what makes us believe your loyalty lies towards us." Zak asked.

"My mate, my Queen, and my left-hand." Korey looked at Heath with worshiping eyes that said Heath held his whole world with his small finger.

"OK, why were you guys after the demon." Zak changed the subject.

"He owes us." Kyle stated with a deep vendetta against the demon.

"You guys make deals with demons?" Heath asked feeling uneasy about this.

"Heath, that's just the way business in the magic community works." Bruce informed.

"If I had a dollar for how many demons sat on my couch back at the castle." Zak grumbled.

"OK, so what does this demon owe you." Heath asked Korey.

"We funded him with powers from a special wizard that is an omega for us." Korey stated and avoided Heath's eyes because he felt Heath would already be disappointed in him. "So in returned he would have to pay us a million dollars or die."

"I'm going to the kitchen." Heath said lowly and walked away.

"Pete, go after him." Zak said.

"I'll go." the boy, who name was Monnie, called. "I know what it's like dealing with leaders of the pack, even when they do disappoint you."

Monnie sent a mini glare at his mate and husband, who was the Beta of the pack. Monnie then followed after Heath to the kitchen.

"So, if you're a good organization, why would you fund powers to a demon?" Zak asked.

"It doesn't pertain to us on what the client does with their powers." Knox answered, as he told the twins that he was fine.

"And why go after my husband." Zak growled causing a loud thunder to clap outside.

"Zak!" Bruce snarled a warning.

"He wanted to find his mate, and he was to lost in finding and what to do when he found you, that he forgot to pay the assholes." Kion told Zak, as they both sent the same glare towards the werewolves.

"Hmm, so basically your pack is selfish, evil, and unethical." Zak said nonchalantly.

"No, we just are about our business." Knox shrugged.

"If this is how you're going to woe over Heath, then you can stop while you're ahead." Zak looked Korey directly into the eyes.

Korey sat down and held his head in shame. The other wolves let out whines of sorrow for their Alpha.

In The Kitchen

Heath was sitting at the table with a cup of lemonade, as Monnie sat across from him.

"Queen, I know that it's disappointing to here about Korey's shortcomings. But it's only what makes him human, I know he wouldn't intentional hurt a fly. He really is the sweetest guy I know." Monnie genuinely spoke to Heath.

"What about the killings?" Heath sighed.

"If I can adjust to them, then I know that you can." Monnie smiled. "I went from being the High School's art queer to watching my husband decapitate people. And since we are destined to be with leaders of the group, we are destined to be the left hands and watch very meeting they do."

"Meetings?" Heath asked with a very curious gaze.

"Well, meetings are sometimes just a meeting, or a killing. They can last up to 4 seconds or to 4 days. It is also their responsibilities to make sure that we are to never get hurt in these meetings." Monnie informed with a lot of heart.

"You seem a lot nicer than the others." Heath smiled at him.

"I'm not a werewolf, like he others. And like I said I was an art kid." Monnie smiled widely.

"So, if you aren't a werewolf, then..." Heath wasn't going to risk a guess.

"I was bitten about three months ago, but before I was a witch. Now I'm a witch with a latent werewolf physiology." Monnie smiled, when he did Chase, Cyron, Jimmy, and Timmy walked in. Cyron cuddled up to Heath.

"Uh." Heath was at loss of words.

"As our Queen, you're also mother of the pack. Being mother of the pack, makes everyone want to cuddle up to you and go to you like an actual mother." Chase informed.

"We aren't cuddled to you, because we can resist the urge to. For now..." Monnie stated. Heath wrapped an arm over Cyron's shoulder as he rested his head on Heath's shoulder.

"So, how do you tell the difference between the twins." Heath asked.

"I, Timmy, have small moles on my neck. And often I have shorter hair." Timmy told Heath, as he sat down.

"And I'm sassier, with longer hair than him." Jimmy pointed to Timmy.

"And how will my mate deal with the motherly affection towards you guys." Heath asked starting to take an interest in the whole werewolf topic.

"He's is going to be very jealous. We thought he didn't have a chosen mate, so he hasn't trained to cope with it. So we are going to be getting our ass kicked, and he's going to be rubbing up against you like hell." Chase stated.

"Not to be rude, but are all of you the submissive one." Heath looked at the shyly. They all nodded but Cyron shook his head, causing them all to look at him.

"Just because I'm the bottom doesn't mean I'm submitting myself. I won't submit to anyone. Except you my Queen and my Alpha." Cyron said stubbornly.

"Anything else, my Queen." Monnie asked with a smile.

"Yes." Heath looked at Chase and smiled. "Mistress of the Assassin Wives?"

Everyone burst into laughter and smiles.

"Since, I'm Lenny's other half, I have to be in the other half a of what he's in. And since he is head assassin, I had to get an head part." Chase sighed. "Queen, please don't call me mistress."

"I like it." Heath smiled. They then heard a threatening growl coming towards the room. Then everyone from the living room was in there.

Korey was looking menacingly at Cyron. Leo was flabbergasted at Korey and taking a fighting stance.

"Alpha, if you attack my mate then I will have to attack." Lenny said with a muffled growl.

"Get away from my mate." Korey growled from his stance.

"It's the mother effect." Kyle pulled Korey's shirt.

"I will rip his... the what? The mother effect." Korey looked vastly towards Heath. "You accept our mate-ship."

"Yes, I do." Heath smiled and patted Cyron's head to let him know it was OK.

"OK, so about this demon, we need to catch him off guard again." Zak sat the Book of Shadows on the kitchen counter.

"But, since he knows he has witches and werewolves in his tail, then he will have a double guard up." Leo stated.

"Yeah, but if they are just witches then..." Kyle was saying but Pete interrupted.

"Just witches?" Pete cocked his head.

"Sorry, but we can step around the truth with this demon." Kyle said and went back to talking. Pete looked at Zak who just smiled.

"Why don't we just go then. If he has all the powers as you guys say he does, then he should be able to take us." Zak stated. "He going to be overly cocky at that."

"OK, you guys stay here and that's an order." Korey stated to the submissive mates and Cyron. "My Queen, would you like to stay or come along."

"I will be coming along. But I think Leo should stay to watch over the others." Heath stood up and switched spots with Leo.

"OK, be back guys." Kyle kissed Monnie, Knox slapped the butts of his twins, and Lenny smiled at Chase.

"OK, guys let's go." Korey led the way.

Deeper in The Forest...

The demon, Zaxary, had a whole army of demons. They were all looking at Zaxary, as he was about to give a speech. The Wolves along with Zak, Pete, Heath, Bruce, and Kion were watching along.

"We need to hurry, because Allen isn't going to be awake much longer. And I'm not sure if I trust my kids with these wolves." Pete whispered to Heath and Zak.

"But you trust an exhausted Allen with them." Zak remarked with a small laugh along with Heath.

"Queen, can you guys keep it down a little. We know that us wolves and the vampires have super hearing, but there are also demons with that power." Korey kissed Heath's cheek and ran back to the front to watch the others.

In the distance they heard people coming towards them.

"Zak, use the matter of the atmosphere to block their hearing." Bruce was referring the the big army, not the one heading towards them. Zak eyes turned blue and he tilted his head back.

"Cool!" Knox smirked. Korey elbowed him in a friendly manner, but had a smirk of awe on too.

"Their close." Kion said, and pulled out a high technology walkie talkie. "Sierra Delta, the back of Malberry forest, pronto."

The werewolves had shifted into their werewolf counterparts. Korey's and Knox wolves took a guard over Heath, and so did Kyle, Kyle and Knox guarded Pete, as Bruce guarded Zak. Lenny and Kion were at the front waiting for the small group to attack.

"OK, they shouldn't here a thing out here." Zak informed. Korey nodded and let a bark out for Lenny to go forward.

Minutes later, they heard snarls and growls from Lenny, and his assassins, and Kion, and his assassins. Demons came out through the clearing and charged them.

Zak was first one to jump to action, as he jumped to the sky and levitated. The weather turned hostile and dangerous in seconds. Zak used a wind storm to hold off the demons. Korey charged and was fighting two demons. Korey and Knox each took two demons on themselves. Heath cocked his arm back and shot it forward, sending a blast of fire out towards the demons, the demons jumped out of the way. Pete blew up the two demons, that jumped out the way.

Zak shot huge shards of hail at the demons and it blew them up. Korey had a demon clutched in between his teeth, then Korey shook his head as if the demon was a rag doll. Bruce had a demon in a head lock.

"Zak!" Bruce yelled to Zak who was in the sky. Zak looked down, Bruce opened the demon's mouth leading Zak to suck all the oxygen out of the demon's body, this made the demon explode.

Heath, used the shadows from under the trees, the shadows eroded the demons bodies as they cried out. Next thing they knew all the demons were vanquished.

The Wolves turned back into their human forms and walked by the others. A demon attacked Korey with an athame and stabbed him in the chest.

"Ah!" Korey yelled.

"Korey!!!" Heath yelled.

Zak stuck both of his hands up. Lightning bounced off of Zak's chest. Zak brought both of his arms down in a fast motion, and all the Lightning rained down on the demon, blowing him up. Zak jumped down from the sky.

"I think we covered them all." Zak said still listening to nature.

"OK, let's get Korey home and rested." Pete instructed the others.

They all got up and left.

At The Manor...
Guess Bedroom.

Heath was bandaging up Korey. Korey was hissing in pain.

"I'm sorry, baby." Heath kissed Korey's forehead.

"It's fine, my Queen." Korey said through clenched teeth.

"So, what do you do for a living." Heath asked still cleaning Korey's wound.

"I'm a CEO of Remi-Con enterprises. We are like a loan company to mortals and supernatural creatures." Korey said. "Queen, that stings a bit too much."

Heath looked down and saw that he had pushed in a broken piece of the athame in further.

"OH! I'm sorry!" Heath panicked and caused the broken piece to go in further.

"AHHH!" Korey roared and he was in mid shift. "the silver burns!"

"Oh, what do I do, Korey." Heath was panicking.

"GET IT OUT." Korey fell on the floor. Everyone ran into the room to see what was going on.

"Heath?!" Zak yelled, as Kyle ran to check on Korey.

"The athame, left a broken piece in Korey's chest." Heath cried. Bruce rushed towards Korey and Kyle. Kyle tried to take out the piece but it burnt his hand. Korey was hissing and coughing, as blood started dropping from his body. Bruce stuck his hand in and yanked out the piece.

"It was melting, but it should have already affected him." Bruce held the piece.

"Alphas get special abilities and skills, and one of Korey's is not being allergic to metal." Monnie stated as he put some healing stuff on Kyle's hand.

"H...He.." Korey was stuttering, and he couldn't get the words out. Inside of Korey's head, his wolf was scowling him for scaring their mate.


Korey ignored his wolf, as he tried to call for his mate. But Heath had already left the room in fear that Korey was upset at him.

"Heath..." Zak walked out the room and saw the pained expression on his cousins face.

"He hates me. I almost killed him, Zak." Heath cried

"Heath, he doesn't care about any of that. He knows you were inexperienced in the situation. No one is judging or even second guessing the situation." Pete rubbed Heath's shoulder.

"Hey." Bruce called. "they are going to teleport Korey to Magic Community. I'm going to go there to make sure they get special treatment, because they have sort of a bad reputation."

"OK, be safe baby." Zak kissed Bruce as he left.

"OK, well we have a potion to make for our so called Demon General." Zak joked.

"General?" Heath asked.

"Get it, because he has an army of demons." Zak laughed but Pete and Heath kept walking. "Hey, it was funny."

At The Hospital

Korey was on edge, because people were hooking up all kinds of machines on him.

"I WANT MY MATEEE!" Korey shrieked.

"Korey, calm the fuck down or you won't get your mate." Kyle growled and snapped at Korey.

"Get My MATE." Korey roared in his Alpha authorized voice. Kyle had no choice but to listen, and went to go get Heath.

Korey's face was turning into his semi-wolf form. The others were dismissed by Knoxtain.

"Korey, he's coming I promise. But you don't want to scare him when he gets here, so calm down." Knox spoke calmly and cautiously to Korey.

Korey started to evaluate the situation and saw the faces of the scared nurses.

"I apologize." he said to them, and offered his arm, letting them know that they could know operate on him.

At The Manor

Kyle walked in, he was steaming because he hated taking orders from Korey.

"Heath, can you please save everyone's lives and time by visiting your 'kind and gentle' mate." Kyle said with a strain. This let the others know that he was pissed off at Korey.

"Kyle, he's your brother." Monnie rubbed his husband's back.

"Cain and Able were brothers." Kyle lowly growled.

"OK, do you guys got it here." Heath asked his cousins.

"Yeah, should be ready in a minute." Pete stated.

Heath and Kyle left to go to the hospital, while Monnie stays back with Zak and Pete.

"Whaaahhhh!" They heard Miles crying upstairs.

"DIDN'T I TELL YOU NO, DAMNIT." Allen yelled at Miles from upstairs.

"Be right back." Pete smiled at Monnie and rushed upstairs.

"So, how are things with Bruce?" Monnie asked.

"Fine, why?" Zak asked skeptically as he fixed the potion.

"I'm just asking." Monnie smiled.

"OK, just spit it out." Zak said, becoming annoyed.

"I helped him find you. Well I mean I led him and Theodore to be friends, so that way you could meet him." Monnie smiled, then got a confused look. "Which is strange, because Dusk was supposed to be Heath's mate."

"Heath, has been cursed. He was protecting Me from Zeus, and Zeus lightning actually hit him, and in return Heath has an endless possibilities of mates." Zak replied. "and thank you for helping Bruce."

"No problemo, at all." Monnie smiled.

At The Hospital

Heath rushed in and went to Korey's hospital room. Heath saw Korey sitting back, hooked up to weird machines.

"Teddy!!!" Korey called out, Heath looked at him weird.

"We had to drug him to calm him down." The nurses stated.

"OK, can you just give us a minute." Heath asked her.

"Yeah, but they will be in with dinner in about 30 minutes." the nurse informed and walked out.

"Hey, hunnybear." Heath kissed Korey's forehead.

"I feel veeerrryy tireed." Korey slurred his words, do to the effect of the drugs.

"Why are you not sleeping?" Heath was rubbing Korey's face gently.

"I wanted you, teddy bear." Korey pulled Heath onto the bed childishly, Heath couldn't really fight back due to Korey's supernatural strength.

"Korey, I can't be on the bed with you, hunnybear." Heath smiled.

"I don't care, I'll hurt em if... if.. they touch you." Korey stated, wrapping his arms tighter around Heath, to make him feel secure.

"I want you to sleep, OK." Heath kissed his hand. "and when you wake up, I will be right here."

Korey dosed off into a long slumber, Heath stood up and admired his mate. He kissed Korey's cheek and walked out the room.

"He's sleeping, and it seems like it's going to be a while. So, now we need to go after the army. And kill them all." Heath spoke coldly, he was pissed that they would dare harm his mate.

"Shouldn't we..." Chase was saying but Knox quickly shook his head, and pointed to Heath's eyes. Heath's eyes were an electric red color, indicating that he was stepping up in the alpha role, as his mate was injured. All of the others bowed.

"Let's go." Heath's voice was a lot deeper, meaner, and scarier.

The wolves followed after Heath, as they went to the Manor.

"They haven't fully mated yet.." Kyle was saying confusedly to Knox.

"Which means, when they do it's going to be one hell of a bond." Knox smirked, feeling proud for his best friend.

At The Manor...

Zak, Monnie, and Pete were laughing in the kitchen. Heath walked in with the others behind him.

"Heath? Are you OK?" Pete asked, Monnie looked up at Heath.

"He's a full out Luna." Monnie stated.

"Excuse me, a what?" Zak asked looking the new Heath up and down.

"Luna, is or was the Female Alpha. She'd be the leader of the females of the pack, and also the partner and right hand to the Alpha." Monnie stated. "over years, it changed from just females, to being both females and males."

"OK, so... I thought he was the Queen." Zak stated.

"That is the term before they're mated." Monnie smiled and blushed a little, as Kyle winked at him.

"They haven't mated, yet." Knox stated. Monnie let out a gasp.

"How could Heath be a Luna right now then?" Monnie looked worriedly at Kyle.

"He and Korey, have a strong and very unique bond." Knox informed.

"He is right here, and he will not be gossiped about as if he isn't in the room." Heath said in his Alpha Luna voice.

"Sorry, Luna." they all stated, except Zak and Pete.

"Oh Heath, calm down. We just want information on this." Pete shushed Heath.

"OK, so if the Luna is the right hand, why does Heath looked full out Alpha." Zak asked Kyle.

"Because, Korey is able to be in charge at the moment, so Heath takes his spot and some of his werewolf powers. If this happened and Heath wasn't able then it would be Knoxtain, the Alpha's Pal, then to me, the Beta." Kyle stated.

"OK, well the potion is done. Bruce called and said word from a source, states that the other demons are lower-level demons." Zak said as he handed each of the wolves potions.

"Those are only for the main demon from earlier." Pete informed them, then they departed.

In The Forest...

Everyone was slowly approaching the army.

Zaxary was given the demons a pep talk show they wouldn't be afraid of the witches and werewolves.

"But sir, we are no match for the Charmed Ones, and now that they are align with the Remi-Con pack... that's not even comparable for us to try to fight against them." one demon stated.

"Charmed Ones?" Kyle and Knox looked at the cousins.

"No, I think we are just ordinary witches." Zak smirked.

"OK, I really do owe you an apology." Kyle smiled.

"OK, focus guys. They are going to the manor, and the kids are there." Pete said. A nerve was hit inside of Zak. Then all of a sudden, fog rain down over the entire forest.

Shouts of 'THEY'RE HERE.' and 'KILL THE FUCKING WITCHES' were heard.

"Go." Kyle snarled at the vampires as he shifted. Kion, Bruce, and their assassins went jumping up in the trees. Zak swirled his way into the area, as he made a wave shoot out in front of him.

"Let's go." Heath said leading the way for him and Pete. A demon charged them, Heath physically picked him up with one hand and snapped his neck.

"Holy shit!" Pete gasped. Heath kept walking, Pete saw many demons surround him and gain in on him. Pete started blowing up the demons. Zak made another wave, Pete manipulated the wave to make it scorching hot.

"Agh!!" Some of the demons yelled as the hot wave blew them up.

The wolves were working in coordination with the vampires on attacks that killed the demons. Heath used his shadows to levitate himself into the sky. Fire was forming in the form of a huge cloud. Zak was shooting lightning bolts from his hands. Pete was still blowing up demons.

One demon snuck up behind Pete and shot a fireball at him, the fireball hit Pete's shoulder and burned some of Pete's skin off. Another demon flew into the air and grabbed Zak and threw him down to the ground. A third demon tackled Heath from behind, Heath hit his head on a fallen tree and was knocked out. The fire in the sky was fading and so was the hostile weather.

"PROTECT YOUR LUNA AND HIS FAMILY." Kyle roared to the other werewolves. The demons that attacked the Charmed Ones were ripped to shreds by the other werewolves.

A were wolf started squealing, it was Kyle, a demon was slamming him down into the ground. All of a sudden Monnie appears and gives the demon a long deep and passionate kiss.

"What the hell?" Pete glares, helping Zak up to his feet.

Zak and Pete watch Monnie, cheat on his husband with this demon that just beat Kyle into the ground.

"Wait Pete, look." Zak pointed.

As Monnie held the demon's face and kissed him, the demon started to turn dark and he was slowly eroding away. Monnie broke the kiss and pushed the demons forehead, causing the demon to turn in to dust.

"Baby, are you OK?" Monnie asked Kyle, who has shifted back into a human.

"Take me out, baby." Kyle groaned. Monnie dragged Kyle away.

Zak, and Pete were still watching the submissive wolves in action without shifting.

A demon threw a fireball at Jimmy and Timmy. The fireball in mid throw had deflated and the demon looked confused.

"Power Negation." Zak recognized Jimmy's powers.

As the demon looked confused, the same fireball shot out of Timmy's hand and vanquished the demon.

"Power Replication." Pete called towards Timmy powers.

Chase was running and trying to get to Lenny's wolf to help out his mate. Two demons charged him and tried to hit him with fireballs. Chase ducked and shot two fire blast from his eyes onto the two demons causing them to blow up.

"Whoa..." Pete said.

"Mmmm." Heath groaned as he woke up. Zak and Pete went to help Heath up. "Ow. Ow."

"Ooh, sorry." Pete helped up Heath, along with Zak.

"LEO!" Cyron yelled as a demon slashed Leo's chest with a machete. Cyron windmilled his arms, causing him to look goofy. But when they looked back at the demon, he was sliced into layers and spirit knives flew back into Cyron's body.

"Baby..." Cyron was crying as Leo was crawling to him in his human form.

"Cyron." Leo gasped.

The cousins were getting back to action. They were still standing by each other. Heath saw two demons running and shot a mixture of shadows and fire at them. The mixture made the demons explode. Meanwhile, Pete started blowing up demons.

A wave of energy made the cousins fall forward. A splash of acid slapped Zaxary in the eyes. Heath looked up and saw Korey limping with two nurses behind him.

"Heath!!" Pete called with a panic laced voice. Zak had a machete sticking out of his chest.

"What happened?" Heath gasped as tears plagued his eyes.

"The energy pushed him into this." Pete was in sobs.

"Argh!!" Korey yelled as the demon dislocated his shoulder and Korey fell to the ground.

The sky was in chaos with the weather going haywire. Tornadoes were swallowing demons left and right. The wolves were killing off the last of demons.

Lightning danced around the sky, and then a hundred Rays shot down, vanquishing all the demons, along with Zaxary.

The weather died down, as the weather faded so did Zak.

"PUPPY." Bruce led out a loud yell that was out of character. Bruce let out a snarl for everyone to back out of his way, and to get away from his mate.

Korey still in pain pulled his mate away, along with the other wolves, and Monnie and Kyle pulled Pete back. They all did this in respect for Bruce's and Zak's mate bond.

"I didn't say goodbye." Bruce roared. Kion came into the area.

"Noooo." Kion whispered lowly.

Bruce let out a shower of tears, Kion sat on the floor and comforted his brother.

"Bruce." Heath called lowly. Bruce snapped his head to Heath in desperation. "Take the machete out of his chest."

Bruce yanked the machete out and threw it, possibly ten miles forward.

Korey clutched Heath tighter and Heath cried into Korey's dislocated shoulder, but Korey took all the pain for his mate's comfort.

Bruce rested his head on Zak's head. Bruce kissed Zak's lips softly, because it was the last time he would.

End of Episode.

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