Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru...

De FanficDemon1701

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{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited} Takes Place after Naraku was defeated.... Kagome had a... Mais

Character: Kita Higurashi
Maiden In Black: Enter Kita
The Maiden In Black: Electric Angel
The Maiden In Black: Dragged To Lala Land
Maiden In Black: Spidey Is Back/Hello Doggy!
Maiden In Black: Tolerant Doggy
Maiden In Black: Patience To Bullhonky
Maiden In Black: Red String Chain String
Maiden In Black: Kidnapped
Maiden In Black: The Dog's Possession
Maiden In Black: Bathing To Ogre Attack
Maiden in Black: Overwhelmed Kita
Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip
Maiden In Black: Obedience to Marked=Catnip 2
Maiden In Black: Queen Of Pranks Strikes!
Maiden In Black: Truth To Her Existence In Feudal Days
Maiden In Black: Healing An Injured Canine
Maiden In Black: Jinenji's Help
Maiden In Black: Fleeing
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P1
Maiden In Black: Canines Love Roo P2
Kitrainyokai's Fanart Of Kita and Sesshy
Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick
Future Sneak Peaks: Future Characters
Bad Omens
Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!
Enter!! Yoko Kurama!!
Inuyasha's Betrayal & Down The Rabbit Hole
Shopping Chaos Part 1
Shopping Chaos To Affections Across Time
"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru
To His Amusement
Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Combine!!
Mating Game
Fighting For Her!
Shocking Revelations!!
Meeting a Long Lost Sister

Bad Inuyasha and Rin's Message

284 6 0
De FanficDemon1701

Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV but later her child and her will have POVS.

Which will be separated in copy chapters with each having their own POVS.
So you guys know Kita isn't pregnant yet, but she will soon later on, and cuteness to joy comes then afterwards.


With A-un still injured, we had no choice, but to stay at the Wolf Den.

Sesshomaru was fully recovered with my help of my powers of healing. I also found out I have inhuman strength, and like Kagome I have the ability to use a weapon with my Priestess Powers.

I've been training with Sesshomaru for a week to prepare myself for to fight Ray and Nicolas, my power is to summon a blue and purple glittery sword, like a samurai sword, and found out instinctively I can use it with one hand, the blade sideways, the sharp part of the deadly blade facing my enemies, and that I guess is not a common sword technique. I can use my right hand to switch the sword to flip to slash in many directions.

Sesshomaru wasn't going easy on me either, he blocked and parried my blows easily with Bakseiga his fabled sword that can shred anything apart.

I call my sword The Void of Darkness Blade, like Kagome's arrow, I can kill demons with this blade, and make Inuyasha's blade not function, even cleanse dirty water, even clean land of demonic aura by putting The Void Of Darkness Blade inside the ground or inside of filthy water and boom it cleanses the water and land scorched of evil demonic aura.

I slice the blue and purple glittery blade in a star formation as fast as I could and Sesshomaru blocked each swipe easily and he grabbed my hand holding The Void Of The Darkness Blade in a tight grip and I lost focus of the energy and flinch in pain as Sesshomaru with inhuman speed swivelled me around, so that I slammed my back against his chest and front, and sheathed his sword quickly and wraps his fingers around my throat gently and whispers against my right ear. "You are now dead. You are too slow to keep up with how accurate and quick Ray is with those pistols." Sesshomaru gently lets my throat go and my body and I slump to my knees breathing hard, tired from hours of training.

"I'm trying all I can, you're too fast for me." I honestly complain to Sesshomaru.

"Use your instincts more than your thoughts, that is why you are slow, you think too much." Sesshomaru gently pats my shoulder and I perk up seeing Shippo the little cutie running up on all fours tears in his eyes and I caught him in my arms giggling as he hugged my neck in his tiny arms and I close my eyes as I run my fingers through his hair and let him cry tears into my chest. "I know. I know little one you were worried. Shush." I gently rub Shippo's back and let him cry more until he fell asleep. Sesshomaru sat next to me with his eyes showing so much emotion and adoration in them.

"He was worried about you." Sesshomaru says as I shift Shippo to hold him like I used to hold my puppy I had years ago who died getting run over, I held that puppy like a baby, like I am doing with cradling Shippo in my arms and gently run my other hand's fingers in the light brown strands of his hair.

Miroku walked up and smiled down at me. "I see you have Shippo, we were looking for him, he darted off. He truly loves you like a mother."

"She has a motherly air to her." Sango walked up smiling at me.

"Any leads?" I ask and Sango shook her head.

"Ray must be hiding well then." Sesshomaru replied and stood up and in terms I stood up following him with Miroku and Sango back to the Wolf Den, since we left to train.

"Is Inuyasha's eyes better?" I ask Sango who nods. "Ray used pepper spray it takes awhile to heal, I'm not surprised it took Inuyasha a week to heal, he got a big dose of it to his eyes."

"Pepper spray is a defense item you used on the demon Sesshomaru saved you from right?" Miroku asked.

"Yes, it was invented back in my era for women to use for defense if a man sneaks up on her and assaults her, but it don't always work if a man has a weapon." I reply back.

"Crime must be horrid in your homeland across the sea." Sango replied not liking the sound of my homeland I bet one bit.

"Yes, the crime is bad, Japan is the land with less crime though at the moment in my era." I say and we arrived back at the Wolf Den where Inuyasha and Koga were face to face snarling at each other.

I sweat drop, these two truly fuckin hate each other. "I'm telling ya,  Kagome isn't having your children Koga! She's pregnant with mine!"

Shippo started to stir and I sigh handing Sango Shippo saying to her. "Hold him whilst I deal with Muttenbutt number one and Muttenbutt number two." And she nods.

I walk up to both the two snarling at each other and slug them hard on the head. They both hold their heads between their knees cringing in pain. "Knock it off you two. There is a little one sleeping. Behave your age not like toddlers." I snarl out making the two glare at me then stand up the two scowling and their backs facing each other, their arms folded arrogantly to their chests, and they had a huge knot I have them on their heads that smoked from me slugging them on their heads that looked it hurt and I know it did.
"We will resolve this away from Shippo's ears to hear, he's too young got it?" I tell the two Inuyasha and Koga who snort loudly.
I point over to a waterfall several feet away. "Follow me and Sesshomaru there, so I can hear your story one at a time." I walk off with Sesshomaru following next to me his arms to his chest, annoyed I bet by the two fighting we witnessed.

Inuyasha and Koga follow us to stand by the waterfall that cascades into a spring. "Okay speak first Koga." I gesture to him to speak.

"Well, one time when Kikyo was around after I met Kagome, she got hurt by muttface here seeking my help on the matter and I consoled her, but then things got unexpected and we mated." Koga says and I look his body language over to see if he was lying, and sadly he wasn't lying at all.

"How many times did this happen?" I ask.

"Let's see." Koga began counting fingers. "About six times I recall it we mated."

"Now Inuyasha you speak and Koga shut up and not interrupt Inuyasha or I sky uppercut your ass." Koga nods furiously and obeys.

Inuyasha scoffed. "I didn't hurt her like that at all!" I could tell Inuyasha was lying his ass off, the lying waved off him like a perfume in his body language. "She only ran off three times."

"And you're lying I see it in your body language, it just waves off you." I retort glaring at him, and Koga sneered at his slight victory of me catching Inuyasha in many lies. "Now where I'm from, there's a test to know if she's having who's baby is who's called a DNA test, it's where we test her urine for the baby's you know genes to see if the baby is Koga's or Inuyasha's, but sadly that ain't invented until you two are dead and long gone centuries in the future. So we can't do that. Now tell me when did you mate with her last Koga?" I ask Koga and glared at Inuyasha to shut up or I cram a fist down his throat.

Koga looked up into the sky in deep thought. "After Kikyo died when she was upset at Inuyasha for something. And I was in heat that time."

Inuyasha gaped like a fish at Koga. "Sesshomaru do you know how long it takes for his you know to take root?"

"It depends on her genes, it can take a year, maybe two and or months." Sesshomaru replied.

"When did she have the symptoms of pregnancy?" I ask Koga.

"Recently, throwing up a month before you arrived to her village, she was hiding it from muttface, she told me so." Koga says blushing. "I have been sneaking to the village to check on her when he isn't around." Koga jabs his thumb at Inuyasha and Inuyasha scoffed.

"Tell me is she your mate?" Sesshomaru asked making Inuyasha growl.

"Yes, like you are to Kita-chan." Koga replied.

"Well, why did she marry me then?" Inuyasha shrieked.

"Your temper dumbass." Koga retorts. "And you have hit her before, I remembered finding a bruise on her arm."

"Well, Inuyasha I will officially say you're marriage is over, so I forbid you from going near my cousin or I have Sesshomaru kick your ass." I say with a triumphant smirk.

Inuyasha snarled at me and walked off. "Forget me helping  ya then!"

"Thank you for believing me." Koga says and I pat his shoulder making Sesshomaru growl at me. "You should not touch other men around your mate, even I would be just as aggressive." Koga says as a warning to me and winked walking off.

"How'd you know about Koga?" I ask Sesshomaru.

"I see how he looks at your cousin, it is the same I give you." Sesshomaru replied back at me.

I blush a ruby red. "He noticed too right?" I ask nervously.

"Yes, and there is no shame of it my mate." Sesshomaru hugs me from behind and buries his nose into my neck gently rubbing his nose on my neck and inhaling my scent. "The child is most certainly his." Sesshomaru nuzzles my cheek then nipped my ear and growled in it and soon he pulled away from the hug.

Sesshomaru walks off and his long hair swishes as he does, and I follow him.

"Here Shippo wants you back." Sango says handing Shippo half asleep into my arms and I hold him, cradling Shippo into my arms and Sesshomaru sniffed the air unclicking Bakseiga from its sheath.

"A Fox stronger than the little one is near." Sesshomaru looks around and slowly unsheaths his blade and shoves me to be behind him, holding the blade with one hand.

Miroku and Sango as well was behind me to cover me so I don't get harmed, my training isn't fully complete, so I'm not ready for combat.

Koga summoned his Giraishi in one hand. Inuyasha was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Inuyasha?" I ask Sango.

"Ran off angry." Sango replied.

"Of course he did." I mutter out to her, since Shippo fell asleep again.

"I am not surprised after our talk." Koga says to me, and he tensed up. "Whoever this guy is he is no pushover by his scent."

Sesshomaru growled lowly smelling this Fox was powerful. Sesshomaru watched as a rose flew and hits its stem into the ground in front of Sesshomaru and a paper was attached to it. The scent of the Fox soon was gone.

Sesshomaru sheathed his Bakseiga and kneeled to take the paper from the rose and opened it up. "What is it?" I ask Sesshomaru who hands the paper to me. I look it over seeing it was in English. "Dear Human Girl,
A man known as Ray is staying at my home. I must insist do not go near him, he vows to harm you and your friends and I do not wish to take part in harming you, for he is bound to me like you are to the Dog protecting you. My name is Yoko Kurama, I am a Fox Demon, who uses plants to heal and to kill. I do not wish any useless voilence upon you, nor your friends, so if this human comes after you, I cannot stop him myself, for I must protect him as well, he is mine to have by my side.
Please know this in the future, we may become enemies.
Like the Dog must protect you, I must protect the human I claim as mine as well.
Be ready for what is to come.
Yoko Kurama."
I read the letter outloud making Sesshomaru snarl in anger.

"Ray has an ally so soon, then and I wish Inuyasha never left." Miroku sighs at that.

I go wide eyed saying more looking at my friends with a serious look. "I know who he is, I read about him in school in Asian history. This guy Yoko Kurama in his days he was a thief, a good one. And he was a merciless guy. But he is growing a tad soft, but he is telling me to prepare."

"We never heard of him." Miroku says and I swallow at that.

"Because he is from my Era originally in the year 1992, long ago, the year back home is now  2018. So years before I knew him. But he literally long before 1992 was full blooded Demon Fox, but get this he was injured, and forced to take root in a human woman's womb, and he was born as a human reborn and still had his plant powers. I read about him taking part in tournaments, even one recently in 2018, called The Destruction Tournament. That tournament decided how three realms would stay living. Human Realm, Demon Realm, and Spirit World. The three worlds were in danger of many threats and a girl and her team saved all of us in 2018 from destruction and she was a hero. I mean she was getting married and I heard the marriage was crashed and this guy died. He shouldn't be here. But he could've been transported here through some magical way, and became his true demon form, hence Yoko Kurama."
I say making Koga, Sango, and Miroku go wide eyed in shock.

"That explains everything then." InuTaisho popped up in front of Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru you guys stay here, I need to talk to my ghost friend." I say and walk around Sesshomaru putting a hand on his arm. "I'll be okay." Sesshomaru merely watches me walk over back to the waterfall.

"He knows InuTaisho everything he caught me talking to you but can't see you." I say to InuTaisho.

"I know I've been watching after I got done talking with everyone. Yoko was sent here as to balance things by accident, if Ray kills you, which he did so as I told you before you could meet Sesshomaru like we foretold of. It will trigger Sesshomaru to turn evil and the future is doomed, if Sesshomaru sees Ray kill you, all we have worked for is for naught. Yoko was five years ago thrown here to this Era ahead of time before you and Ray could get here.  You must let Yoko do as he is fated to do. You cannot die, the spell on you prevents it. But just my son seeing you get hurt and die and the spell takes a bit to kick in, and him thinking you are forever gone will trigger a bad reaction, and thus the work we have been trying to do is ruined. But I trust you will live for him. As I ask don't do anything too stupid." InuTaisho says and I nod.

InuTaisho looked to Sesshomaru and smiled. "He has grown into a fine young man, I am so proud of him. Do not worry about you not being a good enough mother. You are a good mother. He sees it when you hold Shippo and adores your motherly ways, yet hides it. I must go, for now, I only came to give you this message, and Rin's as well to him."
InuTaisho says leaning down to whisper in my ear and soon disappeared smiling down at me.

Tears fluttered down my cheeks at Rin's message. I walk back over to Sesshomaru and give him a pained smile. "Rin gave me a message to you Sesshomaru." I tell Sesshomaru who goes wide eyed.

"What did she say?" Miroku asked.

"Was that Rin you talked to?" Sango asked.

"No someone relaying the message to me to tell him." I say to Sango.

Sesshomaru turns his back to me. "What did she say?"
Sesshomaru clinched his fists so hard his claw-like nails drew blood, his blood dripping to the ground.

"Lord Sesshomaru, the times I was with you; I cherished them so preciously. I do not regret meeting you, but for me live your life well with Kita-chan, and cherish her as I cherished me living and being by your side. And do not turn to the dark side whenever she gets injured for me and for her stay happy and not full of hatred. She deserves you as much as you deserve her. I wish you two much happiness, I forever will miss you Lord Sesshomaru and thank you for mourning my death, but you need not mourn anymore, you must move on and have the happiness you deserve and a family you so desire with the one you love.
I bid you farewell." I tell Sesshomaru Rin's message and Sesshomaru never showed tears only looked up to the blue sky.

"I understand your message Rin." Sesshomaru replied and closed his eyes, and I walk up to him patting his arm giving him a concerned look. "I am fine, you need not worry Kita-chan." Sesshomaru turned his head to open his golden eyes and looked down at me with adoration in his golden eyes. "I will heed the words upon her message. I know that was Rin."

A crow flew towards Miroku and had a paper on it and Miroku took the paper off the crow's foot. "Kagome is in danger. Inuyasha seems to be angry and taking it out on the village." Miroku says, and I hand Shippo to Sango.

"Okay meet you there then, Koga, Sesshomaru and I will go on ahead." I say and Miroku nods and Kirara transforms and Miroku jumped on Kirara.
"Sango stay here and watch over A-un for me, and Shippo." I tell Sango who nods.
"Sesshomaru can I hop on your back and you run?"

Sesshomaru nods and I climb on his back and he helped my thighs to wrap around his waist and I put my arms around his neck, leaning my chest into his back and Sesshomaru ran off with Koga following behind us.

"He better not hurt Kagome or I'll rip him a new one!" Koga snarled out and I nod in agreement.

"He better pray to any god out there, cause I will make his baby makers not function after punching them ten times over!" I shout back cause the rushing wind made it hard to hear myself talk.

Koga laughed at that. "I would love to see that!"

Now we got Inutrasha to deal with including Ray, Yoko  Kurama and Nicolas what else now?! I guess the future awaits me to find out!


To be continued.....

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