Price of A Wish (Peter Parker...

By kianasobsessed

191K 6.3K 3.7K

{Y/N} can't wait for her birthday. When it arrives, her best friend decides to give her a present. Like any u... More

One Wish
Who Are You?
Small Talk
Questions and Answers
Mind Tricks
Why Would They Want Her?
The Doll's Demise
I'm (Not) Fine
The Little Surprise
A Flirt Flirting With A Flirt
Crossed Off The List
Dad Names
Father! How Rude!
A Night Over (Pt. 1)
A Night Over (Pt. 2)
The Nightmare
Not Good, But Not Bad
Called Up
The Summoning
Just A Talk
A Little About Him
I Love You
Not Exactly Comfort
Now You See Her, Now You Don't
Premiere Day
Live Your Life
Disobey Him
26 Pt. 1
26 Pt. 2
Promise (26 Pt. 3)
Nightmares (26 Pt. 4 Yes we're still on this)
Aftermath (Still 26 Fam)
The Nightmare Before My Birthday
The Second Wish (PT. 1)
The Second Wish (PT. 2)
If It All
Now I'm The Bad Guy
New Discoveries
Hey Sunshine
I Can't
Missing Your Smile
To Be Happy
Jami's Epilogue (For The Curious Ones)
face reveal??
price of a wish : rewritten

Detention? Or Not...

2.6K 94 102
By kianasobsessed

Sorry, Fam. This was too good not to post... ^^^

Welcome! One and all to Midtown High's very own detention! Today's special guest: {Y/N} {L/N}! Just kidding, this is so not what I had planned for today.

"This is it," Peter says, stopping in front of the door. I groan and cover my face with my hands.

"I don't wanna do this!" I whine. "I didn't even do anything!" Peter pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back.

"It'll be okay," he chuckles. "I'll see you in a few." 

"Wait!" I grab his arm. "Tell Jami I got to sit next to Harrison Osterfield."

"O-Okay? Bye!" He shouts running away to who-knows-where.

I look back at the door, very reluctant to even open it. Slowly, I open it and peer in. The teacher looks up. It's the same guy from when Peter got detention in his movie. The really lazy one.

"Get in, you're letting the cold air out," he mumbles. I walk in and am met by five different faces: Ned, MJ, Flash, and two others I don't recognize. I sit next to Ned and set my stuff down. I'm guessing I was the only one they were waiting on because Mr. Lazy stands up and presses play on the old T.V.

"So," Captain America says. "You got detention..." I ignore everything else he says and tap Ned on the shoulder.

"What did you do?" I ask, whispering so no one but him can hear me.

"I accidentally knocked down some glass beakers in the science lab," he responds. That makes sense. "What about you?"

"Flash told the hot security guard that I said I'd kill him," I reply. "I didn't, but now I'm kinda thinking about it."

"That's fair," he chuckles. "Wait? What hot security guard?"

"Hey. No talking," the teacher scolds, not bothering to look up from his computer. 

Knock Knock Knock

Ned and I both look to the side. In the window, we see Spider-Man hanging upside-down. That's what he meant by "a few". He was going to get me out of here.

"Holy shit! It's Spider-Man!" Flash shouts, pointing to the window. How subtle. The teacher walks around the desk and opens the window. 

"Hey, how you doin'?" he asks, using a very heavy accent. Cringe Factor: 10000000000.

"What are you doing here? This is detention," the teacher asks. 

"Oh, yeah. That..." he mumbles. "A, uh, very dangerous snake was set loose in the school. A-And I need to make sure everyone is out before I can go and get it."

"How are you going to get us out?" Flash asks.

"You're on the ground level. You can literally just step out. Duh," Spider-Man answers. "You can step out first Flash." 

"How do you know my name?" Flash asks, pushing the rest of us out of the way. 

"I'm Spider-Man," He laughs. "I know a lot of people." 

Spider-Man moves out of the way as Flash gets out of the room. Ned is next, then MJ, the two I don't know, and finally, it comes to me.

"I can't go yet," I say. "I left my jacket in my locker."

"That doesn't seem so important right now," the teacher says, taking hold of my wrist and leading me toward the window. 

"My father gave it to me," I say, yanking my hand back and stepping away from him. "It's all I have left of him. Please?" My voice cracks on the last word and I start to 'tear up'. I look to Spider-Man for some assistance.

"I'll go with her, sir," he helps. "She'll be safe with me." The teacher sighs and nods his head.

"You two go ahead then," he says, stepping out of the way for him to climb through the window. Once Spider-Man is through, the teacher leaves and closes the window behind him.

"Is there an actual snake?" I ask, genuinely interested.

"Nah," he chuckles. "I just needed to get you out of detention. Let's get your jacket; it's chilly where we're going." 

"Aren't we going to the tower?" I ask. 

"Nope," he says. "C'mon." Rolling my eyes, I follow him out of the classroom and to my locker. 

After I unlock it and get my jacket out, Peter takes me to the roof of the school. He instructs me to hold on tight to him, so I do as I'm told. He wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me closer. With the other arm, he shoots a web and swings us around the city. 

I hold my breath because, if I'm being honest, I have a slight fear of heights. Nothing big! I just have a hard time breathing if I'm up too high and I get really dizzy. Once he sets me down on the top of a building, I can breathe again. It's all good. Peter sits down on the ledge, his back facing the streets. He takes his mask off and messes with it in his hands. 

"Do you like it?" he asks, motioning to something behind me. I turn, the early afternoon sun stinging my eyes. 

"Oh my gumball," I gasp. It's absolutely breathtaking. I take a seat next to him and stare at the natural phenomenon. "I love it. I've never seen one like it."

"I know what happened," he whispers, almost too quiet for me to even hear.

"What happened when?" I ask, glancing at him.

"When you were with Gerald," he says. My breath catches in my throat and I look at the ground.

"What do you mean?" 

"He touched you," he whispers, a hint of jealousy in his voice. "And from your eyes... I can tell he did more than that..."

"N-No, he didn't. He only tried to kiss me," I lie. 

[Quick A/N: Yeah, you and Gerald did the dirty. But I'm not writing that shit out, honey. Nuh-uh]

"Don't lie to me {Y/N}," his voice cracks throughout the entire sentence. 

"I'm not--" I pause and take a breath. "Okay... You're right."

"So you guys... did it?" he whimpers. 

"We're fifteen, Peter. You can say sex," I laugh.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

"But, yeah. We did," I admit. "I didn't want to. It was completely forced on me."

"Were... Were you a virgin before that?" he asks, sounding a bit awkward. 

"Yep," I answer. "What about you? Are you a virgin?"

"U-Um..." he stutters. My jaw drops, but I smile.

"Peter," I gawk. "You did the dirty?! Who was it?" He blushes a hard red.

"You know MJ, right?" he asks, avoiding my eyes. 

"No way! When was this?" I ask.

"About a month after homecoming," he mutters. That wasn't that long ago for him. Does that mean they're a thing?

"A-Are you guys dating?" I ask shyly, now avoiding his eyes.

"What? No! No, no, no," he quickly responds, standing up. "That was a one-time thing! I swear."

"How could you not have a girlfriend though?" I laugh, also standing up. We both walk more towards the center of the roof before stopping. "You're like... perfect."

"Not according to everyone I know," he chuckles. 

I lean forward and brings my lips to his ear. He can probably feel my heartbeat when I whisper, "You're perfect to me."

"That's hot," he jokes, but it comes out more like a growl than anything else.

 When my lips part, he kisses me before I can laugh. Energy shocks through me as he cups my face with his hands, his fingers grasping my cheeks and the line of my jaw. I think it's the adrenaline that's making my heart pound so fast. Maybe it's the there's-no-one-else-that-could-understand-this bond. Or it could be his soft lips and entrancing scent, and how I wrap my arms around his neck like I can't stand to let go of him. Either way, he keeps kissing me as long as he can, and when I step away he tries to pull me back like it wasn't enough.

"Peter, my phone," I say, trying to make him realize the persistent text tone. "It's probably Jami."

"She can wait," he says, tangling a hand in my hair and kissing along my jawline to my neck. I shiver against him, a little noise vibrating from my throat.

"It's just..." I run my fingers across the back of his neck. "She wouldn't keep texting unless it's important." 

Peter reluctantly steps back so I can reach down and dig my phone out of my bookbag. I look in and draw in a quick, sharp breath. "Oh God. Father's trying to reach me too. He says we, and I quote, 'Need to talk about some things.' End quote."

"Probably just about detention," he assures, sounding ridiculously calm.

"Have they tried to reach you?" I ask. He pulls out his phone and shakes his head.

"No," he says. I nod and start to rapid-fire texts back. "I can bring you back to the tower. It's on my way home anyway."

"Are you sure?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Of course. It's not a problem," he nods. I smile and walk back to the ledge, grabbing his mask and tossing it back to him. Wrapping my arms around my shoulder, he pulls me close and swings off. 

Oh my God... I just made out with Spider-Man. Sweeeet!

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