Supernatural One Shots

By softlymasculine

700K 8.1K 2.9K

Supernatural X Reader One Shots☆☆☆ - Female x Female - Male x Male - Ships - x Reader ~~~ (I don't own all of... More

Supernatural x Reader
Sam & Dean x Vamp! Reader
Hey Dean here
Sam & Dean x Reader
Dean x Suicidal! Reader
Castiel x Dying! Reader
Sam x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Dean x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 1}
Lucifer x Reader {Part 2}
Crowley x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 3}
Jack Kline x Reader
Archangel Gabriel x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
SMUT! Dean x Reader
Sam x Reader
SMUT! Jack Kline x Reader
Charlie Bradbury x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Dean x Witch! Reader
SMUT! Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
SMUT!Meg x Reader x SMUT!Castiel
Dean x Daughter! Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Father! Castiel x Nephilim! Reader
Claire Novak x Reader
Dean x Cutting! Reader
Dean x Male! Reader
Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Dean x Reader
Sam x Male!Reader
Charlie x Reader
Human! Castiel x Male! Reader
NSFW! Crowley x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Sam x Birthday! Reader
Lucifer x Male! Reader
Sam x Guardian Angel! Reader
Jealous! Jack x Reader
Dean x Dying! Reader
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 1
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 2
Castiel x Demon! Reader FINAL
Jack Kline x Reader SOUL
SMUT! Dean x Male! Werewolf! Reader
Dean x Birthday! Reader

Lucifer x Reader {Final}

6.2K 184 59
By softlymasculine

Michael walked in smiling as another angel spoke with him. "sir word is Lucifer is in Calvary cemetery to open the gates of hell" the young looking angel said. Your heart started to race and your mind panicked. Lucifer was going to fight Michael, the world as you knew was going to end. "told you I could make him fight" you could hear him say.

Michael was on the other side of the bars. You sat there listening, trying to find anything to help yourself or Lucifer. You knew your prayers weren't going to work after Michael had his angels place sigils around the room, it didn't help you still didn't know where you actually were. It had been quiet for awhile on the other side of your cell. You felt your eyes starting to close when a voice called out making your eyes open wide in hope and fear.

Lucifer's voice called out but it was different, kind of like he was on loudspeaker on a phone. "I have an my army ready, I want you to take groups and use the residents of Lawrence as neat suits. Live their normal life I don't want anything to look out of place in that town till I arrive" you heard him say. Arching your neck to the side, trying your hardest to see where Lucifer's voice was coming from. You see a hand, clearly belonging to Michael, in his hand is a small gold coin one you'd seen before.

It was a magic coin used for tracking and listening into private conversations. Somehow Michael must have had on slipped I to Lucifer's pocket. "I also want you to take a group to the naval base for trained snipers, I want them on every building on facing the battleground. I want Michael in demon sniper sights at all times, from the second he appears" you heard Lucifer order. You could hear the anger on his voice, it slightly terrified you thinking what Lucifer was already planning. The sound of metal hitting wood could be heard. "bullet's for the snipers. i have melted down an angle blade this wont kill Micheal but it will slow him down. it can however kill my other lesser siblings" Lucifer told them. Michael ordered his angels to Kansas knowing everything Lucifer had planned he started making his countermeasures now.

You started to cry knowing Michael had the upper hand on everything Lucifer was working on. What made things worse, Micheal saw how this affected you and used it again you. he'd gloat how he was always one step head of his brother the smarter on. As Michael continued to make you listen to Lucifer you overheard an argument between Lucifer, Dean, and Cas. The Winchesters refused to help Lucifer. The thought of the only people in the world you cared about or considered family were turning their back on you,leaving you to die made you sick "we will find a different way to find her" Dean's voice had said.

Michael looked over at you his smug arrogant grin made you want to punch him in the face. You would have if you weren't tied down. "well it looks like Sam Winchester accepted my deal" he said proudly. you looked confused "oh that's right i forgot to tell you. I made Sam an offer, your safe return if the and his brother just go, sit back and not stop me from killing Lucifer. I have to say they agreed to it pretty quick when i said he you die then i would deliver you to them" Micheal said.

The next morning Micheal came in, Raphael followed him in "y/n I will face Lucifer tomorrow as destined. Once my brother is dead, I will return you back to the Winchesters" he said sounding like he was the good guy in this whole messed up situation. "you don't have to kill him, he didn't want to fight you. He didn't want any part of your father's plan" you yell back.

Michael's face turned to anger as he faced you "I do have to do this, and even if Lucifer wants to or not he has to do this too" he said. "last time when those Winchesters screwed everything up. I lost the respect of my brothers and sister. My father turned his back on me because I failed him, he stopped loving me. I'm going to put it right! By doing what I should have done in the beginning, hold a war between heaven and hell killing my brother. and now i have you Lucifer will rip my fathers planet apart to save you, however he will die with the news your last breath will be taken by my head. and because i have you the Winchesters will not get i the way this time" he told you.

You started to laugh, hissing a little as the bruises on your face hurt with the movement. " you're really starting a war because you think God didn't love you, you seriously do have daddy issues don't you! God didn't leave you, Micky, he left you all and it was way before you attempted to kill your brother. Never heard the saying 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result' your daddy left because your all batshit crazy" you say at him laughing and yelling too.

Michael's hand connected hard to your face, you could feel the blood dripping from your nose. The puddle of blood in your mouth you spat at Michael. "you don't ever speak about my father like that" he yelled about to hit you again when another angel the younger one you had seen a day or two ago called him "there is news on Lucifer, he is sending his demons out to Kansas" she said. Michael looked at Raphael "enjoy your last day with her brother, but remember we want her alive, once Lucifer is dead. She will contain the last of his grace and I want to extract that from her before we kill her" he said once again leaving you with Raphael.


The town was silent, you could drop a pin and it would be heard a street over the place looked so deserted. Lucifer waltz up the road like he owned the place, like his mate wasn't in danger like there wasn't angles hidden all over the town ready to kill him on Michael's orders. As he got closer to stall cemetery he started to whistle Camptown ladies sing this song. His confidence oozed as he saw Michael step out into his view "where is she Michael, I'm here..." Lucifer said clicking his fingers a couple of dozen demons came out of the surrounding buildings. Michael raised his arms, angels appeared behind him, none of the angels or demons moved, all waiting for their respected leader's orders first.

"she's tucked away in Zachariah's green room getting very well acquainted with our brother Raphael," Michael told him. The anger in Lucifer's face broke his confident act. "but don't worry Lucy I promise she'll live long enough to see your death" he added. That was it Lucifer snapped and went for Michael, all around them angels and demons fought. Within minutes the small town of Lawrence was destroyed.


Raphael had beaten, sliced and stabbed you for hours. Your face felt so swollen, if anyone to look at you they'd think you were having a severe allergic reaction, almost every inch of your skin was black and blue. You'd be surprised if you had any skin it's normal colour. Your whole body hurt, each nerve burning from Raphael's work, Alistair would have been proud of.

The sound of an alarm stopped Raphael hitting you again, instead, he took a blade pushing it through your shoulder until the tip was buried in the chair behind you. Pinning you in place. He then grabbed his archangel blade heading out of the cell to find the cause of the sound. You were feeling weaker as the seconds passed by, your vision blurred as white spots filled your eyes. The sound of fighting, grunting, and yelling sounded muffled and distant like you were underwater. You don't know when you passed out but when you opened your eyes Dean was gently shaking you calling your name.

Dean pulled out the blade from your shoulder and starting untying you. He yelled for Cas who turned come running in, he looked roughed up and bloody from fighting. He touched your forehead stopping the bleeding. His grace was limited, meaning he could on heal the more serious injuries but you still looked black and blue. Pain still filled you as you moved but at you could move a lot more than before. You left the cell, Dean in front of you and Cas behind as you went to find Sam.

Dean ran to help his brother who was fighting an angel dressed in a smart pencil skirt suit. Another showed up, Cas pushed you out the room telling you to run as he tried telling his sibling they didn't need to fight. You ran looking behind you falling over a body. Raphael's vessel laid on the floor, wing-shaped scorch marks around him. You screamed at first seeing him. "y/n, it's okay he's gone he can't hurt you again but we need to get you to the bunker" Dean said behind you. Cas and Sam running to catch up with you both.

You looked at the Winchesters "no!" you said low. Dean frowned while Cas looked confused "y/n your hurt Cas could only do so much we need to get you out of here before Michael sends anyone else" Sam tried to say. "no!" you said again, "I'm not going the bunker or anywhere else with you two for that matter! I'm going to Lucifer!" you say. Dean makes a noise a mix between a sigh and a growl. "it too dangerous, Lucifer is in Lawrence with Michael. He has a plan!" Dean started but you cut him off, feeling angry.

"Michael knows Lucifer's plans he's had him followed for days, using ways to listen in on you all and I'm not leaving him to die like you have, I cant believe you made a deal with that dick over helping Lucifer. Agreed to leave me here, which by the way was the wrong call because they plan on still killing me so you can make a deal with biggest one in the bag" you yell grabbing Raphael's archangel blade. "so now i'm going and you can ether come and help me or go and you'll never see me again. Castiel you take me to him now!" you say. Cas got the message walking towards you. "you really are Lucifer's soulmate" Sam said rolling his eyes at the threat. you growled at the comment ready to argue back how half of this was their fault. Cas coughed getting your attention "I'll take you but only so you can see he's okay from a short distance then we go back to the bunker" he said making a small negotiation. It was the best you were getting, gripping tighter to the blade you closed your eyes waiting for Cas to teleport you to Kansas.

You got there and the place was nothing but smoke and rubble. Bodies littered the floor and blood ran through the streets like rainwater. The fight had moved from the cemetery into the centre of town. The surrounding towns were fleeing in fear, saying the residents of Lawrence had gone crazy killing each other. The sound of a building collapsing made you all look around, you saw Michael stood with his blade in his hand. You could hear him shouting telling his little brother he wasn't going to win, he was going to die. Your eyes followed the path Michael was looking, you could see Lucifer getting up from the rubble, brushing the dust and brick from his clothes. You where relieved to see he wasn't hurt too bad, a few cuts and bruises but he was alive. Cas tried to pull you away ready to take you back the bunker but you asked for one more minuet.

He ran at his brother who ran at him too, their swords clashed sounding loud like thunder each time they touched. Cas had vanished, you only knew when you heard dean cursing him making you look. When you looked back at the angels, your heart dropped. Michael had Lucifer with his back to a wall, Cas looked like he was pleading with Michael. The most horrific part was the angel blade pressed on Lucifer's chest, ready to kill him.

Your legs ran on their own, your voice cried out as you moved. Lucifer looked terrified seeing you in the middle of his war zone, screaming for you to run. Michael took this chance to get the better of Lucifer grabbing him from the wall into a headlock and smiled "you're gonna tell how you managed to escape my prison later. However I'm glad you're here, now you can see this in person" Michael said coldly before pushing the blade through Lucifer's heart. A white light came from the fallen angel as he yelled out for you to run with his last breath.

An ear-piercing scream left you, you're feeling mixed together as you watched the man you loved fall to the floor. You tried to run to him but Cas grabbed you, making you fall to your knees in his arms, your fingers burly able to touch Lucifer's body. Michael chuckled at his work wiping Lucifer's blood from his blade "Castiel, I told you I would defeat our brother and you still chose to side against me. Now hand the human over and I won't bestow the same fate on you I have to Lucifer" Michael said stepping forward.

So much was happening around you, Michael was getting closer while Castiel was dragging you backward away from his brother. Lucifer was still on the floor lifeless, the sight making you sick as tears fell down your face. Sam and Dean were running to you but wasn't close enough to get to Michael before he got to you. It was Gabriel's voice that made you focus back to reality. "Hello brother," he said with that knowing trickster grin. Michael stopped looking around, not expecting the sudden change in events. "Gabriel, it's a surprise to see you here, what are you doing out of your rock you've been hiding in?" he asked curiously.

"I came to help out my brother" Gabe said lifting his arms out to the scene around him. "I'm glad you came to your senses Gabriel and joined me but as you can see I don't need any help" Michael said proudly. "but he didn't join you, he joined me for her" Lucifer said stepping out next to Gabriel, clicking his fingers a ring of holy fire surrounded Michael. You and Michael shared the same look of confusion and horror. Your body trembled as you glance at the dead Lucifer on the ground, the moment you and Michael looked at it, it started to vanish. looking back to the one stood next to Gabriel his arms open a little for you. you looked back at the blank space trying to work out what was and wasn't real. All your life you doubted yourself over his realness and this was the worse. he was dead you had seen him die right before your eyes how could he stood there looking at you with that shit-eating grin he always wore when things went his way.

"trickster tricks and you said I could never fool you, Micky, oops l guess you were wrong again," Gabe said proudly. You felt Cas let go of you, you ran to Lucifer as fast as you could his arms open ready. Cas and Gabe were talking with Sam and Dean. Possibly only saying hello or planning Micheal's death but you didn't hear them. You didn't care, too busy holding Lucifer asking if he was real and alive still confused if anything was actually real, feeling a mix of grief and relief. Lucifer kissed you and every doubt left you knowing he was there you Lucifer. The kiss ended way too soon for your liking but he still kept his arms around you "yes am real and very much alive little angel" he told you, moving you both closer to an angry looking Michael.

You heard them talking but their words didn't sink in, you were looking over every inch of Lucifer's face. Still, in shock he was actually there holding you. "well I can explain that one" you heard him say. He let go of your waist but still held your hand, while his other hand moved as he explained how he'd turned the tables on Micheal.

"when I went to Crowley for my army, I saw Castiel outside waiting for me" Lucifer started explaining. "when I told him I was going ahead with your demands, you little brother showed up, holding his fingers to his lips. In his hand was a sign telling me to look in my pocket. I must say, Michael, it was clever and stupid of you to get our brother to bug me at the store car park, it ended in his death" Lucifer told him. He sounded sad that he killed his sibling but that sadness didn't stay long as he continued with his story.

"once I found the coin I gave you false information leading you to believe I wanted to fight you. Instead, I was planning with my brothers and the Winchesters to save y/n. We knew you wouldn't watch them if you believed they didn't want anything to do with my version of revenge. when you offered them a deal it worked in our favour. Giving them time to set up this little fire" he said pointing to the ring trapping Michael. "Gabriel made a tricked version of me for you to fight, knowing you'd tell me where y/n was as a way to hurt me,a way to show power over me.but once you said where she was dean, Sam and Cas went to find her while Gabriel and I kept you busy.and you fell for it all Micheal" Lucifer gloated.

When Lucifer finished Michael looked full of rage. "so what you're going to kill me now" he asked looking at his three brothers. For the first time Lucifer let go of you, your legs felt like they couldn't hold yourself up. Lucifer got closer to the fire, an angry snarl on his face. "oh you can't even begin to imagine the things I want to do to you brother" Lucifer said, his voice came out like a growl made by a terrifying beast. "I want to drag you in and out of every pit in hell but I have a better idea" his last five words he said happily with a twist of evil.

Lucifer closed his eyes. For the first time since he'd been cast out of hell, he prayed to his father. Seconds later Chuck stood next to you looking at the sight before him. "f.. f... Father" Michael said you could feel his fear just from the look in his eyes. Chuck held up his hand and Michael stopped talking, putting his head down like a naughty child. "you disobeyed me, son, you kidnapped a human for your own selfish needs, started a war with your brother and responsible for the deaths of many humans and a number of your own brothers and sisters" God said looking down at Michael who had now dropped to his knees.

"father I'm sorry" Michael called out. Chuck didn't listen to his cries " you're to be banished from heaven, earth and hell. you're to be trapped in your own cage in purgatory" Chuck said clicking his fingers. The fire around Michael died into ash, more lines appeared in the ground under Michael's feet. Once the final line connected the whole symbol started to glow. The floor began to open up and swallow Micheal, you turned your head into Lucifer's chest, unsure when he'd started holding you again.

When Michael's screaming stopped you looked back up. Chuck looked at you with sad eyes, "y/n, I'm sorry you went through this" he said touching your head. You could feel a small numbing feeling through your whole body, Chuck had healed you. He looked at Lucifer "I would like you to come with me, be my right-hand archangel, Michael's place! It should have been yours anyway" he told him.

Lucifer looked up at his father with a look you couldn't describe "you want me to come back to heaven?" he asked, a slight uncertainty in his voice like he hadn't heard right. Chuck only nodded with a soft smile, Lucifer looked at him with a matching smile "thank you" he said. This time you let go of Lucifer, you could already feel your heart cracking watching them. Knowing you would lose Lucifer, he'd been cast out for so long. When you were a child he'd told you all he ever wanted was to be back home in heaven and now he had the chance.

You slowly started to step back away from them when Lucifer grabbed your wrist. "thank you father, it really does mean so much but I want to stay here on earth with y/n" Lucifer told Chuck, his grip on you tightening as he pulled you closer afraid his father was going to take you from him. Everyone gasped looking at the former fallen angel in shock, you included. "I think I would be better here maybe I can even try and do some good, starting now" Lucifer clicked his fingers.

The broken battlefield around you, was now how it should be, the buildings were all back together, the rivers of blood gone, clouds of black smoke and flashes of white light, left the buildings and corpses littering the ground, as angels and demons left the town completely. Lawrence was almost back to how it should be. Chuck nodded "okay then," he said turning to face Castiel and Gabriel "I've been away too long time to go home" with a click of his fingers the three of them vanished and the people of Lawrence started to wake. You, Lucifer, Sam and Dean quickly left.

Back at the bunker, you sat with Lucifer, Sam and Dean had gone to get food after finding out you'd not eaten in almost a week. Michael had kept you alive with his grace he didn't need to feed you. The last twenty minutes you'd both been silent, you clung on to him while your mind still processing what had happened. "why didn't you go home?" you asked him. You had to ask the question had been playing in your mind since he turned God down.

"I have lost you twice already y/n, the first time when you were 14 and you thought I wasn't real. The second time Michael kidnapped you. I wasn't going to lose you again to heaven. I love you my little angel and I will never leave you again" he said pulling you onto his lap. His lips crashed against yours in a long overdue heated kiss. When you had to pull back to breathe, you looked at him "I love you too Lucifer" you whispered pulling him back into another kiss.

"oh hell no! Lucifer I know I said I was cool with you two, I'm not having this every time I come home" Dean joked making you blush, moving off Lucifer's lap. After eating with the Winchesters all sat watching a movie unwinding from the last few days before you went to bed, happy to be back in your own room.

In bed Lucifer held you in his arms telling you how hard it was knowing Michael, had you. How he wanted to burn the world piece by piece to find you. "so what made you change your mind? why didn't you burn the world down?" you asked laughing at him. Your head was on his chest, while he traced patterns on your arm, "because Dean told me if I did as I wanted, I wouldn't lose you because of Michael but because of me" he said. You moved a little to face him "is that when Dean gave you his approval of us?" you asked laughing. Lucifer rolled his eyes "he asked how I felt about you so I told him. He knew I meant what I said and said if you happy then he's happy and won't try to kill once everything with Michael was over" he joked at the end trying to take out how cheesy he sounded.

You laughed back "so what do you feel, you told Dean. tell me!" you said with puppy dog eyes. Lucifer gave a soft smile "I told him, from the first time I met you all I ever wanted to do was protect this small human, something I'd never felt before. Then when" Lucifer paused to think of the right way to say this "you went to that retreat and we lost each other, it was the worst hell imaginable, and I lived there for a lived there for millennia."

He looked down at you, moving your hair behind your ear "when father showed me a way out the cage sending me here and I found you again, I fell in love with you, something i never thought would happen, I understood what the meaning of a soulmate is. It's you!" he said before you could ask or say anything else he kissed you. you kiss got more heated , when you started to tug and pull at his shirt he stopped you "as much as want to this right now we can't, you need your sleep, my angel, we have tomorrow and every day after that for me to show you what you mean to me" he said kissing your head, pulling your body in close to him. he was right you felt shattered, you kissed him before falling asleep in his arms thinking how your once Imaginary friend is now you're very real soulmate.

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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