Lie To Me || L.H

By _totally_cliche_

184K 3K 898

BOOK 1 Now I wish we'd never met 'Cause you're too hard to forget More

A/N: Peoples choice(voting closed)
Authors note


4K 81 11
By _totally_cliche_

"Shhh, shut up you're gonna wake him." I hear a soft whisper coming from around me, but I didn't pay any attention to it, until I heard screaming.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Luke, happy birthday to you!" Calum, Ashton and Michael screamed in unison. They threw confetti everywhere and jumped on my bed.

"Thanks guys." I yawned, slowly sitting up in bed.

A small smile spread across my face. It's my birthday, I'm 22 years old. I then also remembered that it's our last day in New York. My last day with Ally.

"Hey Luke, we got you a present." Ashton yelled. He ran out the room and came back with his hands behind his back.

"Guys, you didn't need to do this." I shake my head.

"Oh we did, I think it's very crucial." Calum laughed. They all stared at each other as Ashton slowly removed his hands from around his back. There was a medium sized box in Ashton's hands. My eyes slowly adjusted on the words on the box, and my face turned red when I read the words.

"Condoms! You guys got me condoms?" I scream. All of them started laughing.

"Yeah, it's for you to use when Ally comes over. We know it's our last day here, and I'm pretty sure she knows it's your birthday, so we thought that these might come in handy." Ashton says as he tosses the box to me.

"We aren't doing that." I protest.

"Sure you won't. But just incase, Michael will be in the other room with us." Calum spoke. My eyes shot up at Michael. I remembered all that happened last night. Our argument, the way he stared at Ally. I then remembered how drunk the boys got.

"How the hell are you guys not hungover?"

"Oh we are, trust me, but we are slowly recovering. Now go ahead and get dressed, Ally should be coming over any moment. And don't forget to use protection!" Ashton yelled. They all ran out of my room like little kids, slamming the door when they exited.

I sighed and looked at the box of condoms. I know that I'm probably not going to use them anytime soon, so I throw them into the drawer of my nightstand.

I throw on some clothes and brush my teeth. It's already 12, so breakfast is already over. I started to feel a little sick from the other night, so I didn't eat anything. Ally should be over in about an hour, so I started to clean the room. There wasn't much to clean really. I just had to make up my bed and pick the three items of clothing off the floor.

An hour passes and everyone is my room, but Michael. Ally was sitting next to me on the couch, while Ash and Cal was on the couch in front of us. I wish that they weren't here, but I didn't want to seem like an ass and kick them out.

"So, who was your last boyfriend?" Ashton asked nonchalantly.

"Oh wow, wasn't ready for that one. Um, well his name was Joshua. We dated a year ago, and he was a huge ass hat."

"Oh damn, what did he do?" Calum asked. He looked really interested.

"He cheated on me with my co-worker, Dominic. Yeah turns out Joshua was bi, but never told me. He invited me over to his house one night, but I wanted to come a little earlier to surprise him. Turns out him and Dominic was secretly dating each other, for two weeks." Ally scoffed. Ashton and Calum seemed very intrigued, I was just hurt that someone could just cheat on her.

"No way, he cheated on you with your male co-worker? What did you do?" Ashton asked, crossing his legs.

"Well I kinda just stood there and stared. I was too shocked to do anything at the moment." She confessed.

"Well, He was a huge ass hat, like you said. No one deserves to be cheated on." I finally say. Ally looked at me with kind eyes. They had a sparkle in them. Gosh I could just kiss her right now.

"So, Ally, did you know that today was Luke's birthday?" Calum asked.

"Oh no, I didn't know. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't even bring you anything." She panicked.

"Oh don't worry, you could give him his present later, after we leave the room." Ashton smirked. I sat up and glared at Ashton, who just gave me a smug look. Ally sat there, clueless at first, thinking about what Ashton meant, but her face turned bright red when she realized what he said.

"Oh.. oh wow... no... I'm not going to..." She stuttered, looking for something to say. I wanted to punch Ashton for making that joke, but Ally's awkwardness is really cute, and it's distracting me from the two fools rolling around on the floor.

"It's fine Ally, it was just a joke. I was just joking." Ashton spat out between laughs. I didn't want to laugh, but their laughter brought me to mine. Ally was also laughing too.

"Did you guys get Luke anything?" She asked. We all just froze. There's no way that Ashton will say that he got me condoms.

"Yeah, we got him a present. It's something that both of you guys could use. Speaking of that, I think cal and I should go." Ashton laughed as him and Calum rushed out of the room. I just sat in the chair, horrified.

"What's that all about, and what does he mean that both of us could use it?" She asked. I debated whether or not I should lie, but I couldn't just lie to her. I walked over to my night stand and pulled out the box of condoms that I put in the drawer.

"They got me these." I quietly said, handing them to Ally, whose face became red again.

"Oh.." was all she could manage to say. I could feel my face heat up.

"It was just a joke though. He knows that I... that we wouldn't.." I didn't really want to say it.

"Well, what if we did?" Ally asked. I could feel my whole body heat up. Did she really say that? Did I hear her correctly? She didn't realize what she said, cause her face became more red than ever.

"Holy shit, not what I meant. OMG I'm so stupid, I didn't mean to say that. I'm so sorry." She panicked. I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's fine, trust me it's fine."

We both sat there, just staring at the floor. It reminded me of one of the dreams I had. We both just sat on a couch, taking in each other's presence . The dream ended with us making out, which is something that I doubt would happen now, but I'm not opposed to it.

"So, do you want anything to drink?" I wanted to break the awkward silence between us.

"Yeah, do you have any water?" She asked quietly. I guess she was still embarrassed from what happened earlier.

I got her a bottle of water from the hotel mini bar, and grabbed myself a beer. I sat back down and turned on the tv, that way the room wouldn't be completely silent.

"I'm sorry if today was boring." I apologized.

"I didn't really know what to do. All I knew was that I wanted to spend my last day here with you."

"It's fine. I actually had a lot of fun hanging with you and your friends." She giggled.

"You sure, even after that joke Ashton made?"

"Yeah, even after that." She laughed.

We sat on the couch for the rest of the day, watching whatever movie or tv show came on, and casually making jokes. My arm was resting behind Her back, while her head  was resting on my shoulder. I wish we could stay like this, but she went ahead and got up.

"It's getting late, so I think I should get going." She says.

I looked at the time on my phone and realized that it was already 8. Time goes by so fast when you're having fun.

"Okay, I'll walk you out to your car." I suggested.

We both walked outside into the cool crisp air. It's summer time in New York, but the air still has a slight chill in it. Our ears was filled with the honks of cars and the buzzing of their engines. The sky was also lit up with  all the city lights. It took about five minutes before we got to Ally's car.

"Thanks for the amazing time." Ally says, her eyes glistening in from the street light.

"No problem. Thanks for giving me an amazing night last night."

"You're welcome. When will you come back to New York?" She asks, she looks so innocent and pure, but the thoughts she gives me are total opposite.

"I'm not sure, but I'll make sure to tell when I am." I assure.

She nods and gives me a hug. This hug lasted a lot longer than our previous hug. She smelt of vanilla and sugar, such a sweet smell. She backed up from the hug and looked me in the eyes. I saw a hint of hesitation, but then she quickly attached her lips to mine. I stood there, completely shocked at her making the first move. This was very unusual to me. I'm so used to making the first move. I soon kissed her back once I realized that I haven't yet. My arms wrapped around her waist as her hands connected to my face. Is this even real? My dreams were slowly becoming a reality, a reality that involved her in my life. My hands slowly traveled down, but she slowly backed away.

"Happy birthday Luke!" She smiles, as she gets in her car and drives away.

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